Chapter 196 A Light Touch

Chen Qi manipulated the white dove and flew all the way towards Qixing, but soon, he felt an obvious sense of discomfort.

There is a connection between the white dove and him, and this calamity can affect him through the connection between the white dove and its power.

Some urges to read emerged in Chen Qi's mind.

However, in the dark night, he has strong mental resistance, so he is not affected much.

In the library at the moment, he has to read.

Right now, he needs to read the books in this library!
Chen Qi silently turned on the perspective to observe the books in the entire library.

With the opening of the perspective, he noticed books that were not noticed before, some details that were not noticed.

A copy of "The Temptation of the Deep Sea" has a mermaid on the cover, and the inside of the book is full of slimy tentacles.

In a book called "The Temptation of Uniforms", there is actually a set of uniforms hidden, but wearing the uniforms may not end well.

A "Late Night Food Encyclopedia", the teeth in the book are ready to move, trying to eat his little white pigeon.

Chen Qi has learned about the functions of these books in the forum. If you read the books, the content of some books will reflect the reality. For example, after reading "The Temptation of the Deep Sea", as you enter your brain, tentacles will appear around you to attack you.

All in all, these books cannot be read.

Birds need to read too!
However, most of the books are very normal. As long as it is not unlucky, most people will not have any accidents when they turn to those strange books.

Chen Qi thought for a while, Bai Ge's small body couldn't read these books.

Shadow Soul, although it is always sent to death, its attributes are far superior to ordinary people. It is not a problem to hit ten people at all, and it is not a problem to sneak in.

The Soul of Shadow appeared from his hand, and with a handsome jump, he successfully jumped into the library. This mission is not to send death and block the knife, but a noble exploration mission!
Chen Qi asked White Pigeon and Soul of Shadow to form the best tool-man duo to explore this library.

The mental attack inside has not stopped.

It is enough to deal with ordinary people, but it is far from enough to deal with Chen Qi at this moment.

Chen Qi asked the Soul of Shadow to read some books in the library, let the white dove read the books, and avoided the influence of this place as much as possible.

The Soul of Shadow is composed of a large amount of spiritual power, and its weight is extremely light, and it hardly makes any sound.

As the white pigeon flew across the corridor, the hidden aura around it became stronger and stronger.

He followed the guidance of Venus to a reading room.

Chenqi activates perspective, through the wall, to observe the scene inside.

Immediately afterwards, an unexpected scene happened before his eyes.

In the middle of the reading room, a book full of fangs is constantly opening and closing, and it continuously emits characters. Beside the book, there are a group of players constantly flipping through blank books.

They are all rookies!

How come there are so many newcomers!
Chen Qi counted, and there were at least thirty players, including the round glasses.

Immediately afterwards, the text popped up in the Xinri game.

[You have encountered a catastrophe: the book of cannibalism.

Nature: book, blade.

Rating: 16
Description: Born in the hands of a maniac swordsman, he longed for the pen in his hand to be able to manipulate everyone's diary. (This book is the core of the library.)
Ability: As long as you read a blank book next to the book, your memory will be continuously written into the book, and others can rewrite the corresponding memory by rewriting the book.

Blood volume: 3/10000.]

This is the core of this library...

But the blood volume is too low...

Chen Qi stroked his chin and scanned the newcomers. These players were obviously regarded as some kind of nourishment.

Their eyes were bloodshot, their faces were dull, and they obviously seemed to have stepped into the madness of calligraphy.

On the side, someone was obviously watching these ordinary people.

However, unexpectedly, a group of unexpected people appeared in front of him.

It was the people in white robes from the relative-eater base, the former crows, and some players who were exterminated on the forum.

The high-level players here are all players who failed the mission of the Holy Disaster Association. It seems that they have found new jobs after encountering the Waterloo of their lives.

At this moment, the white-robed man's hair was completely white, and his eyes lost their light, like a robot maintaining his work.

Chen Qi was a little surprised, his fate with this white-robed man was really deep.

As this group of new players flipped through, the contents of the books in their hands gradually became richer, and their memories and spirits were constantly being damaged.

A high-level monitor looked at the young women of the new players and licked their tongues:

"Boss in white robe, this way we can change the memory, maybe we can..."

The man in the white robe responded coldly.

"Shut up, do your job, don't think about anything."

The people in white robes have the highest status here.

At this moment, Chen Qi is already able to check the opponent's panel, the opponent's level is 23, a level that cannot be underestimated!


Chen Qi observed the man in the white robe through the wall. Because of the disaster, he had to keep flipping through the books. His concentration was greatly reduced, and he failed to notice the black shadow at the door.

A long root like a blood vessel protruded from the page of the blood-eating book, but soon, the blood vessel fell in mid-air.

"Holy book, calm down!"

Immediately, everyone leaned over one after another, helping the book's terrifying veins.

They start chatting:

"Hey, boss in white robe, do you think the person contacted by the woman with glasses will show up?"

The man in the white robe kept flipping through the books in his hand, and said calmly:
"No, the other party will not step into such an obvious trap and do their job well."

The man in the white robe knew that although his level was similar to that of an investigator, his strength was not at the same level.

Everyone heard the words of the man in white robe and continued their work, using this disaster to change the memory of these novice players.

Chen Qi took a deep breath and listened to their conversation.

They want to use this disaster to change the memory of these players, change them to "Mission Impossible", and then use this to turn them into players of the Holy Calamity Association!
As long as they do this, they will have a group of absolutely obedient players!

But it's a pity, because this disaster is too weak, it is useless to people above the tenth level, and it is also very easy to break.

Therefore, they can only attack these newcomers.

Taking advantage of this catastrophe...

However, Chen Qi has read related books in the natural disaster library, and the disaster can indeed be used, but most of the cases are playing with fire and self-immolation.

Disasters lack emotion, devouring the world is their eternal purpose!
A black flood-level disaster, if it is not weak at the moment, its power is enough to spread to the entire city in an instant.

"But this blood volume is too low..."

Chen Qi looked at the cannibal book again. It was a disaster that should not have appeared at this time, and its blood volume was like a candle in the wind.

It can be killed with a single touch.

After the memory of the last person was changed, the man in white robe stood up and said:
"It's almost there. The power of the Holy Book in front of us is too weak. If you change too many memories, they will become stupid. Let them go back. This time the mission is for Master Renshu. We must do it well..."

Following the order of the man in white robe, these newcomers walked out like robots.

These people looked at this group of newcomers who went out obediently. This is no better than the method of kidnapping and torture by the crows. This is the powerful power of Lord Renshu!
The losers of the Holy Disaster Association smiled. Although they are miserable now, working under the monster of Renshu, in the future, these players will be their slaves!

As Master Renshu said, this is the holy book that changed their destiny.

They talked, as long as Master Renshu's ultimate plan can be implemented, and he can summon and control the fourth-level Dead Sea-level catastrophe, each of them will become the new strongest player!
The man in the white robe clapped his hands, he was not interested in the operation mode of this crow group:

"It's time to salute."

When everyone heard the words of the man in white robe, they knelt down and bowed to the cannibal book.

Renshu has told you to keep respecting the holy book of Heihong level!
Damn it!The man in the white robe didn't salute immediately, and cursed secretly in his heart. If this continues, he will become a puppet of Renshu's subordinates sooner or later.

The aura of disaster here is too strong, so strong that spiritual vision and perception are not easy to use...

Chen Qi licked his tongue, that book of cannibalism might be useful, its blood volume is really too low.

Too little to resist touching it.

With just a light touch, this black flood disaster center will be destroyed!

Chen Qi observed from a distance, looked around, and manipulated the Mist Swordsman so that he could use the Boots of Remnant Shadow to leave here at any time.

They are blessed by this calamity, and they will also be terrified by this calamity.

"Thank you holy book!"

"Thank you holy book!"

"Thank you holy book!"

A steady stream of voices came!
They believe that as long as they can use the full power of awakening this book, they can also gain the ability to change the memory of others!

The man in white robe closed his eyes, and in the next moment, his heart stopped suddenly!
A black figure appeared beside their holy book!
The man in the white robe decisively checked the attributes of this black figure, and his attributes were not high, just below him.

Everyone raised their heads one after another, and their hearts suddenly cooled down.

In their eyes at this moment, the Soul of Shadow is like a demon god returning from hell, holding their hearts.

Chen Qi manipulated the Soul of Shadow to pick up the book, as if something was involved.

The blood volume of their Holy Book dropped a bit, by a third!

Chen Qi looked at the instant drop in blood volume, and frowned, this "book of hostages" was too fragile.

(End of this chapter)

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