blood record

Chapter 115 Fusion of Fire Spirit

The original power is the foundation of the Milky Way Starfield. If there is no original power, the Milky Way Starfield will completely collapse, completely become a place of nowhere, and become a dead zone.

Yang Yi obtained the Milky Way star map, with a trace of original power, his future practice can be said to be rapid and rapid progress.

Of course, the magical functions of the Tianhe Star Chart are not limited to these, but these magical effects can only be brought into play after the Tianhe Star Chart is restored. In addition to automatically absorbing the original power to restore the Tianhe Star Chart, it can also automatically replenish the original power to the Tianhe Star Chart.

For example, the more powerful creatures born and cultivated in the Milky Way star field, the more original power they will be contaminated with. Killing these people is even tens of hundreds of times more than what the Milky Way star map automatically absorbs.

"Only the stronger the strength, the faster I can help the Tianhe star map to recover, and the Tianhe star map is restored, and my strength will be stronger!" This is a virtuous circle, which makes Yang Yi's future practice easier and at the same time , is also full of limited crises. [

The matter of the Tianhe star map, Yang Yi smiled slightly, and then directly grabbed the Five Elements Fire Spirit from the Tianhe star map.

The Five Elements Fire Spirit looked very angry at Yang Yi, and shouted loudly: "Let me go, you liar, you big liar!"

Like a child, the simple-minded Five Elements Fire Spirit also has a cute side.It's a pity that being born as the Five Elements Fire Spirit is destined to be intercepted and killed by countless greedy people.

"I'm indeed despicable, but I want to completely refine you and use you to enhance the power of my diamond body!"

A cold light flashed in Yang's eyes, regardless of the struggle of the Five Elements Fire Spirit, he pinched his hand fiercely.


The Five Elements Fire Spirit was instantly shattered, turning into a ball of the purest fire spirit power.

Yang Yi didn't hesitate any longer, opened his mouth wide, and actually directly swallowed this ball of pure fire energy.

The fire spirit power entered Yang Yi's mouth, and began to erupt with its terrifying temperature.

combustion!combustion!Intense burning!

Yang Yi's diamond body can survive the magma at thousands of temperatures without any damage, but it doesn't mean that it can easily swallow this pure fire spirit power.

The spirits of the five elements, each of which is an elf in the five elements, is the most extreme. The spirit of fire represents the spirit in fire, with the highest temperature and the strongest destructive power.

So no one has ever dared to swallow it directly, and even dared not touch it, so they had to use it to refine magic weapons.

The vajra body seemed to be about to melt, yes, it was indeed melting instead of burning, this ball of fire and spiritual power burned directly on Yang Yi's skin and bones, but it never went any further.Yang Yi silently used the Immortal Golden Body Art, and the skin and bones in his body slowly and quickly integrated these huge fire spiritual powers into it, merging into one.

Yang Yi's arm was fiery red and then golden, and even the phantom behind Yang Yi could see a burst of terrifying flames.This is the fusion of fire spirit power.

"The heavens and the earth are immortal, the sun and the moon are shining, the ancestor of the witch is forever, and the golden body is immortal!"

The fire spirit power in Yang Yi's body disappeared quickly, and his body became more tenacious, and his strength was beyond guessing, but in his intuition, Yang Yi even felt that his strength had at least doubled.

This is just the fire spirit of the spirit of the five elements. If the spirit of the five elements is really gathered together, it can be cultivated directly without breaking the body. The power is so great that it is unimaginable.

"Haha, I finally got the Five Elements Fire Spirit. This time, my strength has improved rapidly. Even if I encounter a transformation master, I can still compete, and even...can kill him!" [

With the improvement of strength, along with the improvement of Yang Yi's self-confidence, it is already appalling to use the power of the blood-clotting eight-fold solid pill to compete against the transformation, let alone Yang Yi even has the ability to kill it.

The underground is a vast world, and the place Yang Yi came to is only a corner of this vast world.

In this underground, there are not only lava, magma and the like, but also a huge number of strange beasts.

These alien beasts live underground all year round and will not easily go to the ground. It is precisely because of this that the strength of the underground alien beasts is stronger than that. There are even some alien beasts that are inherited from the blood of some powerful ancient beasts and have magical abilities. .

Yang Yi just wanted to escape to the ground, but encountered a group of subterranean alien beasts. With the idea of ​​trying his skills, Yang Yi flew into these alien beasts like a tiger among a flock of sheep.

One punch and one kick can open mountains and crack rocks. With 99 drops of blood, coupled with the terrifying power of the diamond body, even a blood-coagulated beast with nine levels of rough skin is not an all-in-one enemy for Yang Yi.

All die!


It was another punch, and Yang Yi's fist was still glowing with golden light. With one punch, he smashed a blood-coagulated nine-fold beast in front of him into mud. He stretched out his hand to grab it, and the tattered corpse was directly thrown into the Tianhe star map .

The corpses of alien beasts in the Tianhe star chart were dissolved one after another, and they were still dissolved into the original power, which directly supplemented the Tianhe star chart.

It was also Yang Yi who discovered that the corpses of these strange beasts could extract the original power, so Yang Yi stayed here, killing continuously, and gradually, he has entered an unknown place, where the strange beasts around here are layer after layer. Layer, with a light sweep, there are probably thousands of strange beasts.

These strange beasts surrounded Yang Yi one by one. Most of the strange beasts were above the terrifying blood coagulation level five, and there were more than a dozen of them that had condensed into golden cores. They seemed to be opened. Lingzhi actually surrounded Yang Yi.

Yang Yi laughed loudly: "Haha, you bastards, you all know how to plan. But I didn't plan to leave at all. It happened that there were thousands of strange beasts here, and I killed them all. I don't know how to resolve them. How much original power, haha, cut the stars and break the moon, cut!"

There was a long sword in Yang Yi's hand, exuding a sharp aura.Yang Yiyi exerted all his strength and swiped around, a huge sword energy immediately appeared in the sky, and slashed down fiercely.


The sharp sword energy can be resisted, and the power of the middle-grade magic weapon is enough to shake the world. Yang Yi killed hundreds of strange beasts with one sword.

Yang Yi used the floating light to quickly plunder the corpses of these strange beasts, and threw them into the Tianhe star map one after another.The Tianhe star map is like a never-ending motor, constantly decomposing and re-decomposing, and the original power of numbers nourishes the Tianhe star map.

Yang Yi's gains in this day alone are more than the original power that Tianhe Star Chart has automatically absorbed for decades.

"Phantom of Nine Palaces, kill!"

Nine Yang Yi, like demon gods, broke into the group of alien beasts, killing wildly, none of the alien beasts were his all-in-one enemy.

However, when Yang Yi was killing wildly, in a dark corner, a pair of dark eyes were staring at Yang Yi.

"What a magic weapon, what a potential human being, just right, you can be my slave guard!" [

From a dark corner, a woman full of charm gradually walked out, with her waist swayed, her smile was like a flower, turning all living beings upside down, it seemed that the beauty of the world would be overshadowed by her face! ~!

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