blood record

Chapter 1132 Ancient prohibition

The crowd soon came to a huge mountain range. In the surrounding sky, many demon gods had already appeared. Some of these demon gods belonged to the Sky Demon Sect, but some of them were scattered Xiu, as for some demon gods from other sects, Yang Yi hasn't encountered them yet.

But this is only the periphery. The place where the nine-eyed demon god sits is at the core of the forest. Yang Yi and the others ignored these demon gods and flew directly towards the core. Due to the huge momentum of the group of nine people, it also caused a lot of trouble. Some people's attention.

"Look, isn't that the ruler of the nine major forces of my Sky Demon Sect?"

"Indeed, even the ruthless Cave Master Heiyun is among them."

"These nine people are all united together. It seems that we underestimated the sitting of the nine-eyed demon god this time. Look at the nine strong men, and even some elders of our Sky Demon Sect Here we come, these elders are dignified superpowers with twenty divine patterns, not only the elders, but even some powerhouses from other sects have arrived.”[

"Indeed, what happened this time is really extraordinary. What we thought before was too simple."

Some of the demon gods who arrived first from the Sky Demon Sect were secretly regretting that they came so recklessly, only to find out when they really arrived that they had no ability to intervene here, and even couldn't even protect their own safety. Assure.


When Yang Yi and others came to the core of the forest, they saw a huge cave at the core of the forest, but the outside of this cave was covered by a strange force, and there were many demon gods around it. law to enter.

"This is a restriction arranged by the Nine-eyed Demon God..."

Among the nine people, some demon gods saw what these things were, and Yang Yi felt that this restraint was a bit tricky. Even the strong with twenty divine lines couldn't open it forcibly, and no one could say no. Be aware of what happens when you hit these prohibitions.

So these strong men, including those with more than [-] divine patterns, are silently watching the cave around them.

"Sky Demon Sect!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter from the distant void, and then several demon gods descended around the cave.And the clothes of these people, and even the aura on their bodies, seemed to be murderous.


Immediately, all the disciples and elders of the Sky Demon Sect fixed their eyes on these people.The situation between the two parties seemed quite tense, as if they were about to explode.

But Yang Yi was a little puzzled, he squinted his eyes, and carefully examined the characteristics of these demon gods. There was no doubt that these demon gods were all strong men with more than 25 divine lines and who laughed out loud just now.He is still a super strong man who has reached [-] divine patterns.

These few people obviously have a lot of antipathy towards the Sky Demon Sect, and they are full of murderous intent. On the other hand, the same is true for the people of the Sky Demon Sect.

"Who are they?"

Yang Yi didn't know who these sudden arrivals were, and the sudden arrival could arouse the tension in the atmosphere, and they didn't seem to be afraid at all.You must know that almost most of the strong men here are members of the Sky Demon Sect.

The leader of the No. [-] mountain glanced at Yang Yi indifferently, and seemed to have just woken up.Yang Yi is just a new disciple, and he doesn't know many things about the Sky Demon Sect.

So he explained to Yang Yi in a low voice: "These people are all from the Panshi Sect, and they had a violent conflict with our Sky Demon Sect. Of the [-] mountains controlled by our Sky Demon Sect, [-] of them came from this Panshi sect. It was snatched from the hands of the sect, so these people from the Panshi sect are naturally full of murderous intent when they see us."

Only then did Yang Yi realize that it turned out to be a demon god from another sect, and a sect that had a feud with the Sky Demon Sect.However, since the Sky Demon Sect can snatch the [-] mountains from its hands, it is obvious that the overall strength of the Sky Demon Sect must be stronger than the Panshi Sect, and this time it is the closest to the place where the Nine-eyed Demon God sits and transforms. The sect is the Sky Demon Sect.Therefore, most of the demon gods who came here are demon gods from the Sky Demon Sect.

This time around the cave, there were still some elders of the Sky Demon Sect. Outside, especially when facing other sects, the disciples of the Sky Demon Sect seemed particularly united and shared the same hatred, which Yang Yi did not understand The peculiarity in the demon world. [

If it is in the Qingtian domain, there is such a sect that allows disciples of the same sect to kill each other without any scruples, I am afraid that any of the disciples will not have much loyalty to it, but this is the case in the Tian Yao sect. It's completely different. Although the disciples of the same sect in the Tian Yao sect can kill each other at will, but outside, when facing other sects, the Tian Yao sect has shown an extraordinary unity.

Just thinking that at this moment, the entire Sky Demon Sect, whether it is disciples or elders, glared at these strong men of the Panshi Sect, and the atmosphere in the twin rooms seemed very tense.

In fact, this is what Yang Yi doesn't understand. Not only the Sky Demon Sect, but also the other sects in the Yaotianyu, also have this kind of management method. It can only be said that this is the difference between Yaotianyu and Qingtianyu .

"Hey, you Panshizong came quickly, I didn't expect to come so soon."

An elder in Yaotianyu said sarcastically.

"You Heavenly Demon Sect thinks that you can monopolize the Nine-eyed Demon God this time? That's wishful thinking. Hmph, my Panshi Sect will not let your Heavenly Demon Sect obtain the Nine-eyed Demon God so easily."

The two sects were almost facing each other, but because the cave of the nine-eyed demon god was right in front of them, they were afraid of any mistakes, so they didn't make any moves.

But Rao Shu is like this, both sides are very vigilant, watching each other non-stop.

"Haha, the Nine-eyed Demon God, yes, yes, the Nine-eyed Demon God has really melted down."

Just when the two sects were facing each other and the atmosphere was tense, a sharp voice appeared, and at the same time, a figure appeared above the Nine-Eyed Demon God's Cave in an instant. Breath, this is a super strong man with 27 divine patterns.

This demon god does not belong to any of the two forces, but is just a casual cultivator, but because of this, the Sky Demon Sect and Panshi Sect were extremely nervous, and they all focused their eyes on this strong man.

"Nine levels of prohibition? As expected of a nine-eyed demon god, as expected of a superpower with 35 divine patterns, it really is this kind of forbidden law, this is an ancient forbidden law..."

This strong man didn't even look at the Heavenly Demon Sect and the many masters of the Panshi Sect. There was a flash of light in his eyes, and he stared at the faint light that shrouded the Nine-eyed Demon God's cave. He actually recognized this restriction at a glance.

The powerhouses of the Sky Demon Sect and the Panshi Sect were slightly startled. Although they also had some elders with extraordinary knowledge, they didn't know that this faint restriction was actually an ancient forbidden law. This strong man with 27 divine lines made them secretly vigilance.

"Although it is an ancient forbidden law, the old man can just break it!"

After finishing speaking, the strong man with 27 divine patterns clasped his palms together, and quickly struck out one after another magic seal on his hands.

These seals are very complicated, overlapping together, it is like a dream, which shows the magic of this ancient forbidden law, as the seals appear one after another in the hands of this strong man, gradually, in his hands There seemed to be a tyrannical aura emanating from the surroundings, and even those strong men with more than twenty divine marks were directly taken a step away.

"Who is this person?"

Whether it's the elders of the Sky Demon Sect or the Panshi Sect, they think they know the powerhouses around them like the back of their hands, but they can't bear it just by using the seal, and they have to take a step back. The powerhouse of the god pattern can do it.

Therefore, all of a sudden, people from the two sects also let go of their grievances and made preparations. Once this strong man can really break the forbidden law, then they will definitely use the strongest means to unite several As soon as someone strikes, they must enter the cave first and snatch the treasures.

Especially the demon body of the nine-eyed demon god, which is what these powerhouses with more than [-] divine patterns want most. It's a thousand times better.

Even Yang Yi's eyes were fixed on this powerful demon god who suddenly appeared. What he wanted was also the demon body of the nine-eyed demon god. If he could get the complete demon body of the nine-eyed demon god, Yang Yi could Be sure to recover most of the power, or even all of it, in a short period of time. [

At that time, even the entire Sky Demon Sect, he would not have any fear.


The seals on the hand of this demon god powerhouse are connected one by one, and they slammed into this mysterious layer of restriction. This layer of restriction quickly flashed golden rays of light, just like the ripples of water. There were bursts of ripples on it.

But soon, the ripples and golden light disappeared, and the entire restriction was broken, revealing a dark cave inside.


Everyone's eyes were fixed on this cave, even those with more than [-] divine marks showed greed in their eyes. It was this cave, maybe someone could advance by leaps and bounds and become a strong one, but There are also people who may stay in this cave forever.

"Haha, the cave is wide open."

An elder of the Sky Demon Sect moved instantly, his whole body was like a ray of light, and he was about to get into the cave in the blink of an eye, but at this moment, the loose cultivator Yaoshen Qiang with 27 divine patterns in the void A sharp look flashed in his eyes.

"Hmph, the old man worked so hard to break the restriction, but you want to get ahead of the old man, damn it!"

As the voice fell, the strong casual cultivator pointed out, and the ferocious killing intent erupted instantly. (To be continued..)


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