blood record

Chapter 188 Unexpected Promotion

Yang Yi retracted the tortoise shell again, and retracted the corrosive hand into the body, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his whole body got into the Tianhe star map in an instant.

In the star map, Ning Wujian's primordial spirit is still roaring.

"Ning Wujian, you are dying now, tell me, what use does your Nine Swordsman want this turtle shell for?"

Now that Yang Yi is in the Tianhe star map, he can easily suppress a soul master with a single thought.

Ning Wujian laughed wildly, his face was very ferocious: "Haha, you bastard, you want to trick me into telling me the secret of the turtle shell, don't even think about it! You are sitting on a treasure mountain but you can't get the treasure, don't you feel very suffocated, haha, but , if you can let go of my primordial spirit, I will tell you everything I know!" [

Ants are still alive, let alone a great master who has cultivated to the realm of Yuanshen. Ning Wujian thought about it, and wanted to exchange the secret of the mysterious tortoise shell for his Yuanshen.

But he was disappointed, Yang Yi did not show the kind of surprise he imagined, but showed a hint of ridicule and disdain.

"What? You don't want to know the secret of the mysterious turtle shell? Don't you want to get great power?"

Yang Yi sneered and said, "Do you think you Nine Swordsmen alone know the secret of the tortoise shell? Let me tell you and see if I know more details than you. This mysterious tortoise shell was lost from the fairy world. It was the Tianzhu in the fairy world in the past, and the Tianzhu was destroyed later, this tortoise shell is the fragment of the Tianzhu, how about it? Am I right?"

Ning Wujian faltered with an inconceivable look on his face, "You... how do you know all about it?"

"Haha, idiot, don't you understand it now? If I don't know the secret of the turtle shell, how can I desperately want to get this turtle shell? Okay, now you can go die!"

Without any hesitation, Yang Yi mobilized the power of the star map, and the powerful power crushed Ning Wujian's primordial spirit in an instant.


Not only Yuanshen, but also his dharma body, how terrifying is the original power decomposed by a master of Yuanshen?Will find out soon.

I saw that the entire Milky Way star map was shaken, and countless white people appeared around it.

It is Bai E's mouth, and there is a distorted space around Bai, just like an illusion. A wave of unimaginable original power directly descends on the Tianhe Star Chart, like a flood, and begins to wash away crazily.


Yang Yi's dharma body even opened up his appetite and began to refine these original powers. This original power was exhausted, and it was constantly rippling in the Tianhe Star Chart, like a rolling river.

At this time, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the entire Tianhe Star Chart. Every time the Tianhe Star Chart refines a master, everyone will get unimaginable benefits.

First of all, Liu Qingyun, his whole body swelled for a while, his body was shining with golden light, and he was shining with surging power. He finally obtained unimaginable benefits when refining the primordial spirit master this time, and cultivated to the golden core state of the highest blood coagulation state.

"Haha, this is a golden elixir, this is a golden elixir! I didn't expect that I would cultivate a golden elixir so quickly, and it is expected to hit the shape. This is simply unbelievable!"

Not only Liu Qingyun, but the Liu brothers and sisters also faintly condensed into virtual pills, which is unimaginable for their aptitudes, and Wu Tiangang has also cultivated real pills, and Elder Lu Ming is working hard to accumulate, Dharmakaya has become stronger.

Among them is Yan Zhenzhen, she is worthy of being the proud girl of heaven, her cultivation aptitude is indeed powerful, and she actually got the benefits of Fa imagining this time, her Fire Bird Dharma Body swelled up crazily, and her figure became a bit substantial , she also cultivated the third stage of nurturing.

It can be said that this time refining Ning Wujian, the master of the soul, everyone in the star map has improved by a whole level. [

Of course, it was Yang Yi who benefited the most.

The true source of his blood flew out directly. This is a mighty flood dragon, with a body of hundreds of feet long, far stronger than those masters at the third level of warmth and nourishment. The dragon in front of him is like an ant, which can be easily crushed to death at any time.

The original power of Shu was refined by Yang Yi, and he fell into the unimaginable joy at this time, as if there was nothing more comfortable than this in the world, and his dharma body swelled and swelled, just like a glutton. Like a dragon.

Suddenly, Yang Yi felt a chill.

Cold, since he cultivated the transformation, refined the spirit of the five elements, and raised the diamond body to an unbelievable level, he has never felt cold again. No matter how cold the wind blows on him, he will not feel cold. cold.

But at this moment, he actually felt the cold, and there must be a demon if something goes wrong.

Yang Yi hurriedly regained his composure and sank into the Dharma Body. At this moment, he found that his Dharma Body was stronger again, and it wasn't just one or two o'clock. The power of the entire Dharma Body was several times stronger than before, just like a In the sky, one in the ground!

Moreover, within the dharma body, there was still a faint storm brewing. It seemed that once the storm raged, even his powerful dharma body would be torn into pieces. Yang Yi's heart moved, and he immediately thought of something.

"It's an evil wind, and I unexpectedly rose to the realm of the Fourth Severe Wind Tribulation."

The four-fold wind calamity, this is the state that several people both love and fear. Love is because only by surviving the wind calamity can they become stronger and have a longer lifespan, and fear is because of the horror of the wind calamity. All the monks were terrified, and what they could get through was only five or five.

Wind Calamity and Fire Calamity are not actually the same state, but rather like some tests of Taoism, so even though Yang Yi's power has increased again, the Dharma Body has not been transformed, and Yang Yi's lifespan is still 7 years, unchanged.

Yang Yi frowned slightly, he definitely wanted to survive the catastrophe of the wind, but not now, he was planning to wait until the Great Wind-fixing Pill was refined before preparing to survive the catastrophe of the wind, so that he could survive the catastrophe of the wind in one go, but now the plan They were all beaten, and he was accidentally promoted to the realm of the quadruple wind disaster.

"However, sooner or later, the wind tribulation will have to be passed. Even if it is earlier, it is not a big deal. When we return to the faction, we will refine the Great Wind Immediately!"

Yang Yi now has to use half of his strength to suppress the evil wind, otherwise once the evil wind rages, even he doesn't know if he can suppress it. It's horror.If Yang Yi's wind disaster happened to other monks, I'm afraid that even the sixth-level masters are determined to suppress the wind disaster, and they will be blown into flying ash by the evil wind, which shows the horror of Yang Yi's wind disaster. ! ~!

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