blood record

Chapter 1444

Yang Yi's original divine sense was very powerful, and it would be foolish for ordinary people to trap it, but now, even if Yang Yi wants to break free from the other party's primordial spirit, it will take some time.

But the other two would not give Yang Yi this little time at all. They all wished to kill Yang Yi in the shortest possible time. Therefore, Yang Yi's current situation immediately became dangerous. stand up.

Just when Yang Yi was about to resist, a familiar figure suddenly appeared beside him, it turned out to be Mo Tian.

As soon as Mo Tian appeared, he immediately stood in front of Yang Yi, unleashed his supernatural powers, and attacked the two masters. Yang Yi was overjoyed. Without the sword formation, the strength of these two super masters had dropped sharply. Mo Tian can also deal with it for a while.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Yang Yi can withdraw his divine sense as quickly as possible. At that time, the three white-clothed swordsmen who have lost the sword array will not be Yang Yi's opponent at all, and can only be slaughtered by Yang Yi. [

"Hmph, you guys are really courting death!"

Yang Yi didn't hesitate anymore, he immediately activated his divine sense, and a storm was set off quickly. The terrifying storm raged crazily in this master's mind. In an instant, this master could no longer trap Yang Yi. Yang Yi's spiritual sense flew out, and he regained his freedom.


When Yang Yi's divine sense returned to his body, he opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at the three white-clothed swordsmen, with a killing intent flashing on his body.

"This is your own death, the twelve moves of the broken axe! Kill!"

Yang Yi was already murderous at this moment, he was almost caught by the three swordsmen in white before.If that blow hadn't been for the sudden appearance of Mo Tian, ​​which helped him resist the attacks of the two masters, maybe Yang Yi would be in danger now, and he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

Therefore, for the three swordsmen in white, Yang Yi naturally hated them extremely, and would not give them another chance, and the first move would be an earth-shattering ultimate move.

"call out".

At this moment, a sharp piercing sound resounded, colliding viciously with Yang Yi's Chaos Axe.A figure staggered out of the void.

The owner of this figure is a young and handsome man.He was so handsome that he was even a bit coquettish, Yang Yi was sure that he had never seen this person before.

Although Yang Yi's Chaos Ax performed the Twelve Forms of Breaking Axe, it did not exert its greatest power.But the opponent was able to slightly resist the Twelve Ax Styles.That alone.It is stronger than the Three Musketeers in White in their heyday.

The man rescued the Three Musketeers in White from Yang Yi's grasp, and when the Three Musketeers in white saw the man.They all exclaimed: "Sacred Heart?"

Yang Yi and Mo Tian's eyes were slightly focused. It turned out that this man was the number one master in the Temple of Heaven, and Sheng Xincheng, who ranked No. 30 in the Heavenly Dao Ranking, was only below Chang Sheng.

When Yang Yi faced Chang Sheng back then, he heard Chang Sheng mention Shengxincheng. In Chang Sheng's eyes, apart from the two ancestors with 49 divine patterns in Tiansheng Palace, the only thing he could pay attention to was This is the Sacred Heart.

Yang Yi originally planned to meet Sheng Xincheng in the future, but he didn't expect to meet at this time.

"Sheng Xincheng, you saved the Three Musketeers in White, do you also want Yang's Chaos Palace?"

Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said coldly, he didn't give Sheng Xincheng any face at all, what Yang Yi wanted most now was to kill the three white-clothed swordsmen, because, since his great cultivation, no one could make him fall into the trap. Being in such a crisis made Yang Yi very angry.

Shengxincheng shook his head slightly and said: "The three white-clothed swordsmen are trash. They came to look for you. They are seeking their own death. I shouldn't care about it. But I once owed someone a favor, and he used it just now. Lost this favor, let me save the life of the Three Musketeers in White, that’s why I made a move to save him. Well, now I’ve saved him too, I’ve fulfilled that person’s entrustment, as for the Three Musketeers in White, you now If you want to kill or cut, shut up with me!"

Seeing Sheng Xincheng like this, the three swordsmen in white were furious, how could they save people like this?At best, wouldn't they still be out of danger? [

"Sacred Heart, you..."

The three swordsmen in white were almost speechless with anger, and Yang Yi also found it quite interesting. Sheng Xincheng's aloof character was somewhat similar to Chang Sheng that Yang Yi had met. The same aloofness, It's also invincible, but this Sacred Heart obviously pays more attention to promises, unlike Chang Sheng, who likes to play tricks and tricks.


In fact, such aloof and lofty people are the best people to deal with.

Immediately, Yang Yi ignored Sheng Xincheng, but looked at the three white-clothed swordsmen again, and said with a sneer: "You escaped once, but it doesn't mean that you can escape the second time, just suffer death." !"

Yang Yi was about to prepare to attack the Three Musketeers in White again, but maybe God really didn't want the Three Musketeers in white to die like this, or maybe the Three Musketeers in white should not die at this time.

In the void, the sound of war drums suddenly sounded. This sound of war drums resounded through the sky and the earth, filling people with a solemn and dignified feeling.

Hearing the sound of war drums, even the aloof and lofty Sheng Xincheng's expression suddenly became dignified, and he looked at the void and said, "Heavenly Temple actually beat the drums? This is an emergency situation in the Heavenly Temple. , all masters must fly to the hall as soon as possible, otherwise, the ancestor will kill him immediately!"

Having said that, Shengxincheng didn't dare to delay, and flew directly to the Temple of Heaven.

And Yang Yi originally wanted to kill the three white-clothed swordsmen, but in an instant, he felt a huge force, as if it was watching him all the time.

Yang Yi was startled, knowing that this was probably an ancestor with 49 divine patterns in Tiansheng Palace, who was monitoring everyone, and if someone was still delaying time and did not go to Tiansheng Temple, he would immediately Shot to kill.

Even Yang Yi would definitely not dare to challenge the majesty of the ancestor of the 49 divine patterns at this time, so he could only give the three white-clothed swordsmen a hard look. He has many chances to kill them, so there is no need to rush.

So, Yang Yi and Mo Tian also flew into the Tiansheng Temple together.

The drums of war kept ringing, and they rang directly in everyone's ears. All the strong men of the Heavenly Sacred Palace flew towards the main hall quickly, densely packed, but there was no noise, and it was very quiet. Everyone's expressions It's not very good, after all, every time the drums beat, that's when there is a big trouble in the Temple of Heaven.

"What happened? The drums in the Temple of Heaven were all beaten. This is a big event. Every time the drums are played, it is an earth-shattering event. Sometimes even the top experts in the Temple of Heaven will be unlucky and fall. A lot."

"That's right, the beating of war drums may be a good thing, but not everyone can enjoy the benefits."

Many people didn't know what the drum was beating this time, but they all looked dignified. The sudden drum made people have several questions in their hearts.


At this moment, Yang Yi and Mo Tian actually saw a familiar figure. As soon as she appeared, she attracted many people's attention, but she flew straight to Yang Yi and Mo Tian.

"Fellow Daoist Hua Yudie!"

Yang Yi smiled slightly, the person who suddenly appeared beside them was Hua Yudie.

Hua Yudie is still so bright and charming, and it seems that her cultivation base has improved a little recently, the aura of her whole body seems to be more ethereal, with a kind of breathtaking charm.

Hua Yudie nodded, then looked at Yang Yi, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, and said, "I haven't congratulated Yang Daoyou yet, but he has been promoted to 47 divine patterns. It must be a great improvement in strength. Yes Even the mission of the murderous madman, the fellow daoist can complete it, which really surprised me." [

In fact, Hua Yudie did not know until recently that Yang Yi and Mo Tian had actually completed the task of murdering a madman, and had also entered the Temple of Heaven, becoming super masters.

Since Hua Yudie completed the task of destroying the Immortal Valley last time, she returned to the Temple of Heaven and began to retreat. Because of her understanding, the time of retreat was a little longer, and it took decades , just left the customs not long ago.

So when she heard about Yang Yi and Mo Tian, ​​although she was surprised, she already had a premonition in her heart. After all, when the Immortal Valley was destroyed, Yang Yi took action against Chang Sheng. He deserved to be the number one master, and he blocked it for a long time, and finally left calmly.

Hua Yudie also had an inexplicable confidence in Yang Yi, knowing that he was not inferior to any master with 48 divine patterns in the Temple of Heaven.

Yang Yi's heart moved, and he asked Hua Yudie: "By the way, Fellow Daoist, do you know what happened when the drums were beating in the Temple of Heaven this time?"

In Yang Yi's view, what could happen to Tiansheng Palace?The number one force in the Void Domain, what else could make them so nervous?Even the mission of the last murderous maniac didn't make the Heavenly Temple beat the drums.

However, Hua Yudie shook his head naively, and said with a serious expression: "This time the drums are beating, and no one knows the details, because this time it was the ancestor of the 49 gods who beat it himself. .”

"What? The ancestor of the 49 divine patterns beat it himself?"

Yang Yi even felt a little unbelievable. After all, the ancestors of these 49 divine patterns rarely appeared once in tens of thousands of years, unless some earth-shattering event happened in the Void Realm, which would shake the entire Void Realm, or They only appeared when Tiansheng Palace was in danger of being destroyed.

But now, the ancestors of the 49 divine patterns personally beat the drums. Obviously, something big must have happened, otherwise these ancestors of the 49 divine patterns would definitely not have appeared. (To be continued.)

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