blood record

Chapter 117 Underground Killing

"Amona hasn't been here recently?"

A big demon with a cloudy face asked.

"Uh... my lord, do you want me to go and have a look?"

This is a strange beast with only one leg. It is born to speak human words, but it does not mean that it has become a monster through cultivation. There is only one monster here, and that is the big monster with a cloudy face above.

This big monster is called Great King Mole, and he is the lord with a radius of hundreds of miles in this underground world, and he is considered a relatively powerful big monster. [

"Report, report to Your Majesty, there is a human monk outside who said that Lord Amona sent the message." A strange beast came to report.

"Oh? A human monk? It must be Amona's newly recruited slave guard, let him in." Mo Le waved his hand and sat on the chair.

After a while, a human monk walked in.

"What did Amona call you here for?" Mo Le asked.

The human monk in front of him smiled slightly, and said in a low voice, "Amona asked you to go to hell to accompany her."

"What?" Mo Le was about to get angry, but suddenly found that the human monk in front of him had a terrifying long sword magic weapon in his hand.

"Slash the stars and smash the moon, chop!"

The huge sword light fell directly from the sky, scaring the strange beasts to run away one after another. The big demon Mole let out a roar, pointing directly between his eyebrows, and a strange-looking monster rushed out, like a black bear, roaring up to the sky , the huge palm greeted the huge sword light.


The sword light dissipated, but the black bear was still standing in the void, exuding a terrifying aura all over its body. This is the true source of Mo Le's blood, and this Mo Le is the Qilin blood.

Mo Le looked at Yang Yi fiercely, and said fiercely, "Tell me, what happened to Amona?"

The reason why Yang Yi came here was because he found out that the female demon Amona often came here to be with Mo Legou, and she was the concubine of the female demon, so this person who pretended to be the female demon came here.

"Your concubine has been killed by me, you don't need to be too sad, because it will be your turn soon!" Yang Yi smiled slightly.

The big demon Mole said with a serious face: "Damn it, a human monk who hasn't even cultivated the golden core yet dares to plot against me is really reckless. Swallow the sky and the earth, and swallow him hard!"

The big demon Mole pointed towards the true source of blood in the air, and the true source of blood like a black bear roared, opened his bloody mouth wide, and sucked violently.


There seemed to be a strong wind blowing around, and everything was flying into the black bear's mouth quickly.

Yang Yi was also a little surprised. Only then did he realize that although Amona is also a demon, she is probably one of the weaker existences among demons. This demon is so fierce that even the Star Slashing Sword can't do anything to him.

"Hmph, if you want to swallow me, it depends on whether you have the appetite!" [

Yang Yi snorted coldly, and shouted: "Nine Palace Phantom!"

Nine Yangs appeared in an instant, and the thousand heavy hands were also activated, and the sky seemed to be full of palm shadows.

"The diamond is not broken, it is blessed with strength, and the diamond body is broken!"

Yang Yi's whole body glowed with gold again, and the strength of the diamond body quickly acted on his arms.


Yang Yi launched an attack with a bang, the huge power could be resisted, destroying everything, even the powerful true source of blood, was directly smashed to pieces by Yang Yi like a dog smashed to death.

"What? It's impossible?"

Mo Le couldn't believe it, and the true source of the broken blood flew back into his body, but before he could react, his heart was crushed by a figure.

"Hmph, my Nine Palaces Phantom plus the power of the Vajra Body is more than twice as strong as that of a Transformation Level [-] master. It is more than enough to kill you!"

Yang Yi has two reliances, one is the Phantom of the Nine Palaces, once it is used, its attack is double, and it is terrifying, it can be regarded as a terrifying fairy martial skill.Another one is the Vajra Body. After the fusion of the Five Elements Fire Spirit, the Vajra Body becomes even stronger. Even ordinary masters of transformation can't break his Vajra Body, and the strength has also increased considerably. With the help of the Nine Palace Phantom, the transformation It's nothing to worry about.

Of course, only Yang Yi can change in such a state, condense 99 drops of essence, and then use the original power to practice every day. In fact, if the alchemy is not strong, it is simply unreasonable. In the process of cultivation, some are stronger, and some are not the strongest. Big, Yang Yi's strength.It can also grow like crazy.

"These strange beasts must die!"

Although these strange beasts in Mole's territory are powerful, who can stop Yang Yi?Yang Yi killed thousands of strange beasts for three days and three nights before killing them all.

The Tianhe star map is constantly decomposing. After Mo Le's body was thrown in, the original power decomposed was a full third more than that of the original female monster, which showed that Mo Le was powerful. Those strange beasts, Tianhe Star Chart has recently absorbed more and more original power, which shows that Tianhe Star Chart is recovering very quickly.

Moreover, faintly on the Tianhe star map, you can still see traces of illusory star phantoms. As long as these stars can be completely condensed into real images, the river star map will recover to a certain level that day, and you will be able to display some basic abilities up.

Just when Yang Yi killed without fear, he finally alarmed some big monsters.

These big monsters have noticed the abnormality, and Mo Le is dead. These big monsters think that they can't deal with Mo Le, so everyone is naturally in danger.So they found a more powerful demon.

"Lord Jiao Chi, our territory has been a bit uneasy recently. Both Amona and Mo Le died, and even the subordinates in their territory died cleanly. We found out based on the breath that this is a human monk. of."

Jiao Chi, who was sitting high on the big chair, frowned. He had cultivated to the second stage of transformation and condensed the super existence of the dharma body.

"Oh? Human monk? Hmph, our underground clan, if we don't fight with them humans, do they dare to attack us? Well, I will solve this matter myself, catch this human monk, and you all go back!"

These big monsters are all relieved, as long as Jiao Chi is willing to make a move, then they can rest easy and worry, an existence that condenses Dharma Body can guarantee their safety.

Yang Yi is still hiding in the Milky Way Star Chart at this time, and as time goes by, when Yang Yi is practicing, he receives even more original power. [

Just like now, his solid pills seem to be bathed in a vast ocean, and the vast oceans are the exhausted original power, which are swallowed by the real pills like a long whale absorbing water. The radiance of the earthy yellow is getting brighter, and I am afraid that it will not be long before the radiance of the golden elm appears, and then it is time to advance to the Golden Core Realm. ! ~!

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