blood record

Chapter 165 Seven-Colored Cloud Dress

In the past few days, Yang Yi has been refining alchemy almost day in and day out without stopping, even the alchemy elder complained unbearably, because the raw materials in his alchemy room were almost exhausted.

What is this concept?The majestic Hualong Palace usually stores a lot of raw materials. Even if the refined pills are opened for disciples to take, they can last for hundreds of years. This is the foundation of a school.

There is also the legendary ancient sect, which can supply the disciples for tens of thousands of years after being closed. Tens of thousands of years later, the catastrophe receded, and the strength of the Mountain Sect had been raised to an unimaginable level. These are the foundations.

Even though Yang Yi could only obtain [-]% of the pills from each cauldron, even so, he crazily refined the pills for a full three months, and the pills in his star map were almost piled up like a mountain.

The raw materials stored in Hualong Palace were consumed within three months, not because there were few raw materials in Hualong Palace, but because Yang Yi's Sheji Cauldron was incredible, and the efficiency of refining alchemy was stronger than those top-grade magical artifacts. how many times. [


Yang Yi heaved a long sigh of relief. Over the past few months, he has worked so hard to refine Dan Fei, and it was only to win over people's hearts. With Dan, there is everything!

In the past three months, Shen Tianyou really did not send anyone here as Yang Yi thought, and there was not even a trace of movement.

Feng Yiyi walked in, saw that Yang Yi finished refining the last batch of alchemy, and couldn't help but congratulate him: "Junior Brother Yang is really good at it, and now even the alchemy elders have a bitter face every day, and there is no raw material in the alchemy room. Now I am attached to Junior Brother Yang The shape-changing disciples under him already account for half of the disciples in the entire Hualong Palace, and their momentum is huge, but they still can't overwhelm Shen Tianyou!"

Yang Yi frowned and said, "Oh? Why?"

Feng Yiyi said: "The ones who come to attach to Junior Brother Yang are those who are in the first level of transformation. Those pills that you refined, Junior Brother Yang, are useful to them, but they can't attract those masters in the second and third levels. Those pills are already for them. It is possible."

Yang Yi sank for a long while, as if he was thinking about countermeasures, and after a long while he stood up, waved his big hands, his face seemed to be full of confidence.

"A high-level monk? It's not easy. Yang has a kind of pill in his hand that can't resist the temptation of those fourth-level masters of transformation. As long as this news is released, I believe that those fourth-level monks who have retreated to survive the catastrophe will They have come to attach to me continuously. No matter how powerful Shen Tianyou is, there are not many quadruple masters, haha!"

Feng Yiyi's expression changed, and she said in a low voice: "Junior Brother Yang, what you are talking about is the Wind-Fixing Great Pill?"

"That's right, it's the Great Dingfeng Pill. Yang is going to go outside to purchase the raw materials for the Dingfeng Great Pill in the near future, and prepares to open the furnace for refining. As long as you trust me, you will have a chance to get the Dingfeng Great Pill. Rely on Senior Sister Feng to spread the news, especially let those fourth-layer masters who are retreating know."

The quadruple masters are generally in retreat and are trying their best to survive the catastrophe, so they generally don't know about the outside world, and only senior disciples like Feng Yiyi can pass the news to these retreating monks. middle.

All these things were handled by Feng Yiyi, Yang Yi had been refining alchemy for three consecutive months and didn't even have time to practice, but his cultivation had not weakened at all.

Although he is refining alchemy, his dharma body is absorbing and refining the original power in the Tianhe star chart every day, improving and improving. Since the Tianhe star chart has recovered to [-]%, its original power has increased several times compared to before Two times, Yang Yi almost used half of it to continue to restore the Tianhe star map, and half was distributed to Lu Ming, Yan Zhenzhen, Liu brothers and sisters and others for cultivation.

Of course, there is still half of Yang Yi who is still practicing, but he can't refine that many, and the rest are all transformed into blood crystals. He still has to purchase the raw materials for the Dingfeng Great Pill. Which of these raw materials is not rare? Extremely, without blood crystals is absolutely impossible.

"Is Yang Yi here?"

Suddenly, a powerful voice echoed throughout the mansion.

Yang Yiyi's expression changed slightly, Feng Yiyi rushed in immediately, and said with a serious face: "Come on, Lin Yangxi, he is going through the catastrophe, he has been in seclusion for ten years, and now he is coming out, it should be for Wind-fixing Great Pill!"

"Oh? Wind-fixing Great Pill? Okay, good time, Lin Yangxi, he is the first quadruple expert to come here. If there is one, there will be two. The temptation of the Wind-Fixing Great Pill is absolutely irresistible. Let's go and have a look!"

Yang Yi was determined in his heart, and immediately flew outside with the people. [

Lin Yangxi was dressed in fluttering white clothes, with handsome features and a trace of arrogance in his expression.

"You are Yang Yi?"

Lin Yangxi looked at Yang Yi who had just come out and asked.

"That's right, I'm Yang Yi, I don't know if Senior Brother Lin is here, what advice do you have?"

Lin Yangxi looked Yang Yi up and down, frowned slightly and said, "You dare to fight against God? You are so brave. A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. I never thought that I would have such a character in Hualong Palace!"

Yang Yi also frowned, Lin Yangxi spoke in a high-pitched tone, which made people uncomfortable.

"Okay, I won't make any false claims with you, this time I heard that you have the alchemy of the Great Wind-Fixing Pill and are preparing to refine it, I have a magic weapon, how about exchanging it with you for a Great Wind-Fixing Pill? "

No one would have thought that Lin Yangxi would propose such a method.


In Lin Yangxi's hands, a colorful cloud dress appeared, exuding colorful rays of light. It was exceptionally beautiful, as if it was worn by a goddess in the sky. Anyone who wore it would look extremely noble.

This is just a low-grade magic weapon, but its beautiful appearance immediately made all the female disciples here straighten their eyes, looking at this magic weapon with secret envy.

It can be said that this magic weapon is specially refined for women.

Lin Yangxi looked very satisfied with everyone's reaction, and he continued, "This magic weapon is called Colorful Yunshang. It is a magic weapon that I got by accident outside. It not only has strong defense ability, but also has a beautiful appearance, which is rare. It shouldn’t be too much to replace it with a Wind-fixing Great Pill, my treasure.”

Lin Yangxi looked confident.

Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, but he sneered and said, "I've seen the magic weapon Yang a lot, Yang is not bad for such a magic weapon, there is only one condition to get the Wind-fixing Great Pill, I believe Senior Brother Lin already knows it. "

Lin Yangxi's whole body flickered with a powerful aura, staring at Yang Yi firmly. ! ~!

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