blood record

Chapter 113

"Five Elements Fire Spirit, finally waiting for you!"

Yang Yi felt excited that this five-element fire spirit seemed to be very weak, and ordinary fire spirits possessed the cultivation of transformation, but this fire spirit seemed to have not yet grown up, it seemed huge, but the power in its body , which is only equivalent to the ninth level of Jindan.

Originally, if it was the transformed fire spirit, Yang Yi planned to fight hard. Even if he lost a thousand years of life to cast the curse, he would have to catch the five-element fire spirit, but now it seems that he doesn't need it.

The Five Elements Fire Spirit finally stepped on the ground, it was attracted by Dan's aroma.Yang Yi saw that the time was ripe, and the whole figure flew out quickly, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Nine Palace Phantom!"

"Swish Swish Swish" [

The nine figures surrounded the Five Elements Fire Spirit in an instant, Xudan shook violently, and an unimaginable force blasted towards the Five Elements Fire Spirit.


The Five Elements Fire Spirit also knew that it had been fooled, and its huge palm slapped fiercely around, and under this slap, surging flames rushed towards its face.

"King Kong is not bad, the body of King Kong, suppress!"

Yang had studied the Five Elements Fire Spirit early in the morning, and quickly used the Vajra Body. Gradually, traces of golden light appeared on his body.


Countless flames entangled Yang Yi, but they didn't even damage the skin. The power of the diamond body couldn't be broken by just a little flame.

The nine Yang Yis all blasted onto Huo Ling's body with enormous force, Huo Ling let out a scream, and his body began to shrink rapidly.

His tall body shrunk from a few feet to only a foot long, even Yang Yi was taken aback, he was about to escape into the magma after being escaped by the fire spirit.

Once he escaped into the magma, no matter how powerful Yang Yi was, he would not be able to catch Huo Ling again.

"Hmph, still want to escape? Body binding technique, go!"

Yang Yi didn't care much anymore, and directly flowed out a trace of blood from the illusory core, which quickly burned in the void, traces of majestic power raged in the void, and the poor restraining force entwined around Huo Ling.

The body binding technique launched by Yang Yijing's blood was so powerful that it directly restrained the fire spirit, and with Yang Da's grasp, he caught the five elements fire spirit in his hand.

Taking a closer look, it seems that you can still see the fear in the eyes of the Five Elements Fire Spirit.

The five-element fire spirit and other miraculous things, Zhong Tianlingxiu, had already developed spiritual wisdom, Yang Yi pinched it in his hand, knowing that he could not escape, he said, "Don't use me to practice it!" Make a magic weapon, please, let me go, don’t refine me into a magic weapon. If you promise me, I can take you to a magical place, where there is an earth-shattering treasure.”

Yang Yi thought it was very interesting that the Five Elements Fire Spirit knew how to use human greed to deceive, but Yang Yi would not be fooled, he was going to put the Five Elements Fire Spirit into the space ring.

The Five Elements Fire Spirit was in a hurry, and hurriedly said: "Believe me, there is really an earth-shattering treasure there. As long as you promise me not to use me to refine the magic weapon, I will take you there."

Yang Yi's heart skipped a beat, this Five Elements Fire Spirit didn't seem to be lying, and it was just a Fire Spirit, what kind of tricks did it have?So Yang Yi smiled and said: "How do you know that I want to use you to refine the magic weapon?"

The Five Elements Fire Spirit looked secretly: "200 years ago, my mother was captured by you humans to refine magic weapons, so in the past 200 years, I have rarely come out, this time because I really can't bear the smell. ..."[

The corner of Yang Yi's mouth smiled slightly, these Five Elements Fire Spirits couldn't resist the temptation of the surging fire energy contained in the Flame Pill.

Yang Yi's heart moved, and he smiled and said: "Okay, take me to the place with treasures you mentioned, and I promise you not to use you to refine magic weapons!"

Wuxing Huoling had a simple mind, and said happily: "Okay, okay, okay, I'll take you there right away. But this treasure is at the bottom of the magma, and I only discovered it by accident."

Yang Yi grabbed Huo Ling with one hand and jumped into the magma without thinking.

Perhaps for shapeshifting masters, the terrifying temperature of the magma is enough to kill people, but for Yang Yi, with the protection of the diamond body, the magma is nothing.

Following Huo Ling's guidance, Yang Yi's whole body exuded golden light, and he began to dive continuously under the fiery red magma.

"Here, it's there!"

The Five Elements Fire Spirit took Yang Yi and dived thousands of feet. Under this magma, it turned out to be something special.

A layer of faint light blocked the constantly tumbling magma, Yang Yi directly drilled down, and easily passed through, it seems that this layer of light only blocks the magma, and does not block other things.

This makes a huge mountain very wonderful. On the top of the head, you can still hear the rolling magma, but below it, it is extremely dry, and all the magma is blocked by a layer of light.

Such a magical place also made Yang Yi feel a little mysterious.

Following Huo Ling, Yang Yi walked into this huge room, and the inside seemed infinitely large.

But in the center, there is an unimaginable picture scroll. This picture covers the sky and the sun. I am afraid it is thousands of feet in size. It lies alone in the void, deep and dark, and there are even a few stars on it. Involuntarily fell into it.

"What exactly is this?"

Yang Yi was shocked, completely shocked, under this scroll, he seemed to feel so small and humble, as if the truth of poverty was explained in this picture.

"How did this picture come about?" Yang Yi's heart kept beating, he felt that he had discovered an incredible treasure, enough to shock everyone's treasure.

Five Elements Fire Spirit thought for a while, and said in a low voice: "I don't know, anyway, I have been born here for hundreds of years, and I have never stepped out of here. 200 years ago, my mother was taken away by a powerful person I was terrified, afraid that he would catch me again, so I dived as hard as I could, and ended up here by accident."

Yang Yi frowned.

The Five Elements Fire Spirit looked at Yang Yi, and said in a low voice: "And I also discovered a secret, here, the power in my body grows very fast, and it would take me three to 500 years to fully mature, but Here, I feel that I am going to change after only 200 years."

The transformation of the Five Elements Fire Spirit is an adult, possessing the power of transformation.

"Oh? There is such a miraculous effect?" Yang Yi looked very surprised. He continued to walk towards this huge and vast picture. the power of.

It was this mysterious power that made his illusory core slowly solidify. Yang Yi didn't even doubt that if he practiced here for more than ten or twenty years, maybe the illusory core would turn from illusory to real. Become the blood coagulation eightfold. [

The power that the Five Elements Fire Spirit feels very comfortable with should be these mysterious powers. ! ~!

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