blood record

Chapter 123 Seeing Ji Dao Sect Disciple Again

A master of Dharma, even if his body is destroyed and his Dharma body is indestructible, he will not die. It can be said that it is extremely difficult to kill a master who has cultivated to the realm of Dharma body.But now, Jiao Chi is dead, even his body is still intact.

Yang grabbed Jiao Chi's body with one hand, stretched out his hand, and pulled out the opponent's heart. Only then did he suddenly discover that the opponent's dharma body was cut in two from the middle. Once the dharma body died, Jiao Chi also died naturally.

"Is this the power of the curse? I burned my thousand years of life. Jiao Chi was a master of magic, and he died without any resistance. No wonder witches were able to dominate the world in ancient times!"

Only then did Yang Yi realize how powerful the witch is. The power of this curse is simply preventable. It is like a worm that haunts you. Once you are cursed, you can even kill the other party after countless time and space. , This is the terrifying curse technique!

"whoosh" [

Yang Yi directly put Jiao Chi's body into the Tianhe star map. At this time, the Tianhe star map can already absorb a large amount of original power, but no matter how much it is, it is not as much as the original power of this master of magic. It's like the Milky Way falling for nine days, directly in the Milky Way star map.

"The Milky Way star map has now recovered [-]%, and it can be used to suppress creatures!"

The current Tianhe Star Map is not just a decoration, but a sharp half-celestial treasure, even though it has only recovered [-]% of its strength.

There are still dozens of transformation monsters outside, Yang Yi flies out directly, like a tiger entering a herd of sheep, Jin Danzhen can rival the peak of transformation first layer with a punch and a kick, and with the blessing of the Vajra body, there is no A big demon in shape is Yang Yi's all-in-one enemy, one after another was caught by Yang Yi and entered into the Tianhe Star Map, and all of them were broken down into source power.

"Fun, it's really fun!"

Yang Yi fought heartily, and the harvest was unparalleled. The magic weapons and blood crystals on these big monsters were all plundered into the Tianhe Star Map. Yang Yi counted them carefully, and there were more than 1 million The blood is crystallized, and there are dozens of magical artifacts.Of course, Jiao Chi's terrifying high-grade magic weapon Tian Luo Di Net was also refined by Yang Yiji. Such a huge fortune was unimaginable before.

And that's not all, Yang Yi also had a share in the huge original power that was decomposed. After absorbing the huge original power, the luster on the golden core became brighter, and the power continued to grow. It seems that since he cultivated to the golden core, , Yang Yi's limit seems to have suddenly disappeared, and he can increase his strength poorly.

"Golden Core Dao, the reason why it is called the Great Dao, is because once you have cultivated to the Golden Core, you will embark on the Bright Road. In the Golden Core Realm, power can be accumulated crazily, and the savings can be poor and deep. Realm, just relying on its own strength, it can kill the master of the second stage of transformation. It can be said that Jindan is a realm with limitless possibilities. With accumulation of strength, it can directly break through to the second stage of transformation to condense the Dharma body. The Golden Core Realm has laid a solid foundation, which is of great benefit to future cultivation!"

Yang Yi murmured to himself, these common senses are all said by the Shangxuan Sanren, and the Shangxuan Sanren has the power to reach the heavens, so naturally he knows which realm is the most important.

To a certain extent, the state of golden core is the foundation of everything, and it is the foundation of whether one can reach the sky in the future, or even become a legendary immortal. The state of golden core may determine future achievements.

Therefore, some people have stayed in the golden core state for thousands of years, just to lay a solid foundation, pave the way for future cultivation, and strive for a less difficult road to cultivation in the future.

Of course, Yang Yi has the original strength to cleanse every day, and his savings can almost be exhausted. As long as the golden core is enough to accommodate him, he might not be able to beat even the masters of magic to death with his own strength alone.

"Okay, such a big incident happened underground, even Jiao Chi died, it will definitely attract attention soon, this place is not safe, if there are one or two more masters of magic, I'm afraid I will have to commit suicide!"

Yang Yi didn't dare to stay here for a long time. Although he had a long lifespan, he couldn't stand the squandering of thousands of years. If there were a few more masters of spells, he wouldn't need to be attacked by the other party, and he could kill himself just by casting the curse.

Putting on the earth escape talisman, Yang Yi quickly ascended, and after a while, he got out of the ground and breathed fresh air.

"Hmph, now that I've cultivated a golden core, I'm no longer a match for the masters of the first level of transformation. In Hualong Palace, Zhao Yuanlong was also beaten like a dog by me. He no longer has any threats!"

Yang Yi is now in high spirits, he really hopes to fly back to Hualong Palace immediately, trample Zhao Yuanlong under his feet, and avenge his shame.

It is not a gentleman not to take revenge if he has a grudge, he will remember whoever offended Yang Yi, no matter it is thousands of years, Yang Yi will find a way to get it back.

At this time, there were a few more proud men in the void. [

These men are all masters of transformation, and their bodies are shining with a terrifying aura, and the power contained in their bodies is shocking.

There were four of them in a group, and one of the leading men looked at the world below and said coldly: "Hmph, those uninfluential trash really embarrassed my Ji Dao Sect. They were all killed, what an idiot!"

These transformation masters are obviously the disciples of Ji Dao Sect. The last time they were killed by Yang Yi, the people of Ji Dao Sect naturally knew about it, so they sent these transformation masters again.

"Brother, although this place is a star, but there are natives who killed all those trash, we'd better be careful!"

"Hmph, what are you afraid of? The four of us are all formal disciples of the Ji Dao Sect, so how can they be compared with those few low-level trash. With the strength of the four of us, we can compete against the high-level masters of the law. This star What kind of master can there be?"

These monks, the aura exuding from their bodies, one is not the eyes above the top, the aura of domineering side, the disciples of Ji Dao Sect, all of them are on the side of arrogance.

As soon as these Ji Dao Sect disciples appeared, they were discovered by Yang Yi.

However, he immediately got into the Tianhe star map, restrained his breath, and no one would be able to find it. In this Tianhe star field, if people will not find the Tianhe star map, then no one will really be able to find it, unless it reaches Tongtian The state of being able to communicate with the world, so that one can observe the secrets of the sky and the fluctuation of vitality, no matter how concealed it is, it is useless.

However, although these four monks are arrogant, but they only have the first level of transformation, how can they find the Tianhe star map with restrained breath, so Yang Yi heard everything they said clearly. ! ~!

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