blood record

Chapter 1437 Heavenly Temple

Now that Yang Yi and Motian have completed the mission of the murderous madman, naturally, the mission of the murderous madman will be withdrawn. Many people truly believe at this time that Yang Yi and Motian have really completed this mission.

"Murderer, that is an existence that has killed even 48 gods, but it was actually killed by Yang Yi and Mo Tian. Then Yang Yi owns the Chaos God Palace, and nenggou can resist 49 or less gods. Any attack from him is indeed powerful, but how can such a treasure be possessed by him?"

Some gods are quick-witted and greedy, so they are also thinking about Yang Yi's Chaos God Palace, but Yang Yi doesn't care about these people at all. In his eyes, except for the 48 gods Except for the superpowers with tattoos above, the others are not worth mentioning at all." "The chapters of the novel are updated the fastest.

Even those superpowers with more than 48 divine patterns, only those top existences will be valued by Yang Yi, such as superpowers like Chang Sheng, as for those who want to play against him. , then ask for more blessings, Yang Yi will not be lenient when dealing with this kind of people.

"With this token, you can go directly to the Heavenly Temple where the super master is located. There are elders who are responsible for the affairs of the super master there, and they will make detailed arrangements for you." [

The elder enthusiastically explained to Yang Yi that now Yang Yi and Mo Tian have different status and status, and it is not what it used to be. Maybe a moment ago they were only worthy people in Tiansheng Palace, but now, Yang Yi He Motian yjng transformed into a true core of the Tiansheng Palace, a super master!

Such an identity.It's not something ordinary elders can compare to. If you want to hit the top masters in Tiansheng Palace, almost every one of them will be the key training object of Tiansheng Palace.

Because, once one of them is promoted to become the ancestor of the 49 divine patterns, even if NME spends hundreds of millions of years and accumulates countless cultivation resources, it is worth it. A strong man with 49 divine patterns is completely It can't be measured by some cultivation resources and shjn, it can be called price.

Look at Tiansheng Palace for tens of thousands of years.The Temple of Heaven has also existed for tens of thousands of years.But only a strong man with 49 divine patterns was born among them, which shows how difficult the 49 divine patterns are.

However, it is precisely because of the old monster with 49 divine patterns that was born from the Tiansheng Temple that Tiansheng Palace has two ancestors with 49 divine patterns, and they just suppressed the old monsters who used to be comparable to them. Long family.Became the largest force in the Void Domain.

so.In Tiansheng Palace.Except for those ancestors with 49 divine patterns, the ones with the highest status are actually those super masters with 48 divine patterns.

Yang Yi and Mo Tian became super masters, and even these elders were in a hurry to curry favor with each other.


Yang Yi and Mo Tian meyou hesitated again.After submitting the task and getting the identity card of the super master, he immediately flew towards the Tiansheng Temple in Tiansheng Palace.

Tiansheng Temple is the main hall that is fully responsible for the super masters in Tiansheng Palace. If you have any shme, you can find the elders in Tiansheng Temple.

When Yang Yi and Motian came to the gate of the Heavenly Temple, they actually found two guards with 47 divine patterns. If they wanted to zho 47 divine patterns, they would be the strong ones wherever they were, but they were willing to become the Heavenly Saints. Temple guards.

The two guards were also obviously full of arrogance. Seeing that Yang Yi and Mo Tian only had 47 divine marks on their bodies, they immediately shouted angrily: "This is the Temple of Heaven, and the idlers leave as soon as possible!"

Yang Yi didn't want to talk nonsense with these two guards, so he directly pointed his finger at the two guards, and the two guards swept away their spiritual thoughts, and their expressions changed drastically. It's genuine, the two people in front of them, even the mark inside the token is real.

Thinking of this, the two guards hurriedly saluted and said, "Please come in, my lords. I offended you two just now, please forgive me!"

Nenggou made the two guards of the 47 divine patterns change their faces so quickly, which also indirectly explained the authority of the super masters in the Temple of Heaven.

Regardless of whether it is the 48 divine patterns or not, once one becomes a super master in the Temple of Heaven, he will leap into the dragon's gate and reach the sky in one step, and these two guards are not guarding the gate of the Temple of Heaven for the first time.

Their deep love, the more this kind of strong man who does not seem to be a strong man with 48 divine patterns, but has become a super master in the Temple of Heaven, the more he cannot be underestimated, even more powerful than many 48 divine patterns. It's even more terrifying.

This is the jngyn they summed up. The weaker they look, the more they cannot be provoked, because there are perverted evildoers in the Temple of Heaven, and those who seem to have low cultivation are actually the truly terrifying existences.

bjng The super masters in the Tiansheng Temple, the selection conditions are so harsh, ordinary people can't even imagine, meyou has reached 48 divine patterns, if you want to become a super master in the Tiansheng Temple, the hardships and difficulties you have to pay are definitely not ordinary people As far as one can imagine, even those real superpowers with 48 divine patterns may not be able to complete the tasks that those who are not strong with 48 divine patterns. [

Yang Yi and Mo Tian ignored the two guards, and then flew directly into this resplendent and imposing Heavenly Temple.



When Yang Yi and Mo Tian appeared at the shou of Tiansheng Temple, several eyes were focused on them, and these eyes were as real as they were, which made people feel very uncomfortable.


Yang Yi snorted coldly, and suddenly, the gazes of those 48 god-line powerhouses seemed to be pricked by needles, and they felt very uncomfortable, so they quickly retracted them.

"Huh? It's not the 48 divine patterns. Both of them only have 47 divine patterns. They came to the Heavenly Temple to do shit? The other guard outside is not a vegetarian."

"Are they the super masters recently selected by Tiansheng Palace?"

"A master of 47 divine patterns, the weaker his cultivation, the more he cannot be underestimated, the more terrifying he is. Look at the master of 47 divine patterns just now, a cold snort made me feel painful , had to look away. Tsk tsk, interesting, it seems that the Tiansheng Temple will be lively for a while."

In the Temple of Heaven, there are many masters talking about it. They are all super masters with 48 divine patterns. They are very interesting about the two newcomers, Yang Yi and Mo Tian, ​​and they look at Yang Yi and Mo Tian from time to time. Mo Tian swept over the two of them. (To be continued.)

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