blood record

Chapter 100 Destroy You Full Door [6th Update 5th Update]

"Senior, Sister Liu is locked up here."

This is a room, and there are guards outside, and the cultivation of these guards is not low, and all of them are at the sixth level of blood coagulation.

These guards saw the third son coming, but did not show any respect. The third son's face was also angry, but it was hidden in his eyes. These sons would also fight in private, just like those princes and grandchildren in the secular world. , will fight secretly for their own status and interests.

Obviously, the relationship between the eldest son and the third son is not harmonious, so even these guards will not give the third son a good look.

Regardless of their grievances, Yang Yi's 99 drops of blood erupted in an instant, and with a big hand, the terrifying force directly grabbed the three guards, without the slightest resistance. [

"Tell me, is Liu Jing in there?"

"Bold, this is the third son of Tianshan Mountain, colluded with outsiders, we have to sue the Lord, we want to..."

Before he finished speaking, Yang Yi stretched his hand directly into his heart, grabbing out a living heart, and the guard died instantly.

"I don't want to listen to nonsense, say, is Liu Jing in there?"

Seeing the fresh heart in Yang Yi's hands, the guards were so frightened that their faces turned blue and their mouths were trembling. When they heard Yang Yi's question, they hurriedly said: "Today, the Lord asked the eldest son to go, and the eldest son also brought Sister Liu along. past."


Yang Yi's eyes were cold, and his strength exploded, directly killing the two guards, and the heart of the third young master who was watching by the side was shattered.

"Hmph, since we've already arrived at Tianshan Mountain, I don't care much, and I don't bother to look for it. Right here, I want them to send Liu Jing out obediently."

Yang Yi took a deep breath, and flew up into the sky violently, the power of 99 drops of blood was instantly released, the huge power rippled circle after circle even in the void, it was terrifying.

Yang Yi shouted to the surroundings: "People from Tianshan, get Liu Jing out, otherwise, today, I, Yang Yi, will kill Tianshan to the ground, destroying all of you.

Chi Luoluo's threats are so direct and domineering.

That's not all, Yang Yi stretched out his hand slightly, and directly grabbed the medium-grade magic weapon, the Xingxing Sword, from the ring, and suffocating power shone from it.

"If you don't j, that's the end, Mie Man

Yang Yi's heart beat violently, 99 drops of blood burst out roaring like a gust of wind, and the Xingxing Sword was even more ferocious, forming a hundred-foot-large sword light in the sky, fiercely illuminating this courtyard Cut down.


The sword qi surged and splashed everywhere, causing landslides and ground cracks, like an earthquake.

The smoke and dust cleared, and the courtyard had been completely razed to the ground. Not only that, there were dozens of monks in the courtyard, all of whom were cut into paste by the terrifying sword energy, and died completely.

All the monks in the Tianshan Mountain could feel such a big movement, and suddenly, a powerful force erupted from a distance.

The breaths of the eighth level of blood coagulation, the seventh level of blood coagulation, and the ninth level of blood coagulation are different, and so many breaths are all gathered together. [

Even if Liu Yundang grabbed the third son, he asked fiercely, "Tell me, why are there so many powerful monks in Tianshan today?"

It is difficult to see even a master of the seventh level of blood coagulation on weekdays, but today, they gathered together. If there is nothing wrong, no one will believe it.

Seeing Yang Yi's divine power, the third son trembled and said, "Today is my father's [-]th birthday, so all the lords who are good friends with my father and even some monks from Tianyan have come here."

"Dare to play tricks on me, court death!"

Yang Yi didn't understand that the third son seemed to be afraid of death, but in fact he led Yang Yi and the others into a trap, so he patted the third son into a mess with his hands .

After killing the third son, those powerful auras also rushed over quickly, good guy, there were more than ten experts with blood coagulation level above seven in front of Yang Yi all of a sudden.

One of the middle-aged men with a strange face and sharp eyes just glanced at the corpse of the third son underground, and said coldly: "Who the hell are you? How dare you come here to act wildly, do you know where this is?"

Yang Yi laughed loudly: "I, Yang Yi, will do what I say. If you don't get Liu Jing out of Xia Sheng today, Yang will wash Tianshan with blood."

"Bold, you are courting death for making such wild words, Brother Xia, let me clean up this lunatic for you."

Suddenly, a Void Core expert with seventh level of coagulation blood sprang out from inside, stretched out his hand to grab Yang Yi, the howling wind showed his powerful strength, which was definitely beyond the reach of ordinary Void Core experts.

There was a sinister smile on Yang Yi's face, his heart skipped a beat, 99 drops of blood erupted in an instant, and he shouted: "It's okay to say nothing, but today I'll let you see my thunder technique, so you can know how powerful I am, Yang Yi! Thousand Heavy Hands, die!"

Yang Yi pointed his hands directly at the master of Xudan, and the violent power burst out instantly, and the two sides collided with each other, and the crackling sound was endless.


The two figures parted, a large and fresh heart was exposed above the heart of the master of virtual alchemy, and it was in Yang Yi's hand. Yang Yi looked at the many masters in front of him playfully, and lightly exerted force on his hand.


The fresh heart was directly crushed, and the blood flowed out. This is a bloody method, which makes people feel chills at first sight.

"How is it? Xia Sheng, why don't you j?"

Yang Yi looked around at the crowd, Xia Sheng was the Lord of Tianshan.


Everyone only felt a tremor on the ground, and a man in yellow robe came straight from behind, his face was pale, and he said sharply: "Okay, okay, I, Xia Sheng, have never met such a person who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, now Only by killing you can I wash away the shame of Tianshan Mountain!"

This person is Tianshan Lord Xia Sheng.

Xia Sheng was about to make a move, when suddenly a voice came from behind: "Slow down, brother Xia, don't be impatient, brother Yang is a disciple of Hualong Palace?"

Yang Ding took a closer look, he was an unbelievably handsome young man, but the power contained in his body would not let people look at him in the slightest.

"That's right, I'm a Hualong Palace disciple, so what?"

The young man smiled slightly and said: "I am Tianyan's disciple An Shiren. Hualong Palace and I, Tianyan, have always been in harmony with each other. Why? Is brother Yang going to break this rule?"

Yang Yi laughed loudly: "Joke, when did I, Yang Yi, be bound by the rules? In a word, if Liu Jing is not exposed, I will wash Tianshan with blood."

An Shiren is also Tianyan's genius disciple. He has cultivated to the Golden Core, and he is already preparing to transform into a figure. How could he bear Yang Yi's arrogance, so he flew out suddenly, and said coldly: "Toast!" If you don't eat fine wine, you are a sixth-layer disciple, how dare you act presumptuously here? If you want to die, then I will help you!"

An Shiren punched from the air, and the surrounding air seemed to be compressed, one after another, showing the marvelousness of his martial arts. ! ~!

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