The Azure Dragon Shadow looked at Zhang Chi with a sharp gaze, and said in a cold voice: "Do you know what rejection means?

Have you forgotten all the information that the Dragon King revealed to you at the cost of his life?"

Qinglong was very angry. As a god, he shouldn't interfere too much in human affairs, but the saviors of this generation were too selfish.

They seem to have no idea of ​​caring about the world. Even if they are favored by the destiny of heaven and earth, they have no thoughts about their country, the world, or the future of their ethnic group. They only care about themselves.

It is even unheard of that all these people fell in love with the same person.

In desperation, he, as an old senior, had to come out and give reminders.

Could it be possible that we could just watch the fire of humanity go extinct?

The root cause of all this is Zhang Chi, so Qinglong has a deep resentment towards Zhang Chi.

"Don't be angry, Lord Qinglong. Let me ask you a question first."

Zhang Chi was not overwhelmed by Qinglong's momentum. He had respect for these predecessors. These predecessors had trapped themselves in cages and gave up everything they had in order to protect the world. This sentiment was naturally great and worthy of respect.

However, Zhang Chi also has his own ideas. He respects the other party, but that does not mean he has to follow the other party's ideas.

“Suppose Your Excellency the Dragon King is riding a fast horse on the official road, and suddenly you see five or six children in front of you. You can’t stop the horse, and if you hit them, they will all die.

There is also a child in the other direction. If you pull the reins to change direction, the child will be hit and killed. What will you do?"

This was Zhang Chi's adaptation of the trolley problem. Qinglong did not argue with Zhang Chi, saying that he could turn the horse in more directions or that he had the ability to stop the horse.

He knew very well that Zhang Chi was asking about his choice, not the question itself.

"Of course, sacrifice one person to save more."

Qinglong's answer was very straightforward. Zhang Chi was not surprised by Qinglong's choice. He asked in return: "Is it fair to this person? Should life be measured by quantity?
What if this one person is a genius and the other five are just trash? Would you also sacrifice a genius in exchange for the lives of five trash? "

Qinglong was stunned by the question. He had never seen the power of argumentative people. Such a controversial issue could be easily debated for thousands of times by netizens who had nothing to do.

When Qinglong began to answer, he was doomed to fall into Zhang Chi's trap.

If he chooses to kill someone, he will be in the embarrassing situation of being constantly questioned by nitpickers.

If he had chosen to kill five people, there would be nothing more to say.

He does not approve of sacrificing a few for the majority, so why should he force Snow Mountain God and others to make sacrifices?
Once the question was asked, Zhang Chi was already invincible.

As for the so-called trolley problem, Zhang Chi actually does not think it is a difficult problem. As a legal practitioner, his perspective is naturally clearer.

In the trolley problem, the most correct choice is to run over and kill five people without hesitation, because this side is driving normally and the other side is taking the risk voluntarily.

The driver is not guilty.

Changing the route and hitting and killing a person means that one subjectively knew that the person would die, and objectively hit and killed the person, which is definitely intentional homicide.

As for other trivial matters, there is no need to discuss them at all.

The situation at this time is very similar to that of the Snow Mountain God and others in the trolley problem.

It’s just that they are not the ones driving the cars, but a small part waiting to be hit and killed.

Of course, the other people who were waiting to be hit and killed did nothing wrong, so it was more appropriate for Zhang Chi to change it into a carriage problem.

When asked whether it was more important to have a genius or five losers, Qinglong was already sweating profusely, but he knew that he could not answer according to Zhang Chi's wishes, and he was still determined to kill one person.

"How can the value of life be determined by talent?"

"What if the one you are about to kill is your own son?" Qinglong: "..."

If he were to be honest, he would definitely be conflicted, but by choosing this person, Zhang Chi could justifiably refuse to provide help.

In desperation, he could only answer against his will.

Such words made Him feel very uncomfortable, but the gods were stubborn throughout their lives, no weaker than humans. Even though His heart had begun to waver, He remained firm on the surface.

Zhang Chi knew that the other party was being a bit stubborn, but he didn't mind. As long as the other party didn't give in, he would keep arguing.

As long as the argument makes sense, it can't be considered as argument.

Qinglong had no way to deal with Zhang Chi. The two of them were like having a debate. In fact, both sides knew very well what was going on.

If Qinglong really had a son with unparalleled talent, would he sacrifice his good son for five losers?

It's so funny, maybe not a little bit.

But he could only answer this way, and the question was the standard answer.

As a result, Zhang Chi caught up with this problem and kept assigning identities to the people who were hit and killed, from his son to his wife, to his parents...

This kid is simply inhuman.

"Okay, no need to talk too much nonsense, let's get down to business."

Qinglong could only forcefully end the topic, and Zhang Chi also smiled and said, "Actually, there is no need to say more. My attitude will not change. I can't sacrifice the people around me for the sake of the majority.

Don’t try to use moral blackmail on me. We young people don’t care about morality.”

Show your cards, stop pretending.

No matter how nice your words are, I cannot be morally blackmailed by you.

"Stupid! You can't live in peace in one corner anyway, why don't you sacrifice some to save others? At least some of you can still survive!"

What Qinglong said made sense, but Zhang Chi didn't listen.

Reason is reason, but Zhang Chi couldn't be so cruel as to let his wives die and create a way for the rest of the people to survive.

"There's no need. If we have the ability, we can live together. If we don't, we can die together. No one has to sacrifice for others.

The elders are of high moral character, and I admire them, but I am a vulgar person, narrow-minded and short-sighted. "

Qinglong was speechless on the spot.

"It's a pity that Suzaku passed his power to you, but you don't have even a fraction of Suzaku's kindness and righteousness.

Well, you reap what you sow, and your life is in your own hands, so just wish yourself the best!"

After saying this, the Azure Dragon's shadow disappeared, as if he had never been there, but some of the words he said remained in everyone's heart.

Although Zhang Chi said that all actions must be carried out under command, they are people with their own thoughts and feelings, not puppets, so naturally they have their own ideas.

Zhang Chi’s attitude is not to let anyone sacrifice himself in exchange for the life of others, but others may not think so.

For example, Miaoyin and Wenrenli are love-brained people.

What they thought was that it would be better if they were not united, and as many people as possible would survive. There was no need to fight to the end, as everyone might die by then.

They don't care about the people, they are just weighing the pros and cons... (End of this chapter)

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