blood record

Chapter 104 The Cursed Land

"Hmph, let's see how you escape?" An Shitang showed a sinister smile on his face, and he would be able to catch up with Yang Yi in a few breaths of time. He wished he could peel Yang Yi's tendons to vent his hatred.

Yang Yi was anxious in his heart, he looked down at the sky, he didn't know how far away it was from Hualong Palace, if he continued to escape, he would not be able to escape from Hualong Palace at all.

"No, I can't escape like this!"

There was a flash of light in Yang's eyes, and he turned around abruptly, the Star Slashing Sword in his hand rose suddenly, exuding a sharp aura.

"Phantom of the Nine Palaces, Slashing the Stars and Breaking the Moon!" [

Yang Yi's figure suddenly turned into nine, and 99 drops of jng blood were instantly activated, coupled with the horror of the Star Slashing Sword, the formed power could not even be seen by An Shitang.


The huge force split the mountain and shattered the void, until An Shitang's face was ashen.

But when the smoke and dust cleared, Yang Yi had already disappeared, and he didn't know where he fled to.

"Damn it, you can't escape, scheming son." An Shitang quickly chased after him.

In this way, when An Shitang was about to approach, Yang Yi used means to delay An Shitang's hot pursuit. After chasing and fleeing like this, he had no direction at all, and even Yang Yi didn't know where he fled to at this time. .

In front of Yang Yi, there is an endless mountain, but in the middle of the mountain, there is a very strange mountain, this mountain faintly looks like a skull.

But when Yang Yi's eyes looked at this mountain, it seemed that there was a voice, a kind of power, telling him to fly towards this mountain.

"Yang Yi, I'm going to tear your corpse into ten thousand pieces. You will die... What? Son, you can't go in, it's a cursed place, son, come back, come back quickly, or you will die and be buried!"

An Shitang was shocked. He didn't expect that Yang Yi escaped here by accident, and was still fleeing towards that terrifying place.

Hearing An Shitang's voice, Yang Yi also gradually stopped, turned around and looked at An Shitang, his eyes flickered with excitement: "An Shitang, don't you dare to come over? Haha, no matter what is ahead Where, as long as you don’t dare to go, I, Yang Yi, will go. Are you talking about this Skull Mountain? Haha, An Shitang, are there any other places you can’t go as a majestic transformation master? Haha!”

As soon as Yang turned around, he flew towards this weird mountain. An Shitang behind him had an uncertain expression on his face, but he was struggling in his heart.

"The cursed land, this is the cursed land, all the monks who enter will be cursed, and will perish in it forever..."

An Shitang's eyes flickered, he was very afraid of this mountain, it can be said that this cursed place is a forbidden place.

In this star, there are also forbidden places, these forbidden places, even the top masters of these sects are afraid of them, and dare not understand them in depth.

Seeing that Yang Yi was getting further and further away, An Shiyi gritted his teeth and shouted in a low voice: "Hmph, if I don't go in, I will stop you before then!"

Although the reputation of this cursed place made An Shitang extremely afraid, a middle-grade magic weapon was still worth letting An Shitang take a risk.


Suddenly, An Shitang's speed was unbelievably fast. [

"Even if you lose the power of the true source, I will stop you and get the magic weapon!"

An Shitang's whole body was suddenly enveloped in a cloud of blood mist. This cloud of blood mist was erupted from the true source of blood in his body.


An Shitang's speed was unimaginably fast, almost in the blink of an eye, An Shitang overtook him from a distance of hundreds of feet, and appeared in front of Yang Yi in an instant, blocking Yang Yi's way.

"What? How could it be so fast?"

Yang Yi was caught off guard by An Shitang's speed.

"Hmph, son, if you want to die, I won't die with you. Do you know where this place is? This is a cursed place, a famous taboo place. Even if you are a master of transformation, you will have to go back and forth. You have escaped here despite being cursed so hard. Even if I expend my vitality, I will kill you, my magic weapon, I can’t accompany you to be buried with me!”

The true source of An Shitang's bloodline, the Qilin bloodline, has been revealed, exuding enormous pressure.

"A cursed place?"

A slight smile appeared on Yang Yi's face.

"Haha, An Shitang, you dare not go in, right? Haha, do you think you can stop me? The Phantom of Nine Palaces!"

Yang Yi's nine phantoms suddenly appeared, and they were all divided into several directions, all flying towards the cursed land.

An Shitang's face changed slightly, his true blood roared and turned into a ray of light, just like a berserk black bear, with a slap of his giant palm, a phantom was killed.

"bang bang bang"

An Shitang's face became paler and paler. The seven phantoms he shot to death were all phantoms.

"Want to go? It's not that easy!"

Two of them broke through the barrier of the true source of his blood and flew towards the mouth of the cursed land behind them. It seemed that they were really going to fly into the cursed land.

"Bastard, you bastard, die for me!"

An Shitang was furious, and with a flash of the true source of his blood, he caught up with Yang Yi again, and slapped down hard.


An Shitang's expression changed, and he was another phantom.

The last one is naturally Yang Yi's real body, but at this moment, he is less than five feet away from the mouth of the cursed land. [

"Yang Yi, you will die badly, I will let you die from all the pain in the world!"

An Shitang also chased after him, the true source of his blood was really fast, when Yang Yi was still two feet away from his mouth, An Shitang's true source of blood also caught up.

An Shitang's face showed a sinister smile, and he slapped forward with great force.

This is the power of transformation, even worse than Yang Yi's 99 drops of jng blood.

But at this moment, a gust of wind blew out from the mouth of the cursed land, and it seemed that a creepy sound came out along with the wind.

"I curse you, I curse your body to rot, I curse your intellect, I curse your soul to be annihilated..."

"I curse the world to decay, I curse the world to collapse, I curse the extinction of all life..."

"I curse the sky no longer, I curse blood flowing into rivers, I curse everything to be annihilated..."

These creepy voices clearly entered the ears of Yang Yi and An Shitang, and kept ringing in the depths of their minds.

"Ah... this... this is a curse, this is a vicious curse, ah..."

An Shitang's whole body trembled, his face became even paler, and he didn't care about Yang Yi anymore, he flew towards the distance suddenly, and he escaped just then.

"Is this the cursed land?"

Yang Yi also felt his scalp go numb, and he was about to leave, but a strange wind blew out again, but this strange wind seemed to have a powerful force, like tentacles, rolled up Yang Yi, and went straight into the center. ! ~!

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