Chapter 141 Disaster Level
【You look at this magnificent land, at the clouds in the sky.

The fire of exploration in your heart increases again, and the lamp phase +1. 】

Has the lighting phase increased...

Chen Qi touched his head, it's not bad.

There is still a lot of time to reach the Scourge Messenger Tower.

Chen Qi took advantage of the time when the game characters were advancing, entered the Traveler's Box, and sorted out the lights and blade materials that he bought in exchange.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the panel and took out the loop clothes.

Judging from the appearance, this is not so much clothes as a bunch of mysterious character decorations linked together.

Chen Qi exhaled and injected spiritual power, and the white character clothes stuck to his skin.

Once the characters were attached to the skin, there was a scorching hot feeling when it was attached, and then this feeling quickly turned into a cold feeling.

This feeling was repeated hundreds of times, and finally the "clothes" covered his upper body, and the main "characters" were concentrated in the hands, that is to say, in the hands, the circuit clothing provided the best conductivity.

As these white characters are completely attached to the body, the color of these characters gradually fades and blends with the skin.

In an instant, the body seemed to lose weight in an instant, and arrived in a brand new world, which was completely composed of spiritual power.

Chen Qi looked at the game.

[Game Reminder: You have already equipped—the clothes of the circuit. Train conductor change! 】

Chen Qi tried to run the spiritual power in his body, and with the blessing of the clothes in the loop, his body was incomparably smooth and comfortable, and the speed of the spiritual power was much faster!

"The Attachment of the Black Fire."

Chen Qi swung his fist, black flames appeared on his arms, cold and hot.

The strengthening moves originally used for weapons can also be used on his own body at this moment.

He thought about it, maybe he could call this move the Fist of Black Fire.

After equipping the Cloak of Circuits, he immediately took out the Bow of Lights and practiced this weapon.

Chen Qi found a "bow and arrow tutorial" on the pink video website to practice his bow and arrow skills.

The Bow of Lights is a large bow with a golden overall appearance. Once spiritual power is injected, bright flames will ignite on the bow.

And the arrows from the spiritual power are like a fire that is constantly burning, and once shot out, they will become extremely hot.

"Shadow Soul, come out!"

Dawn summons the Soul of Shadow.

For him who owns the blood blade meal fruit, the static target is too easy to hit.

Shadow Soul's jumping power and agility are not weak, and it happens to be a good moving target for practice.

I have to admit that the Soul of Shadow has many functions!It can be used to eat, and it can also be used to resist damage!
Chen Qi asked Shadow Soul to take an apple and started practicing.

Chen Qi shot out an arrow, directly blasting Shadow Soul's head.

"Small mistake..."

The damage of the Arrow of Light, under the blessing of the Clothes of Loop, two arrows can kill the Soul of Shadow in seconds,
Chen Qi let out a breath and let the Shadow Soul continue to run.

[You's learning progress of bow and arrow skills: 30%]

[Your learning progress of bow and arrow skills: 45%]


[Your learning progress of bow and arrow skills: 100%]

[You have completed the learning of bow and arrow, and without external interference, you can accurately hit the point you are aiming at. 】

"It's done."

Chen Qi wiped off the sweat from his head, feeling extremely refreshed.

With the blessing of Blood Blade Meal Fruit and the current physical strength, the speed of learning bow and arrow is very fast.

Chen Qi ate a piece of egg tart in the traveler's box, and looked at Xinri Game again.

Under the running of Deng Yinghu with all his strength, he has come to the natural disaster messenger tower!

Chen Qi breathed a sigh of relief. When he arrived at the Calamity Messenger Tower, he no longer had to be wary of the shadow demons at night, and could sleep well.

[The day is about to go out, you look up to the distance, on the top of the mountain, a tall black tower stands. 】

【You looked at the mountain in front of you in a little surprise. You saw the Crow Witch holding the left heel of the apprentice Scourge Messenger with her left hand, and threw the Scourge Messenger Apprentice from the height. 】

Chen Qi was taken aback, what is this doing?
[You look into the distance, and you can see the disciple of the Disaster Messenger falling from the sky. Under the severe weightlessness, she screamed loudly and waved the magic wand in her hand. In an instant, her inspiration burst out, and her spiritual power gushed out. A wind formed and caught him. 】

Chen Qi touched his chin, this should be some kind of extreme teaching method.

In other words, now Lin Yuxing has learned wind magic.


A dense flock of crows is flying towards you from the sky.

A black feather appeared in front of your eyes. The moment the black feather covered your vision, the Crow Witch stepped out from the crowd of crows and appeared in front of your eyes. 】

[The Crow Witch looked at the lamp shadow fox under your crotch, and was a little curious. She didn't know what kind of black fox it was.

After all, she is not an animal trainer, this is not her professional scope. 】

[The Crow Witch put away her doubts and looked at you:
"Long time no see, Herbal Gatherer, have you returned from the Land of Twilight? Did you go to that train, you seem a little tired."]

Chen Qi checks the panel, his game character has been running around for the past few days, and has fallen into a state of mental fatigue, he really should take a good rest.

【You didn't speak, but nodded silently, and looked up at the day that was about to go out.

You tell the Crow Witch that you wish to spend the night here. 】

【"No problem, the Scourge Messenger Tower always welcomes travelers with lights."

The Crow Witch agrees to you. A long time ago, their messengers of natural disasters have always maintained a good relationship with adventurers who are exploring outside.

It's just that because some of the adventurers' death group stepped into the path of madness, something happened between them. There were conflicts between their natural disaster messengers and many treasure hunters, home seekers, and members of the death group.

Up to now, the relationship between their Scourge Messenger and the Treasure Hunter Association has not been repaired. 】

[The Crow Witch told you that she wants to know something about textile trains. If you agree, she is willing to exchange 5 white yen. 】

[Do you agree to exchange information? 】

5 white yen...

Chen Qi pursed his lips and thought for a moment, the price is not bad.


[You got five white yen. 】

[You hide some things about yourself from the information you collected, tell the other party, and focus on some disasters. 】

【"I remember."

The Crow Witch wrote down everything you said in the notebook.

She told you that the right-eyed detective you met should be a professional sent by District 2 of Xindu to investigate the incident in Fog City.

The rumor that the treasure hunter Kano doll became an official of the Inquisition was spread by them in Xindu District 2.

This is the usual tactic used by the Xindu District 2 Investigation Committee to push all the rumors to the trial court.

The last test for entering the Tribunal is the physical and mental examination. Even if a puppet can pass the previous test, it will not be able to pass the final test. 】

Is that really a rumor?

Chen Qi continued to read.

[The Witch of the Crow thought for a moment, and said with emotion, it turned out that the Witch of the Cocoon was on the train.

The Raven Witch said that the Cocoon Witch might be a lunatic who believes in the apocalyptic puppet dance drama. She once dealt with this matter, but let her escape. 】

Is this witch of the cocoon related to the apocalypse-level disaster...

Thinking about it in the morning, on the current earth forum, disasters can be roughly divided into five levels according to their destructive power, five levels are breeze level, rainstorm level, black flood level, earth disaster level, and dead sea level.

These levels are determined by the natural disaster messenger among the players, and are formulated according to the rain of blades, rain of ghosts, tide of shadow beasts, giant land of gluttony, and sea of ​​stones that are common in the new capital.

At present, the most serious disaster that has ever occurred on the earth is no more than a torrential rain.

In addition, there will be more complex divisions later.

As for the following levels, the most commonly heard is the enlightenment level!
The revelation level is the highest level of disaster, and the four major revelations are also the four most terrifying disasters in the dark land.

It itself is synonymous with immortality, desire, and power. The daylight in the new capital is to resist the apocalypse-level disaster.

In Xindu, apocalypse-level disasters are often related to the word god.

In the new capital, the word god is rare, and most people who believe in revelation-level disasters think that they believe in gods.

Chen Qi rested his chin, and then looked at the text.

[The Crow Witch blew a whistle, and a big crow flew down from the Crow Tower:
"Herbal picker, your spiritual power is disordered, your eyes are bloodshot, you are a little tired, I wish you a good night's sleep."]

【The Crow Witch looked at Little Lantern Shadow Fox, her serious eyes sparkled.

She said hello to Little Lantern Shadow Fox at the end and said goodbye to you. She still has to teach her apprentice who came back from the brink of death. Her potential as an apprentice is not bad. 】

(End of this chapter)

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