blood record

Chapter 167 News of the Five Elements of the Golden Spirit

Yang Yi's eyes were cold, and he jokingly said: "The Dingfeng Great Pill is nothing special, this is a lost Qi Pill, the price is poor, if you don't want to take refuge in me, that's fine, if you can get the five elements Linglai, then Yang can give you a great wind-fixing pill!"

Yang Yi didn't know how long he searched for the spirit of the five elements, even in the star field, he only found the water spirit of the five elements, which shows that the spirit of the five elements is precious, and it is not something ordinary people can find.

That's what Yang Yi mentioned, and he didn't expect Lin Yangxi to bring it up.

When Yang Yi was about to turn around and leave, Lin Yangxi behind him said fiercely: "Are you serious, as long as the spirit of the five elements can give me a great wind-fixing pill?"

"Huh? Is it possible that you really have it? What I, Yang Yi, naturally counts!" Yang became excited in an instant, the spirit of the five elements, he dreamed of it. [

Lin Yangxi's eyes suddenly burst into a ray of light, as if he was hesitating.

After a while, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "I don't have the spirit of the five elements, but I know the news about the golden spirit among the spirits of the five elements."

"Five Elements Golden Spirit?"

Yang Yi was slightly startled, the spirits of the five elements are extremely precious, even any kind of spirit of the five elements can be used to refine magic weapons, which can make magic weapons have incredible power.

Of course, there is also the legend that gathers all the spirits of the five elements to refine the legendary treasure of the five elements, which has the opportunity to become a fairy treasure. It is different from the Arabian Nights to say that they will be gathered together.

Although the spiritual attributes of the five elements have different functions, the most precious and hardest to find is the golden spirit of the five elements, because once the golden spirit of the five elements is refined into a sharp magic weapon, especially the flying sword magic weapon, it will immediately disappear. It can become sharper, almost indestructible, and its power is greatly increased, so the Five Elements Golden Spirit has always been the treasure that monks pursue.

"That's right, the Golden Spirit of the Five Elements, but I only know the news about it. As for whether you can get it after you know the news, it's none of my business, but you must give me a great wind-fixing pill!" Lin Yangxi saw Yang As soon as he was really interested, he couldn't help being proud again.

Of course, Yang Yi didn't use the golden spirit to refine the magic weapon, but to refine it into the body to enhance the power of the vajra body, and even lay a solid foundation for breaking through in the future without breaking the body.

But Yang Yi didn't seem very impatient, he couldn't eat the tofu in a hurry, and Yang Yi believed that it was Lin Yangxi who was so anxious now.So he said slowly: "The Five Elements Golden Spirit is very precious, if you really have it, let alone one Wind-fixing Great Pill, so what if I promise you two? But it's just a piece of news, don't you want to exchange it for one?" A great wind-fixing pill?"

Lin Yangxi was slightly startled, and said in a deep voice: "I'm not new to talking nonsense. If you really want to get the Five Elements Golden Spirit, it's not impossible. As long as you find the right time, you will definitely be able to find it, but there are certain dangers. Originally, this secret I want to get it by myself in the future, but now I can't even pass the hurricane of the wind, so how can I talk about hunting for treasures. In this way, what I said just now still counts, the news of the Five Elements Golden Spirit, plus the colorful cloud clothes, you Allow me a Great Wind-Fixing Pill!"

Yang Yi was also observing Lin Yangxi's expression, but he didn't find anything unusual, knowing that a proud person like Lin Yangxi would disdain to lie.

"Since Senior Brother Lin is so sincere, Mr. Yang will fulfill Senior Brother Lin. With the news of the Five Elements Golden Spirit, coupled with the colorful cloud clothes, Mr. Yang promises you a Great Wind-Fixing Pill, and within five years, he will definitely give it to you." The last Wind-Fixing Great Pill!"

Lin Yangxi was overjoyed, and laughed loudly: "Haha, good, the five-year agreement is settled in one word. I believe that with the ability of Junior Brother Yang and the alchemy of the middle-grade magic weapon, I will not talk about it! Colorful clouds, Give!"

With Lin Yangxi's throw, the beautiful colorful cloud dress turned into a beam of colorful light and flew directly to Yang Yi's hand.

"There is a Jin family in the Tianhe star field. This Jin family is a family that has been passed down for thousands of years. An extremely powerful master of the Nine Great Vehicles of Transformation, the Five Elements Golden Spirit is in the Jin family. The five elements spirit has existed in the Jin family for tens of thousands of years. It was obtained by the first generation of the Jin family ancestors, and then secretly It is sealed in the treasure house of the Jin family. Except for the most core members of the Jin family, no one else knows about it."

Lin Yangxi spoke to Yang Yi carefully through voice transmission.

Yang Yi was also secretly startled, no wonder Lin Yangxi knew the treasure but didn't take it, it turned out that the treasure was among the dragons and tigers.

Nine great masters, this is the pinnacle of transformation, faintly able to communicate with the power of heaven and earth, as long as the barrier between heaven and earth is completely broken, you can completely communicate with the power of heaven and earth, and become a master of heaven. A family with such masters, How strong is it?

But Yang Yi also had doubts. Since the Jin family has been fine for so long, it means that the Jin family kept the Five Elements Golden Spirit very secret, and didn't even reveal any news about it. How did Lin Yangxi know about it? [

Lin Yangxi seemed to know Yang Yi's doubts, and said in a low voice: "You don't have to doubt, the reason why I know this secret is because I used to be named Jin! Yes, I used to be from the Jin family. As for why I changed my name? Leaving the Jin family, I believe it will be of no use to Junior Brother Yang!"

Yang Yi could tell that this was the truth, and when Lin Yangxi mentioned the Jin family, there was an unforgettable hatred in his eyes, which could not be pretended.

After Lin Yangxi finished speaking, he floated away. This person was as firm and proud as Yang Yi.However, Yang Yi's pride is deep in his heart, very restrained, and usually does not show it, while Lin Yangxi's pride is outside, full of arrogance.

Such people are talented characters!But even such a talented person can do nothing to Feng Jie, which shows how powerful this Feng Jie is, which makes Yang Yi put away his heart for seeing these disasters.

"Wind catastrophe, fire catastrophe, heart catastrophe, one catastrophe after another, one catastrophe is better than one catastrophe, if you can really go through it, you will reach the state of escape from the seventh level, and your body will be like glass, clean and free. , and finally condensed into the existence of the primordial spirit, there is really no one in ten, and those who can reach this level are geniuses among geniuses!"

"Although I seem to be far away from these realms, I have to start preparing now."

Yang Yi unexpectedly learned something from Lin Yangxi. The way of cultivation is difficult and difficult. He can achieve such a cultivation level now, not because he has experienced life and death ordeals. The place of death and burial is gone, and the path of cultivation is invisible. ! ~!

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