blood record

Chapter 208 Five Lines of Wood Spirits

There was a flash of light in Kamikaze's eyes, and the momentum of his whole body rose again, staring at the big hand firmly.

"Haha, good, good, good! Last time, I fell into your trick and ruined my body. Do you think you can succeed this time? Tailuo Mountain, give me the town!"

Although Kamikaze seemed to have a relaxed expression, he didn't dare to relax a bit. He quickly withdrew the true source of blood, stretched out his hand to grab the void, and unexpectedly grabbed a huge mountain peak.

This mountain, with five or six hundred palms, soared into the clouds, suddenly appeared, creating a feeling of oppression. It seemed that the kamikaze had been prepared for a long time, and turned a mountain into a magic weapon to resist Yang One's curse.

"Haha, I've already made preparations, what's the use of your evil means?" [

The huge mountain roared towards it, and collided fiercely with the huge cursed palm in the void.

The technique of cursing has reached the highest level in the rumors. It can curse the world, make the world and the avenues cursed, and completely collapse. But now Yang Yi is still far from realizing the true meaning of the curse. He can only curse life. This mountain , naked, and had been refined by the Kamikaze Festival, there was no sign of life at all, so the big cursing hand was turned into nothing by the impact of a huge mountain peak.

"Haha, beast, die!"

Kamikaze was overjoyed when he saw this, and the whole person flew over, stretched out his hand and slapped, the huge force squeezed the void, and the huge force even passed over, suppressing Yang Yi from all directions in the west.

Yang Yi's spirit changed, and even the curse technique didn't work. This is the first time he has reached the end of the mountain. He is very powerful, and each of them has the power to reach the sky, which is extremely terrifying.

But at this moment, Pirate Venerable's entire face had turned pale, as if he had consumed a lot of energy, but his eyes were shining brightly.

"To the extremes of the world, break all laws, the way of talisman records, break the ban!"

Pirate Venerable quickly wrote two large characters on this glittering golden talisman: Break the ban.

These two characters were engraved with blood, and once they were painted, they immediately emitted a radiant light. At this moment, Yang Yi felt that there seemed to be a magical existence, which was revived.

"Okay, let's go!"

Bandit Venerable also clearly felt the approach of the kamikaze behind him, he grabbed Yang Yi with his big hand, and the golden e talisman turned around, wrapping Yang Yi and Bandit Venerable directly, as if entering The environment was average, and he went straight into the Holy Wood Hall.


The huge power of the divine wind slammed on the large formation of the Holy Wood Hall, and the whole earth could basically feel it from the top and bottom of the Zhenwan Wood Sect, and they all flew towards the Holy Wood Hall one after another.

"What? What kind of method is that? To be able to directly enter the Holy Wood Hall in spite of these large formation prohibitions, damn it!"

Elder Kamikaze was very angry. Although he has a heaven-reaching cultivation, it is really earth-shattering, but this holy wood hall is the foundation of Wanmu sect, and the large array of prohibitions laid down by it were all laid by the masters of Wanmu sect in the past. Yes, it is impossible to break in by force.

Even Wanmuzong's disciples and elders had to get a token issued by Wanmuzong before entering the Holy Wooden Hall. With that token, they could freely enter and leave the Holywood Hall.

Not to mention that Kamikaze was furious outside, but inside the Holy Wood Hall, Yang Yi was wrapped in the golden e-talisman, shuttling through countless large formations.

These large formations, as if Yang Yi and the others had not been found, let Yang Yi and the others pass by without the slightest obstruction. All of this was obviously the power of Huang E's talisman.

There are so many big formations inside, it is really countless, if one rushes in rashly, I am afraid that they will be attacked by the big formations with all their strength, even the masters of the sky will not be spared. [

Only then did Yang Yi feel a little scared, if he broke into the holy wood hall without knowing the heights of the heavens and the earth, he would really be buried. Even if he had a curse to resist for a while, he would just die more slowly.

Pirate Master is dressed in black, only revealing a pair of eyes, appearing very mysterious and indifferent.

Suddenly, Yang Yi smelled a burst of fragrance in his nose, which was a bit like the body fragrance of a daughter. Yang focused his eyes on Pirate Venerable, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind: Could it be that this Pirate Zun is a woman?

This Pirate Venerable seems to be mysterious and abnormal. Not only does he have such terrifying ancient methods as traveling thousands of miles, but what is even more terrifying is these talismans. It can be said that this kind of encounter is no worse than Yang Yi's encounter.

"Senior Jin Ling, do you know where the talisman that this Pirate Venerable came from?"

The Five Elements Golden Spirit is well-informed, equivalent to a living fossil, and can know a little bit.

"These talismans are exquisite, and I can smell a trace of ancient aura from them. This is a method handed down from the ancient fairy world back then. The ancient immortals were able to fight against the witch clan and win. It is really extraordinary , this kind of chance is no worse than your golden body of the witch clan."

Yang Yi was startled, his eyes flickered, looking at this Pirate Master, as if he wanted to see through the Pirate Master's secret.

Pirate Venerable seemed to be very familiar with this holy wood hall, passed through the poor formation, and flew towards the deepest part of the holy wood hall.

"Yang Yi, I feel it. It's getting clearer, bigger, and stronger. This is the breath of the Five Elements Wood Spirit, and there's more than one, many, many..."

Yang Yi looked grim, nodded and said: "In fact, I don't need to tell you, I have already felt it. This breath is too strong. This Pirate Venerable is heading in this direction. Could it be that he is also doing it for the Five Elements Wood Spirit?" ?”


The golden talisman suddenly flickered slightly, the light around him disappeared, and fell into Pirate Venerable's hands, and then both of them landed.

This is a wide hall. In the hall, there is no one, but there are strange things like tree stumps. These strange things like tree stumps are placed in one after another cold ponds.

"Yang Yi, hurry up, put them all away, these are the Five Elements Wood Spirits!" The Five Elements Metal Spirits were a little excited, and these Five Elements Wood Spirits seemed to feel the breath of the Five Elements Metal Spirits, each one of them began to tremble, But there is a poor restriction in that cold pond, which binds them all inside and cannot move.

Yang Yi was not in a hurry to collect it, but looked around the entire hall with his eyes.

Not only is the wood qi thick here, but the vitality qi is even thicker. In the center of the vitality qi, there is a strange treasure like a disc, which is constantly rotating, absorbing the poor wood qi, and transforming all the wood qi. It has become pure vitality, this treasure is obviously the root of the Holy Wood Hall, and also the root of the Wanmu Sect. All the Wanmu Sect has such a strong vitality because of this disc, which can transform the wood energy into vitality.

However, with Yang Yi's gaze, he couldn't tell whether this disc was a magic weapon or something else, because it didn't have the aura of a magic weapon, nor did it have the aura of a fairy treasure. If he didn't see it transforming into vitality, I'm afraid no one can associate it with a treasure.

"Huh? Pirate Venerable has come here, does he want to get this disk?"

Yang Yi's heart moved, and he looked at Pirate Venerable.

Pirate Venerable's eyes really stared at the disc in the middle, and said with a cold smile: "The people of Wanmu Sect are all idiots, they have treasures but don't know how to use them, and turn the majestic treasures of heaven and earth into a power-transformer." The utensils are really reckless!"

"The treasure of heaven and earth? Senior Five Elements Gold Spirit, do you know this treasure?" [

Yang Yi asked.

"I don't know, but I can feel that this treasure is an incomplete treasure, and the mysteries contained in it are too huge, and I don't know, but this treasure is indeed not just a treasure that transforms vitality. "

A treasure that even the Golden Spirit of the Five Elements doesn't know.

Outside the holy wood hall, Kamikaze's face was ashen, and after a short while, many elders of Wanmu sect rushed over. These elders all had Mahayana cultivation.

When the elders saw that it was Kamikaze, their faces immediately turned livid. The Holy Wood Hall is their holy place, and now that it has been destroyed in such a state, Wanmu Sect's reputation will be damaged and their face will be saved.

One of the elders stood up fiercely and shouted: "Shenfeng, although our Wanmu Sect has temporarily united with the Jidao Sect, you Jidao Sect can't bully others too much. You destroy us like this!" What is the reason for the holy land of Wanmu Sect?"

This elder is also a master of primordial spirit.

Kamikaze was in a fit of anger, and turned around abruptly, bursts of murderous intent appeared in his eyes, and the surrounding air seemed to have cooled down.


Kamikaze made a sudden move, grabbed the elder Yuanshen like a jerk, and said coldly, "How dare you, an elder, accuse me of this matter?"

"Bold, Kamikaze, what do you want?"

Seeing such a gift from Kamikaze, countless elders were enraged and surrounded Kamikaze faintly. Although there are no masters who reach the sky, there are more than a dozen masters above the primordial spirit, exuding momentum together. It is also extraordinary. ! ~!

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