blood record

Chapter 1466

"Senior, I don't know where you came to the source of the void?"

After arriving in the city of Buluo, the god with 45 divine lines kept asking obsequiously, judging by his appearance, he wished that Yang Yi would directly reward him with some treasures or elixir, so that his cultivation base would improve greatly.

After all, what Yang Yi is showing now is 48 divine patterns, which in his eyes is an unattainable figure.

Yang Yi smiled slightly, but didn't answer directly, and said to the god with 45 divine patterns: "Who is the strongest among you who will not fall into the city?"

"The strongest?" [

The god blinked his eyes, and then said in a low voice, cautiously: "We have an ancestor with 49 divine patterns sitting in the city, but I don't know who it is, and the ancestor usually doesn't show up. It is the three elders of Dongshan who are responsible for the matter of falling into the city, and they live in the tallest tower in the city of Buluo."

"Huh? Dongshan Sanlao?"

Yang Yi pondered for a while, knowing that only by finding these three people and understanding the situation, can he know Xu Zhiyuan's situation exactly, so he directly took out some pills he didn't need from his bosom, and rewarded this man God.

These elixirs are of no use to Yang Yi, but to this god, they can save decades of practice, which can be said to be a great benefit. He let Yang Yi in so readily, and it is not enough. Is it just for these rewards?

Seeing the joyful look of this god, Yang Yi smiled, and then floated away, flying towards the tower where the three elders of Dongshan were.

This tower is easy to find, just look up.You can see a tall tower towering in the sky, Yang Yi quietly came directly to the tower, and said to the guard: "Report to the three elders of Dongshan, I have something important to report!"

The guards in the tower sensed Yang Yi's powerful aura, and they didn't dare to be negligent. They quickly walked to the depths of the tower, and they were going to report to the three elders of Dongshan.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yang Yi easily dealt with the other guards, and then followed the guard unknowingly to the No. 18 floor of the tower.

"Dong dong dong".

The guard knocked on the door.An old voice came from inside: "Come in."

immediately.The guard entered the gate, and Yang Yi came to the gate without showing any trace.

The guard respectfully reported to the three elders in the room: "Three adults, there is a master with 48 divine patterns under the tower. He said he wanted to report some important information to the three adults."

"Important information? 48 divine patterns? Hehe. No need. He's already here..."

One of the old men stared outside with a half-smile, and the guard was startled.He also hurriedly turned around and looked out, and after hearing the old man's words, Yang Yi knew that his whereabouts had been discovered, so he immediately showed his figure.

These three old men should be the three elders of Dongshan mentioned by the city wall guards. They really exude a powerful aura, which cannot be compared with the ordinary 48 divine lines.

"How dare you break into the tower without authorization?"

The guard yelled loudly and looked at Yang Yi nervously.

The three elders of Dongshan waved their hands slightly and said: "Okay, there is no need to be like this, the visitor is a guest, you go down first, let's talk to this friend who came from afar."

Although the guard looked at Yang Yi unwillingly, he didn't dare to disobey the old man's words, so he left the room respectfully, and even now he was thinking of going under the tower and summoning experts to come in case of emergency. need. [

Yang Yi smiled slightly, but didn't care. He never thought of hiding the Dongshan three elders at all, so he said flatly: "The three fellow Taoists really have good eyesight, and know that Yang came from afar."

"Yang Daoyou, you are now a celebrity in the entire Xuzhiyuan. Patriarch Shekong has offered a huge reward. If anyone catches you, the reward is so rich that it can make all the strong people with 48 divine patterns go crazy. How could you not know that Fellow Daoist Yang came from afar?"


Dongshan Sanlao's words seemed very calm, but in Yang Yi's ears, they were not calm. On the contrary, there was almost a turbulent sea in his heart.

As expected, Patriarch Shekong would not let him go, but Yang Yi never thought that Patriarch Shekong would be so ruthless, and he took out rich treasures, which made many people with 48 divine patterns fall in love. It is conceivable that once Yang Yi appeared , in the eyes of others, it is basically a movable treasure house, and they will definitely attack and kill them at all costs.

In this way, Yang Yi's situation is indeed in danger!

However, this also shows from the side that the influence of Patriarch Shekong or Tiansheng Palace in Xuzhiyuan is not large enough to affect the many "invaders" in Xuzhiyuan. There is no need to use heavy treasures to motivate those strong men to take the risk of chasing and killing Yang Yi.

So, that's both a good thing and a bad thing.

However, even if Patriarch Shekong had calculated thousands of times, he would never have imagined that Yang Yi could improve so fast, and in just a few hundred years, he would be able to break through the bottleneck and hit 48 divine patterns.

And more importantly, Yang Yi, the 48-path divine pattern, is comparable to the super powerhouse of the ancestor of the 49-path divine pattern. Arriving in person, Yang Yi is not afraid.

Therefore, when Dongshan Sanlao shouted out his identity, Yang Yi only showed a trace of surprise on his face, and the rest didn't react much, with a calm look, which made Dongshan Sanlao The old man was quite surprised.

One of the old men's face darkened, and he said coldly: "What? Is it possible that Fellow Daoist Yang is not afraid that we will take action and catch you, and then give it to Patriarch Shekong to receive a generous reward?"

Yang Yi shook his head slightly, and said with a long sigh: "I'm afraid, of course Yang is afraid, but the current Yang, I'm afraid it's not so easy to catch, maybe, the whole Unfallen City will be destroyed in one fell swoop! "

Hearing Yang Yi's loud tone, one of the old men was naturally not used to it, and he stood up abruptly and said, "Hmph, you are not ashamed to say anything, and you don't want to see who built Buluo City? Just rely on your mere 48 Can someone with the Taoist pattern destroy it?"

This unfallen city was built by the ancestors of the 49 divine patterns, and the large formation that was set up in it can even withstand the attack of the 49 divine patterns for a while, so how could it be easily destroyed?

Yang Yi's expression remained the same, but there was a chill in his eyes, and he laughed in a low voice: "It seems that if Yang doesn't use some means, no one is willing to answer the question I want to ask today."

After Yang Yi's words fell, the three elders of Dongshan were very nervous. Anyway, Yang Yi is also a strong man with 48 divine patterns, and he was able to escape from the hands of Patriarch Shekong, so he had his own unique means. underestimate.


As soon as Yang moved, his whole body had no scruples, and the powerful divine power quickly turned into a big palm, overwhelming and ruthlessly grabbing at the old man who stood up just now.

It looks like an ordinary grab, but it contains poor strength, especially the pressure, which is almost like a mountain peak, suppressing the three elders of Dongshan, almost suffocating.

This kind of pure suppression was completely unexpected by Dongshan's three elders. In their view, no matter how powerful Yang Yi was, he was no more than equal to them alone.

But as soon as Yang made a move, they knew they were wrong, and it was a big mistake. This was no match for the three of them. With such pressure and strength, they clearly felt like an old man with 49 divine patterns. Ancestors in general.

Only when they faced the ancestors with 49 divine patterns, could they feel such a sense of despair and help them in this way. [

"No, this person is too powerful, I'm afraid he can compete with the ancestor of the 49 gods, let's go!"

The three elders of Dongshan immediately felt Yang Yi's strength, and they were also very wise, knowing that they were invincible, so they fled outside immediately.Originally, it was difficult for them to escape in front of Yang Yi, but this tower was originally surrounded by numerous large formations, and the master of the 49 god patterns was probably a master of formations, and the formations had already been formed. Research to the extreme.

Otherwise, it would not have set up the powerful formation that does not fall outside the city.

Therefore, relying on the formation of the high tower, the three elders of Dongshan unexpectedly got rid of Yang Yi's attack at once, and disappeared from Yang Yi's eyes in an instant.


Yang Yi punched a big hole in the tower, but Dongshan Sanlao escaped.

Yang Yi looked thoughtful, and murmured in a low voice: "Yes, this tower is indeed powerful, and the formations inside are unpredictable, making it impossible to guard against, but if you can escape for a while, maybe you can also escape the entire tower. Can't fall into the city?"

With a smile on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, he stepped out of the tower in one step.

At this time, outside the tower, there were experts with more than 45 divine patterns everywhere. They felt the violent vibration of the tower just now, so they ran out in a hurry.

The high tower is the headquarters of the entire Unfallen City, and the three elders of Dongshan lived in the high tower. At this time, there was such a big change in the high tower, and a big hole appeared, and they immediately felt the seriousness of the matter.

"Whoosh whoosh".

Soon, the three elders of Dongshan appeared in the void, staring at the high tower with a very ugly expression.

"Damn it, how could this Yang Yi have 49 divine patterns?"

"No, Yang Yi should only have the cultivation base of 48 divine patterns, and he is not an old monster with 49 divine patterns. However, his strength is too strong and his aura is too oppressive, no different from the strong man with 49 divine patterns. Maybe he already has the power comparable to the ancestor of the 49 gods."

"How is this possible? Back then, Patriarch Shekong once said that Yang Yi only had 47 divine patterns, so why did he have 48 divine patterns in a flash? And Yang Yi was still under the blow of Patriarch Shekong back then. Fleeing in embarrassment, unable to resist even a blow from Patriarch Shekong, why has it become so powerful now?"

The three elders of Dongshan still knew some information about Yang Yi, and they couldn't believe that in just a few hundred years, Yang Yi possessed a tyrannical strength comparable to 49 divine patterns. (To be continued.)

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