blood record

Chapter 1496 Mysterious Power

As soon as Yang made a move, he beheaded a dignified ancestor-level ancestor with only one handprint. This is really unbelievable. Both the invader camp and the native camp have their eyes wide open at this time. staring at Yang Yi.

And Yang Yi was also obviously very surprised, he just used this mysterious aura on his body just because of anger, but he never thought that this aura is so terrifying, it can directly shake the primordial spirit , even the ancestor-level superpowers can't stop it.

Although he was very puzzled in his heart, he saw that the other party's divine body was still intact, so he grabbed the divine body with a big hand, and then used the devouring supernatural power to directly devour and refine it into his body inside the body.


The divine body of this ancestor-level powerhouse quickly transformed into billowing divine power, surging and surging, making Yang Yi's divine patterns even stronger, faintly condensing the feeling of 49 divine patterns. [

But Yang Yi also knew that this was just an illusion, he didn't even comprehend the avenue of the 49 divine patterns, how could he condense the No.40 nine divine patterns.

Therefore, he still needs a lot of water of enlightenment. Since his comprehension was interrupted this time, he can only go back to Lianshibao and use the water of enlightenment to practice again.

But now, what Yang Yi can do is to collect enough water of enlightenment as much as possible. Therefore, after beheading this ancestor-level powerhouse, Yang Yi still did not give up collecting the water of enlightenment, and was still collecting it crazily. The water of enlightenment.


Many masters of the indigenous tribes have already gasped. They don't know how Yang Yi beheaded his companion, but they have already lost an ancestor-level powerhouse, and it is impossible for the other party to fall in vain.

Therefore, the indigenous tribe immediately dispatched three ancestor-level powerhouses to fly towards Yang Yi again. These two ancestor-level powerhouses seemed to be careful not to confront Yang Yi head-on.Using supernatural powers outside to attack Yang Yi made Yang Yi unable to collect the water of enlightenment with peace of mind, which made Yang Yi extremely annoyed.

So, he held the Chaos Axe.Directly display the No.15 type of broken axe.A series of huge ax energy instantly shuttled through the space and slashed towards the two ancestor-level powerhouses.

Moreover, Yang Yi also integrated the aura of air in his body into the ax energy.He also wanted to reconfirm whether this mysterious aura is really useful to the primordial spirits of the powerhouses with 49 divine lines, and can destroy their primordial spirits.

If it is true, then Yang Yike has truly stood at the peak of the 49 divine patterns.It is not inferior to top existences such as Kuang Lei Patriarch.


Finally, the Chaos Ax slashed fiercely at the bodies of these two ancestor-level powerhouses, but their faces turned pale in an instant, and there was also a trace of paleness on their faces, with faint spots all over their bodies. Cold sweat flowed out.

"Not good, our primordial spirit is about to dissipate..."

The two ancestors were shocked. They felt an incomparable force, which quickly penetrated into their bodies and directly disintegrated their primordial spirits.Make their primordial spirit dissipate and collapse quickly in the shortest possible time.

Once the primordial spirit collapses, even if they are ancestor-level powerhouses, they can only fall.


Even so, these two ancestor-level powerhouses.Still not being able to carry it through, the primordial spirit dissipated in an instant, and the aura on their bodies disappeared even more.


this time.He also saw two ancestor-level powerhouses die in Yang Yi's hands.And it's still so weird that it's hard to guard against. It seems that Yang Yi has the powerful supernatural power that can annihilate the primordial spirit of the strong with 49 divine patterns.

In the blink of an eye, three ancestor-level powerhouses died. Even the indigenous tribes couldn't afford to lose, so the indigenous tribe who was the leader immediately shouted: "Withdraw!"

Including the ancestor of Jiuchongshan, countless ancestor-level powerhouses immediately flew back, shuttled through the space, and left the fountain of enlightenment.

The ancestor of Jiuchongshan gave Yang Yi a deep look, his eyes were also full of shock, he didn't understand why Yang Yi suddenly became so fierce and killed three ancestors one after another He is a super strong person, and it seems that it takes almost no effort, so he can't figure it out.


After all, even if he used the large formation, it would be even more difficult to kill a 49-path divine pattern existence. I don't know how many twists and turns it would take to kill a strong man with 49 path divine patterns.

Soon, the masters of the indigenous tribes retreated completely. This time, together with the rock ancestors, they lost four ancestor-level powerhouses, while the invader camp only lost one 49-way god pattern. .

Such a big victory really made the invader camp ecstatic, but they all knew that they were able to win such a big victory this time, almost all thanks to Yang Yi and Taoist Tianzhen.

Without the Taoists of Tianzhen, it would be impossible to crack the Great Formation, so they would lose at least five ancestors with 49 Dao Divine Patterns. Without Yang Yi, they will fight with the indigenous tribes in the future, and it is not known who will win the battle. .

Therefore, Yang Yi and Taoist Tianzhen were the most responsible for capturing the fountain of enlightenment this time.

"Haha, friend Yang Dao, you have shown your prowess this time. This fountain of enlightenment, the old man is in charge. You can collect as much as you want today. Collect as much as you want."

The members of the Presbyterian Council dispatched this time saw that Yang Yi was collecting the water of enlightenment, and did not stop them. Instead, they generously let Yang Yi collect it. After all, the fountain of enlightenment is endless, even if Yang Yi collects it for a day, he can still collect it. How many

Moreover, this way they can make friends with Yang Yi, an unfathomable superpower. In the eyes of this elder, Yang Yi is already a powerful existence comparable to Kuang Lei Patriarch.

After all, the ancestor of Kuanglei was like this back then, and he rose up suddenly. With the thunder of corrosion, the masters of the indigenous tribes were frightened by the news, and I don't know how many masters of the ancestors of the indigenous tribes were beheaded.

As for Yang Yi, it was obviously the same. He suddenly rose up, and with an even more strange, even unimaginable method, he beheaded and killed three indigenous ancestor-level powerhouses one after another, and finally made the indigenous tribe retreat without a fight. Only then did the invader camp get the fountain of enlightenment.

It can be said that this fountain of enlightenment was captured by Yang Yi by himself, so Yang Yi can collect it as much as he wants for a day, so that no one will feel dissatisfied.

And Yang Yi was also overjoyed, in one day, he could at least collect hundreds of thousands of catties of the Fountain of Enlightenment.This is enough for him, it is enough for him to cultivate to 49 divine patterns and comprehend the way of 49 divine patterns.

"Then Yang will be impolite."

As soon as Yang finished speaking, he grabbed it with his big hand.Grabbed the divine bodies of the two indigenous ancestor-level powerhouses in his hands.And displayed the devouring supernatural power, rapidly refining and absorbing it, turning it into billowing divine power, nourishing Yang Yi's divine pattern.

The divine power contained in Yang Yi's divine pattern now.It has almost reached the limit, and it was impossible to be colder, but Yang Yi used the water of enlightenment to continuously comprehend the great way of 49 divine patterns, so.His divine pattern also continued to be cold, reaching the limit of the limit, which could accommodate more divine power.

Although his cultivation still hasn't improved, his divine power has almost swelled by half, and his strength has also improved by leaps and bounds.

But the most amazing thing is the mysterious aura in his body, which can directly affect the primordial spirit, and even those ancestor-level powerhouses can't resist it, which makes Yang Yi want to understand even more, how is this going to happen? thing.

So when he was collecting the water of enlightenment.He also began to immerse his mind in his body, and slowly searched for that mysterious aura. In fact, this aura was not so difficult, and he found it soon.

When Yang Yi checked carefully, he suddenly found out.This breath is indeed a brand new breath, but it is a brand new power that combines the God of Chaos, the God of Xingtian, and the power of heaven. It is different from the power of divine power, although it is breath.But it can be virtualized into reality, which is very unique.

this power.It has a great lethality to the primordial spirit, and it is a brand-new power. Even Yang Yi suspects that this is the power that will only be available after transcending the way of heaven and surpassing the 49 divine lines. [

However, this power is still very weak, only a little bit. In fact, he has almost reached the limit by killing three indigenous ancestor-level existences just now.

He roughly estimated that this brand new power was actually only enough to support him to kill five existences with 49 divine patterns.

Of course, this only refers to the existence of the general 49 divine patterns. If there is such a powerful existence as the ancestor of Kuanglei, it is really hard to say. Be willing to bow down, after all, Yang Yi can't resist the thunder of corrosion.

If Patriarch Kuang Lei can withstand the impact of Yang Yi's brand new power, then Yang Yi will fall, otherwise, it will be a situation where both of them will perish.

In a fundamental sense, Yang Yi has not yet reached the level of a super-powerful figure who can control the situation of a battle like Kuang Lei Patriarch. After all, if Kuang Lei Patriarch appears, no matter how many masters there are from the native tribes, it will be of great help. It was a thunderstorm of corrosion, except for a few unrivaled powerhouses among the indigenous tribes who could resist it, no one else could resist it.

Kuang Lei Patriarch alone can resist hundreds of ancestor-level powerhouses, but Yang Yi is far behind. With him, the indigenous tribes can fight against Yang Yi by paying at most five ancestor-level powerhouses. The reason why the natives retreated was because they didn't know Yang Yi's reality.

"It seems that the key is to condense the No.40 Nine Dao Divine Pattern!"

Yang Yi murmured in a low voice, he knew that what is really important now is to condense the 49 divine lines, this is the key among the keys, once he succeeds, he can become a real top existence in one fell swoop, Not inferior to Kuang Lei Patriarch.

What's more, Yang Yi guessed that once he condensed the No. 40 Nine Dao Divine Patterns and practiced the complete Eighteen Styles of the Ax, the strange power in him would definitely increase greatly.

But now all of this is speculation, and we need to wait until the 49 divine patterns are condensed to know.


Even Castle Master Lian Shi came to Yang Yi's side, seeing Yang Yi continuously collecting the water of enlightenment, he was also very excited. If he kept collecting the water of enlightenment for a day, the water of enlightenment he got would definitely be amazing. Unbelievable.

Taoist Tianzheng had already gone back to meditate, and his vitality was greatly damaged by breaking the formation this time. If he wanted to set up formations around the Fountain of Enlightenment again, he still needed to fully recover.

In a blink of an eye, one day passed, and the strong man from the Presbyterian Church had already brought the Heavenly Formation Taoist to come, meaning that he was going to set up a large formation around the Fountain of Enlightenment.


Finally, Yang Yi also stopped collecting the water of enlightenment, after a day and a night of collecting, he almost tried his best to collect it, finally.He estimates that he has collected at least 40 catties of water of enlightenment, which is a number that ordinary ancestors can't even imagine. Such a large amount of water of enlightenment is even enough to create an ancestor with 49 divine patterns .

"Haha. I don't know that Yang Daoyou collected the water of enlightenment. How did you collect it?"

Taoist Tianzhen smiled slightly.

Yang Yi opened his eyes, looked at Taoist Tianzhen, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said: "Very good, so much water of enlightenment. It is enough for Yang to practice. But Taoist Tianzhen The array must be well arranged, otherwise the native tribe will definitely make a comeback, and it will be troublesome."

Daoist Tianzhen said: "I am naturally the best at setting up the formation. Although the ancestor of Jiuchongshan is good, there are loopholes in the end, and the large formation arranged by this seat has absolutely no loopholes, it is completely natural. There is only one way to break the formation, and that is to attack by force. Haha, if you attack by force, even if you can break the formation, I am afraid that the masters of the native camp will suffer heavy losses, and there is no way to win the fountain of enlightenment."

Daoist Tianzhen is extremely confident in the big formation he has arranged. He arranged the big formation based on the ancestor who became enlightened by the formation.They are all natural, there is no trace of affectation, and there are no loopholes. No matter what, the ancestor of Jiuchongshan can't compare.

By the time.As long as there are these large formations, even if Yang Yi leaves here.The native tribe would never want to seize the fountain of enlightenment, unless it was a strong attack, but in that case, the native tribe would suffer heavy losses and survive.

"Haha, Yang is very confident in the formation method of fellow Taoist Heavenly Formation."

Yang Yi is indeed very confident in the big formation of Taoist Tianzheng. He had seen the big formation set up by Taoist Tianzheng before. With cooperation, its large formation will naturally be very powerful.

Once the arrangement is successful, I am afraid that it is almost impenetrable as the Taoist Tianzhen said, and the indigenous tribes will have to pay a heavy price if they want to seize the fountain of enlightenment.

However, arranging large formations is very detrimental to Taoist Tianzheng's mind, and must be presided over by him, so that large formations can be effective, otherwise, these large formations will be useless at all.

Therefore, apart from the fourth fountain of enlightenment, if the other springs of enlightenment want to set up large formations to reduce the pressure of defense, I am afraid that we must find some other ancestors who have achieved enlightenment through formations. However, in such a huge source of emptiness, although there are many strong people with 49 divine lines, there are very few people who have achieved Tao through formations, and there is almost only one Taoist in the sky formation.

Therefore, if you want to learn the method of the fountain of enlightenment elsewhere, it is simply impossible.

"Yang Daoyou, Lord Lianshi Castle, this is your five thousand catties of water of enlightenment!"

This ancestor of the Presbyterian Church directly threw out five thousand catties of water of enlightenment. This was the condition that Yang Yi and Castle Master Lianshi agreed to make a shot. Once they captured the fountain of enlightenment, they could get five thousand catties The water of enlightenment, this ancestor is indeed a believer, even Yang Yi has collected 40 catties, which is almost a huge amount of water of enlightenment.

Yang Yi was not polite either, he deserved it, so he quickly put it away. At this time, the ancestor of the Presbyterian Church asked in a low voice: "Young fellow Yang, I wonder if you are interested in joining the elders?" Yes, like in our Presbyterian Church, there are many superpowers, even superpowers like Kuanglei Patriarch, there are some, they are the greatest existences in our camp. With the ability of fellow daoists, join Going to the Presbyterian Church and becoming a powerful elder is a piece of cake!"

This patriarch of the Presbyterian Church has already begun to woo Yang Yi. After all, the strength Yang Yi showed in the previous battle was too unbelievable and too powerful. How different is the ancestor.

Facing such a strong man, the Council of Elders naturally try their best to win them over. After all, it is the most powerful invader camp in the entire source of void. It controls a total of two springs of enlightenment. With this kind of cultivation resources , The number of masters gathered under his command is naturally increasing.

What's more, the position of an elder with real power is already the highest position, and he can get at least [-] catties of water of enlightenment every year, which can be said to be a generous reward.

If Yang Yi became an elder in the Presbyterian Church, how could he be afraid of the mere Tiansheng Palace?

Yang Yi hadn't answered yet, at this time Castle Master Lian Shi was already very excited, and hurriedly said to Yang Yi in a low voice: "Yes, yes! You, Yang Daoyou, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. For the sake of the elder, you He has almost become one of the most powerful people in the entire Origin of Void."

Fortress Lianshi used to be under the command of the Council of Elders, so he naturally knew how powerful the Council of Elders was. No sect or family was worth mentioning at all.

Yang Yi didn't answer right away, instead he frowned, asked the member of the Presbyterian Church, and asked in a low voice: "You are also an elder of the Presbyterian Church."

However, this member of the Presbyterian Council shook his head again and again and said: "How can this old man be an elder of the Presbyterian Council? With the strength of this old man, it is not enough to grow old. This old man is only sent by the Presbyterian Council this time to take full responsibility for this seizure It’s nothing more than the person in charge of the Spring of Enlightenment, and when the Spring of Enlightenment is stabilized this time, the Presbyterian Council will send some experts to manage the Spring of Enlightenment.”

The elder shook his head, he is not an elder of the Presbyterian Church, but he paused, and said with a mysterious smile: "Although this old man is not an elder of the Presbyterian Council, this old man has the right to be an elder of the Presbyterian Council!"

After finishing speaking, the ancestor looked straight at Yang Yi, waiting for Yang Yi's final answer. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass,.

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