There's something wrong with this catastrophe word game

Chapter 114 Investigator's Train Strategy

Chapter 114 Investigator's Train Strategy
Raiders of Textile Train...

Chen Qi returned to his Traveler's Box, and carefully scanned the strategy written by the senior.

This is a PDF document, and the typesetting of the entire strategy has the feeling of a college student's thesis.

Chen Qi glanced roughly, and muttered in his heart:

"I hope this strategy will not be filled with too much water."

This guide is only four pages in total, which is considered as the pictures inside, and it is not too long.

Chen Qi scanned the guide. At the beginning of the guide, he described the basic introduction of some investigators to the textile train.

The Textile Train is a huge train running in a place of thin light. It is quite long. The investigators originally wanted to measure how many carriages it had, but failed.

According to the information he collected, the textile train spends one month in the land of no light, two months in the land of light, and the rest of the time stays in unknown places in the new capital.

During the two months of each year, the textile train will start to run, circling the entire outer area of ​​the new capital, which is also the land of thin light.

At the end of this paragraph, the investigators specifically emphasized that although textile trains are called "trains", they cannot be generalized from normal trains in terms of their internal and external structures, or the direction of travel.

Investigators stated in the guide that although the train's journey follows the "half circle around the outer circle of Xindu", its journey is strange, and no one knows how it will travel in the next moment.

A train that travels for a month in the Darklands.

This train is indeed unusual... Chen Qi continued to read.

In the documentation, there is a hand-drawn stick figure map, rather crude.

This is a fuzzy hand-drawn "textile train flight map" compiled by investigators.

Several large locations are circled on the map, and the time when the textile train may arrive is written.

Even the investigator stated that at the place he marked, he had to wait for three days. If he did not wait, it would prove that the textile train would not arrive at that place.

Chen Qi scanned these texts and couldn't help frowning.

According to this text, it is quite difficult for him to reach this textile train!
According to the time marked on this map, he needs not only patience but also luck to reach the textile train.

Chen Qi zoomed in on the map.

However, this map did not depict the details of the entire Xindu, only marked a few districts on the outer circle of the Xindu, and wrote down the approximate time when the textile train passed by.

Among them, District 8 of Xindu, which is marked with a stick figure of a prison, is very conspicuous because it is the roughest.

Among them, the 7th district of Xindu is the most detailed.

Is the investigator a player who started in District 7 of Xindu... Chen Qi pouted and looked at the time marked on the map.

There is also a calendar in Xindu, which is also twelve months, with about 30 days in each month.

According to the information collected by the investigators, the time when the textile train passes through District 8 of Xindu is from May 15th to NO.[-] in Xindu. During this period of time, the textile train has a high probability of appearing in places of low light.

Chen Qi rubbed his chin and had to check the date.

Unlike on Earth, Xindu has a little trouble checking the time.

It is because of the instability of daytime combustion that people in Xindu cannot record the date according to the rising and setting of the sun.

And ordinary mechanical clocks are very easy to break. In this cold winter, many clocks cannot measure the time correctly.

Therefore, it is difficult to record the date in small places in Xindu. Most people have to rely on places with big clock towers to know the date, such as Heihe prison, medicine tower, tracer headquarters, etc.

Fortunately, the natural disaster messenger tower where Chen Qi is now is not a small place, but the base of the natural disaster messengers!

The Disaster Messenger Tower not only has a library that is rarely seen in the outside world, but also has a clock tower that records time!

Dawn opens the new game, clicks on the map of the Scourge Messenger to view various places where he can go to the Scourge Messenger Tower.

The Crows Canteen, Crow Stopping Terrace, Between the Bell Towers, Star Observation Platform, etc.

Morning Rise Click on the description between the clock towers.

[Between the clock tower: the place responsible for recording the time, every other month, there will be a watchmaker to check the time of the clock.

You have heard from the natural disaster messengers that this room is also a rest room for the natural disaster messengers to chat and relax. 】

Time to buy a watch...

Chen Qi thought about it, clicked between the clock towers, and chose Unless.

【You tidy up your clothes, pick up a piece of air-dried meat in your bag, and put it in your mouth.

Exit the guest room and walk through the hallway.

You step lightly, carefully passing the room where the Scourge messengers meditate, and then step on the stairs to push open the door and enter between the bell towers of the Scourge messenger tower. 】

【You came between the clock towers. The view here is very good. On the wall of the room, there is a three-meter-high mechanical circular clock, which is constantly running to record the time. 】

[In the room, there are some long tables, and the natural disaster messengers who have just returned from the mission outside are drinking and chatting. 】

[You find a seat and sit down, while eating air-dried meat, while looking at the clock, beside the clock, May 5th is written in bronze text. 】

Is it May 5th?

Chen Qi wrote down the date marked and compared it with the date in Xindu.

"There are still five days..."

According to the plan, in the next five days, he will have a chance to encounter the Textile Train in the sparsely populated area outside Xindu District 8.

If he couldn't catch this train, unless he went to the thin light in the outer layers of other districts, he probably wouldn't be able to go to the Textile Train this year.

As far as time goes, it's more than enough...

Chen Qi picked up the textile train invitation letter, which did not specify the time and place,
After remembering the time, he continued to look at the strategy below.

The next walkthrough trains up some monsters.

Several monsters listed in this guide, white cocoon spider, sky ghost, these are all monsters attached to the train.

These are all powerful high-level monsters. With his current strength, it is not a problem to defeat one, but if they appear in groups, it will be very troublesome.

Investigators list some methods of evading these monsters.

Chen Qi wrote down the characteristics of these monsters.

Chen Qi summed it up, the previous strategy is mainly useful for two points, one is to let him have a basic understanding of the textile train, and the other is the map, so that he can go to the textile train according to the time.

But the strategy that followed made his eyes shine.

According to the investigator's experience, the carriages of textile trains are divided into three categories.

The first type of carriage is the ordinary carriage.

This type of car is the car that investigators and most players enter.

Many passengers on the textile train stayed in this ordinary carriage.

On ordinary carriages, there is only simple order, and no one is responsible for the safety of ordinary carriages.

Passengers from all districts come here with various purposes, and most of them live in ordinary cars.

On ordinary cars, there are no strict restrictions, and you can move around as you like.

According to the investigator's recommendation, it is best to find a compartment with a strong aura to live in.

Because the conductors are not responsible for the safety of ordinary carriages, in ordinary carriages, once it is night, they will occasionally encounter some powerful monsters.

There are enough strong people in the same compartment to ensure safety.

Of course, it is best to choose a strong man with the same appearance as himself and a normal personality. The investigator said that he met a strong hunter in an ordinary car, which made his journey much safer.

The second type of carriage is the VIP carriage.

In the VIP car, the conductor will provide some services at the same time, and in the VIP car, the conductor prohibits any fighting, which is also the safest car.

The investigator stated in the guide that he was not qualified to stay in the VIP compartment at that time, but was just passing by.

To qualify for the VIP compartment, an invitation must be obtained, and investigators know of two methods.

[-]. Buy "Invitation Letters" with rare items in the new capital.

Second, complete the mission of the conductor.

The investigator is emphasizing reasonably that the invitation letter needs to depend on luck, because he also failed to complete it, and he did not get a ticket for this year's textile train.

In addition, people who are regarded as VIPs by the "textile train" will be treated with leniency by the train staff when they buy those treasures from the dark land and perform those exquisite operations.

If someone cheats VIPs with fake products, the conductor will personally teach them a lesson.

Invitation card……

Chen Qi was startled and took out his invitation letter.

According to the prompt, this is an item exchanged for the Hand of the Prisoner.

As expected, this should be the invitation letter for the VIP compartment.

Chen Qi couldn't help being overjoyed. With this invitation letter, his train journey might go much smoother.

The third type of carriage is the workshop carriage. On these carriages are all kinds of weird workshops.

Those in charge of making food, those in charge of surgery, and those in charge of trading...

On the Textile Train, these carriages are only opened at special times.

Chen Qi memorized these, and then looked at the final text.

This final epilogue is not only the investigator's summary of the journey, but also contains a lot of information.

Among them, three points are mainly explained.

First, there is an extremely dangerous and weird monster on the textile train, which will act as your companion. The investigators have not encountered it because they have not gone deep into the train.

So it's best not to go to the Textile Train in groups with NPCs.

Second, on the textile train, according to the train regulations, everyone has a limited time to get on the train, but don't get off the train when the conductor informs you, because you can easily be thrown into some strange places.

The investigator was thrown into a swamp and almost lost his life.

Third, if you can get an invitation letter for the textile train, get it as much as possible. In addition to strength, the invitation letter is very useful on the textile train, which will allow quite a few neutral conductors to help you.

At the end, the NPCs and players who provided support for the strategy are also marked, as well as the words prohibiting unauthorized reprinting of rumors.

Chen Qi glanced at the end of the document, it was a strategy written more than a year ago, and it was revised several times in the middle.

This is the strategy of the last textile train. The investigators at that time may not be strong enough, and they did not go too deep, so the information is not too much.

But in general, this strategy still provided him with a lot of help.

Chen Qi rested his chin on the rough map drawn by the investigator.

"It's a little troublesome..."

Although he has an invitation letter, he is now stuck on the first difficulty.

According to the stick-drawn map, he didn't even know how to get to that marked point, nor where the place was.

Chen Qi frowned, and took the map of the herb pickers out of the game, and compared it with the stick figured map.

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  There is only one chapter left, Calvin is gone, I feel that my thoughts are a bit messy, and the protagonist’s precipitation is not enough, so let’s take a look at the following chapters, happy Friday everyone tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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