blood record

Chapter 136

"Li Feiyang, get out!"

Li Feiyang was feeling a little embarrassed because of Yan Zhenzhen's refusal, when suddenly a voice came from behind.


Li Feiyang turned around abruptly, his face was as dark as water, seeing that it was just a monk with nine layers of blood coagulation, a gloomy look flashed across his face.

Yang Yi sneered: "Did you hear that? I tell you to go away, Yan Zhenzhen is my wife, whoever disturbs my wife will pay the price in blood!" [

Not only Li Feiyang, but even Yan Zhenzhen were shocked.

"Yan Zhenzhen? Your wife? Haha, I laughed so hard, son, don't you know how powerful the world is, I want to see how Yan Zhenzhen became your wife? What about you? Let me pay the price in blood?"

Li Feiyang felt that Yang Yi was crazy. Although he was ineffective, he also had the ability to change form, so he obviously didn't take Yang Yi seriously.

"Very well, remember, my name is Yang Yi! If you disturb my wife, you will be in great pain!" Yang Yi's expression was calm, but the domineering aura in his eyes made Li Feiyang feel uneasy. A trace of panic


The power of Yang Yijindan was fully mobilized, which was comparable to the huge power of the first stage of four transformations, and the huge pressure was directly on Li Feiyang's body, and his face almost turned into a pig's liver

"How is it possible? Who are you? How could it be possible to have such a powerful force? God, you are only at the ninth level of blood coagulation!"

Li Feiyang was completely shocked, but he didn't have any resistance. A medium-grade magic weapon on his body was directly smashed by Yang Yi's huge strength, and his body was blasted out by a punch, but Yang Yi had a sense of proportion. , and did not kill him with a single blow.


Li Feiyang struggled to get up, with a trace of resentment in his eyes and said coldly: "Okay, okay, Yang Yi, I remember this name! You will regret it!"

After saying that, he stumbled and left.

Yan Zhenzhen looked at Yang Yi in surprise, how could she not have imagined that the person in front of her was the Taoist partner she had just found out that her father Changshengtian was looking for for him.

"You are Yang Yi?" Yan Zhenzhen asked.

The corner of Yang Yi's mouth curled up slightly: "I am Yang Yi, and I am your man! Although I don't want to, but since I have agreed, then you are my wife. I am Yang Yi's wife, No man can touch it, whoever touches it will die! Although we are all monks and don’t have so many red tapes, my wife must also obey women’s morals, otherwise, if she does something out of the ordinary, even my wife will die !"

Yang Yi was domineering, but he was actually very upset. When he saw Yan Zhenzhen, he knew that she was not someone who could calm down. Yang Yi didn't have much interest in such a proud girl.

Yan Zhenzhen was so angry that she grew so big, she has always been a genius sought after by everyone in terms of cultivation, even in terms of appearance, she has never lost to anyone, but now a man of hers appeared out of nowhere , but so domineering, so embarrassing for her.

"Okay, okay, okay! Yang Yi, let me see how capable you are. In the entire Hualong Palace, there are many men who want to be my Taoist partner. I will look for them one by one to see how many you can kill. "

With a flash of anger in Yang's eyes, he said: "You can try! I will kill as many as you find, and after killing these people, I will kill you again. Don't say that you are just the daughter of Changshengtian, even if you are Yang Ji My daughter, should I kill or have to kill, I, Yang Yi, have never been threatened by anyone, and all those who threatened me died in the end!"

The evil spirit permeated her whole body, making Yan Zhenzhen shudder, she seemed to have some inexplicable feeling that Yang Yi could do what he said. [

Yang Yi finally left, the maid next to Yan Zhenzhen breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice: "Sister, this Yang Yi is really domineering! At that moment just now, it was really scary, as if he really It's like they're going to violently kill people."

After Yan Zhenzhen got angry, she looked a little strange.

"If such a person is not too arrogant, then he has the capital of arrogance! The blood coagulation nine layers, beat the transformation master like a dog, although this is not a big deal, but his domineering, I am sure I've never seen it before, it's interesting!"

Yan Zhenzhen left immediately.

"Another trouble!"

Yang Yi shook his head slightly. If he was in other places, he would definitely want to kill the grass and roots. Li Feiyang would have been decomposed into the original power long ago, but in Hualong Palace, he still cannot kill people easily.

Yang Yi didn't have to think about it, trouble would follow.

The hatred in Li Feiyang's heart could not be washed away even if it was poured all over the world, he actually ran directly to Shen Tianyou's mansion.

"Brother God, you must vent your anger on me!" Li Feiyang knelt down fiercely when he saw Shen Tianyou.

Shen Tianyou frowned, and said coldly: "Speak, or get out!"

Li Feiyang felt a chill in his heart, knowing that Shen Tianyou might be in a bad mood, and he didn't dare to act anymore, so he hurriedly said: "That's right, I wanted to come here today, but I ran into Yan Zhenzhen on the way, so I went there We chatted for a few words. Unexpectedly, a blood coagulated nine-fold son suddenly came out from behind, saying that Yan Zhen is really his wife, and his tone was very domineering. I couldn't help but do it, but I didn't expect this girl to be so terrifying , I was sent flying with just one punch, and he put down his harsh words. If anyone disturbs his wife again, he will let no one eat and go around! Brother God, you have to make the decision for me! Look at that guy! Look, I'm afraid they just came to the main palace, and now all the newcomers are arrogant, and I'm afraid they don't take Brother God seriously."

Shen Tianyou looked at Li Feiyang coldly, and then made him shut up.Shen Tianyou also understands Li Feiyang's extravagant remarks, but judging by Li Feiyang's appearance, he was indeed dealt with.

"As the saying goes, if you beat a dog to see its master, no matter how bastard you are, you belong to me, and all the disciples in Hualong Palace know that! Brother Liu, go and check, what is the origin of this Yang Yi?"

Shen Tianyou gave instructions to a sword-browed man next to him.

About an hour later, a figure flew from outside, it was Junior Brother Liu who was going to investigate.

"Brother God, I found out that this Yang Yi is an aborigine who just came from Shuilanxing, but after inquiring, this Yang Yi is not simple, he is an arrogant and domineering person in Shuilanxing."

Shen Tianyou's eyes flashed, and he said in a low voice: "Shui Lanxing again? Hmph, Ouyang Xin is the reincarnation of the sword demon, and even the palace master respects him, so I can't deal with him. Hmph, but Yang Yi It’s just an aborigine, and it’s okay, the death of Junior Brother Wan last time was also blamed on you! Junior Brother Liu, please, I’ll make a trip myself!”

Junior brother Liu's eyes flashed brightly, and he flew out directly. Li Feiyang, who was beside him, was overjoyed, and flew out after him. ! ~!

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