There's something wrong with this catastrophe word game

Chapter 116 Disaster Messenger Whistle

Chapter 116 Disaster Messenger Whistle
The other party also knows the train...

Chen Qi was startled, but calmed down quickly.

How could a huge train running in the thin light escape the intelligence network of natural disaster messengers that patrolled all day.

But what is the purpose of the other party telling me this?
[Is this a bit abrupt... The Crow Witch saw the doubts on your face, and slowly explained to you that the car was called the Textile Train.

Greedy treasure hunters, people who want to go to other districts, wanted criminals, people with too much money, etc., at this time of year, they will go to the land of thin light and go to the train. 】

【And she thinks you will be interested, just like you will go to Misty City. 】

【The Crow Witch tells you that she has been to the Tower of Medicine. After the people in the Tower of Medicine heard about you, everyone opened their mouths wide open.

They all say they know you and you won't come back easily. 】


Will he return to the Tower of Medicine for a while?

Chen Qi held his chin, and was really guessed by the other party.

【You look down, below, you can see the caravans of merchants riding snow oxen, rushing towards the mountains. 】

[The Crow Witch said that the train was indeed a good journey, but it required luck, and she didn't quite know when and where the train would arrive. 】

Chen Qi compares the map and has the investigator's strategy. For him, the probability of reaching the textile train is not small.

【The Crow Witch rests her hands on the wall, looking into the distance, the snow wind blows, blowing her jet-black hair.

That train always passes by this month, and it remains the same every year. Because of some past events between their witches, a former witch is also on the train.

Therefore, the train rejected their natural disaster messengers and hated the people in Heihe Prison.

The train will even change direction for the Scourge Messenger and attack the Scourge Messenger. 】

[The Crow Witch suggested to you, traveler, if you have enough money, maybe you can go to that train, the things there are quite good.

She can feel that as the only sober survivor, you have gained a lot in the foggy city. 】

[Of course she is only offering a suggestion, in her opinion, you are more likely to return to the Tower of Medicine. 】

[You listened to the words of the Crow Witch, and doubts arose in your heart. 】

[Would you like to directly ask the Crow Witch's purpose? 】

Chen Qi thought about it and chose yes.


【You lean against the wall, look at the mountains in the distance, and slowly ask the Crow Witch's purpose. 】

【The snow wind blows, and the dark eyes of the Crow Witch slowly close, dyeing her dark hair white. 】

[The Crow Witch taps the stone with her fingers.

During the Misty City incident, with the help of your information, their Scourge messengers analyzed some information.

But this is far from enough. The information they were able to collect was very little, and they failed to give Heihe Prison a reasonable explanation.

The big incident in Misty City is a disgrace to Heihe Prison and a disgrace to the messengers of natural disasters. 】

[Those criminals are no longer important to Heihe Prison. What really matters is the corpse of the prisoner. 】

【After their search, most of the prisoner hunters' bodies were missing, and they were not petrified.

In other words, some sinners may have taken the corpse of the prisoner. 】

[The Witch of the Crow tells you that the prisoner hunters are unintentional monsters created by Heihe Prison. The prisoner hunters have no emotions. They themselves contain some terrifying power and are also some terrible sources of pollution. 】

[For those criminals, even if they replace their hearts, it will be difficult for them to survive in the thin light.

But if they get on the textile trains, it's going to be troublesome. The people on those trains hate Heihe Prison and buy the bodies of the prisoner hunters. 】

[The Textile Train has a strong hostility towards Heihe Prison. 】

【The Crow Witch sighed. In fact, the follow-up is no longer part of her mission.

But she still hopes to collect information about the textile train and contribute to the follow-up work. 】

Chen Qi rubbed his chin. According to his information, the relative eaters undoubtedly took the hunter's body.

Moreover, some players have exchanged invitation letters with the people on the train with the hand of the prisoner hunter.

But those criminals are also likely to snatch the prisoner's body.

Not all criminals will obey the orders of the man in white robe.

Chen Qi thought for a moment, then read on.

[For some reason, she always feels that you can go further than those greedy and powerful treasure hunters. 】

[She hopes that you can do them a favor, that is, tell them the disaster information you encountered on the road, and she is willing to provide rewards for the disaster information. 】

[The Crow Witch handed you a "whistle", and she told you that this is the internal whistle of the natural disaster messenger, and the natural disaster messengers use this whistle to request support from other natural disaster messengers. 】

【You got the "Crow's Whistle."】

Check the panel in the morning.

[Crow's Whistle:
Description: The whistle developed by the Crow Witch has greatly reduced the death rate of the natural disaster messengers in District 8 of Xindu. It is very valuable.
Introduction: A special whistle made by a natural disaster messenger. After blowing the whistle, if there is a natural disaster messenger within a hundred miles, other natural disaster messengers can find your location through the whistle. 】

With a radius of a hundred miles, this area is large enough... Chen Qi thought about it, this is equivalent to a rescue object.

At present, he has a good relationship with the Scourge Messenger Tower, and the Scourge Messenger themselves will patrol the Land of Twilight, which may be useful.

[The Crow Witch looks at you. You not only have the talent to be a messenger of natural disasters, but you even have the potential to become a disaster investigator, but your current resume is not enough, and the background of the night watchman is not good. 】

【As for whether you go to the textile train or not, that is your decision. She has no right to choose the direction for a brave traveler with a lamp. 】

[They are willing to help travelers with the lights, at least within the scope of the patrol of the natural disaster messenger, you are no longer a lonely traveler. 】

[After speaking.

The Crow Witch looked into the distance, let the snowflakes hit her face, and did not speak for a long time.

She is no longer the wayward lady who ran away from home, she has too many chains, and she no longer has the courage to take risks. 】

[In recent years, the number of natural disaster messengers has been decreasing. 】

[She has to stay here, she has to teach the other messengers of natural disasters, and she must stop the adventurous hearts of the messengers of natural disasters. 】

Morning enlightenment, judging from the text, the Raven Witch has been protecting other messengers of natural disasters.

[The snow wind blows, you look at the Huolu mountain range in the distance, and the apprentice disaster messenger next to you also looks at the mountain range, you can feel that she is eager to set foot on that distant place. 】

【The Crow Witch patted off a piece of snow from her head. She looked at the apprentices behind her. Perhaps, she shouldn't hinder the adventures of the messengers of natural disasters.

The Crow Witch told the apprentice behind her that after she has learned the most basic weather spells, she can go to the outside world alone like you.

The Crow Witch leads her apprentices, and finally says to you:
"The Calamity Messenger Tower always welcomes travelers with lights, may the daylight rise as usual tomorrow, and may you be able to find the legendary treasure."]

[The Crow Witch has left here. 】

【After the Crow Witch left, your thoughts were flooded, and you stood alone at this high place, looking at the distant mountains. 】

[You have heard the stories of the steam age in the stories of the night watchman, and you have heard of the behemoth called the train. 】

【You let out a breath of hot air. You never thought that one day, you would be able to touch that legendary train! 】

[Snowflakes hit your face, you release white doves, ride down the snow wind, slowly pass over the earth at this moment, and look into the distance.

The courier who is unwilling to be lonely, the herbal picker who takes on the task, the greedy and powerful treasure hunter, the terminally ill decontamination man...

Those who yearn for new worlds and treasures are heading towards the land of thin light like a dense swarm of bees. 】

Chen Qi also let out a long breath, he is almost ready to go!
He opened the map of the natural disaster messenger and planned the route.

If he wanted to reach the intended location, he had to cross the Furnace Mountains in the Land of Thin Light.

According to the map of the Scourge Messenger, the Furnace Mountain Range is a hot mountain range, but in severe winter, the danger and temperature of the Furnace Mountain Range are greatly reduced.

And after turning over the Huolu Mountain Range, you can reach the place recorded in the strategy.

With the experience of traveling in the foggy city, there is no need to prepare anything in terms of food and clothes for this operation.

Experience, while useful, is not everything.

In the land of thin light, you never know what dangers you may encounter.

But I don't know what treasure I will encounter!
After Chen Qi excitedly planned the trip with a pen, he went back to the traveler's box and looked at the little lamp shadow fox.

 Thank you for the reward of 100 points that I was kissed by a pig when I was a child, and thank you for the reward of 100 points for remarkable!

  Thank you for your monthly pass and subscription!Really happy May Day!
(End of this chapter)

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