blood record

Chapter 1 Grandmaster

Huaxia, Meicheng, this is a highly commercialized city. People in the 21st century adhere to the concept that time is money, and their footsteps on the street are always in such a hurry, as if they never stop.

A beautiful girl in a green blouse walked into a high-end restaurant, and the people in the restaurant immediately set their sights on this young and beautiful girl, not for anything else, but because this girl is so beautiful, And there is a youthful vitality exuding from his whole body.

"It's so beautiful. It's even more beautiful than those stars on TV. It looks like it's only about twenty. How come there is such a beautiful girl in Meicheng, I don't know?"

Someone exclaimed, this is a high-end restaurant, and the people who can enter here must at least have assets, and in the entire Meicheng, they are all successful people.

A middle-aged man next to him curled his lips and said: "You don't even know this big sister? Tell you, don't think about this big sister, do you know who she is? That's Lin Shan, the granddaughter of the chairman of Longteng Group, You weigh your own weight." [

"Longteng Group? Is it a super group in the top [-] of the world's top [-]? And it's one of the few privately owned Fortune [-] companies in China. Tsk tsk, it's no wonder she's so beautiful, and no one came to talk to her."

The man clicked his tongue in admiration and shook his head slightly. He can't afford to offend the eldest daughter of the Longteng Group. For such a large enterprise, all his wealth and property can be wiped out in an instant with just a finger movement.

Lin Shan came to the box, opened the door, and immediately put the digital camera that had been prepared to the outside. In the picture, there was a young man in a Chinese tunic suit. People who still wear a Chinese tunic suit in this day and age are simply monsters, so People who came and went in front of this man all looked at him curiously.

Not far from the restaurant is a park. This man sat cross-legged in front of the fountain in the park, his eyes slightly closed, as if an old monk had settled down, and the people who came and went were no longer surprised by it. He was taking pictures with the camera, but the man didn't stop him.

"It's so strange, why did Yang Yi stay in front of the fountain for three days? And he was still so motionless, like a monk or priest." Lin Shan blinked her beautiful big eyes, and looked curiously at the man below.

She has been following this man named Yang Yi for more than ten days. Lin Shan still knew Yang Yi in an ordinary long-distance bus.

Although Lin Shan is the eldest daughter of Longteng Group, she likes to take risks and adventures, and likes to run around the country with a camera. This time, she got on a long-distance bus on the way back. Here comes the robbers.

It was the mysterious Yang Yi who saved the whole car. That slightly thin figure was like a god, and it was deeply imprinted in Lin Shan's mind. She became very interested in this superb man. No matter how hard she tried, the man only said a few words to him, like a block of wood and ice, the only information she got was the man's name, Yang Yi.

Yang Yi's name was as weird as his person. Suddenly, Yang Yi, who had been sitting quietly in the park for three hours, suddenly opened his eyes, looking thoughtfully at the place where Lin Shan was.

"Oh, did he find me?" Lin Shan quickly closed her mouth and hid in the box by herself.

"How could you find out? It's five miles away from the park!"

Lin Shan thought it was impossible. From such a long distance, if she hadn't kept observing, how could she find the person hiding in the box, so Lin Shan got up again, looked into the park quietly, but found out that The park is already empty, where is Yang Yi's shadow?

Just when Lin Shan was annoyed, in an inconspicuous corner of the park, there were also two ordinary-dressed men with surprise on their faces.

The two men took out their phones and whispered: "Captain, Yang Yi is lost!"

In a villa, various sophisticated instruments are placed in the spacious room, and more than a dozen people are busy working on the complicated instruments.These people are the elite members of the ninth group of the Huaxia Security Bureau. Usually they are the elite team to deal with all kinds of major emergencies, but today they seem to be hiding in the villa here as if they are facing a big enemy.

The leading captain put down the phone. Just now, the team members called and said that Yang Yi had lost him. He could only smile wryly.

"You all come back, don't follow him anymore, you can't follow him either."

"But Captain, we..."

"Come back and obey orders!" [

Captain Wei Wei looked very serious, took out the phone and broadcast a mysterious call: "Director, it is now confirmed that Yang Yi has come to Meicheng and has been here for three days."

"Okay, don't act rashly, find out his purpose, it's best to take it down in one fell swoop, if it doesn't work, you can solve it on the spot, and never let him cause huge harm!"

"Yes, Chief!"

Putting down the phone, the captain looked a little lonely. All this seemed to be a dream. A month ago, the dangerous person who was chasing after him with all his strength was still one of his capable generals.

One month ago, a major event happened in Neon Country. The founder of the famous Yiben group company, Yamamoto, was assassinated.Yamamoto is not only a businessman, but also a public figure with great reputation in the Neon country, and also has a close relationship with the Neon political circle. Yamamoto's death almost caused a major earthquake in the Neon domestic political circle, and even caused a sensation in the whole world.

And all of this has something to do with Yang Yi.

The Ninth Team of the Security Bureau was ordered to carry out a mission in the Neon country. Successfully escaped under the siege of a group of colleagues.

That's not to mention, Yang Yi seemed to be crazy, assassinating all kinds of people crazily in the Neon country, but if you investigate carefully, you will find that all these people participated in a comprehensive attack decades ago. war of aggression.

Neon China even dispatched the ace agent Sakura Duo. These two people are said to have never missed a shot, and their combat effectiveness can be rated as "terrorist". However, they were both found dead on the pier in the end. The secret was spread, the reputation was shaken, and he was rated as "God".

The fighting power of ordinary people is at the ordinary level, and the trained special forces or special agents are at the master level. Some national martial arts masters are also at the master level, and those above the master level are at the terror level. .

And the god level is a real humanoid monster, who has truly stood at the peak of manpower, and there are no more than ten such people in the world.

It can be said that Yang Yi will be rated as the highest level of terror wherever he goes. Even if the security team finds out, they can't act rashly. Can't do it.Otherwise, even a country will have a headache.

"Captain, Yang Yi can be called a god. With his methods, he must be able to know that we are coming, so why is he still here?"

The captain looked into the void, his right hand was trembling slightly, as if he was muttering to himself: "Because there is still a god level in Meicheng!"

In a courtyard, Yang Yi just stood quietly in the courtyard, a slight breeze blew by, and a leaf fluttered down gently.


As soon as Yang moved, it was like a ferocious beast, with a strong aura erupting from his whole body, his fists shook into the void, and the air seemed to be shaken apart, like water, and he was able to see Layer after layer of ripples.

"Perfect, this is the level of a master of martial arts. You can perfectly control your own qi and blood. If you condense it, it will be uncontrollable. It's like overwhelming the mountains! It's a pity that I didn't replenish my qi and blood. It's too late to replenish it now." , otherwise my strength will be several times stronger!"

Yang Yi shook his head slightly, with regret in his eyes.

He walked into the house gently, and there was a spiritual tablet under the dim light.

Yang Yi took out a piece of paper from his pocket, on which the names were densely written, but each name was marked with a red line.Yang lit the paper, watched it burn into ashes, and knelt in front of the spiritual tablet: "Father, I have already avenged you. The culprits who killed your relatives are dead. None of the names on the list are alive."

This spiritual seat is the spiritual seat of Yang Yi's adoptive father. [

Yang Yi still clearly remembered that they were adopted by their adoptive father. From the first row to the thirteenth, they all followed their master's surname Yang. Yang Yi was the first one, so they were called Yang Yi.

The master taught them martial arts, from cultivating various methods of killing to cultivating their cold emotions, but he treated them like his own sons.Later, the master sent five of them away, saying that they were unqualified, and there were only eight left, including Yang Yi.

Yang Yi was the most talented, and his achievements even surpassed that of his adoptive father. Later, before his death, his adoptive father gave Yang Yi and the eight others a list of all the enemies who killed his adoptive father in the war.After the war ended, these people also returned to the country, but they were not punished as they should be, so the adoptive father adopted orphans and taught them martial arts and killing techniques, just to avenge his adoptive father.

However, after the adoptive father died, the times have changed, there is no more war, everyone wants to live a peaceful life, except for Yang Yi, the others have given up the dying entrustment of the adoptive father and become ordinary people, Lived a normal life, only Yang Yi, he did not forget his adoptive father's entrustment, so he entered the No. [-] safety team, and kept forbearing, in order to have the opportunity to get close to Yamamoto one day and fulfill his foster father's entrustment.

"Father, I fulfilled your entrustment and avenged you! Originally, the Sakura Duo was about to kill me, but I made a breakthrough between life and death, and I truly became a martial arts master. Later, I killed the Sakura Duo Group, when I came here, the people from Group Nine are following me, I have always known it. After completing your task, I have only one wish, to see if there is still a legendary road after Grandmaster, so I still have to follow A duel between a martial arts master in Meicheng. Whether it is life or death, this is my only wish..."

Yang Yi sat cross-legged on the ground again. Since he reached the realm of a master, he can control the flow of Qi and blood, and even control the reverse flow of Qi and blood, bursting out with unparalleled strength in an instant. A self-created trick, but this is also a trick that kills three thousand enemies and hurts eight hundred. If the blood flows against him, he will also be seriously injured.

He named his own one move "Reverse Kill".

On the second day, Yang Yi wore a Chinese tunic suit and walked down the street in high spirits.Strange to say, although the Chinese tunic suit was once a mainstream costume in China, it is a history after all. If you wear it now, it will look very rustic, but it seems to be natural when you wear it on Yang Yi. Pedestrians are full of praise.

"Emperor Garden Villas"

This is a group of standard-level villas for the rich. The people who live here are either rich or expensive, and they are all people of great status.

Yang Yi was walking outside the villas when suddenly a familiar voice came from behind.

"Yang Yi?"

Yang Yi turned around, still vaguely remembering that it was this girl who kept patting him from behind these past few days. With Yang Yi's experience in the Security Bureau for more than ten years, he didn't know, but Just ignored it.

"Why are you here? Let's go, you saved me last time, I haven't thanked you yet, there is a coffee shop not far away, please drink coffee!"

Lin Shan looked very happy, took Yang Yi's hand, regardless of Yang Yi's willingness, and directly pulled Yang Yi to the coffee shop not far away.

This is a very chic coffee shop, there are no people in it, it looks very quiet.

Lin Shan looked dignified and generous, looked at Yang Yi's appearance and said, "You don't look very old, are you still in college?"

Yang Yi couldn't help but smile bitterly, he shook his head lightly and said: "You don't have to thank me for what happened last time, anyone who encounters such a thing will take action."

Lin Shan saw that Yang's eyes lit up as soon as he mentioned what happened last time, and asked hurriedly, "You are really amazing. Last time, there were four gangsters with knives, and they were all easily brought down by you with your bare hands. Are you Didn't you practice martial arts?"

"I am a martial artist!"

Yang Yi thought of his adoptive father. His adoptive father was a famous martial artist, but later he forbeared it. Yang Yi's martial arts were also taught by his foster father.

"Wow, martial artist, what do you practice? Xingyi? Bagua? Or Tai Chi? I have learned Tai Chi before."

As soon as Lin Shan talked about it, she couldn't stop talking about it. In fact, Yang Yi involved everything a little bit. Who can cultivate to a martial arts master without learning from others' strengths?The adoptive father taught gossip, but later in the safety nine group, Yang Yi learned various martial arts, and they really blended together and became a master of martial arts.

Just like that, after listening to Lin Shan's endless talk, Yang Yi stood up and said to Lin Shan: "Okay, it's getting late, I have something to do, see you next time. By the way, later Don't follow me anymore!"

Lin Shan blushed for a while. She thought she was doing it very secretly, but she didn't expect Yang to know about it a long time ago.

Yang Yi walked out of the coffee shop, but his eyes narrowed slightly, and he found two sneaky people around the coffee shop.

"These people are not from Group Nine, they are not following me."

Yang Yi used to be an elite in the No. [-] Security Group, so he made a judgment immediately.

"These people are monitoring Lin Shan. Her grandfather is the chairman of the Longteng Group. Someone took the risk to get her idea!"

There was a murderous look in Yang's eyes. He also thought Lin Shan was cute, but he didn't allow her to suffer any harm.So quietly approached the sneaky two people.


The two of them didn't realize Yang Yi's sudden attack at all, and the two of them reacted very quickly, pulling out two pistols in their arms immediately.

"Huh? Got a gun?"

Yang Yi raised his eyebrows, and his cold face showed a trace of murderous intent. It is very difficult for ordinary people in China to snatch it, even for gangsters. China has done a good job in controlling guns.The two actually had guns, Yang Yi knew it was not easy.


The two were about to point at Yang Yi, but when their eyes blurred and their hands loosened, their guns were caught by Yang Yi in an instant, so fast that they didn't even see their eyes.

In front of the two of them, Yang Yi turned the two guns into a mess in an instant, and threw them directly on the ground, shocking people's hearts.

"Say, who are you? What's your plan to follow Lin Shan?"

The eyes of the two men hesitated, and Yang Yi punched one of them in an instant, smashing his head into paste and dying.

The other person was trembling with fright, and tremblingly said: "Don't kill me, I said, Mr. Du Chuan asked us to monitor Lin Shan."

Yang's eyes turned cold: "Is it the Neon man?"

"Yes, Mr. Du Chuan is the general manager of the Huaxia District of Dongtian Group. At present, Dongtian Group has a big business relationship with Longteng Group. The two sides can't reach an agreement, so Mr. Du Chuan asked us to catch Lin Shan ..."

You don't need to ask later to know that the despicable tricks used by the people of the Neon country, they use these dirty and despicable methods to achieve the goals that cannot be achieved in business.


Yang Yi gently twisted the opponent's neck, and he didn't have a good impression of the Nihong people.

"Dongtian Group is involved, and it's also related to Lin Shan. That's all, the captain must be able to solve this matter!" Yang Yi casually dialed a phone number, and didn't speak, just kept connected.

The No. [-] security team immediately got busy, and the technician immediately reported: "Captain, I found it. The location of the phone is in a coffee shop outside the Emperor Garden Villa. Captain, the signal has disappeared."

"Captain, what should we do? Send someone over there?"

The captain's face was serious, and he said in a low voice: "Yang Yi wants to tell us something through this method, of course he must send someone there, and he must be quick!"

Yang Yi stared at the time on the phone, and murmured: "It should be enough for the captain to find me. Well, it should be very lively here, today is not suitable for challenging, come back tomorrow!"

Turning off the phone, Yang Yishun took out the calling card from the phone and threw it on the side of the road. He knew that if the calling card was not lost, his "colleagues" would find him soon.

Just after Yang Yi left, people from the No. [-] security team came and found two dead bodies around the coffee shop.

"Captain, after investigation, the two corpses are employees of Dongtian Group, and the scrap iron on the ground has also been inspected. It should be two pistols, and there are fingerprints of these two corpses and Yang Yi's. Fingerprints, these two pistols were directly twisted into this shape by powerful force."

This team member still looked at the ball of twist on the table with some palpitations. It was really shocking to be able to knead a piece of steel into such a shape with his hands. He was a newcomer, and he had heard of Yang Yi's reputation before. Some didn't think it was true, but when he saw this ball of mahua, he realized that the people in the team were still so modest. Yang Yi could only be described as a monster. Every god-level person is not An absolute monster.

The captain frowned and said, "Dongtian Group? Check, what's going on?"

"Captain, I have already checked. Dongtian Group and Longteng Group have a business relationship worth tens of billions of dollars, but recently the two groups have been unable to reach a satisfactory result on this issue. Through monitoring, the two The people of Nihong Country have been sneaking around with the eldest sister of the Lin family."

The captain said angrily: "Hmph, these devils dare to use such indecent tricks even now! Although this matter is not under the control of our ninth team, since Longteng Group and Nihong are involved, we must immediately report to the director. report!"

The team member said loudly: "Yes! But captain, shall we continue to investigate Yang Yi's whereabouts? He just showed up in the coffee shop, so there must be some purpose. Are we..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the captain wave his hand and said, "No need, I already know where he is going!"

The captain looked into the void, and murmured in a low voice: "Yang Yi, are you really going to find that person?"

Just after dawn, Yang Yi had already started to practice martial arts in the courtyard. Every movement of his body was done extremely carefully, and if the weight was lifted lightly, even the bluestone floor on the ground would be smashed to pieces when it should be heavy. Not even a single leaf will be crushed.


The strenuous exercise made Yang Yi sweat profusely, feeling extra refreshed.

After putting on his clothes, Yang Yi once again placed a stick of incense in front of the adoptive father's spiritual tablet.

"Father, maybe this is the last time I will offer incense to you, but I still have to go, this is my only wish, maybe after I go, I will go with you..."

Gently closed the courtyard Yang Yi went straight to the Diyuan villas.

Today's villa complex seemed very quiet, there were no guards outside, Yang Yi had sharp eyes, saw the figure hidden behind the house, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, but did not stop, but walked into the villa complex.

The villa is very big. Walk 500 meters ahead. This is a classical Chinese villa with a quiet layout. You will feel refreshed in front of this villa.

In front of the villa, there was an old man also wearing a Chinese tunic suit.The old man looked very thin, the sun was faintly bulging, his face was rosy, and his spirit looked hale and hearty.

Seeing the old man, Yang Yi nodded slightly, and said to the old man, "Old Li!"

This old Li is exactly the purpose of Yang Yilai today. This is the legendary guard who saved the leaders of China several times in the flames of war. He is also one of the only two martial arts masters in China.

Old Li said indifferently: "Yang Yi, I know everything about you."

Yang Yi was unmoved and said: "I also know about Mr. Li's deeds."

Mr. Li was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly laughed loudly: "Haha, good, good, good! Attacking people first attacks the heart, yes, yes, it is true that fists are afraid of being young, just looking at this momentum, I am afraid that today's old bones will lose their strength." It's going to be planted here."

The conversation between the two was actually a battle, but it was just a tactic to attack the heart.

"Old Li, I want to know, what is above the Grand Master?"

"Above the master is Xu, people are people, there will be no other."

"But I want to know, if I want to try it myself, is there a way beyond the master?"

"Young man, there is no way, there is no way above the master..."

"I still want to try, Mr. Li, this is my only wish, and it is also the wish of our martial masters!"

The two asked and answered, as if they were talking about Zen, which made others puzzled.


Yang Yi went straight to attack Mr. Li, and there was no sign, it was just as quiet as a virgin and moving like a rabbit, the blood all over his body was rushing to his fist, if you looked carefully, Yang Yi's fist seemed to have swelled a little, This is the reason why Qi and blood are full.

With this punch, even a burst of anger was punched out, so fierce.

"Okay, good time!"

At this time, Mr. Li seemed to be rejuvenated, his body became lighter and lighter, and his whole body burst out with a terrifying aura that was different from usual, and he stomped hard on the ground with one foot.


The ground was shaking, as if there was an earthquake, and the villa was shaking from side to side. This was just a step by Mr. Li.

"Oh my god, is this still a human? It's really terrifying. Could it be that this is a god level?"

"God level, that is already the limit of the human body. Do you now know why our ninth group has been holding back? If such a terrifying person cannot be captured in one fell swoop, how terrible the consequences will be?"

The members of the nine groups hiding in the dark all opened their eyes wide, full of disbelief.

Of course, there are also many armed police deployed in the nearby villa. These armed police are fully armed, as if they are facing an enemy. The people in the villa are also shocked to see this battle that does not belong to humans.

The closest thing to Mr. Li's villa was a huge western-style villa. More than a dozen armed police were deployed in the villa to protect the owner of the villa inside.

Lin Shan was among them. She blinked her big eyes and looked at the battle between the two outside in disbelief, as if she forgot to take the camera.

"Is this Yang Yi? So he is such a powerful person."

Lin Shan stared obsessively at Yang Yi who was like a whirlwind. The shadow of this man who had only seen a few times seemed to have been deeply engraved in her heart, which would never be erased...

Yang Yi and Li Lao, the two master-level characters, fully unleashed their fists and feet. With a punch, the hard wall would be pierced, and with a foot, no matter how hard the ground was, it would be pierced.

On the ground, within a radius of tens of meters, the hard marble is densely packed with spider web-like cracks, vividly interpreting how terrifying the limit of human power is.


Yang Yi and Mr. Li bumped into each other hard, and then retreated abruptly. The two fisted each other, no less than thousands of blows. They are both god-level figures and masters of martial arts. It is not that simple to tell the winner between them.


Yang Yi exhaled softly, looked at Mr. Li calmly, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Li, it is my only wish to fight with you. This move is my own creation, and its power is astonishing. I named it Reverse Kill!"

"Reverse killing? Self-created, good, good, good!"

Mr. Li also seemed extraordinarily excited. For so many years, he had never met a martial artist who could fight him so heartily.

Martial arts practitioners are always full of enthusiasm. Although Li Lao is not a senior, he is still a standard martial artist.

"Reverse killing!"

There was a flash of determination in Yang's eyes, and he controlled his blood with the strength of a master.


The qi and blood flowed backwards, and the heart stopped in an instant, as if it was about to explode. It was like a high-speed roulette, which stopped or even reversed in an instant. How much power would this generate?

This force was immeasurable, blood flowed from the seven orifices of Yang Yi, he looked ferocious and terrifying, he punched Old Li.

This punch had already surpassed the limit, the air seemed to be forcibly compressed, and Fa Zai made a sound of air explosion, this punch had already surpassed the Grandmaster, even Li Lao was moved by it.

Time stood still, and when the two fists collided, Elder Li had already closed his eyes. He clearly knew that the terrifying power of Yang Yi's fist was beyond his ability to resist.

To practice martial arts, you have to be enlightened. Either beating someone to death, or being beaten to death, don’t choose. Elder Li has no regrets at all. He already has this awareness...

His punch was only symbolic.

However, in an instant, a big mouthful of blood spurted out in front of Mr. Li, his body didn't feel any pain, but his fist landed on Yang Yi's body, instantly shattering his ribs and internal organs.


Mr. Li looked at Yang Yi in shock, with his master's observation ability, why didn't he know what was going on?At the last moment, Yang Yi restrained his strength and did not hit him.

Yang Yi's face was already pale at this time, he looked into Elder Li's room with a wry smile, and said indifferently: "Captain, it is the most shameful death for a martial artist!"

"So, I will never die under my child!"

Open it up, and it is the captain of the No. [-] security team, as well as the members of the No. [-] team who are armed with guns.

"Yang Yi..."

The captain opened his mouth, but was still speechless.

"Old Li, I still haven't seen the road above the Grandmaster, maybe, there really isn't one..."

Yang Yi's body softened in an instant, and the gleam in his eyes also faded. He didn't see whether there was a way above the Grand Master until the end of his life.

Yang Yi had already planned from the very beginning that his life would end here, and to maintain the dignity of a martial artist, he would never die under his care.

Grandmaster Yang Yi is dead, and in another world, another brand new Yang Yi will bring the regrets of this life to seek the ultimate in a vast world beyond his imagination, where, Grandmaster, is just the beginning...

[The new book is officially uploaded, I hope everyone will collect it and vote, Lao Yue is very grateful!Thank you for your support! 】! ~!

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