blood record

Chapter 1451 Difficult Choices

Chang Sheng sighed and said: "That's right, this is the origin stone, which comes from the legendary source of emptiness. Moreover, the source stone has a special function, that is, it can locate the source of emptiness. Through the source stone, You can directly reach the source of emptiness!"

Chang Sheng's words kept echoing in Yang Yi's mind, to be able to directly reach the source of emptiness, this is probably anyone's dream.

But, is it that simple?Yang Yi felt that something was missing, and after thinking for a long time, Yang Yi's eyes lit up, and he finally knew what was missing.

"Hmph, you can enter the source of emptiness so smoothly, don't you already have entered the source of emptiness, why bother to win over me?"

Yang Yi sneered and said, if it is really so easy to enter the source of emptiness through the source stone, Chang Sheng will definitely not waste time here, and even tried his best to persuade himself. [

Sure enough, there was a smile on the corner of Chang Sheng's mouth, and then he said lightly: "Indeed, there are no easy things in this world. The origin stone is indeed amazing, but if you want to enter the source of emptiness, there are some troubles. This is also the reason why I am looking for Fellow Daoist Yang."

"What's the trouble?"

Yang Yi asked in a deep voice, thinking about it, this is definitely not a small trouble, otherwise, how can it be solved with the ability of ever-victorious?

Chang Sheng still had a smile on his face, and said lightly: "This trouble is not big, but it is not small. It is very simple. Using the origin stone to locate the source of the void requires too much divine power. Generally, only those 49 Only the ancestors of the gods can use it at will, and there are less than 49 gods. Once the source stone is activated inadvertently, it is basically drained of divine power and died."

The pupils of Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly. This kind of trouble is indeed not big or small, but it is very troublesome. At this time, Yang Yi thought of Chang Sheng again, and said in a low voice: "Why do you knew?"

"Because this seat has been opened, in the end it was almost a narrow escape. Finally, it died without being drained of divine power."

It turned out that Changsheng had opened it.Moreover, he was still absorbed with a huge amount of divine power. If he hadn't resorted to some tricks in the end, he would have died a long time ago, and he wouldn't have survived to this day.

Yang Yi pondered for a long time.Soon he knew Chang Sheng's plan.So Shen Sheng asked: "Do you want me to open the Origin Stone with you?"

Chang Sheng nodded and said: "Haha. That's right, this seat is exactly what I mean, but it's dangerous. Even this seat doesn't know whether our divine power is enough to open the source stone. All of this is unknown, so , this move still has certain risks, I don’t know what fellow daoists think about it?”

Origin stones, although miraculous and precious, are generally in charge of the ancestors of the 49 divine patterns, and for some reason they wandered into the Immortal Valley, and were finally obtained by Chang Sheng.

Although the origin stone can locate the origin of the void, and can also open the space channel, leading people directly into the origin of the void, but it also takes risks. No one knows how huge the divine power the origin stone needs. Both Yang Yi and Chang Sheng couldn't open it, wouldn't they be sucked dry again and die?

Chang Sheng may already have experience, and he can use the forbidden technique to escape the absorption of the origin stone, but what about Yang Yi?Yang Yi has no experience, and is likely to fall into crisis at that time.

Therefore, this is also a test for Yang Yi, risks and opportunities coexist, it depends on how Yang Yi decides.

Yang Yi looked Chang Sheng up and down, and his eyes were shining brightly. He didn't answer immediately, but said in a deep voice: "Why did the ancestor of Tiansheng Palace chase you down? Why did he want to snatch you back?" Origin stone?"

This is something Yang Yi is very concerned about. Before that, he was very "confused" about what kind of treasure could alarm a super strong man with 49 divine lines like She Kong.Later, Yang Yi knew about the origin stone, but up to now, Yang Yi didn't know the reason why Patriarch Shekong chased and killed Chang Sheng.

"Hey, it's actually very simple. That's because the channel of Xuzhiyuan has always been managed by two old guys from Tiansheng Palace. That is to say, only those who pass through the two old guys from Tiansheng Palace are eligible. The other superpowers of the 49 divine patterns, although capable, were restrained. It seems that many old monsters have reached an agreement that only the two ancestors of Tiansheng Palace can Guarding the passage. Hehe, now that we have the origin stone, this is equivalent to a brand new passage, how can the two old monsters of Tiansheng Palace give up?"

Hearing Chang Sheng's explanation, Yang Yi also instantly understood that many old monsters with 49 divine patterns in the Void Realm, for some reason, reached an agreement, and wanted to make Void Source into their pockets. things.

Therefore, let the old monsters of Tiansheng Palace control this passage, and all those who have other passages will be beheaded. Chang Sheng accidentally obtained the source stone, which is almost equivalent to a brand new passage. Naturally, the two old monsters of the Holy Palace would not let Chang Sheng go.

Moreover, anyone who dares to use this passage to enter the source of emptiness with Chang Sheng will be hunted down by Tiansheng Palace, just because behind Chang Sheng, there should be some old monsters with 49 divine patterns, maybe Is it because they don't like the two old monsters of Tiansheng Palace, or it is purely to protect Chang Sheng, so they restrain the two old monsters of Tiansheng Palace in the dark, so that they dare not take action blatantly, otherwise, No matter how powerful Chang Sheng is, how can he deal with the boss with 49 divine patterns? [

Only then did the Patriarch Shekong of Tiansheng Palace, who did not hesitate to make a promise, let many masters of Tiansheng Palace go to besiege Changsheng together.

"How do you have the right way? Danger and opportunity coexist, it depends on how fellow Taoists grasp it."


Chang Sheng said lightly, he did not urge Yang Yi, but just looked at Yang Yi quietly, waiting for Yang Yi's final decision, which may be related to his ability to enter the source of the void through the source stone. middle.

After all, Chang Sheng doesn't want to delay any longer, who knows if the boss of Tiansheng Palace will recklessly attack him in person?

Therefore, Chang Sheng still wanted to leave the Realm of Void as soon as possible, pass through the source stone, open the passage, and enter the legendary source of Void that gods have dreamed of for days.

Thoughts turned in Yang Yi's mind one after another. The origin stone in Chang Sheng's hand is indeed extremely attractive. With this origin stone, once Yang Yi agrees, there is almost a great possibility of success. You will enter the source of emptiness without waiting for thousands of years.

But the disadvantages are also obvious, not only the stability of the origin stone cannot be determined, but it is even very dangerous to be hunted down by the ancestors of the Tiansheng Palace.

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