Chapter 65 Take Soul Bone! (Please subscribe!)
"Cough cough!"

Just as Chen Xin was about to speak, she was pushed aside by Gu Rong.

"This old man is titled Bone Douluo, and soul bones are also bones. Can you understand soul bones from me?"

Chen Xin's expression changed for a while when he said this, isn't this a bit of a literal resemblance?

Squeezing away Chen Xin, Gu Rong coughed twice and cleared his throat.

"We all know about soul rings, and soul bones are actually similar. They are all obtained from hunting soul beasts, but soul bones are the existence that every soul master dreams of. Why?"

"Because the probability of soul bones appearing is extremely low, they mostly appear in special circumstances, such as soul beasts with heavy resentment."

"But there are some exceptions, that is, 10-year-old soul beasts. After killing them, not only can you get a 10-year-old soul ring, but also a 10-year-old soul bone will definitely be born. This is the most important thing for a soul master. something to desire."

Hearing this, the old rabbit shrunk his neck and looked at Gu Rong worriedly, only to find that he hadn't noticed himself!

Soon she figured it out, Jiang Qianhai must have done it!
Thinking about it, she gave Jiang Qianhai a bitter look.

This is a demon!

I don't know what happened to the third brother...
How is he?Don't be found by this demon!

As if aware of her gaze, Jiang Qianhai turned his head to take a look, and saw the old rabbit with his head down guiltily playing with mud with a branch.

With Gu Rong's explanation, Jiang Qianhai's understanding of the soul bone became more and more clear.

After all, he had only played Soul Master Survival in MC in his previous life, and he couldn't fit in a backpack with too many soul bones, and a set of 10 years would be enough if he had a hand.

Although I knew that the reality must be different before, but the cognition is still not clear enough. In Gu Rong's sentence, "Even a soul bone of only a thousand years is worth tens of thousands of gold soul coins, and a few hundred thousand gold soul coins are not too much." Only then did I realize it instantly.

But... 10 years will come out, which makes him feel that these spirit bones seem to be like this, and the number of years seems to be a bit low.

If he wanted to, it could really be the same as the game, just go directly to the soul bone.

Withdrawing his thoughts, he waved his hand and took out Tang Hao.

Noticing their eager eyes, Jiang Qianhai said: "Take it out first and take a look. If it's good, I'll keep it. If it's not suitable, you can sell it at a suitable price."

Then Jiang Qianhai put his hand on Tang Hao's body, and under his perception, he discovered five abnormal points in his body!

These five abnormal parts were located in the limbs and torso, and Jiang Qianhai guessed that these were the soul bones in Tang Hao's body.

"It's actually five yuan... that's not right!"

Jiang Qianhai still realized that Tang Hao still had a head.

After taking it out, I felt it, and as expected, there was another one.

"Six dollars!"

Hearing this, the two Titled Douluo couldn't help sighing, as expected of the youngest Titled Douluo in history, they actually collected a set of soul bones, and they were estimated to be quite old!
As for how to take it out?
The soul bone and the soul master have long been fused together, and trying to take it out is similar to taking a bone.

Tang Hao's body is a trophy to Jiang Qianhai, it doesn't matter if he has it or not, he burns it to ashes, and under Jiang Qianhai's control, the five soul bones lie on the ground in no time. into the ashes.

But when it came to the head, Jiang Qianhai had a problem. What he and Xue Qinghe said was to exchange the head for fishing spots, but when the soul bone was taken out, this head...can't even be seen?
For this question, Jiang Qianhai chose to ask directly.

Xue Qinghe's reply speed was still so fast, directly saying that there is no problem, as long as the person is gone.

However, he was also more interested in Tang Hao's soul bone, so he proposed the idea of ​​buying it.

But Jiang Qianhai refused, and the next sentence, "I will give you a piece while fishing", suddenly made Xue Qinghe feel complicated.

The six soul bones were arranged on the ground, Chen Xin felt it for a while and said in a deep voice: "They are all ten thousand year-level soul bones, the tallest of which are the right arm bone and left leg bone, and the rest are weaker. One chip."

Jiang Qianhai nodded, then looked at Zhu Zhuqing: "Zhu Qing, see which one suits you."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded, and then checked the effects of the spirit bones one by one. After all, they belonged to his own family, so there was no need to be pretentious.

However, after looking around, Zhu Zhuqing only picked out the right arm bone and left leg bone that Chen Xin mentioned just now.

"Just these two?"

Zhu Zhuqing nodded: "Actually, it's not very suitable for me. After all, I'm a soul master of the agility attack system, and Tang Hao is a strong attack system."

She picked these two out because she felt it was a pity to sell such a good soul bone.

After all, she saw that her boyfriend must think that these years are too low. If she doesn't choose, there is a high probability that they will all be sold.

In her opinion, selling soul bones is a bit too prodigal.

Just like Jiang Qianhai wanted to use the god-given soul ring as her third ring, a good soul bone can be passed on as an inheritance. Is this comparable to a mere golden soul coin?

Even if there are millions of gold soul coins, there is no comparison!
So she didn't find the soul bones she wanted, so she picked out these two good ones, lest her boyfriend sell them together with a big wave of his hand.

Chen Xin saw that Zhu Zhuqing took away the best two pieces, her face was full of pity.

He knew very well that those two soul bones were definitely qualified to be the inheritance soul bones of a sect, and getting them would add to the sect's heritage.

But there are still four yuan left, even if Jiang Qianhai only sells one piece, Chen Xin will be very satisfied, after all, it's good to buy something that has a price but no market.

"The remaining four pieces, the skull and right leg bones are all about 3 years old, the trunk bones are taller, 4 years old, and the left arm bone is the tallest, more than 5 years old."

"For these four soul bones, I will keep one left arm bone as a gift, and you can make a price for the others."

"Send someone?"

Question marks filled the minds of the two Title Douluo, what kind of family is this?Tens of thousands of years of soul bones are free to give away?
If it wasn't for their shame, they would all want to ask Jiang Qianhai:

'Do you still lack friends? '

Zhu Zhuqing naturally knew that Jiang Qianhai was going to send the prince Xue Qinghe, although the price was a bit expensive, but the result was acceptable, and it was necessary to maintain a good relationship with the prince.

Maybe he is the future emperor?

Just... 5 years?
Why choose the one with the highest age limit?

Jiang Qianhai seemed to have a feeling, and turned his head to see Zhu Zhuqing's examining eyes.

"What's wrong? Why do you suddenly look at me like this?"

Zhu Zhuqing asked with some confusion: "Are you sure the prince is a man?"

Jiang Qianhai:? ? ?

"Otherwise? Can the prince have a daughter?"

Seeing Jiang Qianhai's eyes that didn't seem to be fake, Zhu Zhuqing heaved a sigh of relief, it turned out that it was really just a good relationship.

'But... is this the friendship between men?It's hard to understand. '

While talking here, the discussion over there is almost over.

In the end, the Qibao Liulizong offered the three soul bones a price of 1000 million gold soul coins. This price far exceeded the market price, which can be described as full of sincerity.

But there is definitely no way to trade on the spot, Bone Douluo should even set off to return to the sect.

Although the price was a bit inflated, they believed that Ning Fengzhi would agree.

Seeing Gu Rong leave, Jiang Qianhai had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and turned to look at Chen Xin:

"Master Jian, do you think there is anything in this world that can change bloodlines or martial souls?"

Chen Chen, who was looking at the fish, was startled, and was almost overwhelmed by Jiang Qianhai's uncle, but he still answered his question.

"I've never heard of changing the bloodline, but there's really something about changing the martial soul."


  Thanks to book friend 20200528113007217 for the two monthly tickets!Thank you for the two monthly tickets that don't go crazy or perish!Thank you for adding a monthly ticket to 1235689!Thanks to Nebula Hourglass for a monthly pass!Thanks to Akihabai for the two monthly tickets!Thanks to Yichen for a monthly ticket!Thank you for the monthly pass of "The Starry Sky on Your Fingertips"-dE! Thank you for the monthly pass of Mr. Thirteen from Tang Guo! Thank you for the monthly pass of the idle little man! Thank you for the two monthly tickets! Thank you WenJieF for the two monthly tickets! Thank you for the one monthly ticket of Like Fog Like Rain and Like Wind-AB!
  The two updates are not over, there is at least one more update today, look at my coding speed!

  Come on and repay ing~
(End of this chapter)

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