blood record

Chapter 195

"whoosh whoosh"

Fast, simply incomparable, the speed of Yang Yi's eight swords forming a sword formation is simply unimaginable.

And once the sword array was formed, Wu Ziao was quickly trapped inside, and the poor sword energy turned into silk, cutting the void, and easily cutting the huge Sky-upping Palm into pieces.

"What? Sword formation? What kind of sword formation is this?"

Wu Zi'ao's face changed drastically. He had heard about the sword formation. The Nine Swords School and Hualong Palace had a lot of grievances, and the disciples of the Nine Swords School used the sword formation, which was very powerful. [

"Hey, of course it's the sword formation that will kill you!"

Yang waved his hand, and immediately the huge sword array began to shrink, and the sword qi spewed out with a length of more than three feet, and quickly turned into a series of sword threads, cutting the void, which was terrifying.

Wu Ziao's face changed, he could feel the horror of these sword qi, once the sword formation shrinks to the end, even he can't resist the power of the sword formation, if it is cut into several pieces, Yuanshen can't escape Lose.

In an instant, Wu Ziao became anxious, he stretched out his hand fiercely, and a fire bird that had almost condensed into a solid body flew out from the true source of his blood, and the whole body was shining with raging flames, as if the sky would melt if it was dull.

"Burn the world!"

Rising flames emerged from the Firebird's body. These flames were not ordinary flames, but unique to those with the blood of the Phoenix, and they had to have survived the three calamities of wind, fire, and heart, and their bodies were round and thick. In times of catastrophe and calamity, the innate supernatural powers obtained from the blood of the phoenix.

This can be regarded as a supernatural power, it is a gifted supernatural power obtained from the blood of the Phoenix, like Yang Yi's Shenlong also has a natural supernatural power, but it is far from appearing now, and it can't exert much power in the state of escape. Only when one has cultivated to the heights of the heavens can one truly display the immense power of the innate magical powers of each bloodline.

Although the power wasn't very powerful, it was only relative. Now Wu Ziao had exerted all his strength to activate the innate supernatural power he obtained from his bloodline when he cultivated to escape the catastrophe.

Moreover, fire overcomes gold, and it just so happens that fire is the nemesis of flying swords, and those sword threads that turned gas into silk also began to be melted instantly in this huge flame.

Seeing that he was saved from a desperate situation, Wu Ziao laughed wildly: "Haha, Yang Yi, what else do you have to do? Today I will make your life worse than death, and let you taste all the pain."

Yang Yi was not afraid at all, and his expression remained unchanged. There was a trace of disdain in his eyes, he shook his head slightly and said, "I don't even know when I'm about to die. It's really sad! Do you know what my eight flying swords are?" ?"

Not only Wu Ziao, but also the disciples below feel a little familiar, but they still can't remember, what are these eight flying swords?

In other words, they didn't dare to imagine it at all!

"Heavenly Sword Void Slash!"

Yang Yi's eyes turned slightly cold, and immediately the entire sky was filled with terrifying sword energy. The sword energy as big as pillars fused together to form a huge sky sword that traversed the void.

The might of the Heavenly Sword made even Wu Ziao's face change drastically, and he no longer had the arrogant look he had before.

"Yang Yi, what are you doing? You know, I have survived the three tribulations of wind, fire, and heart, but I was able to condense the primordial spirit, and even hope to become a disciple of Tongtian. How dare you kill me?"

At this time, Wu Ziao finally felt that the sword formation formed by Yang Yi's eight-handled flying swords was not something he could resist at all, and he even felt the chilling killing intent.

"A dog-like thing dares to negotiate terms with me, and even dares to pull a tiger skin to make a coat when death is imminent. You won't die, but you will live a life worse than death!" [

Yang Yi waved the huge Heavenly Sword, and slashed fiercely downwards, as if shattering the void. This is the power of the sword array, which condenses the power of eight flying swords. poverty.

"Do not……"

Wu Ziao's face turned pale, and his true source directly wailed, and then the flames around him were cut to pieces by the Heavenly Sword, and flew back into Wu Ziao's body fiercely.

The huge sword energy was already faintly visible, once it hit him, the consequences would be unimaginable, even if he didn't die, it would definitely be worse than death.

It was as if Wu Ziao met the former Shen Tianyou. It was such a terrifying attack and also so domineering, but Shen Tianyou was like a high-ranking aristocratic god, who just looked down at him without killing intent.

But Yang Yi is different, this is a typical person, a person who repays kindness with kindness and revenge with revenge, provoking such a person is more terrifying than provoking a person like Shen Tianyou!

All the disciples were a little excited. If this sword fell, Wu Ziao would be crippled even if he didn't die. From then on, he would be completely crippled. This would definitely be a sensation in Hualong Palace.

Wu Ziao's face turned pale, but Tianjian's speed was so fast that he didn't even have time to hide.


At this moment, a sound like thunder resounded on the ground, and echoed in everyone's ears. At the same time, a huge palm seemed to fly out of the void, and it contained mysterious power one after another. He grabbed Wu Ziao with one hand, and let Yang Tiantian slash fiercely with his sword.


The power of the Heavenly Sword is indeed enormous, and even the hard ground has been cut into a huge crack, which is shocking.

But when the smoke and dust cleared, the huge palm just dimmed a little, and it was not chopped into pieces. Wu Ziao in his hand also heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly got up and shouted: "Thank you, Elder Law Enforcement, for your rescue!"

This wide-eared, fair-faced, kind-faced old man turned out to be the law enforcement elder who holds great power in Hualong Palace.

The law enforcement elder is naturally a master of the sky, he is in charge of the punishment of the entire Hualong Palace, and even if the elders violate the rules, he will punish them, but such a cold position seems to be very kind.

I am afraid that anyone who saw this law enforcement elder for the first time would not be able to associate him with such a cold position as "law enforcement elder".

Now that Wu Ziao has lost all face, he just got out of danger, and when he rolls his eyes, he immediately has a conspiracy. A person like him is a complete person.

"Elder Law Enforcement, this Yang Yi, is really too bold and reckless, relying on magic weapons to try to kill me and other Hualong Palace disciples, it is really audacious, I also ask the Elder Law Enforcement to enforce the law impartially, and punish this reckless Yang Yi! "

Yang Yi's eyes flickered with murderous intent again, and he laughed loudly: "Haha, it's ridiculous, you are a majestic expert who escaped from the seventh level, and you are afraid that I, a fifth level monk, will kill you? You really turned me into a dragon palace!" It's embarrassing! Besides, we were competing just now, when did you see that I was going to kill you? If I was going to kill you, would you still be able to stand here properly?"

"Sophistry, if the law enforcement elder hadn't saved me just now, I would have been killed by you long ago!"

"Actually, I already knew that the law enforcement elder was here, and he would definitely rescue you, so even if I tried my best, I couldn't kill you, so how could I have a chance to kill you?"

" are sophistry!" [

Wu Zi's face flushed with arrogance, but he couldn't tell Yang Yi apart, but the venomousness in his eyes made people shudder. ! ~!

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