blood record

Chapter 1502

Yang Yi silently watched Kuanglei Patriarch unleash the Corrosion Thunder. The Corrosion Thunder all over the sky ferociously attacked all the native masters, falling from the sky, and exploded in one fell swoop. Even if it is even slightly contaminated, it will also be severely injured.

The offensive of these indigenous tribes was very violent at the beginning, but maybe even they didn't expect that they would meet Kuang Lei Patriarch. In fact, Kuang Lei Patriarch was an elder in the Presbyterian Church, and it was still a secret that not many people knew .

This time, the indigenous tribe was preparing to go all out to take down the first fountain of enlightenment. Perhaps because the invader camp was in danger, Ancestor Kuanglei naturally took action.

I believe that after this time, it will be impossible for Kuang Lei Patriarch to maintain his mystery. As a member of the elders, he will definitely spread throughout the source of emptiness soon.

"Alright, Mr. Yang is also here to help Fellow Daoist!"

Yang Yi saw those native masters, although they had been severely injured, they still refused to give up, and were ready to attack again. Although Kuang Lei Patriarch is powerful, it is impossible to cover everything.

So, at this time, Yang Yi made a move. He had just left the level, and he wanted to test how much stronger he had become after transforming all the divine power in the divine pattern into the power of destroying the god.


Yang shot out in an instant, and with a big palm, it was like an ancient god descending, and a huge palm quickly condensed from his hand.

This palm covered the sky and covered the earth, covering a distance of several hundred feet, appearing in the void like a dark cloud.The black pressure was one piece, and it was directly pressed down.

The terrifying power of destroying gods was still shining in this palm, even if it hadn't landed, it had already made many aboriginal masters shrouded in the palm feel a little oppressed.

But now, when the palm fell and slapped these native masters fiercely, they realized how powerful it was. Yang Yi's palm could almost destroy everything, and the Mie Shen power crazily got into the bodies of these natives.The primordial spirit in their bodies.No matter how powerful it is, at this moment, it will be completely destroyed by Yang Yi's God-killing power.


There was a loud noise, but it was accompanied by the miserable screams of several native masters.Yang Yi's extinguishing power.Destroy the primordial spirit.Even the ancestors of the 49 divine patterns couldn't bear it, let alone these ordinary native masters.

Under Yang Yi's big handprint, these native masters.In an instant, everything disappeared, and there was not even a trace of breath left.

Yang Yi's palm directly killed at least hundreds of native masters, and even among them, there were two ancestor-level powerhouses, but all of them fell, but Yang Yi only used one palm That's all.

It can be said that the shock effect caused by Yang Yi's palm is even more terrifying than that of Kuanglei Patriarch's Wanlei Shining. It made all the native masters feel a chill in their hearts, and they no longer had the guts to continue attacking. .

As a result, most of the natives began to retreat quickly. Facing Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch, two world-defying powerhouses, even if these native masters lost a few more masters, it would not help, and there was no way to make further progress.

Seeing these indigenous tribes rushing back like a tide, the many gods who originally guarded this fountain of enlightenment cheered loudly. The momentum to take down the fountain of enlightenment.

But with the actions of Kuanglei Patriarch and Yang Yi, the entire indigenous tribe was repelled by just two people. Although they still don't know who Yang Yi is, these people have already regarded Yang Yi as a comparable to Kuang Yi. With the existence of Patriarch Lei, I believe that with today's battle, Yang Yi's prestige will become even stronger, spreading directly to the source of the void and even the domain of the void.


Seeing that these indigenous tribes finally retreated, Kuang Lei Patriarch also heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Yang Yi, and then laughed loudly: "Haha, fortunately, I have a fellow Taoist today, otherwise, I don't know when these indigenous tribes will attack In recent decades, there have been more and more native masters. After all, they are natives of Xuzhiyuan, but they have inherited some luck in Xuzhiyuan, and they will only become stronger and stronger. If we can't control them, we can only I'm afraid that this day will become more and more difficult in the future."

Kuanglei Patriarch did not feel a little relaxed, looking at the essence through the appearance, originally thousands of years ago, the invader camp and the indigenous tribal camp were evenly matched, and no one could do anything to the other, and it was often you who fought for each other. .

But now, there are more and more masters of the indigenous tribes, emerging in endlessly, who can attack the invader camp again and again, and each time is more ferocious, which can explain some problems. It shows that the current indigenous The tribal camp is getting stronger and stronger, and the balance between the two camps may gradually be broken. [

Kuang Lei Patriarch is a member of the elders, he doesn't want to see such a situation happen, otherwise no matter how strong he is, it is impossible to stop countless native masters.

Yang Yi also nodded and said: "That's right, the natives are getting more and more powerful. They already have the luck of the source of emptiness, and this place belongs to them. But fellow Taoists don't have to worry too much, we still have The support of the Void Realm, although the strong people born in the Void Realm are far inferior to the Void Source, but as long as we have more fountains of enlightenment, then we can continuously produce masters, even if these natives have spirit Fortunately, we can't help it."


Yang Yi is not too worried, as long as he has mastered the fountain of enlightenment, he can take the initiative. In the past, the indigenous tribes had more than one fountain of enlightenment, and they were in an overall advantage, so they developed so fast. , There will be a steady stream of masters.

But now it is no longer yyng. The invader camp has at least changed this trend. Currently, there is the fourth fountain of enlightenment sitting in the hands of Patriarch Qianyou and Tianzhen Taoist. From then on, the invader camp and the indigenous tribal camp will control There are many fountains of enlightenment.

I believe that with more water of enlightenment, there will be more and more powerful people in the invader camp. This is the basis for competing with the natives for the source of emptiness and the place of Taoism.

This time the battle was over, so Yang Yi, Kuang Lei Patriarch and the others also quickly returned to the elders' meeting. He said in a low voice: "Yang Daoyou has shown his might when he left the customs this time, and he is even stronger than when he first came to the elders' meeting last time. How about it, can we have a lesson with this seat now?"

Kuang Lei Patriarch was also looking forward to the battle with Yang Yi, and he brought up the matter impatiently after returning to the elders' meeting.

"Oh? Since Fellow Daoist Kuang Lei has advice, Yang will naturally accompany him!"

Yang Yi readily agreed this time, firstly because he had already transformed all the divine power in his body into extinguishing divine power, and he was not afraid of it at all, and secondly because he had seen the might of Kuang Lei Patriarch just now, and in his heart he was very concerned about Kuang Lei Patriarch's Thunder of Corrosion is also very envious, so he agreed to see how powerful this Kuang Lei Patriarch's Corrosion Thunder is.

Hearing that Kuang Lei Patriarch wanted to have a discussion with Yang, the other elders were very interested. After all, both Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch were standing at the peak of the entire Xu Zhiyuan.

The battle between the two of them is naturally something that can be met but not sought after. Naturally, they can't miss this grand meeting, and Yang Yi is still a newly promoted strongman, competing with the long-established strongman Kuanglei Patriarch, Perhaps this can determine the position of the First Elder in the Presbyterian Church in the future.

The First Elder represents the glory of the Supreme Being. In the past, Patriarch Kuang Lei was already the First Elder faintly, so once he made a decision, he would basically be able to pass it in the Council of Elders and get support. This is First Elder!

Although on the surface, the elders in the Presbyterian Church are of the same status, but there are differences in strength. The first elder holds most of the power, and every move will involve the entire intruder camp. The situation changes.

Like Yang Yi, if he can defeat Patriarch Kuanglei, then he is a well-deserved First Elder. As long as he makes a little noise, without his hands, Tiansheng Palace will collapse and be cleaned up by others.

First Elder, Yang Yi has never thought about it. In fact, he really does not want to be restrained, but at the Daozang Land, if he can become the First Elder, it will be a great help.

It was with such complicated thoughts that Yang Yi agreed to Kuang Lei Patriarch's request for a sparring session.

"Haha, good, good, good! Since the fellow daoist has agreed, it is naturally the best, but it is not easy to use it here, so let's go to the land of the absolute domain, where we can enjoy If you use the means, no matter how powerful you are, it won't spread to other places."

The Patriarch Kuang Lei proposed to compete in the Land of Absolute Territory. Yang Yi knew about the Land of Absolute Territory. It is a very dangerous place in the Land of Dao Zang, full of space-time storms and hidden terrifying creatures.

Even superpowers with 49 divine patterns will fall into it if they are not careful. What is so strange about the Land of Absolute Territory, where is it, and how it was formed? Not only the gods, but even the natives Not sure.

However, the land of Absolute Territory is dangerous, but the space is extremely stable, and it is sparsely populated and dangerous, and no one will go there. It is very suitable to compete there.

"Okay, according to fellow Taoist's wishes, let's go to the land of Absolute Territory to compete, and we don't have to be tied up, we can use it to our heart's content!"

Yang Yi readily agreed, so Patriarch Kuanglei laughed loudly, then tore apart the space and shuttled towards the land of the absolute domain. (To be continued...)[

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