blood record

Chapter 1504 Swallowing

Once the two powerful forces collide, the aftermath will radiate, making people palpitating. Those elders who watched the battle from a distance retreated again and again, and there was no way to get close to Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch.

Only then did they feel emotional. Although they are all elders of the dignified Presbyterian Church, the gap between them and Yang Yi and Kuang Lei's ancestors is really too big, just like the strong man with 39 divine patterns and those forty The difference between the Dao God pattern and the God God is average, but it is a world of difference.

"Hey, Patriarch Kuang Lei didn't take much action in the past, and I still have some complaints about him, but now... it's really ridiculous.

"Yes, we are indeed frogs in the well. Patriarch Kuanglei and Yang Yi are beyond what we can imagine. 49 divine patterns? In their eyes, at best, they are no different from 48 divine patterns, but even so, they I still don’t even have the clue to surpass the 49 gods, no wonder even the overlord of the heavenly gods, the god of chaos, couldn’t transcend the heavens in the end..."

Many elders were shocked after seeing Yang Yi and Patriarch Kuanglei's supernatural powers, which had already surpassed their scope. At this time, they realized that Patriarch Kuanglei, who hadn't made a move for many years, was really powerful. It has truly reached an unbelievable level. [

But even so, he still couldn't transcend the way of heaven, he didn't even have a clue, and Yang Yi didn't even condense the 49 divine patterns, so how could he transcend the way of heaven?

These thoughts are just the words from the heart of these elders, but Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch.But this is not the case, they are all single-minded, and they are all displaying their strongest magical powers.

Beside Yang Yi, there were explosions of corrosion thunder everywhere. He almost completely enveloped his extinction power around him, forming a one-foot-round protective cover, which was the only way he could withstand these corrosion thunders. Corrosion, but it is also very difficult to support, once the protective circle is broken.Then Yang Yi is in danger.

same.Kuang Lei Patriarch was not much better either, Yang Yi's Deity Extinguishing Power almost formed a storm, sweeping the surrounding space crazily.Even Patriarch Kuang Lei.also be involved in it.

Fortunately, Patriarch Kuang Lei.The strength is powerful, and it has already been arranged into a large formation with the thunder of corrosion.Protect your body tightly, otherwise, once you are swept into the storm of the power of destroying the gods, even the majestic Patriarch Kuanglei will be in danger.

Therefore, the first confrontation between the two can be regarded as evenly divided, and no one can do anything to the other.

"Haha, fellow daoist's power to destroy the gods is really extraordinary, but today the old man learned it."

This is Kuang Lei Patriarch laughing and saying, in fact, masters like them can tell the general idea with just one blow, Kuang Lei Pao Zu can't help Yang Yi.

In the same way, Yang Yi also knew that he couldn't do anything about thundering the patriarch, and laughed loudly: "Fellow Daoist praised you absurdly, fellow Daoist's corrosive thunder is also extremely powerful, and Yang even dared not touch it. How about a tie in this round?"

"It's fitting!"

Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch didn't make any more moves either. Although it was just a single blow, both sides had already exerted their strongest strength, and they both knew each other's strength well.

If you want to continue to fight, it will not be a sparring, but a life-and-death struggle, doomed to lose both, no matter for Kuang Lei Patriarch or Yang Yi, the gains outweigh the losses, there is no need.

However, they planned to give up, but due to their supernatural powers, their formidable power was too strong, so the storms, space cracks, etc. in the void showed no sign of disappearing at all.


Suddenly, the whole space seemed to be vibrating. Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch shuddered in their hearts. They didn't know what was going on. You must know that the source of emptiness, especially the place of Taoism, does not need the realm of emptiness. The space here is relatively stable, even the terrifying competition between Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch did not shake the space so much.

"Something's wrong!"

Yang Yi looked serious, and a strong crisis suddenly appeared in his heart. This crisis was even more terrifying than Kuang Lei Patriarch. danger.

But such a strong crisis has never been encountered before.

Not only Yang Yi, but Kuang Lei Patriarch is also very sensitive, he seems to have sensed the crisis, his expression is very serious, and he said in a low voice: "How could this be? Could it be that there is something in this source of emptiness that can wexe To the old man? Why is there a strong crisis in the old man's heart?" [

Sure enough, even Patriarch Kuang Lei was in such a strong crisis. Yang Yi knew that he could no longer stay here. This land of extremity was originally a rather mysterious place. Who knows what is hidden inside?

So, Yang Yi hurriedly said in a deep voice: "Go, it's not suitable to stay here for long!"

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Together with Patriarch Kuanglei, Yang Yi was about to leave the Land of Absolute Territory, and they could all feel that the intense crisis came from the Land of Absolute Territory.

Although it is rumored that once you enter the land of Absolute Territory, you will not be able to come out again, and there are already many strong men with 49 divine patterns who have taken risks, but they really never came back.

Since then, various mysteries and ominous names of the Absolute Territory have spread.

However, even though the land of Absolute Territory has such a fierce reputation, Patriarch Kuanglei never took it to heart. He felt that with his current strength, there are very few places where he can wexe against him. Not even at all.

But now, the aura emanating from the Absolute Territory, a strong and dangerous aura, made Kuang Lei Patriarch wonder, is there really an unimaginable existence hidden in this Absolute Territory?

It's just that now is not the time to think about these things, what to do now is to get away from here as soon as possible.

"Go, let's go!"

Realizing the danger here, Patriarch Kuanglei also began to shout loudly to the elders in the distance. In fact, these elders are still far away from the land of the absolute land, and they are all staying in the land of the absolute land In addition, I originally wanted to stay away from Kuang Lei Patriarch and Yang Yi, so as not to be affected.

But now, this has helped them escape. In fact, without the shout of Kuanglei Patriarch, they have already felt the most violent crisis from the depths of their souls, so each of them directly Tear Space escaped.


At the moment when these elders just tore apart the space, all the spaces in the Land of Absolute Territory, like fragile glass, collapsed instantly after making a teeth-piercing crisp sound, and the pitch-black space collapsed in the blink of an eye. Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch engulfed it. (to be continued...)

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