blood record

Chapter 150 Seven Swordsmen

In the vast starry sky, two beams of light are flying fast.

"Yang Yi, the Doutian three moves are really powerful, but I can't practice the third move, what's going on?"

It was Yan Zhenzhen who was talking. After Yang Yi got the three moves of Doutian, he didn't hide any secrets, and gave Yan Zhenzhen the practice.

Yang Yi stopped, and said lightly: "You perform the first two moves first, and I'll see!"

Yan Zhenzhen's face was serious, a flaming bird of divine steed rose faintly into the shadow, huge power began to accumulate, Yan Zhenzhen shouted coquettishly: "The first form of fighting against the sky, the world is boundless!" [


The galloping power soars to the surroundings, and the terrifying power is enough to destroy the mountains and cut off the rivers.

"Dou Tian's second form, the sky collapses and the earth shatters!"

Yan Zhenzhen's expression was pious, and he pulled his hands forward slightly, his strength was ten times stronger than before, and some meteorites around him were smashed to pieces, just these two moves, Yan Zhenzhen's combat power has been improved more than one chip.


Yan Zhenzhen finished performing, and asked happily: "How is it? It's quite powerful, but it's a pity that I can't learn the third move anyway."

Yang Yi didn't speak, he walked up to Yan Zhenzhen, and shouted loudly: "The first form of fighting against the sky, the world is boundless!"


The surrounding space, the sky and the earth seemed to be shaking, Yan Zhenzhen felt that the sky and the earth were turned upside down, the world was turned upside down, and he couldn't help himself, as if he was on the verge of destruction.

"Dou Tian's second form, the sky collapses and the earth shatters!"

Yang Yi punched out one by one, and the huge force directly spanned hundreds of kilometers, and a black line faintly shook in the void, extending away, as if it was black.

This kind of power, compared with Yan Zhenzhen's two styles just now, one is the sky and the other is the earth, I don't know if it is hundreds or thousands of times stronger than Yan Zhenzhen, and it is even stronger than what Wan Luquan used. , but also shocked!

But it wasn't over yet, Yang Yi just stood quietly in the void, his eyes slightly closed, and his whole body revealed a mysterious aura.

"Dou Tian's third form, the sky in your heart!"

Yan Zhen really felt that he was lost, the world around him was gone, everything was unimportant, as if there was a voice ringing in his ears, give up, give up, everything is empty...


There was a sound around, Yan Zhenzhen was slightly shocked, and then came back to his senses, looked at Yang Yi, couldn't help showing shock on his face and said: "This is the third form of Doutian, the sky in your heart?"

"Yes, this is the third form!"

Yan Zhenzhen was a little discouraged and said: "Don't say I'm not as good as you, there are very few people in this world who can match you! Your Dharma body and mine, one is the sky and the other is the earth. You You can easily crush the masters of the third level of transformation to death, but I am afraid that I will run as far as I meet. Your strength, I don’t know how many times it is mine, and the Doutian three forms you use are of course powerful. And your comprehension is also unrivaled, you have performed the three moves of Dou Tian, ​​and you have even obtained the essence of essence, and even Wan Luquan may not be better than you." [

Yan Zhenzhen paused for a moment, then continued: "At the time when I was in Hualong Palace, I was arrogant, thinking that I was the proud girl of heaven, and my cultivation speed was fast enough, so I could be regarded as a genius, but now I know, compared to you, I'm afraid I'm not enough to see, I was just a frog in a well before!"

Indeed, anyone who came to Yang Yi's side would probably have these thoughts. Yang Yi's cultivation is too perverted. His whole body seems to be black, and his countless martial arts and vitality are all driven by Yang Yi. Digesting, constantly increasing strength.

But Yang Yi shook his head and said: "You are wrong, it's not because my enlightenment is abnormal, but because you haven't grasped the true meaning of the Doutian Three Styles!"

"Truth?" Yan Zhenzhen asked suspiciously.

"The three moves of Doutian are terrifyingly powerful. The person who created this set of martial arts is probably about to become an immortal. This set of martial arts is called Doutian, and this is the true meaning! The name of Doutian, In fact, it is a struggle against the fate of heaven and earth. The more people who have this kind of experience, the easier it is to cultivate. The reason why you have not comprehended the third form of Doutian is that even the first two forms are in vain. , because you have no such experience of fighting against the fate of heaven and earth. I think the senior expert who created this set of martial arts must have created it under extreme and crazy conditions. He did not create it for fighting people, but It's fighting against the sky!"

"Fight against the fate of heaven and earth?" Yan Zhenzhen seemed to have some comprehension.

"How many ups and downs have I been through since I practiced? Along the way, I killed and killed again. Anyone who stood in my way is dead now. I fight with people, with fate, and walk in the realm of death again and again. edge, so I can deeply understand the true meaning of this set of martial arts. So I can easily comprehend it, and I don’t even need to practice hard. I’m afraid the same is true for Wan Luquan. The more casual you are, the less background you have. The more condensed and terrifying the cultivation is, it is all condensed from fighting against people and fighting against the sky. Many of the disciples of the Great Sect have magical treasures and profound arts, so naturally they have not experienced such things."

What Yang Yi said hit the nail on the head, and Yan Zhenzhen gradually understood, but it is one thing to understand, but it is not so simple to really practice the three postures of fighting heaven.

"By the way, where are we now?"

Yang Yi glanced at the starry sky, searched Wan Luquan's memory a little, and said lightly: "It's not that far away, in Wan Luquan's memory, the Wan family plundered and accumulated an unbelievable amount of wealth. His lair is worth a fortune, let's go!"

Yang Yi pulled Yan Zhenzhen and flew forward at a faster speed.

The star road is vast, if you don't reach the sky-reaching state, you can't move, it's too slow to fly, let alone in the vast starry sky.

"Huh, it's finally here. This is Wanjia controlling the stars."

Both Yang Yi and Yan Zhenzhen looked at this huge star with some emotion. The most powerful member of the Wan family is Wan Luqi. Except for Wan Luqi, those servants and servants are even difficult to cultivate. This is the difference between a nouveau riche and a big family.

The Wan family has only occupied this star for a few thousand years, and the background is weak. All the resources for the Wan family to practice are a bit stretched, let alone the servants who have to serve those servants to practice. It is simply impossible.That Lin Fu was able to cultivate into a transformed form was all thanks to Wan Baosheng's liking for him.

Just when Yang Yi was about to go down, suddenly there was a mighty aura from a distance, and a large group of disciples stepped on flying swords and flew towards the sky. The sharp sword aura criss-crossed the starry sky, and people from far away could feel it , is really arrogant and domineering!

"It's from the Nine Swords School, why are they here?" Yan Zhenzhen's face changed slightly, obviously recognizing the monks who were stepping on the flying swords.

It didn't take long for this group of people to arrive in front of Wanjia Xingchen. Fortunately, Yang Yi quickly used the Tianhe star map to hide, so they were not discovered by the people of Nine Swords. ! ~!

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