
Chapter 317 The fate of Zhao State, the changes in the sand dunes

"Half a year?" After Jushou finished speaking, Yuan Shao asked, "Why did it take so long?"

Jushou replied cautiously: "The surprise troops of the Song army concealed our weakness and caused chaos in our defense line. The intention of the Song Dynasty monarchs and ministers was to take advantage of my chaos and massacre them, causing the collapse of our country."

"Although the current situation is urgent, it is not like that between the Chu and Han Dynasties between Xingyang and Chenggao. At this time, Liu and Xiang were not willing to panic and cause chaos. Those who caused the chaos first were defeated. Your Majesty used a hundred thousand people to draw the ground and defend it. The Northern Expedition could not advance, so the Song army had to use surprise troops to attack the weak. Seeing that the situation is exhausted, there will be changes, and this is the time to be cautious. "

"We must not urgently mobilize the elite troops on the front line to retreat, otherwise the morale of the army will change and the situation will collapse. We should slowly gather the people from all directions to quell the changes in Jizhou."

Hearing this, Yuan Shao nodded in approval.

It has to be said that to be a qualified prince, you must be able to endure impatience, have a thick face and a dark heart, and not care about temporary gains and losses. Even if the other party slaps you in the face and everyone else is laughing, you must be patient. If you are so angry that you can't slap him back immediately, you will simply lower your status and become a rogue in street fights. Rather, he must make sure that his next move is foolproof, and his counterattack will definitely kill his opponent with one blow!

After killing the other party, everyone who just saw the joke would instantly become silent, or even panic. They would not dare to look directly at his murderous eyes, and they would never dare to think of trying to slap him again.

Yuan Shao was not a dull man who couldn't listen to good advice. He also knew very well that even the emperors and ministers of the Song Dynasty were ordinary people.

Such strategizing and decisive victory thousands of miles away are the boasts of men of letters. They also step on the watermelon rind and slide wherever they go.

Floating across the sea was a clever move, but that was the end of the plan they could think of. As for the subsequent development, the Song Dynasty monarchs and ministers also took it step by step.

If Hebei remains in chaos and slowly mobilizes large armies to attack from all directions, then these tens of thousands of Song troops will have no help and will be destroyed here sooner or later.

If these tens of thousands of elite Song troops were overthrown by the Zhao family, the Song army's Northern Expedition would definitely end in haste and they would be forced to withdraw.

It is difficult for the remaining tens of thousands of soldiers to break through Zhao Jun's defense line head-on.


If Hebei had only one counselor, Jushu, Yuan Shao would have a chance of becoming a wise king.

However, Yecheng is not a front line, and there is not only one mastermind.

In the court of Yecheng, scholars from various factions under Yuan Shao's command gathered together. Jushou, the Jizhou faction's ideas were adopted, even if it meant that the Jizhou faction would become more powerful for a while.

Therefore, Guo Tu of the Yuzhou faction immediately objected: "Your Majesty, the Taiwei's words have always been like this. The key is to hold on firmly, rather than to recognize the changing opportunities. If your Majesty had accepted the Taiwei's words, how could you have defeated Cao Cao? , and is it as powerful as it is today?”

"And the Song army stopped at Bohai and Hejian counties, which is just the Taiwei's wishful thinking. If the Song army did not stop advancing and I had no strong reinforcements, wouldn't Hebei be in turmoil and all the counties be lost?"

"According to the Taiwei's plan, if the Song army marches straight into Yecheng, wouldn't we be able to capture it without any help?"

Jushou stared at Guo Tu angrily and sternly rebuked: "Your Majesty, please kill Da Si Nong! He is a monster and lies, and he has no regard for right and wrong. I don't believe Da Sima and don't know that the Song army cannot march straight into Yecheng."

This time, Yuan Shao rarely favored his fellow countrymen, but sternly rebuked: "The Song army is heading straight towards Yecheng, no more words! Da Sinong ignores the national system, cannot distinguish right from wrong, and will fine him half a year's salary!"

If Guo Tu had not performed meritoriously, Yuan Shao would have even wanted to directly remove him from his post and demote him to a commoner.

The reason why the punishment was so severe was that Yuan Shao could see at this moment that the party struggle in the Zhao family court was becoming more and more serious.

Once the court is affected by party strife, everything will take a back seat. Opposing for the sake of opposition will greatly consume the court's energy and decision-making.

In particular, Guo Tu went too far this time. He even said that the Song Army commander would march straight into Wei County.

Do you really think that he, Yuan Shao, is the kind of infant emperor who was born in a deep palace and grew up with the hands of a woman?

He, Yuan Shao, was also an emperor who emerged from troubled times and was very experienced in military conquests. How crazy was the Song army commander to have gone thousands of miles alone, fighting all the way from the coast to the foot of the Taihang Mountains?

But Yuan Shao's character has always been indecisive, and he can listen to every opinion.

After reprimanding Guo Tu, Yuan Shao felt that Guo Tu's words may not be unreasonable, except for the alarmist part.

Jushou's suggestions have always been cautious, and he can accept them, but he cannot accept them all.

If the Song army was allowed to wreak havoc in Hebei for half a year without doing anything about it, wouldn't it mean that it was slow to respond? Afraid of making the world laugh.

Yuan Shao then relied on his own experience and took both suggestions into account, saying: "There are some things that Great Sinong said that are reasonable. If I don't have a strong army to deal with it and let the Song army attack the city and seize the territory, how can its army stop at this point?" In the two counties of Bohai and Hejian? Seeing that I have no reaction at all, I might have to push further and continue to attack other counties."

"You can send 20,000 elite troops from Youzhou to go south, march from Yishui, seize Dongpingshu, and threaten the Song army."

"Let Yuan Shang lead his elite troops to return from Montenegro for reinforcements to stop the enemy's advance."

These two armies are not large in size, each consisting of 20,000 to 30,000 people.

In particular, Youzhou's troops numbered only 20,000, and it seemed that they were not as powerful as Bohai County's troops, but in fact, the combat power of the two sides was hugely different!

The 20,000 troops guarding Youzhou are only weaker than the elite troops on the southern front. They are newly recruited troops that Yuan Shao has just formed for a year. Except for the fact that they are not as experienced as the soldiers of the Hundred Battles in the south, they are already the top elite troops in Hebei. !

You must know that the training of newly recruited soldiers under Sun Ce's command is less than a year, which is comparable to ten months.

It is true that Sun Ce's troops are rich in troops, have sophisticated equipment, and have strict military discipline, but are these soldiers under Yuan Shao not elite soldiers from Hebei and professional warriors like the three towns of Weibo?

Yuan Jun also selected those who were strong and strong to form elite soldiers. They accumulated grain and trained their troops for a long time and became professional elite soldiers.

The difference from Jiangdong may be that their salaries are relatively low, but their salaries are already far beyond ordinary in Hebei.

Whether the army's performance is outstanding or not depends on relative value, not absolute value. As long as it is in a relatively high situation in its own country, it is enough to ensure its combat effectiveness.

The State of Zhao is now in an absolute Songun system, and the people are starving, but they have tried their best to support a large army to end the troubled times.

Of course, the same is true for Jiangdong, where the army has absolute priority. But compared to Zhao State, the situation is slightly better.

The elite soldiers of the two armies have been trained for a long time, and even if there is a gap in combat power, there will not be much difference. However, at the general level, the gap between the two sides is astonishing.

This was also the situation that Ju Shou was most worried about. The commander of Yuan Jun's elite troops in Youzhou was a member of the Yuan clan, and was Yuan Xi, the son of Yuan Shao who had never paid much attention to him.

It is a taboo of the Heavenly Family to make one's son a king and send him to a border gate to guard the border. Since the clan controls a large number of troops and has great prestige in the army, it may eventually lead to disaster. But Yuan Shao listened to the slander from his inner chamber and despite everyone’s opinions, he still made Yuan Xi the King of Yan!

He was also ordered to command the Youzhou army to frighten the heroes of Youzhou and conquer the unfaithful.

After Yuan Xi took office, he wooed the princes and made friends with Wuhuan Chanyu. For example, the famous Wuhuan king Chanyu Louban of Liaoxi and the capable ministers of Youbeiping Chanyu all had good relations with Yuan Xi.

If it was just a personal friendship, even if Wu Huan Chanyu had an irreconcilable relationship with Yuan Xi, it would be the ultimate to be able to send two thousand Hu cavalry to help in the battle.

The key is that Yuan Xi had served as the governor of Youzhou before, and Han Heng, the current Youzhou bieji, was Yuan Xi's former official. This made the famous king of Wuhuan actually subordinate to Yuan Xi.

Today's Wuhuan in the three counties has the shadow of Duan Bu Xianbei, which can help Youzhou Governor to devour the world!

Why did Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu sweep the world? Wasn't it because he had a powerful Youzhou cavalry under his command?

Now Yuan Shao ordered Youzhou's elite troops to go south, which would be a disaster for Sheji regardless of victory or defeat.

Therefore, Ju Geli remonstrated: "Your Majesty, Yuan Zhong has learned from his mistakes and it is not appropriate for the King of Yan to lead the army. If he loses, 20,000 elite soldiers will be scattered, and Youzhou will be in turmoil from then on. If he wins, he will get tens of thousands of sophisticated weapons, black armor and iron horses. It is also not a blessing to the country. I hope Your Majesty will think about it again."

In fact, Jushou did not object to the Youzhou army going south, he just opposed Yuan Xi's command of the army.

In Jushou's view, with so many elite soldiers and generals in Hebei, he could easily choose another general to lead the army on behalf of King Yan.

But at this moment, Yuan Shao had a fatherly attitude and couldn't bear to seize Yuan Xi's military power.

After all, he could give up the golden opportunity of the southern expedition just because his youngest son was sick.

Therefore, Yuan Shao directly refuted: "The King of Yan has always been talented and has won the hearts of the people of Youzhou. Now is the time for him to use force. Changing generals before the battle is a taboo for military strategists. When the generals are not in harmony, the soldiers do not know the generals, and the generals will not be realistic." How can soldiers help the country and resolve current troubles?"

"Furthermore, my brothers and sisters are respectful to each other, but Duke Ju is also worried in vain! Does it mean that Duke Ju also wants to be as alarmist as the great farmer?"

What a brother and brother-in-law! Yuan Tan, Yuan Shang, Yuan Xi and others are in danger of fighting!

Sure enough, a king is easily misled by his own wishful thinking! Whatever he likes to hear and watch, the people around him will provide him with information.

Jushou didn't even have time to consider his own retreat and the safety of his family, and said angrily: "The changes in the sand dunes of King Zhao Wuling, Yin Jian is not far away, your Majesty, are you not afraid?"

Sure enough, after hearing this, Yuan Shao became furious and yelled: "Come here! Come here! The Taiwei is full of resentment, insults the emperor, and has no courtesy as a human being. He will be thrown into prison by me and will be executed at a later date!"

As a prince, Yuan Shao was certainly aware of the deeds of King Zhao Wuling. As a reformer of the Hufu cavalry and archery, King Zhao Wuling had great talents and strategies throughout his life, which can be said to be worthy of the poet's praise: He defended the northern frontier by riding and shooting Hufu, and he was a hero worthy of King Wuling.

But the singing and dancing in Handan have finally subsided, and the scenery of the river meander is still vast. I can see that there are no swans flying in the clouds, and there are eagles flying in the sky. Looking back at what happened hundreds of years ago, only basil and earthen walls are left!

For such a talented and heroic hero, his posthumous title contains the word "spiritual", which is undoubtedly derogatory. Being famous without diligence is called Ling; being determined after death is called Ling; being able to see God after death is called Ling; being chaotic without damaging it is called Ling; being good at offering sacrifices to ghosts and monsters is called Ling; being extremely aware of ghosts and gods is called Ling.

The reason is that in his later years, King Wuling of Zhao was eager to love his son and was conceited, which led to the Sand Dune Rebellion.

Originally, King Wuling of Zhao liked his eldest son Gongzi Zhang very much. He was brave, resourceful and rich in military merit, so he was appointed as the East Palace by King Wuling of Zhao early.

As a result, King Wu Ling later favored Wu Wa, so he changed the title of Wu Wa's son, Gongzi He, to the East Palace.

Since Gongzi Zhang had been the crown prince for a long time and had many party members, in order to help Gongzi He consolidate his position, King Zhao Wuling even passed the throne to Gongzi He in advance and served as the father-in-law himself.

Even if he got to this point, it was nothing, but his old father's mentality was breaking out, and he couldn't bear to abolish the old prince, and wanted to divide the country into counties. This caused the two sides to become incompetent, and at the same time they were dissatisfied with King Zhao Wuling. He behaved like a brother and friend only in front of him.

As a result, rebellion became inevitable. Gongzi Zhang launched a rebellion. After being defeated, he fled to the palace of his father. The father accepted Gongzi Zhang because of the love between father and son.

Troops loyal to Gongzi He surrounded the master's palace and finally killed Gongzi Zhang. However, he was worried that after the troops withdrew, the master's father would severely retaliate against them and even exterminate their clan, so he had no choice but to continue the siege and said to the people in the palace: "Those who come out later will destroy their clan." So everyone in the palace escaped, only The master's father was left to die trapped in the palace. Finally, three months later, a generation of heroes starved to death in the palace.

The situation of Dune Change is very simple. Even if you have never heard of it, you can explain it clearly in more than a hundred words.

The blame is nothing more than a dethroning of the direct descendants and the loss of military power.

But to Yuan Shao's ears, these words were simply mocking him mercilessly. Yuan Shao would eventually follow in the footsteps of Zhao!

What's even more irritating is that, due to a strange combination of circumstances, the country names of both parties are Zhao, and the monarchs both abolished their direct descendants and established younger ones!

In Yuan Shao's view, Ju Shou was cursing him that the Zhao family's legacy would not last long.

Although the later son He became the famous King Huiwen of Zhao after he came to the throne, and with Lian Po as his general, Zhao tried to suppress and strengthen Qi for more than 40 years, but Qin could not get what he wanted.

But Yuan Shao didn't think about this at all. He just felt that Ju Shou was cursing him that he would end up in the same tragic ending as King Zhao Wuling.

At this moment, he wanted to kill this vicious person Ju Shou immediately.

Jushou was escorted away by the warriors in front of the palace. You looked at Yuan Shao unwillingly, recalling Tian Feng's evaluation of Yuan Shao. He was generous and elegant, and his worries and joys were not limited by his appearance. He was like a great hero, but his nature was reserved and arrogant, and he was short-tempered. When it comes to doing good, we don't show our loyalty, but we count our disobedience. If we win, we will be more alive. If we lose, we may suffer disaster. It will eventually be difficult to achieve, and if it collapses, my clan will probably suffer from it.

Thinking about it this way, if you die early, you might be saving your family!

With Jushu being pulled out, no one could change Yuan Shao's plan.

The military orders from Jianyuan Palace were sent north to Youzhou, and King Yuan Xi of Yan officially sent troops south to rescue Jizhou.

At the same time, Zhao Yun of Jizhou also completed logistical preparations and led nearly 10,000 cavalry towards Youzhou.

And coincidentally, the target of both parties is Yixian County, a land with easy water flow.

Gongsun Zan died in Yi County, and it was decided that all of Hebei would be owned by Yuan Shao.

Now the Zhao and Song armies will fight again on the bank of Yishui, and will once again decide the ownership of Youzhou and even the entire Hebei! (End of chapter)

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