blood record

Chapter 198 Wan Muzong

As soon as Yang returned to the mansion, he ran the Tianhe star chart, completely sealed off the mansion, and quietly entered the star chart.

Thirty percent of the Tianhe star map has recovered, and the rolling original power is like a flood, rolling down, in addition to allowing the people inside to practice, part of it has been continuously transformed into pure blood crystals.

Yang Yi's current blood crystals have reached a terrifying level, there are a full 2000 billion blood crystals, but this is not a big fortune. The last time the ancestor of the Jin family bought two Tongtian Pills, it cost two trillion yuan. The blood crystal, that is the real wealth, it is jaw-dropping.

There is also a part of the original power that has entered the depths of the Tianhe Star Map. In that depth, even Yang Yi felt the existence of a palpitating power. In the depths of the Tianhe Star Map, it is the Tianhe Star Map that hides secrets. In other places, these original forces are also slowly recovering themselves, but this process is also quite slow.

Unless Yang Yi can behead a few more Yuanshen masters and decompose them all, the Tianhe Star Chart can hope to recover to [-]%. [

Otherwise, you will have to wait for tens of thousands of years to recover [-]%.

After entering the Tianhe star map, Yang Yi came to the Five Elements Golden Spirit.

Although the most ancient ancient creature is not strong, it possesses wisdom and insight comparable to human beings. He is a living fossil for several years.

Its huge body exhibited countless tentacles, and those original powers that are like treasures to monks have no attraction to the Five Elements Golden Spirit.

The five-element gold spirit is the spirit of the five-element gold, so in order to grow stronger, it must also absorb the five-element gold.

However, there is no Qi of the Five Elements in the Tianhe Star Chart. Fortunately, the Golden Spirit of the Five Elements is already huge enough. Since ancient times, there has been no such a huge Golden Spirit of the Five Elements. Even if there is no Golden Qi of the Five Elements for [-] million years, it has no effect on it. .

Yang Yiyi treated the Five Elements Golden Spirit as an elder, and asked: "Senior Jin Ling, the fire calamity is raging in my body now, it is very dangerous, the five elements water spirit can suppress the fire calamity to some extent, but last time the water spirit was directly devoured and refined by me. I can't find the Five Elements Water Spirit at all, I wonder if seniors know where there is the Five Elements Water Spirit?"

The Five Elements Golden Spirit hummed and said: "The spirits of the Five Elements are very rare! It is true that only the Five Elements Water Spirit can suppress the fire calamity in your body, but it cannot play a fundamental role. You need to go through this calamity by yourself .However, there are still two kinds of spirits of the five elements in your vajra body. It is difficult to break through without breaking the body. If it was in ancient times, it would be easy, but now? If you want to find the wood spirit of the five elements and the earth spirit of the five elements Very difficult."

After hearing this, Yang Yi knew that the Fire Calamity in his body was not something that the Five Elements Water Spirit could suppress at all, at most it could only be relieved. Now that his strength is still very strong, he can fully develop the evil fire, so he went to find the Five Elements Water Spirit It's useless, but the five-element golden spirit is right. If the five-element earth spirit and the five-element wood spirit can be found, and the five elements are assembled together, then the diamond body can break through without breaking the body, and its strength will increase by leaps and bounds. It is extremely fierce.

"Senior Jin Ling, you said that the Wu Clan had countless spirits of the Five Elements in the past, and the Wu Clan provided protection for you, so where is this place now? Even if the Wu Clan is extinct, maybe the remaining spirits of the Five Elements can be found there. "

Yang Yi knew from the mouth of the Five Elements Golden Spirit that the former Wu Clan and the Five Elements Spirit depended on each other. With the Five Elements Spirit, it was almost effortless for the Wu Clan to break through without breaking the body.

The Golden Spirit of the Five Elements said: "That's right, maybe there really is a remnant of the Spirit of the Five Elements in that place, but this place is far from what you can go to."

"Where? I'm willing to go even if it's dangerous."

Yang Yi asked eagerly.

"In the fairy world, the witch clan used to spread all over the immortal and mortal worlds, but it is most suitable to cultivate the spirits of the five elements in the fairy world, because the five elements in the fairy world are particularly abundant, which can make the spirits of the five elements grow well."

Yang Yi frowned, feeling disappointed in his heart. Indeed, he dared to venture into any dangerous place, but he simply didn't have the ability to go to the fairy world.

"You don't have to worry, since you have appeared, then you have the hope of the Wu Clan, and all the luck of the Wu Clan will be added to you. The spirits of the five elements and the luck of the Wu Clan are connected together. Since You have already appeared, then the spirits of the Five Elements will slowly gather by your side, just like me, also appeared by your side."

Five Elements Golden Spirit said in a deep voice.

Yang Yi shook his head slightly, luck is something that no one can say for sure, there is no definition at all, he wants to increase his strength as soon as possible, but whether it is cultivation base or diamond body, it seems that he has encountered problems that cannot be easily solved troublesome problem. [

Huo Jie, Yang Yi only knows a little bit now, he only knows that he needs to rely on his own strength to eliminate Huo Jie, but it is unbelievable to rely on his own strength to eliminate Huo Jie, and he does not know how long he will have to wait.

As for the wood spirit and earth spirit among the spirits of the five elements, they have no clue at all.

"You don't have to worry. Although I don't know where the earth spirits and wood spirits are, I can feel that there are still many spirits of the five elements in this world. Wood spirits like to live in places with many trees, while earth spirits live in In dark and damp places, as long as these two conditions are met, you will definitely be able to find earth spirits and wood spirits."

The Five Elements Golden Spirit has survived for several years, and it can be said to be the oldest of the Five Elements Spirits. It is not surprising that it can have some special abilities.

A place with a lot of darkness and trees? "

Yang Yi carefully thought about all the places he knew, to see if there were any places that fit the two conditions.

However, his knowledge of the Milky Way Starfield may not be as much as that of some ordinary disciples, and after thinking about it for a long time, he did not think of a place that meets the requirements.

Fortunately, Yang Yi didn't think alone, but called a disciple.

This disciple is called Fang Yun, and he has also cultivated to the first stage of transformation. He usually looks very cute, and he looks very spirited. Yang Yi likes this disciple very much.

"Fang Yun, let me ask you, in the Milky Way star field, is there any place where the yin is dark and wet or where the trees are particularly lush? It is best to have a place where the entire star is filled with dark and wet yin or the entire star is full of trees."

The spirit of the five elements can only be formed in an extreme environment, just like the fire spirit of the five elements captured by Yang Yi, which grew in the hot magma underground.

Fang Yun rolled his eyes, looking very clever.

He thought carefully for a while, and said with joy on his face: "Senior brother Yang, I thought of it, I have never heard of a place where the entire star is dark and wet, but if there is a place with a lot of trees on the entire star. "

Yang Yi's expression was startled, and he became energetic immediately, and asked, "Oh? Where is it?"

"Senior Brother Yang, you have only been here in Hualong Palace for a short time, so you don't know about it. There are many sects in the Tianhe Star Region, and one of them is the Wanmu Sect. Practice, so the place where they live is full of trees. However, Wanmu Sect and Ji Dao Sect are very close, and it seems that they have completely surrendered to Ji Dao Sect, which is very dangerous."

"Wan Muzong?"

There were flashes of light in Yang's eyes, and the huge aura around him rose like a storm. He was afraid that Fang Yun beside him would be startled, and he walked a few steps under the strong pressure, with a look of surprise on his face.

Yang Yi nodded slightly and said: "Very good, you have made merit this time, and these ten bottles of pills will be given to you, which is enough to support you to condense your dharma body!"

Fang Yun's expression was startled, his eyes sparkled with excitement, hastily put away the ten bottles of pills, and immediately knelt down to thank him.

This is reaching the sky in one step. What is it that Fang Yun came to serve Yang Yiwei so caringly?Not for this moment, these ten bottles of pills can save him hundreds of years of hard work. ! ~!

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