peninsula prosecutor

Chapter 252 The truth, Lin Zhongcheng who cheated himself

Chapter 252 The truth, Lin Zhongcheng who cheated himself (please vote for me! Please vote for me!)
After lunch, Xu Jingxian, accompanied by Liu Zhishen, went to an old house in XC District.

The whole alley is a product of the 60s and [-]s.

At first glance, it looks tattered and tattered, of course, this can also be called full of the breath of the times.

It just smells a bit unpleasant.

"Minister, No. 58, this is it." Standing in front of a small courtyard, Liu Zhishen said: "I found out that Li Haoze has been living alone in this ancestral house all these years."

"Even if he resigns, he can still be a lawyer. With his contacts as a prosecutor, he doesn't need to live in this kind of place, right?" Xu Jingxian said with a frown.

The special prosecution team led by Li Haoze at that time could be said to have taken the blame for the entire prosecution. Since the chief prosecutor wanted them to resign, they must also be compensated.

In the past few years, not only a wealthy family, but at least a well-off family, how could they live in a dilapidated house that looked in disrepair and was not cleaned frequently. There were still a few circles of spider webs in the upper left corner of the courtyard door.

Even the dismissed prosecutor will not live in such poverty, after all, he still has his previous savings.

Liu Zhishen quickly explained: "At that time, the other members of the special inspection team are doing well now, either opening their own law firm, or winning the election of local councilors."

"Only Li Haoze divorced his wife after resigning, and his wife returned to his hometown with their children. He spent his days alone in Seoul by getting drunk, and from time to time he helped his old neighbors in the alley go to court to fight some trivial lawsuits to earn some living expenses. In short, life is extremely decadent."

He was a little angry when he said that, Li Haoze's conditions are so good, but they are so bad, people like him can't make progress, so he is very angry about this situation.

But there is nothing to do, this is life!
Xu Jingxian nodded and said, "Knock on the door."

Liu Zhishen stepped forward to knock on the door, but found that the courtyard door didn't seem to be closed. He tried to push it open, then turned to look at Xu Jingxian and said, "Minister, please come inside."

Xu Jingxian walked in, and at the same time, he could see the pattern of the yard clearly. It had also been abandoned for a long time. There were many discarded and dusty furniture, and weeds were overgrown at the corners. It was really hard to see that there were still people living there.

"Is anyone there? Hello! Is anyone home?"

Liu Zhishen stood in the yard and shouted repeatedly.


The door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man in a white vest, unkempt and unshaven put his hand on the door frame and yawned and asked, "What's the matter?"

The whole image of a middle-aged abandoned house.

"Mr. Li Haoze? Our minister wants to talk to you." Liu Zhishen stepped aside after speaking.

Li Haoze pushed back the hair covering his eyes, only then did he realize that there was another person in the yard, and he knew him.

Xu Jingxian smiled slightly, pulled out his hands in his trouser pockets, walked up the steps connecting the courtyard and the threshold, walked up to Li Haoze and bowed: "Jingxian has long respected senior's name, and I take the liberty to visit, and I hope senior will forgive me."

In fact, when Li Haoze became famous, Xu Jingxian was in college, so he should have heard of him, but the original owner was a counterfeit, and his real identity was a gangster who graduated from high school, so he didn't know Li Haoze.

Because he wanted to investigate the massacre of six members of Congressman Zheng Yanhuai's family in 1997, Xu Jingxian read Li Haoze's information in detail and realized that this person was very powerful.

Treat seniors with the respect they deserve.

What's more, there is still something to ask for this time.

Li Haoze looked down at the hand stretched out in front of him, then held it, and laughed at himself: "It's just a useless person, how long will it take to look up to? But what's the name of the famous Prosecutor Xu coming to my dwelling?"

His eyes were a little complicated. He was also a star prosecutor many years ago. Like Xu Jingxian in front of him, he was tall and tall, wearing suits and ties, and high-spirited.

And now?

He almost forgot what he used to be like.

Seeing Xu Jingxian now, it was as if he saw two overlapping figures, standing in front of him back then.

"Even if a tiger is decadent for a moment, it is still a tiger after all. It will not turn into a cat just because it took a nap." Xu Jingxian said with a slight smile and pointed to the room: "Senior, won't you invite me in to sit down?"

"Please." Li Haoze entered the room first, and said casually: "The house is very messy, you sit down wherever you want."

Others say that chaos at home is modesty.

He said that the house was really messy. There were all kinds of books and information on the floor, sofa and table.

Liu Zhishen hastily cleaned up the sofa, so that Xu Jingxian had a place where he could put his buttocks.

"There is only white water at home." Li Haoze handed two glasses of water to the two, and sat cross-legged on a book on the ground: "Xu Jian, please explain why you are here."

For a busy person like Xu Jingxian who has a lot of time to manage, it is absolutely impossible for him to simply visit him, an out-of-date star prosecutor. He must have come with a purpose.

"I took over a new case yesterday, and I would like to ask my seniors about this case." Xu Jingxian put down his water glass as he said, and gave Liu Zhishen another look.

Liu Zhishen quickly took out a file from his briefcase and handed it to Li Haoze with both hands.

When Li Haoze took it, he was still careless, but when he opened it, his face suddenly changed, and he raised his head and asked in disbelief: "Someone wants to restart the investigation?"

He had a bloody look on his face.

"Yes." Xu Jingxian nodded. After all, the other party resigned because of this case, so it is not surprising that he had such a big reaction, and said: "But in the past five years, the scene no longer exists, and the records on the file are very superficial, so I I just came to visit you."

Li Haoze stared at the document, his expression changing several times.

I still can't believe this is true. After all, several promising prosecutors resigned because of this case. How could anyone want to restart the investigation?

Don't you know how risky this is?

Or is the direction of the wind above changing?No!Impossible, the badness above has never changed.

After a while, he let out a long breath.

He resigned because of this case.

Now that there is hope of solving the case, it is naturally very good.


Li Haoze's eyes fell on Liu Zhishen, and then looked at Xu Jingxian: "Xu Jian, this is a big matter, I think it's best for us to discuss this matter alone."

Xu Jingxian nodded.

"Minister, I'll wait for you outside." Seeing this, Liu Zhishen got up and bowed sensiblely, then went out.

"Senior, please speak." Xu Jingxian raised his hand and said.

"I really didn't expect that after so many years, someone would restart the investigation of this case. Can you tell me who is a righteous warrior?" Li Haoze asked Xu Jingxian with a moved expression and sincere eyes.

Xu Jingxian felt something was wrong, but still replied: "Seoul District Prosecutor General Lim Chung-chung."

"Lin Zhongcheng?" Li Haoze raised his eyebrows. He had never heard of this person, and there seemed to be no one surnamed Lin among those who knew the inside story back then. Maybe it was learned from other people, so the sense of justice was overwhelming in order to avenge Councilor Zheng Yanhuai. Just restart the investigation.

Moreover, Xu Jingxian, who is now well-known outside the country, was appointed to take charge, which shows his determination to solve the case.

Xu Jingxian saw that he was wandering in the sky and had not spoken for a long time, so he reminded him: "Senior?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm a little distracted." Only then did Li Haoze come to his senses, pursed his lips and said, "Prosecutor Lin and Xu Jian must investigate this case in secret, otherwise they may end up in the same fate as Councilor Zheng Yanhuai, those people They're all crazy."

Xu Jingxian already realized that something was wrong.

This case doesn't seem that simple, does it?

Before he could ask his doubts, Li Haoze had already stood up and left: "Xu Jian, please wait a moment."

Xu Jingxian fell into deep thought on the spot. He originally thought that Lin Zhongcheng took another case to hold him back just to prevent him from investigating Li Cangying's case.

But now it seems that this case is far more than just a large-scale murder case, so what exactly does Lin Zhongcheng want to do?Revenge for Congressman Zheng’s family?
He couldn't understand what the other party wanted to do.

At this moment, Li Haoze went back and forth, and handed a file bag to Xu Jingxian: "I found this at the scene of the crime back then, let's take a look."

Xu Jingxian quickly took the file bag and opened it to check.

This is a proposal, a proposal on military reform, or an indictment, which details various corruption issues such as military corruption, violence, and rape of silver female soldiers, and several people are named.

The signer of this proposal is Zheng Yanhuai.

It stands to reason that once this proposal is announced, it will definitely be known to the whole people, but Xu Jingxian has never heard of it, which means that Zheng Yanhuai died before the proposal was made public.

Being able to write in such a detailed manner, and preparing to discuss it in Congress, it means that he is not chasing rumors, but definitely has relevant evidence in his hand.

The time of the end of the proposal is 97/7/5.

Zheng Yanhuai was killed on July 97, 7, and the National Assembly was in session on July 8, which means that if he had not died, this proposal would be made public two days later.

Then imagine that the six members of Zheng's family died overnight, and the murderer's method of committing the crime was neat...

The truth of the matter is almost ready to come out.

Xu Jingxian looked up at Li Haoze who was opposite him.

"Yes, all kinds of evidence point to the military." Li Haoze nodded solemnly, and said with anger and despair: "There is a general's name in Congressman Zheng's proposal. After I found this proposal, I guessed that this case might involve Ended up in vain.”

"After realizing this, I quietly hid this proposal, and then only tentatively reported to the chief that the murderer might be from the army, and was later ordered to stop the investigation. Facts have proved that I guessed right. At that time, I didn't know that it was for myself Happy for his vision, or sad for the so-called justice in this country."

"Rep. Zheng Yanhuai, a commoner, has been fighting for the welfare, justice, and fairness of the people all his life, but such a good man died, including his son, daughter-in-law, grandson and granddaughter, and died in the hands of two well-trained soldiers who were supposed to protect them hands!"

"This country already fucking sucks!"

The more Li Haoze spoke, the angrier he became, and his emotions became more and more agitated, and he smashed the water glass in his hand with a bang.

"Crash!" Glass shards splashed everywhere.

Xu Jingxian, who was opposite him, was already scalp numb.

The first reaction was that Lin Zhongcheng was crazy.

In order to prevent himself from investigating Li Cangying, a mine that might involve powerful people, he actually gave himself a bigger mine. Could it be that he thinks he has lived too long?
Or did he really want to avenge Congressman Zheng?

impossible!Absolutely impossible!Lin Zhongcheng didn't have this awareness, and even if he had awareness, he wouldn't have the guts.

So what is his purpose...

and many more!

Xu Jingxian's expression suddenly became weird, because he thought of the most unlikely possibility.

Lin Zhongcheng didn't know the inside story of this case!
He just asked people to find a dusty old case from the warehouse to deal with themselves, but he didn't expect that a missile that had been buried for many years was dug out by mistake.

After all, as far as Xu Jingxian knew, Lin Zhongcheng should have been a branch chief in another city four years ago, and he hadn't been transferred to the Seoul District Prosecutor yet, so ignorance is the most reasonable explanation.

If he knew, he would have handed such a missile capable of killing himself to Xu Jingxian with his own hands.

It is estimated that the intestines will regret it.

"But fortunately! In this country, there are still loyal people like Prosecutor Xu and Chief Prosecutor Lin who are willing to give Councilor Zheng's family and the people an explanation without fear of life or death." Li Haoze raised his head, his eyes burning.

There is still hope for this country!

Xu Jingxian: "..."

No, I'm not, I don't, I don't want to!
"This is what I should do." Xu Jingxian said solemnly, he didn't want to waste the contribution that came to his door, anyway, if that general knew that he was investigating, he would also trouble Lin Zhongcheng.

After all, for a case of this level, he would not be qualified to restart the investigation without the order from above.

So if the matter is exposed, everyone will know that Lin Zhongcheng must have arranged for him to investigate the case.

Once things can't be done, just stop the investigation, and then throw all the blame on Lin Zhongcheng.

And if you get definite evidence, you will become a national hero. In the future, if you stand up and call for the president, won't the votes come like snowflakes?
The most important thing is that he has enough backing, influence is not small, and the bottom line is flexible, he doesn't mind compromise, and he doesn't have to worry about falling into the same end as Zheng Yanhuai.

He's just a speculator with a bit of a conscience.

Li Haoze added: "If Xu Jian believes in me, I hope I can do my best. This matter has oppressed me all these years, and it has become my nightmare. I want to draw an end to this case myself."

It is because Zheng Yanhuai's family of six innocent and tragic deaths linger in his mind, that's why he has been so decadent all these years, and now the motivation has come again.

"That's natural. Since this case needs to be investigated secretly, senior's help is definitely indispensable." Xu Jingxian asked for it. He said: "On the surface, I will not investigate this case, but I will provide relevant assistance for you, senior, to investigate. After all, it has passed. For four or five years, no one will pay attention to you again."

This can also provide another layer of insurance for his own safety, but there is no way, he is just so timid and afraid of death.

"Member Zheng must have had definite evidence back then." Li Haoze sighed, and said through gritted teeth: "Back then, Zhao Yuanyi was able to get the news in advance and kill him, it must be because there was a traitor around Mr. Zheng who informed him. He should know a lot of inside information, we can get him out first!"

Zhao Yuanyi was the general named and sued in Zheng Yanhuai's proposal. He was a brigadier general at the time, but now he is a major general and serves as the brigade commander of the [-]st Air Defense Brigade.

They are high-ranking and low-ranking, because this brigade has the duty to defend the capital, so the position is very important.

Xu Jingxian chatted with Li Haoze all afternoon, and he didn't leave until it was getting late, because tonight he and Guo Youan were going to meet the big boss behind him.

Otherwise, I really want to have a long talk with Li Haoze all night long.

On the way home to change clothes, Xu Jingxian called Zhao Dahai: "Didn't your friend who is a captain serving in the 501 Missile Air Defense Brigade want to see me? Tell him, if he is willing to wait, I can come tonight." Make time."

Zhao Dahai had already mentioned this matter in Incheon, but Xu Jingxian was too busy to forget it, if it wasn't because of Zheng Yanhuai's case, he might not know when he would remember it.

The 501st Missile Air Defense Brigade belongs to Zhao Yuanyi's First Air Defense Brigade. Xu Jingxian wanted to chat with the captain and find out about the internal situation of this brigade.

Since the captain wanted to see him, he must have asked him for something, and he should know everything about his problems.

It stands to reason that soldiers are very strict when they go out, and they must return to the camp by the specified time, but this is South Korea, and they are military officers, so it is a routine operation to stay out of the camp at night.

"Good minister, I'll ask him."

After a while, Zhao Dahai replied a text message.

"Minister, he agreed."


Xu Jingxian made a major breakthrough today.

Jiang Caihe didn't waste time either.

She got the information of all members of the Fraternity Association.

After investigation, these members themselves and their children and relatives do not have heart diseases, so it is impossible for them to need Li Cangying's heart.

"Then they fund physical examinations just for charity?"

Jiang Caihe bit her pen and muttered to herself, her little feet wrapped in black silk were dangling on the table, the chair under her buttocks was reclined, she frowned and fell into deep thought.

She didn't believe Bo'ai would be so kind.

Even if it is really just for charity, it only needs to have a routine physical examination for free like other charities. Why do you have to do a comprehensive physical examination?
Wouldn’t it be okay to use the extra money for other charitable causes?

After all, the members of the Fraternity Association themselves are not top dignitaries, so how can they waste so much money.

"Jingle bell! Jingle bell!"

The sudden ringing of the mobile phone startled Jiang Caihe, who was distracted, and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, she had quick eyes and hands to hold on to the table so she didn't fall down.

Otherwise, the butt will blossom without anyone poking it.

"Assi, which guy is so annoying."

Jiang Caihe cursed, picked up the phone and saw that the caller ID was Jiang Zhendong, and quickly connected: "Hey Brother Zhendong, is it the hospital, did you find anything?"

Because Jiang Zhendong had the same surname as her, she, a fledgling rookie, called her brother very politely.

Jiang Zhendong is very useful for this.

After all, the juvenile prosecutor is also a prosecutor!
"Yes, the boaihui funded the medical examinations and designated the same hospital. I asked someone to direct and act out a theft scene in the hospital, and took away all the surveillance video from this hospital for a month on the grounds of investigating the case. From the screen, we can see that the vice president of this hospital took a physical examination report out of the hospital on the day when the results of the physical examination of Chengdong High School students came out."

Jiang Zhendong's tone revealed excitement.

"Vice-principal." Jiang Caihe muttered to himself, thinking of something, and said, "Brother Zhendong, don't hang up."

After finishing speaking, he put down his mobile phone and searched among the messy character information on the table. After a few minutes, he finally found it, and asked excitedly and excitedly, "Is the deputy dean called Han Changjing?"

"Oops, how do you know it's him?" Jiang Zhendong asked differently, because although a large hospital has only one director, it has several vice directors.

Jiang Caihe said with a smile: "Because he is also a member of the Fraternity Association, how can there be such a coincidence?"

She finally made a breakthrough.

This Han Changjing must be one of the insiders.

No, to be precise, he is an accomplice in this case!
"So do you want to invite him back to the police station now?" Jiang Zhendong asked, they had already monitored Han Changjing.

Can be caught by hand at any time.

"No, we can't alert the snake." Jiang Caihe rejected the proposal. Han Changjing was just an accomplice, and there was someone else behind the scenes. If Han Changjing was caught, the mastermind would know that the prosecutors were still investigating the case.

Sure to hide deeper and thwart their investigation.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Caihe said: "Brother Zhendong, let someone keep an eye on him first, so that he won't be discovered."

"Don't worry, it will be fine, girl."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Caihe called Xu Jingxian again.

"Hey, Caihe." Xu Jingxian had already changed his clothes at this time, and was on his way to the dinner appointment.

Guo Youan had already arrived first.

The behind-the-scenes boss hasn't arrived yet.

Jiang Caihe excitedly announced the good news: "Uncle Xu, there is a major discovery in Li Cangying's case, we..."

"That's really good news. I knew you wouldn't let me down." After hearing this, Uncle Xu praised him and asked, "What do you want to do next?"

"We can't catch him now." Jiang Caihe said tentatively after finishing his sentence, "Uncle Xu, can you help me find a few members of the black society, I want to use them to do something, not to startle the snake, but also to be able to pry Han Changjing's mouth open , I don’t know anyone in this area.”

She felt that she had learned badly from Uncle Xu.

"Nonsense, Uncle, I am a prosecutor, and I am at odds with the Black Society! How can I know any Black Society members?" Xu Jingxian scolded, and then changed the subject: "But I have a friend who does know him. Let me beg him for you."

"Uncle said that friend is you?"


"Hee hee, let's wait for good news from Uncle." Jiang Caihe said coquettishly, and after hanging up the phone, she shook her powder fist: "Jiang Caihe, you are the best!

To be able to solve such a big case independently during the internship period, even Uncle Xu was not as good as himself at the beginning, right?

A foolish smirk appeared on Jiang Caihe's face.

Xu Jingxian called Zhou Chengnan and asked him to arrange a dozen people to follow Jiang Caihe's orders.

Then he sent the contact information to Jiang Caihe.

Ten minutes later, his car stopped at the entrance of a five-star hotel, and the doorman hurried up to open the door.

After Xu Jingxian got off the car, Zhao Dahai drove away.

"Minister Xu, please come in," the doorman said.

Xu Jingxian nodded, took out some cash and handed it to him, and strode into the hotel lobby.

"Thank you, Minister Xu, and I wish the Minister every step of the way."

 Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a monthly pass: ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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