blood record

Chapter 192 Five Heavy Fire Tribulations

Finally, the yin fire began to burn the dharma body, and the huge dharma body let out a miserable cry. At this time, Jiaolong also seemed to have a spirit, knowing that it would soon be reduced to ashes, and was constantly struggling.But it's useless, all power, as long as it is Yang Yi's power, is useless in front of Yin Huo.

Fire, Fire Tribulation, is there any way to stop the ferocious momentum of Yin Huo? "

Although Yang Yi was in great pain at this time, he didn't have any strength. At such a juncture of life and death, he became calmer than ever.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart, and he thought of the competition for the Five Elements Water Spirit, Wanjia got the Five Elements Water Spirit for Wan Luqi to survive the fire disaster.

"The five-element water spirit is the guest star of all the flames in the world. Although yin fire is very special, the five-element water spirit should also be useful!"

Yang Yiyi devoured all the five elements water spirits and used them to refine into the diamond body, so the whole body has the breath of five elements water spirits.

"King Kong is not bad, diamond body, town!"

Yang Yi's body shone with streaks of golden light, and these golden lights radiated everywhere, like a golden sun, exuding intense heat.

However, the golden light is also mixed with the breath of the sharp five-element golden spirit and the soft five-element water spirit.

The urging of the diamond body had an immediate effect, the entire dharma body was filled with golden light, and the aura of the five elements and water spirits permeated the entire dharma body.

The raging flames in the dharma body seemed to be really intimidated by the five elements water spirit, and they stopped burning.

Taking advantage of this good opportunity, Yang Yi mobilized the power of the dharma body, severely suppressed the yin fire, suppressed the surging yin fire, but could not completely eliminate it, and the five elements of water spirit only had some effect That's all, Wan Luqi brought the Five Elements Water Spirit just to control the power of the Yin Huo. If he wanted to destroy the Yin Huo and survive the calamity of fire, he had to rely on his own strength.


Feeling that the momentum of Yin Huo had been somewhat controlled, Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, but now he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. He actually used [-]% of his body's strength to suppress Huo Jie. There is a hint of slack.The turbulent aura of Yinhuo just now seemed like the end of the world, and even Yang Yi felt an unprecedented crisis.

"The three calamities of wind, fire, and heart are indeed the greatest disasters for monks. If you don't pay attention, they will be annihilated in ashes. No matter how powerful the power is, no matter how many means, they are useless. They will all become empty. "

Yang Yi didn't dare to look at these catastrophes anymore, even if he was as clever as him, he was almost burned to ashes by the Yin fire just now, it's no wonder that none of the monks who survived the catastrophe survived the catastrophe.

After passing through the catastrophe of wind and being promoted to the realm of catastrophe of fire at the fifth level of transformation, the strength in Yang Yi's body has increased several times again. Although the catastrophe is dangerous, once he passes through, he will also get unimaginable benefits.

Suddenly, Yang Yi's heart moved, he sensed the changes outside, and immediately broke through the barrier.


Yang Yi's figure appeared in the mansion, and Feng Yiyi, who was waiting anxiously, found it immediately, and hurriedly stood up and said, "Junior Brother Yang, it's Lin Yangxi, and he's the only one I let in. There are many others outside. Quadruple masters."

Now Feng Yiyi speaks with a bit of arrogance, she was originally the No.1 among female disciples in Hualong Palace, she used to be an all-powerful figure, but later she didn't show any sharpness because she devoted herself to overcoming the catastrophe.But now that she has finally passed the catastrophe, her strength has been greatly improved, and she has begun to show her former style.

Yang Yi nodded slightly, he also saw Lin Yangxi.

This Lin Yangxi is really a genius. He originally needed half of his strength to suppress Feng Jie, but now he seems to have a lot of Feng Jie's power in his body, and only used [-]% of his strength to suppress it. Dan, within ten years, he will be able to successfully survive the catastrophe.

Even Yang Yi has to admire him! [

"Brother Lin, that's right, even without the Great Wind-Fixing Pellet, this wind tribulation doesn't pose any threat to Brother Lin."

Lin Yangxi smiled slightly and said: "Everyone wants to obtain such a magical pill as the Dingfeng Great Pill. The reason why I was able to completely suppress Feng Jie was thanks to the fight between you and me last time. Later, I went back and thought about it carefully. Knowing that even if I let go of all my strength, I will not be your opponent, and I still have some understanding, so I worked hard to practice, and finally I can suppress Feng Jie bit by bit. Brother Yang really did not break his promise , I actually refined the Great Wind-Fixing Pill, so I can save decades of hard work."

"Oh? Brother Lin is really a gift from the sky. I, Yang Yi, will naturally fulfill what I promised. Besides, if it wasn't for the information provided by Brother Lin, how could I have obtained the Five Elements Golden Spirit? This Great Wind-fixing Pill, Of course Brother Lin is indispensable."

Yang Yi directly poured out a Great Wind-fixing Pill from the bottle and threw it at Lin Yangxi.

However, Lin Yangxi just glanced at the Wind-Fixing Great Pill in his hand, and then put it away, but he was a little moved and said: "So, Brother Yang really went to Jin's house, and he also got the Five Elements Golden spirit?"

Lin Yangxi had an unbelievable expression on his face.

Yang Yi's heart moved slightly, he had already guessed that Lin Yangxi was probably from the Jin family before, but for some unknown reason, he harbored hatred towards the Jin family. For the Jin family, the loss of such a genius is the loss of the Jin family.

"That's right, I'm not the only one who went to Jin's house this time!"

"Who else?"

Yang Yi tapped lightly on the table with his fingers, but he didn't mention this matter at all, and instead said in a low voice: "What kind of deep hatred can make Brother Lin have such great hatred for the Jin family?"

Lin Yangxi's face changed slightly, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes, and he said coldly: "Brother Yang, if you know too much about some things, the gains will outweigh the losses!"

"You are not my opponent."

Yang Yi said lightly.

"Hmph, that's not necessarily the case!"

Lin Yangxi's expression changed suddenly just after he finished speaking, because at some point, Yang Yi's hand had already lightly rested on his shoulder, and the terrifying power revealed from his fingers made him feel terrified. , he was very clear that as long as Yang Yi made a slight move, he would be bombarded and killed.

"Have you survived the catastrophe?"

"Just passed."

During the questioning and answering between the two, Lin Yangxi's expression instantly became more depressed, and after a while he murmured: "You are the real genius, compared to you, compared to God, I am nothing!"

It is true that Lin Yangxi is an out-and-out genius, but there are also highs and lows between geniuses. Yang Yi had so many adventures that made him achieve what he is today, but Lin Yangxi is not. He practiced step by step.

"Let me guess. In fact, no matter what kind of entanglements you have with the Jin family, there is one thing. You really hate the Jin family, and you hate it to the core. You practice desperately just to return to the Jin family one day. The Jin family, revenge, am I right?"

Lin Yangxi raised his head, seemed to be looking at Yang Yi carefully, and said in a low voice, "Anyone can guess these things, so what? Could you help me?"

"Yes, I can help you!" [

Yang Yi's words were resolute.

"Help me? Haha, you are only at the fourth level of transformation, oh no, you have already survived the catastrophe of wind, I am afraid that you have borrowed the effect of the Wind Fixing Pill, but so what if you are at the fifth level? At home, there is not only a master of Mahayana, but also a few masters of Yuanshen, haha, unless I can reach the realm of reaching the sky, who can help me?"

Lin Yangxi looked up to the sky and smiled miserably. His smile was filled with hatred. In fact, this genius is very pitiful. He has been living in hatred and uses hatred as his motivation. If he cultivates with this mentality, his achievements will not be too high.

"Hatred has blinded your eyes." Yang Yi shook his head slightly.

"I can help you realize your dream. I can cultivate so quickly. Do you think it's all about step-by-step cultivation? Do you think it's just luck that I can produce the five-element golden spirit in the Jin family where many masters are in charge? "


Lin Yangxi looked at Yang Yi, indeed, all of this is so miraculous, it is almost impossible, but the fact is in front of him, Yang Yi did it. ! ~!

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