I am Xiao Sheng

Chapter 994 Brutal Confrontation

Chapter 994 Brutal Confrontation

Chapter 974: Brutal Confrontation
"Poison Dragon, are you unwilling to accept my conditions, or are you unwilling to accept such conditions and think that my arrangement is unreasonable?" When seeing that Poison Dragon Patriarch did not answer, Hongjun Daozu asked with a disdainful sneer, and a hint of mockery flashed in his eyes. If this guy dared to refuse, the consequences would be serious, and he would definitely be hated by the prehistoric world and become the object of exclusion by the prehistoric world.

Poison Dragon Patriarch naturally knew the calculations behind Hongjun Daozu's words. Even if he was unwilling, he had to bite the bullet and said, "Hongjun, don't slander me. When did I say I didn't want to accept it? I was just thinking about what responsibilities we should bear and how to save the prehistoric land."

"Oh, so that's how it is. I said something wrong. Since you have this idea, Tiandao and I will not hold you back. You just need to stabilize the four poles of heaven and earth and the origin of the great wasteland. Tiandao and I will guide the order back to the great wasteland and the earthly immortal world!"

Wow, Daozu Hongjun is really amazing. He arranged things for Daozu Poison Dragon and the others directly, divided their responsibilities, and said that both parties would bear half of the responsibility. However, from this division, it is obvious that Daozu Poison Dragon and the others will suffer, while Heavenly Dao and Daozu Hongjun will gain a lot of advantages.

"Hongjun, are you treating us as fools? We are here to stabilize the four poles of heaven and earth and the origin of the great wasteland, and you only need to guide the world order back to normal. This is an equal sharing of responsibilities. It is clear that we bear most of the responsibility, and you only bear a small part. We cannot accept such a division. Fellow Taoists, do you think we can accept such a thing?" The Poison Dragon Ancestor said as he looked at Hongjun Daozu viciously, and was extremely angry at Hongjun Daozu's "arrangement"!
"Haha, how did you say we took advantage of you? If you can guide the order of the prehistoric world back to normal, then I and the Heavenly Dao will have nothing to say, and we will take on your responsibilities. Is this an exchange okay?" As he said this, Daozu Hongjun could not help but sneer and looked at the Poison Dragon Ancestor with contempt.

"Hongjun, if you want to do this, then there is nothing to talk about between us. It's not that we don't want to take responsibility and save the prehistoric world, but you and the way of heaven are too shameless and are making things difficult for us everywhere!" Faced with such pressure, the Poison Dragon Ancestor sneered disdainfully and directly sacrificed such a powerful weapon!
"The Heavenly Dao and I are making things difficult for you everywhere. Are you kidding me? I asked you to be responsible for the things you are most familiar with, but you disagreed and said that I was scheming against you and taking advantage of you. Now I want to switch with you, but you say that I am making things difficult for you. Do you still have any sense? You can't accept such a thing. Do you have to let us bear all the responsibilities alone?" At this time, Daozu Hongjun's tone became heavy and he laid the matter out directly!

"Hongjun, Daoist Ancestor Poison Dragon didn't mean that. You clearly know that this is not an equal sharing of responsibilities. You are taking advantage of us and lying. Why don't you let us speak?" Shen Ni, the king of ferocious beasts, stood up and spoke to help the old Poison Dragon out so that they could find a solution to the problem as soon as possible. At the same time, he also had to plead his own innocence. If Daoist Ancestor Hongjun really confirmed this topic, they would be in big trouble.

"Haha, I'm not stopping you fellow Taoists from speaking, but you have to have an idea as to how you want to divide the responsibilities. Time waits for no one, and the prehistoric world is still waiting for our rescue. You can't be so petty about such a small matter, or are you too selfish and want to take back everything you lost?" Daozu Hongjun sneered as he spoke. There was a big trap in his words.

Time is the greatest power of Hongjun Daozu, and now he has wielded this power. If they continue to drag on like this, the responsibility will not be on Hongjun Daozu, but on Poison Dragon Ancestor and others. After all, Hongjun Daozu has already pointed out the problem of time, and they can't waste time like this anymore.

"Damn Hongjun, he actually found such an excuse and reason. Now it seems that if I continue to refuse, if something really goes wrong, all the pressure will fall on me alone. Those guys like Shen Ni are simply unreliable!" The more he thought about it, the more annoyed the Poison Dragon Ancestor became. He had been calculated by this guy from the beginning to the end.

"Hongjun, do you think we don't want to stabilize the prehistoric land quickly? It's just that we can't do it. I'm not kidding you. When we break free from the constraints of the four poles of heaven and earth, we and the four poles of the prehistoric world are in a state of mutual repulsion. You want us to stabilize the four poles of heaven and earth, which is simply impossible, not to mention stabilizing the origin of the prehistoric land. You are completely targeting us and want to deliberately put us to death!"

Poison Dragon Patriarch finally found a reasonable reason for himself. Of course, he was not lying, but the truth. When they broke free from the shackles of the four poles of heaven and earth, they were repelled by the four poles of the prehistoric world. However, this repulsion was not as severe as he said. As long as they were willing to put in a little more effort, they could still do it. "Poison Dragon, it's not that I am making things difficult for you, nor do I want to make things difficult for you, but the prehistoric world can no longer wait. You either accept my arrangement or accept the responsibility of me and the Heavenly Dao. If you continue to make trouble like this, you will bear all the consequences by yourself. The Heavenly Dao and I don't have so much time to argue with you. If you are not afraid of the backlash of the prehistoric world, then you can continue. I believe that if you really cause the backlash of the prehistoric world, your end will be miserable!"

Daozu Hongjun did not want to continue to argue with Poison Dragon Ancestor over this matter, so he directly gave him a death order. There were only two choices, no other possibilities. If he was unwilling to accept it, he could only face the backlash from the prehistoric world. Now Daozu Hongjun had the absolute initiative and advantage, while Poison Dragon Ancestor and others were in a passive position.

"Fellow Daoist Dulong, now is not the time to argue with Hongjun. Although we are rejected by the four poles of heaven and earth, we can pay such a price for the prehistoric world. This guy keeps saying that he is thinking about the prehistoric world, but he and the Heavenly Dao caused all this, and they also put us on the list of villains. Now we will use our actions to prove ourselves to all the prehistoric creatures and prove our "kindness" to the prehistoric world!" Good guy, Shen Ni, the king of ferocious beasts, actually said such a thing, and directly erased all the evil things he had done in the past.

"Fellow Daoist Shen Ni said it well. Now is not the time for us to argue with this guy Hongjun. We can't just watch the prehistoric world destroyed in their hands. As the strong ones in the prehistoric world, we should provide a place for all the creatures in the prehistoric world. The prehistoric world is asking us for help, and we must do our best!" Good guy, another shameless bastard. Baihu has the nerve to say such a thing.

When Hongjun Daozu heard what these two shameless guys said, he was filled with rage. Just when he was about to explode, Tiandao stopped him and said, "Hongjun, now is not the time to argue with these guys. They just want to irritate me. As long as you get irritated and argue with them, and waste time, then all the responsibility will be on you and me. These guys don't need to bear any responsibility. Don't be calculated by them!"

"I also know that this is their calculation, but I can't bear this anger. How dare these bastards say that they are kind? If they were kind, there would be no villains in the prehistoric world. They are ferocious beasts, and the kings of ferocious beasts. It is obviously us who are considering the prehistoric world, but now it has become their sacrifice!"

"Hongjun, what do you think we should do? Do you know how serious the consequences are if we argue with them at this time? The prehistoric world doesn't care who is right or wrong. It only cares about the stability of the prehistoric world. If you still want to argue with them and want to joke with your life, I can't say anything. If you fall for it, destruction will surely be waiting for you. Think about how humanity died. Don't risk your life anymore. We can't afford any more shocks!"

Faced with such a situation, the Heavenly Dao had to compromise. If they did not compromise, the pressure and danger they would face would be even greater, which was a result they could not accept. The current prehistoric world would not give them the opportunity to regret!

"Okay, I admit that I was too impulsive. I was influenced by that bastard Dulong." Whether Hongjun Daozu's admission of fault was sincere or false, only he himself knew. Moreover, it was unknown whether he did all this on purpose. After all, there was not much time to think in this situation. Even if Tiandao had any doubts, he could only endure it. The pressure on them from the prehistoric world was increasing. If they did not act quickly, even more terrible disasters would occur.

"A momentary impulse is not a problem, as long as you can wake up in time. We can't be calculated by these guys. No matter how dissatisfied or angry we are now, we have to wait until everything is over before dealing with it. You should understand this. Don't let them provoke us again. Let's act quickly now. Time waits for no one. If we delay any further, once the prehistoric world issues a warning or puts us under great pressure, it will be too late for us to change anything at that time. We have already fallen into the trap of these bastards!"

(End of this chapter)

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