blood record

Chapter 1492 Hold on

"That's right, Patriarch Rock is hiding in the dark, making it impossible to guard against!"

Yang Yi also frowned, he indeed felt the threat from Patriarch Rock, after all, the last time he was with Patriarch Jiuchongshan, he almost caused Yang Yi to fall, this enmity, Yang Yi will never forget.

What's more, it's even more dangerous if they come to enter the big formation of Jiuchongshan Patriarch this time.

"But it doesn't matter, no matter how powerful the Patriarch Jiuchongshan is, we are not at the mercy of others. What's more, if we persist for two hours, the Taoist Heavenly Formation will definitely be able to break through the formation!"

There was also a hint of fierceness in Yang Yi's eyes. He also had a bit of taboo about the last time he almost died in the hands of the ancestor of Jiuchongshan. What's more, Yang Yi is not fully resistant now. The power of the fifteenth form of the ax is even more powerful. After all, the more than 1 jin of water of enlightenment is not wasted in vain. [


At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Yang Yi and Lord Lianshi.

"Haha, do you still want to get out alive? It's so naive. I let you escape last time, but this time it's not so easy. You actually threw yourself into the trap, haha!"

This figure is obviously Patriarch Rock, he must have been deliberately let in by Patriarch Jiuchongshan, entered the formation, and attacked Yang Yi and Castle Master Lianshi.

Seeing Patriarch Rock's appearance, Fortress Lian Shi was extremely nervous, and shouted: "Patriarch Rock, you dare to show off your power in front of us, you are looking for death!"

After all, Fortress Lianshi displayed his supernatural power in an instant.The whole space seems to be imprisoned. Even if Patriarch Rock wanted to leave, it would take a huge amount of strength. During this period of time, even the Castle Lord must have other magical means.

Therefore, Lord Lianshi used this kind of supernatural power just to find out the capabilities of Patriarch Rock in the big formation, so as to guard against the sneak attack of Patriarch Rock later.


The whole space seemed to be shaking, but even the supernatural power of the master of the stone castle hit the ancestor of the rock.But it didn't work at all.The Rock Patriarch seemed to not exist.

But his body is indeed in the big formation, and it is still under their noses, so why does the supernatural power of the stone castle master have no effect on him?

Think here.Yang Yi and even the castle master took a deep breath.This is no easy task.Once this rock patriarch possesses such supernatural powers, he can't be killed no matter how hard he fights, what about Yang Yi and Lian Shibaozhu.But a huge threat.

"Haha, it's up to you? Don't forget, this place is in the grand formation of the ancestor of Jiuchongshan. How can you deal with the old man in the grand formation? It's ridiculous!"

Patriarch Rock didn't seem panicked at all, but laughed out loud, his tone full of sarcasm. Before he entered the big formation, he was warned by Jiuchongshan Patriarch that in the big formation, he It can be guaranteed that if Castle Master Lianshi loses, no matter how fierce the attacks of Castle Master Lianshi and Yang Yi are, they will actually be transferred to other large formations by him using the uniqueness of the big formation.

It is precisely because of this miraculousness that Patriarch Rock dared to be alone in the formation to deal with Yang Yi and Lord Lianshi. Otherwise, no matter how much he hated Yang Yi and Lord Lianshi, he would not dare to take the risk. Provocative in front of the two of them.

Castle Master Lianshi still wanted to attack, but Yang Yi blocked Lord Lianshi. He had already seen some of the mysteries, and said in a low voice: "It's useless, this is the grand formation of Patriarch Jiuchongshan. We must have used the power of the large formation just now to divert our supernatural powers and attacks, so no matter how we attack, we cannot deal with Patriarch Rock."

After Lian Shibao heard this, he was shocked. It turned out that Jiuchongshan Patriarch's formation technique has reached such a level, which shocked him very much. But in this way, wouldn't the two of them be dead?No matter how strong a master with 49 Dao Divine Patterns hides in the dark and assassinates recklessly, no matter how strong Yang Yi and Castle Master Lian Shi are, they probably won't be able to last long.

"What should we do? Do we just let the old ancestor and the old rock group kill us both?"

The Lord Lianshi asked in a low voice. He knew that the two of them are now in an absolutely dangerous situation, very, very dangerous, and if they are not careful, they will die.

The five thousand catties of water of enlightenment from the Presbyterian Church is not so easy to get. The price to be paid this time to seize the fountain of enlightenment is unimaginable, and even some ancestors with 49 divine patterns will fall. . [

But now, Yang Yi and Fortress Lianshi are very likely to be one of the ancestors of the 49 divine patterns that have fallen.

Yang Yi fixed his eyes on the old rock team, and suddenly, he laughed.


"Haha, Patriarch Jiuchongshan is indeed powerful, but so what? Both of us are in the formation now, so what if he can divert our attacks away? If we don't make a move, we can rely on Your rock patriarch will do something to us, let’s see if you can kill us, or will you die in our hands in the end?"

The tone of Yang Yi's words was very dignified, and people couldn't help but feel poor self-confidence. After hearing this, Patriarch Yan was slightly taken aback. In his opinion, now Yang Yi and Lord Lianshi are just acting in fear. It's all about struggling, now that they have entered the grand formation of the ancestors of Jiuchongshan, they must be suspicious.

Where did Yang Yi get such confidence?

Even Castle Master Shi's eyes lit up, and he understood what Yang Yi meant. It turned out that Yang Yi wanted to procrastinate until the Heavenly Formation Taoist broke through the grand formation of the Jiuchongshan Patriarch. At that time, the situation here It's about to change, I'm afraid Patriarch Rock will be in crisis by then.

Although Castle Master Lianshi knew about Yang Yi's plan, he was still very worried. This is two hours, if they can't last two hours, they might perish.

But now, the two of them had no choice but to persevere, otherwise, they would have to be beheaded by the old rock team.

Seeing Yang Yi and the Lord Lianshi making a look of steadfast defense, the ancestor Yan flashed a gleam of light in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Very well, then let's see, old man, what else do you have?" Confidence?"

After all, the figure of Patriarch Rock disappeared in front of Yang Yi and Castle Master Lianshi in an instant, but it was because of his sudden disappearance that Yang Yi and Castle Master Lianshi became more nervous.

"call out".

Sure enough, behind Yang Yi, Patriarch Rock suddenly appeared, and then flew towards Yang Yi with a magical power.

Fortunately, Yang had already made preparations early in the morning, and the Chaos Ax in his hand appeared instantly, and directly slashed at Patriarch Rock.


The Chaos Ax and the Ancestor Rock's magical power collided together, and the Ancestor Rock's supernatural power instantly dissipated into the void. In terms of pure supernatural power, the Ancestor Rock was no match for Yang Yi's Chaos Axe at all.

Therefore, these two supernatural powers collided together in the big formation, and instantly dissipated into the void without leaving a trace, but Yang Yi's Chaos Ax slashed in the void, and did not hurt the rock. What a decent threat Zu poses.

"Hmph, let's see how long you can last?"

Patriarch Rock sneered, he didn't have to worry about Yang Yi and Castle Master Lian Shi being able to escape at all, now that he was caught in the big formation, he just needed to play with Yang Yi and Castle Master Lian Shi like a cat catching a mouse, Let them die from exhaustion.

Therefore, every time the Patriarch Rock missed a single hit, he retreated immediately, and then appeared again, again and again, again and again, many times, Yang Yi was in danger. .

Even the Castle Master was the same, he was in danger several times, but thanks to Yang Yi's timely action, no tragedy happened.

Time passed by little by little, and it was almost an hour in a blink of an eye. Yang Yi and even the castle master were very difficult to defend. Now their divine power is getting less and less. Give it a chance.

Moreover, this large formation obviously began to erupt with some power, trapping Yang Yi and Fortress Lianshi in time, so that Patriarch Rock's attack could be more effective. [

Yang Yi knew that it was the ancestor of Jiuchongshan who had intervened. He directly used the power of the large formation to attack Yang Yi and the owner of Lianshi Castle. This is also extremely dangerous. the Lord will fall.

Just when Yang Yi and Lord Lianshi were in danger and almost fell many times, the heavenly Taoist outside was also at the critical moment of breaking the formation.

At this time, more than 30 masters with 49 paths of gods have entered the grand formation of the ancestors of Jiuchongshan, disrupting the formation. Up to now, no ancestor with 49 paths of gods has fallen of.

Although the big formation is more dangerous, according to the original expectation, it would take two hours to break through the big formation, but thanks to the Jiuchongshan Patriarch who took the initiative to reveal his flaws, he used a big formation, as if he was besieging someone specifically.

Also because of this, Jiuchongshan Patriarch's active attack left some loopholes for the Taoist Tianzheng, allowing him to quickly crack the entire formation within an hour.

"Quick, quick, even faster, just a little faster will break through the entire formation!"

Daoist Tianzhen was working fast, he was calculating the loopholes in every big formation, so as to summarize them together, and then using his understanding of the big formation, he could break all the big formations in one fell swoop.

Although it is very difficult, Taoist Tianzhen is trying his best to break through the formation at all costs. He knows that if the formation is broken earlier, there will be fewer dead people in the invader camp, or even no deaths. people.

After all, each of these people is the ancestor of the 49 divine patterns, each of which is very important to the invader camp, and the loss of any one will cause the invader camp to suffer heavy losses. ()

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