blood record

Chapter 128

Liu Qingyun and Wu Tiangang were silent after listening, their knowledge is naturally much more extensive than the Liu brothers and sisters.

"Brother Yang, this magic weapon of yours can really pretend to be a person?"

Liu Qingyun couldn't help asking.

Because, even a top-grade magic weapon cannot contain life, once it is installed, it will die, and only a half-immortal treasure can form a world by itself instead of a monotonous space.

Yang Yi laughed loudly and said: "Haha, let me tell you the truth, this is not a magic treasure, but a half-immortal treasure, inside it is a world of its own, I don't know how vast it is, let alone a few, even if it is several million Tens of millions can fit in!" [

Liu Qingyun's eyes shone brightly, and he gently stroked the Tianhe star map in an unbelievable way, and said in a low voice: "Half Immortal Treasure... Even if there is no Hualong Palace, yes, only the Half Immortal Treasure can form a world of its own." Forget it, since brother Yang has such a chance to get this half-immortal treasure, then let's go in and escape this catastrophe!"

After thinking about it, Yang Yi made a thought, and directly involved the four of them into the Tianhe star map.

And not only that, Yang Yi directly transferred the original power that Tianhe Star Chart had absorbed from the surrounding void to the four of them.


Just like a stream of water, the continuous source of power directly submerged the four of them.

Yang Yi's voice rang in their ears in time: "Everyone, don't panic, this is the mysterious original power, which is many times better than countless pills. If you practice hard, you may be able to break through the realm!"

Today's Liu brothers and sisters have all cultivated to the fifth level of blood coagulation, while Liu Qingyun and Wu Tiangang are already at the peak of the fifth level.

Yang Yi didn't need to remind the continuous source of power, the power contained in it had already fascinated the four of them, just like a long whale sucking water, absorbing the source of power crazily.

Ascension, crazy ascension, this original power is like tens of millions of blood crystals, or even hundreds of millions of blood crystals, but it is more pure and mysterious. None of these four people thought that there would be a blood crystal in the Tianhe star map. Such a mysterious power, I feel excited from the bottom of my heart.

The original power, which is impossible for even the masters of the sky to absorb, is only able to be absorbed by the Tianhe star map, or the Tianhe Xingjun who refines the entire Milky Way star field, and it has unimaginable benefits for monks.


All of a sudden, the original power around Liu Yun formed a vortex, and the poor original power was sucked into his body, and his aura grew even more crazily.

"Blood coagulation level six? Breakthrough?"

Yang Yi was also a little surprised. It seemed that Liu Yun's qualifications were much better than Liu Jing's, and to a certain extent, he was not weaker than a genius like Liu Qingyun.

Blood condenses, emptiness condenses! "

Suddenly, a loud voice filled everyone's ears. Liu Qingyun's whole body was like a ball, and his original power was like water, which was directly sucked into his body. The original power absorbed by him alone was Liu Yun's body. , Liu Jing and Wu Tiangang added up to more.

"Haha, brother Yang, I actually made a breakthrough? The more difficult Xu Dan has actually condensed!"

Liu Qingyun still feels that all this is a dream, which is simply unbelievable.

"Brother Liu, don't be surprised. The original power in the Tianhe Star Chart is unique in the world, and it has unimaginable benefits for monks!" [

After a while, both Liu Jing and Wu Tiangang became sober. Although they didn't make a breakthrough, they got a lot of benefits. They are both at the peak of their own realm. I'm afraid they will break through naturally in a short time.

"How is it? How is my place compared to those famous mountains and rivers?" Yang Yi asked with a smile.

"Brother Yang, these powers, exhausted, are equivalent to having poor pills. If you eat pills as food every day, even a pig can cultivate to a high level. Brother Yang, you can't drive me away. Haha, I have decided, even if you drive me away, I will not leave!"

Liu Qingyun was very excited. This kind of holy land of cultivation was faster than anything else, and he didn't even want to leave.

Liu Yun also said happily: "Yes, there is an endless space here. If there are more people, how is it different from the stars before us? And practicing here is simply getting twice the result with half the effort. Whoever comes in will not want to leave."

These four people are all very satisfied with the Tianhe star map.

But Liu Yun's words also moved Yang Yi's heart. The Milky Way Star Map is its own world. If there are tens of millions or hundreds of millions more people, it is indeed no different from a real world.

Suddenly, Yang Yi thought of the Tianhe Starfield. This Tianhe Starfield was not formed naturally, but was refined by Tianhe Xingjun. How to refine a starfield is naturally known, but after seeing the Tianhe Starfield When drawing the picture, Yang Yi faintly understood.

"Okay, okay, since you don't want to come out, you can practice as long as you want!"

Yang Yi was about to go out, but Liu Qingyun hesitated for a while, stopped Yang Yi and said: "Brother Yang, we came here this time to remind Brother Yang of something."

"Oh? What's the matter? Tell me."

Liu Qingyun said indifferently: "A month ago, Bai Pojun came to Hualong Palace, and was picked up by Zhao Yuanlong."

"Bai Pojun? Zhao Yuanlong?"

Yang Yi turned his mind, Bai Pojun is much more crazy than Zhao Yuanlong, he will do whatever it takes.

But what is Yang Yi doing now?He even refined one of the double dharma bodies of transformation, so why not be afraid of Zhao Yuanlong and Bai Pojun.

At this moment, the guard's footsteps came from outside: "Master Yang, a disciple from the Elder's Palace sent a letter just now, and Bai Pojun wants to settle his grievances with the Lord at Qiankun Terrace!"

"I see, you go out!"

With a wave of Yang's hand, Liu Qingyun and others flew out of the Tianhe Star Chart again.

"Brother Yang, Bai Pojun must have gotten the news of Brother Yang's return, but even if he colluded with Zhao Yuanlong, there was some conspiracy, but it was only in the Golden Core Realm, and Brother Yang slaughtered several golden pills in Tianyan. Dan master, even Xia Zhengtian has been dealt with, and this Bai Pojun who comes to challenge at this time is looking for death!"

Liu Qingyun talked eloquently.

There was a glint in Yang's eyes, and he said with a sneer: "Hmph, that's not necessarily true! How smart is Zhao Yuanlong? How can he be so stupid? Bai Pojun must have been instigated by Zhao Yuanlong. But don't even think about it It's so simple, even though Bai Pojun is crazy, he still doesn't come to seek death, is he in the Golden Core Realm? Do you really think that he only has the Golden Core Realm?"

After being reminded by Yang Yi, Liu Qingyun's expression changed and he said: "Yes, this Bai Pojun has already reached the peak of Jindan, and it is entirely possible to transform into a bloodline, with Zhao Yuanlong's sophistication, this is One round! Brother Yang, this is already obvious, Bai Pojun is already a master of transformation, you must not promise them!" [

But Yang Yi shook his head lightly, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, some grievances must be resolved!Now that Bai Pojun has launched a challenge, when did I, Yang Yi, back down?Don't worry, Bai Pojun, after tomorrow, there will be no such person..."

Yang Yi's whole body shone with a strong and confident atmosphere, Liu Qingyun seemed to have noticed it a little bit, thinking of all the miraculous things about Yang Yi in the past, he couldn't help gaining some confidence, and kept silent. ! ~!

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