blood record

Chapter 143 Five Elements of Water Spirit

Yang Yi was also so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear. The products here can drive any monk crazy, and the wealth here can fill up all the heavens and worlds.

There are dazzling arrays of beautiful things in eyes, jewels and treasures, and rare and exotic objects everywhere, as if all the treasures in the world are concentrated here.

"Okay, okay, okay! I have never seen so many such good places, so much wealth, if it can be plundered, I am afraid that even a super super big pie can be supported. If one day, my cultivation is a great achievement , when I dominate the heavens, I will definitely come and loot this star field, and ruthlessly loot this most affluent place in the starry sky!"

Yang Yi's "rhetoric words" really frightened Yan Zhenzhen, she was already sluggish at this moment, thinking that Yang Yi had gone crazy.

"You are crazy. Even the most insane person would not dare to loot all the stars, even a real immortal would not dare." [

Yang Yi calmed down his excited mood, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and murmured: "If you don't even dare to think about it, what progress is there? How can you talk about cultivating to the highest level? Although I, Yang Yi, have a humble status , the cultivation base is low, but there is a fearful heart, not to mention the star field, even the sacred and misty fairy world, as long as I have the strength, I dare to loot them all, haha!"

Yan Zhenzhen was shocked, she seemed to feel that Yang Yi had a shocking charm, it seemed that she saw in Yang Yi the aura of a world-defining hero, perhaps it was this fear that caused her The indigenous monk who can make Yang Yi grow up to the point where he is now, even the master of transformation is not in his eyes.

"Of course, these thoughts should be hidden in my heart. It would be stupid to loot without the strength! Well, although these things are very precious, they are not what I want. The spirit of the five elements, I don't even have a breath I didn't even feel it, and there won't be such precious things as the Spirit of the Five Elements on the stalls here, I still have to go to the chamber of commerce, where the real all-encompassing is!"

Yang Yi took Yan Zhenzhen straight into a chamber of commerce named Baoyuan.

The things placed in the Baoyuan store are indeed much more precious than those outside, and there are all kinds of items, and there is everything you want.

But Yang Yi walked around once, shook his head slightly, and then recruited a buddy to ask: "Don't you have the spirit of the Five Elements here?"

"Spirit of the Five Elements? Sir, stop joking. I am afraid that the Spirit of the Five Elements can buy our shop. It is a legendary treasure, which can be used to refine the magic weapon of the Five Elements. How can we have it?"

The store clerk felt that Yang Yi was joking. The spirit of the Five Elements is very precious, because the spirit of the Five Elements can not only be used to sacrifice magic treasures alone, but also if they are gathered together, they can even be used to refine the treasure of the Five Elements. This kind of treasure of the Five Elements It is a top-grade magic weapon, using the unique ability of the five elements to be endless, its power is no less than the existence of the half-immortal treasure.

"Oh? You don't have any here either? Then, on the Vientiane Star, which chamber of commerce has one?" Yang Yi asked.

"I haven't heard of this one, but if there is the most likely to have such treasures, the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce is probably the only one! The Vientiane Chamber of Commerce is the largest chamber of commerce in the Vientiane Star, and many magical and rare treasures are there!"

"Vientiane Chamber of Commerce?"

Yang Yi took Yan Zhenzhen directly to the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce.

The Vientiane Chamber of Commerce is very famous on the Vientiane Star, and it can be known almost casually.

At this moment, three people rushed in from behind, the leader was a young and handsome man, when he saw Yan Zhenzhen, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes

"Huh? I didn't expect to see such beauty here? I really deserve to enjoy it, son, you don't even have a bloodline, get out of this woman's side, or you will die!"

Yang Yi smiled instead of anger. Yan Zhenzhen's appearance was astonishingly beautiful, especially that temperament, which was mixed with a freshness in the allurement. There is no such brazenness as this man, just like a bully in the world.

"What kind of cat and dog are you, and you dare to let me go?"

As soon as Yang Yi said that, someone beside him sighed secretly.

"Too bad, this person dared to provoke Wan Baosheng, he must be dead! Wan Baosheng is the best in life, this female monk is not only beautiful, but also cultivated into a dharma body, which is rare, rare! Wan Baosheng will definitely not let go If you pass this woman, even this man will die!" [

"Wan Baosheng, that's Wan Luqi's only son. He is loved by thousands of people. It is rumored that Wan Luqi is practicing in seclusion and trying to survive the calamity of fire. He has cultivated to the sixth stage of transformation. At that time, the fierce power may still be gone. Make it more prosperous!"

These monks were talking in low voices, they seemed to be very familiar with this domineering Wan Baosheng.

Son, are you courting death? " Wan Baosheng's whole body flashed with evil spirit, and he became angry.

"Young master, the important thing is the most important thing!"

An old man in black behind Wan Baosheng suddenly pulled Wan Baosheng back and said something in a low voice, Wan Baosheng's expression softened a little, and he sneered and said, "Boss, I have important things to do today, but don't worry about it." Those who thought they could escape and offend me have never escaped, hmph!"

Wan Baosheng went straight to the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce.

Yang Yi followed suit and walked towards the inside of the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce.

"This Wanbaosheng has a gut, we offend this kind of person, be careful!" Yan Zhenzhen reminded.

"Don't worry, I have my own measure!" The corner of Yang Yi's mouth twitched slightly, his eyes were full of coldness.

"Shopkeeper Ouyang, you should understand the purpose of my son's visit. My father is going through a fire disaster. I got the news a few days ago that your Chamber of Commerce has acquired a five-element water spirit. I wonder what's going on?"

Wan Baosheng said directly to a chubby old man from the chamber of commerce, he seemed very acquainted.

Shopkeeper Ouyang came out, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Mr. Wan, this is of course true. Come on, show Master Wan the Five Elements Water Spirit!"

Not long after, a servant came over with a three-foot-long yu box.

"Young Master Wan, please look!"

Wan Baosheng also looked very serious in his eyes, and gently opened the box.


A rush of water filled the entire Chamber of Commerce, and everyone seemed to be in the water, and there was a sense of comfort.

"Haha, good, good, good! And it's still an adult five-element water spirit, shopkeeper Ouyang, I want this five-element water spirit!"

Wan Baosheng seemed extremely satisfied.

Shopkeeper Ouyang laughed in a low voice: "The Five Elements Water Spirit is not cheap, but since Mr. Wan made the move, there is no problem!"

Shopkeeper Ouyang was about to hand the box to Wan Baosheng, but he never expected a sudden voice from beside him: "Wait! Five Elements Water Spirit, I want it!"

"whoosh" [

Everyone turned their attention to the person who spoke just now. ! ~!

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