Chapter 118 Departure!

A new day has arrived.

Chen Qi opened the forum, there were many friend requests and messages.

Fisherman: "Qi, are you interested in being the captain! Recently, two newcomers with rare talents came to our Baihe District! According to my observation, they have a lot of potential, and one of them is a beautiful girl."

The news of his victory over the prisoners among the relative-eaters has spread to Fisherman and Chen Shi.

Because of his performance in the relative-eater base, at this moment Fishermen hoped that he could lead the newcomers and pass on his successful experience to the newcomers to form a player team.

In all major guilds, there are such player teams.

However, due to the small number of people in the Baihe branch, this aspect has not been taken seriously until after the public beta.

Theoretically speaking, Chen Qi, Lin Yuxing, and Captain Chen Shi are on the same team.

Chen Qi paused, if he taught his game style, the death rate of the newcomers would have to be raised to a higher level.

He declined the fishing guy's invitation, and he has no plans to form a team with newcomers.

He has more important things to do than meeting new people!
He must go and see the textile train behind the mountains. What is there on the textile train?
Only then did the special-level player investigators come up with a strategy, which made the special-level players White Puppeteer and Sea Bird excited!
Chen Qi took a deep breath and picked up the phone.

New day game, start!
Morning Qi clicks on the game text and prepares to leave the Scourge Messenger Tower.

[The day is burning brightly again, from this day in the snow. 】

[You hold the long knife and walk out of the guest room. 】

[You have come to the outer layer of the Messenger Tower of the Natural Disaster, the daylight that has just been lit is so dazzling. 】

[Some messengers of natural disasters followed. As messengers of natural disasters, they learned many secrets of this world in the book, such as the giant snake under the deep sea, the broken sky, and the river outside the dark land. However, those who know this knowledge They have never seen those legendary disasters with their own eyes. 】

【They look at you with a strange emotion. 】

[The natural disaster messenger said goodbye to you and sent you to the Crow Station. 】

【They always believe that at the end of that journey, there must be a road to heaven. 】

【They stand behind and look into the distance with you. 】

【The train in the distance is too dangerous for them. 】

【Put your luggage on your back, step through the snow layer, and look at the huge Furnace Mountain Range in the distance. 】

["Farewell, messengers of natural disasters."

You are riding a see-off raven, swooping down from the Scourge messenger tower to the snow below. 】

["We will meet again, in the process of carrying out the mission!"

Some Scourge messengers wave you farewell.

Some disaster messengers joked that maybe one day, they will be able to hear your legend, just like people in District 8 of Xindu used to discuss the legend of the dead group. 】

[May you return smoothly, and may you not be disturbed by natural disasters. 】

【You are constantly flying downwards on the big crow...】

【You muttered in your heart, you'd better reach the Furnace Mountain Range before the sun goes out...】

[After a suitable distance, you jumped off the crow and blew a whistle:


A tiny Lantern Fox leaps out of your traveler's box. 】

[Dengyinghu comes out of your clothes, and black fire spreads from the little Dengyinghu. 】

[In an instant, the originally small Lantern Fox turned into a four-meter-high ferocious beast!Falling from the sky to the ground, sparking bursts of snowflakes! 】

[You landed firmly on Dengyinghu's back, put your hands on Dengyinghu's ears, and leaned forward. 】

[Look at the mountains in the distance, let's go! 】

【Advance in this snowy day...】

Chen Qi was excited and ready to face danger. Once he set foot in this rare place, it meant that he had to be ready to face danger.

Click on the skill bar and use "White Pigeon".

[A white dove flies away from your eyes. 】

【You released the white dove, and controlled the white dove to move forward while scouting the situation in the snowy land.

The Scourge Messenger Tower is located on the edge of the Land of Twilight and District 8 of Xindu. Here, it is also a safer route to enter the Land of Twilight. 】

[Looking into the distance, more and more people are riding pet beasts, constantly stepping over the snow layer in heavy snow days. 】

[The number of them is far more than you can imagine! 】

【Your white pigeon saw the troops of the Merchant, the tracers who attacked together, and the burner on the fire horse...】

This is……

Chen Qi was startled, was the textile train attracting them?

The number of people was much greater than he had imagined, and it was even more lively than before the Fog City.

In this cold and snowy sky, there are actually so many people...

At this moment, a highlighted text pops up.

【You noticed that a group of people riding brown wild horses approached you. 】

[A group of rough horsemen came to your side. 】

【"Brother riding a black fox! Wait for us!"

Their horses trod across the snow and leaned towards you one after another. 】

[This is a group of messengers, but unlike other messengers, they are quite special. 】

[This group of people is strong and bronze-skinned. They have golden hair, horse-like ears, and brown hair on their hands. 】

[They are called Greedy Mustang Messenger.

In your life as a night watchman, you've heard of them, and many have aspired to be among the Mustang messengers. 】

[The wild horse messenger comes from District 6 of Xindu, so the body has animal characteristics.

Compared to other messengers, they are ambitious, more eager for wealth, and eager to start a family!Each of them dreams of making money and becoming a member of the Xindu District 2!
The Mustang Messenger is like a family, supporting and cooperating with each other. You have heard the night watchmen say that they also hope to become a member of the Mustang Messenger. 】

[You scan this group of sturdy messengers, some of them are still wearing thin clothes in the snow. 】


Chenqi clicked on the texts of the wild horse messengers in front of him one by one.

There are more than ten characters, and a fourteenth-level head brother named "Scimitar".

【"Hey, brother riding a fox, you are coming too, do you need someone to lead the way!?"

Scimitar their leader said to you. 】

[You can feel that one of them, the rough Maltese sister, is massaging you, and your fox, with great interest!
She showed off her toned muscles and winked at you. 】


Chen Qi was taken aback for a moment, he was being watched.

【Please make your choice. 】

[One, agree to the other party.

Two, reject each other. 】

Chen Qi thought for a while, he didn't know this group of people, it's better to stay away from them.


【You put your hand on the long knife at your waist and rejected the other party. 】

【"Hahaha! We are not robbers, although we have indeed robbed many merchants' goods!"

Scimitar looked at the badge on your chest and laughed loudly:
"However, we haven't been ignorant enough to snatch a herb picker from the Medicine Tower, otherwise we will have to buy medicine from those scammers in the future."]

[Scimitar explained to you that there are many scary rumors about the textile train. Due to the fear of the textile train and its unknown nature, no one dared to go to the train in the past. 】

[Being alone is not a good choice.

Logically speaking, this year, so many people should not have embarked on a journey to find the textile train! 】

[But this year, a treasure hunter climbed to the top and became a judge in Heihe Prison, and is even expected to inherit the legendary power!
And all this is because of the body surgery he completed on the textile train, which made his body surpass the limit of ordinary people!A powerful technique beyond the limits of the body was used!
He successfully entered the "city" of Xindu District 2 and became a real "judge"! 】

[Scimitar smiled, not everyone knows the knowledge of other districts like them.

You must know that District 2 of Xindu is the most prosperous area in Xindu, where people have reproduced the glory and system of the steam age.

Marrying a wife and having children, drinking afternoon tea are very common things there. 】

[The dream of their wild horse messengers is to earn enough money to live in District 2 of Xindu! 】

Look at these texts.

Chen Qi probably understood why there were so many people.

A person's success is like a rising firework, attracting countless people rushing to this road!

[Scimitar lashed the horse with a whip to keep up with your Lantern Fox:
"Well, brother! If you give us a white coin, we'd like to take you to find the textile train. The textile train is mysterious, but we already have some clues!
Otherwise, your trip may be in vain! "]

[Do you agree to the scimitar? 】

Chen Qi thought about it, and from the other party's text, they only had some clues about the location of the textile train.

Not very reliable.


[You rejected the scimitar, you have your route plan. 】

[Is that so... The wild horse messengers laughed, they told you that not long ago, some treasure hunters who were alone went to the Misty City alone, and they were either eaten by rats or half petrified!
Those treasure hunters are considered talents, but not only did they not get anything, they also lost their lives.

Among their information, among those who went to the Misty City alone, only one or two found treasures from the Misty City. 】

【You look in the direction of the foggy city, the eyes under the foggy cloak gleamed coldly. 】

【You haven't been to Fog City, have you... Scimitar saw something in your eyes, and your body trembled slightly. 】

【"Young boy riding a fox! I feel like you are very capable, but this fight is not only dangerous, but also people.

Then let's see who gets to the textile train first! "

Scimitar let out a loud cry, and drove the Mustang towards the front left. 】

[After the wild horse messengers leave, you look at the mountains in the distance. Under the snow, you can see fiery red rocks. 】

[The light of the day is gradually weakening, you have come to the Furnace Mountains! 】

 Thanks for the reward of 100 points from Song of the Times, thank you wow!And everyone's subscription!Friday went by so fast.

(End of this chapter)

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