blood record

Chapter 1521 Spirit Stone

Shimen rose slowly, followed by a ray of light, a huge ray of light so dazzling that people couldn't even open their eyes, when Yang Yi's primordial spirit felt this ray of light, it trembled slightly, even Yu Yangyi has some way to control Yuanshen.

Fortunately, Yang Yi was prepared early on. The moment the stone gate opened, he had already taken the Yuanshen into his body, so no matter how restless the Yuanshen was, it would not help. Yang Yi could still control the Yuanshen in his body. god.

Yang Yi and Patriarch Kuang Lei quickly got used to this dazzling light, and when they took a closer look, they found that this light was a gem the size of a fist.

This gemstone is crystal clear from top to bottom, it looks sparkling and extremely beautiful, but it contains an unimaginably huge power, even Yang Yi and Patriarch Kuanglei felt palpitations.

They are getting closer and closer to the gem, but they are getting more and more uncertain deep in their hearts. The ancestor Kuang Lei even smiled bitterly: "Forget it, you should go by yourself, this gem is really evil. Let me I was a little apprehensive." [

In fact, it's not just Patriarch Kuang Lei, Yang Yi is also the same, but his soul is completely different, he seems to like the aura emanating from this gemstone very much.

Yang Yi pondered for a while, then escaped from the Yuanshen.


Immediately, the primordial spirit directly entered the gemstone, with a look of great enjoyment on his face, and even Yang Yi felt that his heart was unprecedentedly calm, and his primordial spirit became more and more solidified and powerful.

This gem was wrapped by Yang Yi's primordial spirit, and some messages gradually flowed out from it.Yang Yi also gradually understood that, in fact, this gemstone is a spirit stone with enormous energy. No one knows how long it has existed. It seems that it existed when the Land of Extinction was born.

Moreover, the birth of those terrifying alien beasts is also due to the constant energy provided by this spirit stone, which can make these alien beasts stronger.

But there is a little disappointment, that is, this Lingshi has nothing to do with Dao Dao Dao.There is also the magical effect of this spirit stone.Yang Yi hasn't realized it yet, but its huge energy is really unimaginable, even the terrifying space-time tide.It can resist.

It is also because of this.Those strange beasts are not afraid of the tide of time and space.Every time the tide of time and space comes, these strange beasts hide here and get the protection of this spirit stone.

Although Yang Yi has gradually understood the reality of this spirit stone.But he can't take it away. The energy contained in this spirit stone is extremely terrifying, and there must be no turmoil, otherwise it will immediately become chaotic and erupt, and the terrifying power will completely erupt, let alone Yang. Yihe Patriarch Kuanglei, even the entire land of Absolute Territory, is more or less ominous, maybe it will be reduced to ashes in an instant.

Although the spirit stone cannot be taken away, Yang Yi's soul can cultivate around the spirit stone, which can increase the solidification of the soul. Moreover, if he is contaminated with the breath of the spirit stone, those strange beasts will be very afraid and dare not attack.

Therefore, Yang Yi can bring Qingshan, Qinghe and others here, and those strange beasts will not act rashly, and they can leave here after passing through this time and space tide.

So Yang Yi came to Kuang Lei Patriarch's side and discussed with him. Kuang Lei Patriarch was amazed when he heard that this spirit stone was so miraculous, but it was the good fortune of heaven and earth, and it was not a qgu.

Therefore, Kuanglei Patriarch and Yang Yi rushed back quickly, and returned to the gathering place again, where Qingshan, Qinghe, and many gods were waiting outside early.

Seeing that Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch came back so soon, Qing Shan showed doubts on his face and said, "How about it, have the two fellow Taoists found the strange beast's lair?"

Qingshan and the others are naturally most concerned about the alien beast's lair, which is related to whether they can safely survive the tide of time and space, but seeing that Yang Yi and Kuang Lei's ancestor returned in such a short time, he was already a little worried in his heart up.

Yang Yi didn't speak, but Kuang Lei Patriarch laughed loudly: "Haha, we found it, we not only found the strange beast's lair, but also entered it, and already knew the secret of the alien beast's lair, you should prepare immediately, Come with us into the lair of alien beasts, those alien beasts have been subdued by Yang Daoyou, there will be no more wexe for us."

"What? Subdued?"

"It's saved, we are finally saved, this time and space tide, there is no need to die anymore."

Many gods couldn't help being excited when they heard this. The tide of time and space was like a huge boulder, pressing heavily on their hearts, and they didn't worry about it all the time. [

And now, the space-time tide can finally be solved, how could they not be excited?

Qingshan, Qinghe and the others were stunned for a while, but they didn't lose their attitude. They sensed it quickly, and quickly arranged for everyone to pack up their things, and followed Yang Yi and Kuanglei Patriarch to the strange beast's lair.

These people are all gods, and they didn't have anything to prepare for, so it only took two hours for everyone to get ready, and Yang Yi and Kuang Lei Patriarch led the crowd to fly to the strange beast's lair go.

When they came outside the alien beast's lair, they saw densely packed alien beasts that seemed to be still roaring. These people panicked. They had been dealing with these alien beasts all the time, and they knew that these alien beasts were very difficult to deal with. Now there are countless Thousands of strange beasts, if they really fight, I'm afraid they will all be wiped out.

When both sides were at war with each other and everyone was vigilant, Yang Yi stepped forward, and the fierce soul manifested. Yang Yi's soul, because he had swallowed too much light of the Great Dao, and also from that The spirit stone has absorbed a lot of energy, and now it has become golden, and the aura it emits is also very special.

But it was this very special aura that caused those strange beasts to lower their heads one after another, and began to spread out quickly, flying towards the strange beast's lair. In the blink of an eye, the strange beast that was aggressive just now had disappeared .

Yang had anticipated this situation a long time ago, so he smiled slightly and said, "Okay, these alien beasts are also temporarily dismissed. In the lair of alien beasts, the cave is very spacious. We live in it. If we don't get along with the alien beasts, there will be no What's the matter. Let's leave here after the tide of time and space passes."

The people who followed Yang Yi felt very surprised. Usually these strange beasts are quite fierce, but now they ran away when they saw Yang Yi's primordial spirit.

However, they didn't think much about it. It was the best result to be able to enter the lair of the alien beast, so under the leadership of Yang Yi and Kuang Lei's ancestors, they quickly entered the lair of the alien beast, stayed there, and quietly waiting for the tide of time and space to come. (to be continued...)

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