blood record

Chapter 161

Feng Yiyi covered her mouth and said with a light smile: "In that case, then please ask Junior Brother Yang to refine some pills for my disciples inside and outside the mansion first?"

Yang Yi shook his head, and nodded: "Okay, since that's the case, then Yang will refine some vitality pills in public here to increase accumulation, and it is of great benefit to monks who have not yet transformed, and they need to be refined The material is also very common."

"Yuanqi Pill? That's fine, although this pill demon is common, it is also the most suitable. Come here, bring all the materials stored in the mansion here." Feng Yiyi gave an order, and even if some disciples left one after another, Entering it, he took out a lot of raw materials for refining Yuanqi Pill.

"Respect is worse than obedience!"

Yang Yi stood up abruptly, and a large cauldron flew out of his body, spinning continuously in the void. [

"Sheji Cauldron, open!"

The huge Saji tripod lid was opened directly, and Yang Yi stretched out his hand to grab it, and threw all the raw materials into it, and the raging flames began to burn.


The middle-grade magic weapon also has the benefits of the middle-grade magic weapon, especially alchemy, there is no need to stare at it all the time, the raw materials inside are all burned into a fragrant liquid one after another.

"Three hours, you can condense pills!"

Yang Yi kept his posture all the time, staring at the Dan in the Sheji Cauldron, and quietly absorbed a trace of original power from the Tianhe Star Chart and blended it into the Sheji Cauldron. With the fusion of the original power, the refined vitality The effect of the pill will be much stronger than the ordinary vitality pill.

After three hours, Yang Da clapped his hands to extinguish the fire, and the huge shrine landed violently and landed heavily on the ground.

"It's done?"

Feng Yiyi asked suspiciously.

Yang Yi didn't answer, but opened the cauldron cover, and an indescribable fragrance floated in the whole mansion directly, just smelling it would make people feel refreshed.


Yang Yi directly poured out the pills, one after another the yu bottles were filled to the brim, and the vitality pills in the Sheji Cauldron seemed to be like soybeans, exhausted.

"Haha, fortunately, it's not a disgrace, Mr. Yang is not yet proficient in alchemy, and all rely on the power of the alchemy cauldron. There are a total of 630 five alchemy!"

In front of Yang Yi, there are a lot of yu bottles on the floor, making people dazzled

"Nine thousand, 630 pieces? This... is this the miraculous effect of the middle-grade magic weapon, the alchemy cauldron? Even if we take these raw materials to the alchemy room in the palace and let the alchemy elders refine them personally, we can only produce more than 5000 at most." , but now there are more than 4000 more!"

Feng Yiyi was really shocked. Looking at the pills all over the place, she was grateful for her decision. With so many pills distributed, I don't know how many disciples will come to seek refuge. Maybe what Yang Yi said It is not impossible to compete with Shen Tianyou.

"I just don't know how it works?"

Feng Yiyi gently took out a vitality pill, swallowed it straight away, savoring the effect carefully, you must know that even the same pill has different effects, some are strong and some are weak, and there are even two parts: upper and lower. Taste.

As soon as the vitality pill was taken in, it turned into a warm current and rolled directly into the abdomen, turning into pure vitality power, and was quickly absorbed into the dharma body. [

Originally, Yuan Qi Pill had little effect on transformation masters, almost negligible, let alone quadruple masters like Feng Yiyi.But now even Feng Yiyi can feel the slightest effect of this pill, which is unbelievable.

"Top-grade pills are definitely top-grade! I didn't expect Junior Brother Yang's alchemy skills to be so superb. I'm afraid that there are more than 9000 top-grade pills that are no less than alchemy elders. Even alchemy elders may not be able to refine them!"

If the number of pills refined is still the result of the merits of the alchemy tripod, then the effect can only be the method of alchemists.

Yang Yi naturally knew in his heart that his alchemy technique was only learned from Jiao Chi's memory, and it was not worth mentioning at all. The reason why he was able to become a top-grade alchemy was only because he secretly added the original power.

The magic of the original power is unmatched by any pill!

Even if you add a little effect to the pill, it will make a big difference immediately.

Feng Yiyi was very excited, and said with a smile: "Then I will thank Junior Brother Yang, take out all the raw materials in the mansion, and let Junior Brother Yang make alchemy without going to the alchemy room."

In addition to getting the alchemy distributed by the disciples of Hualong Palace, they can also find some raw materials for refining in the alchemy room. Now Yang Yi's alchemy efficiency is much higher than that of the alchemy room, so Feng Yiyi also Completely relieved.

In this way, Yang continued to refine pills in Feng Yiyi's mansion day in and day out, and the refined pills were of various varieties. What was even more shocking was that not only the rate of pill completion was terribly high, but also the effect of each pill was After reaching the top grade, all the disciples began to feel excited, talking about the strange name Yang Yi.

"Do you know? Yang Yi is not simple. Although he is from Shui Lanxing, he is also talented. He and Shen Tianyou hate him, but now he is making pills in Feng Yiyi's mansion and put down his words. No matter who it is, as long as you rely on him, you can get unimaginable benefits, Danna doesn't have to worry about it."

"I have just been to Fengyiyi's mansion. You don't know that the front of Fengyiyi's mansion is full of people. There are huge crowds of people, and there are disciples everywhere asking for pills, and even some disciples directly turn to Yang Yi. Good guy, Yang Yi Yes, Dang even gave a few bottles of pills

"Not only that, I also heard that Yang Yi has also refined many pills that are very useful for shape-changing masters. You must know that the most people in our Dragon Transformation Palace are the shape-changing disciples, especially the first-level realm. I don't know how many terrifying pills are needed to condense the body Accumulation, with the support of these pills, I am afraid that hundreds of years of hard work will be lost, and it is very likely that the dharma body will be able to condense and go further!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Go find Yang Yi quickly. No matter who we turn to, as long as it is useful for our cultivation, it was not because Brother Shen was generous and rich, but compared to Yang Yi, Wu Meet the big witch, let's go!"

As more and more monks heard the news, almost the entire Hualong Palace set off a storm, and countless disciples leaned towards Yang Yi one after another. Yang Yi's name really resounded through Hualong Palace.

At this time, Yang Yi was frowning, because the raw materials for refining alchemy in Feng Yiyi's mansion were all used up, the so-called skillful woman can't cook without rice, no matter how magical the Sheji tripod is, no matter how much Yang Yi's original strength is, there is no way. Conjure Dan out of thin air. ! ~!

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