blood record

Chapter 21 It's Not That Simple

[Tickets are very important, collections are even more important, everyone supports you~~~~~]

"Fellow Daoist, why don't you choose a few more treasures at the Chamber of Commerce?"

Yang Yi couldn't understand what Old Liu meant. In the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce, Jin Xie didn't dare to do anything, but once he left the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce, Jin Xie would no longer have the slightest fear. At that time, Yang Yi would suffer from a blood-clotting fifth-layer A master's stormy blow.

There was a flash of light in Yang's eyes, and he sneered in a low voice: "Although he, Jin Xie, is a high-ranking mansion master and dominates the party, but I, Yang Yi, am not a soft persimmon and can be manipulated by others! Mr. Liu, thank you for your kindness , Farewell!"

Yang Yi's whole body flashed with a turbulent fighting intent, he turned and left in an instant, without even a trace of fear in his eyes. [

The girl in the palace costume next to her frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "Old Liu, although this Yang Yi has great potential, he has just been promoted after all, and if he wants to escape from a master of the fifth level of blood coagulation like Jin Xie, I'm afraid It's hard, should we..."

The woman in palace attire has a good impression of Yang Yi, but Mr. Liu shook his head slightly, with a trace of lust in his eyes: "Whether it's a dragon or a phoenix, let him go. This person is so old and has such courage and courage." , he is definitely not a thing in the pool! But now? Whether he can escape this catastrophe depends on him. Although our Vientiane Chamber of Commerce is powerful, if it conflicts with local forces, there will be no good fruit to eat , this is the rule of the Chamber of Commerce, no one can break it!"

Elder Liu also sighed slightly, silently watching Yang Yi's leaving figure.

On the other side, Xuan Nian also came out, with a hint of murderous intent flashing in his eyes, he sneered in a low voice: "This bastard who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth is just going out to seek death, that Jin Xie is a veteran blood coagulation fifth layer Master, even if I have a solid accumulation, I dare not say that I can survive ten rounds in his hands."

Because Xuan Nian didn't get the Dragon Transformation Order, he didn't dare to complain to Huo Litian, but he took all his anger on Yang Yi. Such a manly character is also ruthless, and he can only bully the weak and fear the strong.

"Old Qiu, we are not in a hurry, let's watch the excitement here first, tsk tsk, it's not easy for a master like Jin Xie to make moves!" Xuan Nian sat aside with a smile, but he watched the excitement.

At this time, not only Xuan Nian, but also many people in the auction gradually knew that Yang Yi was the owner of the auction of the Dragon Transformation Token, and they also faintly sensed that Yang Yi's Dragon Transformation Token might not be related to Jinyang Mansion. If it is inseparable, it is very likely that the always domineering Jinyang Mansion was ynted by Yang Yi, snatched the Dragon Transformation Token, and got it to the Vientiane Chamber of Commerce for a sky-high price.

The voices of discussion gradually increased, and Jin Xie's face became more and more gloomy. He looked coldly at the young master Jin Yang and shouted in a low voice: "Idiot, I am so ashamed. I, the Jin family, have never There has never been an idiot like you, if you weren't the only blood of my Jin family, you would have been dealt with by the family law a long time ago, hmph!"

Young Master Jin Yang's face was ashen at this time, and he still had the usual domineering demeanor, and the expression looking at Yang Yi was also full of resentment.

Yang Yi saw all this in his eyes, and only sneered in his heart, he walked to the entrance of the Wanxiang Chamber of Commerce, and suddenly burst out laughing: "Jin Xie, you are waiting for me here, don't you just want to kill me to vent your anger? Then you must have miscalculated today, do you think that I am so easy to kill? I am afraid that your wisdom will be ruined here for the rest of your life!"

What kind of status is Jin Xie? He is the palace master of one party, he is high above the others, and he usually listens to too many compliments. Yang Yi is young, and he is clearly not yet crowned. How could he bear such ridicule? Trembling, he just sneered and said: "Okay, okay, what a sharp-tongued thief, today I want to see if your skills are as sharp as your mouth!"

After Jin Xie finished speaking, his figure flashed, like a swan goose, he jumped down and rushed towards Yang Yi. The palms of his hands immediately accumulated terrifying power, and the strong aura made everyone around watching out of breath.

Yang Yi's expression remained unchanged, but he was slightly shocked in his heart, but he recovered in an instant, raised his head to the sky and screamed, and suddenly took out the Moonfall Bow from his back, bent the bow and set an arrow, and immediately drew the string like a full moon, Go out at once.

"whoosh whoosh"

There were three sharp arrows at once, and the sharp and powerful force rubbed the air with a sharp whistling sound, making people feel a huge force out of thin air.

Now that Yang Yi is already a master of the fourth level of blood coagulation, the effect of the moonfall bow will be relatively speaking, and the strength of each bow can only reach the peak of the fourth level of blood coagulation.

But even so, the three bursts of fire are still terrifying, and the quadruple masters of blood coagulation will flee in a hurry.

Jin Xie's expression didn't change at all, a glint of yin and coldness flashed across his face, facing the three long arrows, he grabbed them directly.

"snap" [

This grasp was so precise that it was not even the slightest difference. It was as if it had been calculated in advance, and the sharp arrow that could pierce the golden penetrating stone couldn't hurt Jin Xie at all. All three long arrows were captured by Jin Xie. It was directly caught in two and fell to the ground, which was shocking.

"Haha, thief, it's just some insect carving skills. Your Moonfall Bow is indeed powerful, but even if you have reached the highest level of cultivation, the nine-son chain is useless. You can't imagine how powerful the fifth level of blood coagulation is." Arrived, haha, die!"

Jin Xie's figure flashed again, and unexpectedly moved a little faster, before Yang Yi's body, and grabbed it with his claws. The sharp wind sound and powerful oppressive force made Yang Yi break out in a cold sweat.

"Is this the power of the fifth level of blood coagulation? It is too powerful. He is right. Even if I cultivated into a series of nine sons and killed all the masters of the fourth level of blood coagulation, I can't do anything to a master of the fifth level of blood coagulation." !"

Yang Yi muttered to himself, his eyes flickering. Now he finally knows why the difference between the fifth level of blood coagulation and the fourth level of blood coagulation is so big. Even if Yang Yi unleashes the most powerful Nine Arrows, Jin Xie can use the unimaginable speed of the fifth level of blood coagulation to dodge, and can't hurt him at all.

Jin Xie's palm was almost in front of Yang Yi. If nothing happened, Yang Yi's head would be crushed into a ball of mud in an instant.

But there was a strange smile on the corner of Yang Yi's mouth, and he said in a low voice: "Do you think I only have this means? You are so naive and careless, let me show you my true strength now! "

Yang Yi burst out with a crazy momentum, his blood was running crazily, sending out wave after wave of power from his heart.

"Phantom of the Nine Palaces!"

Yang Yi's expression was icy cold, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he displayed this miraculous immortal martial skill.


Jin Xie was shocked to discover that Yang Yi, who was still close at hand just now, suddenly turned into four identical Yang Yis.

At the same time, he suddenly felt a strange binding force appearing around him.

Yang Yi's body moved violently, and he clapped his hands forward, a blue light loomed in his palm, which looked extremely strange.


Contrary to everyone's expectations, Jin Xie, who could have easily avoided it, seemed to be bewitched by Yang Yi's palm, like a wooden stake.


Jin Xie's face was horrified, and his whole body was like a whirlwind, and he quickly backed away. At the same time, he slapped his body with a palm, and streams of dark blood flowed out of his body instantly, sending out streams of blood. stench.

Jin Xie burst out with a crazy killing intent: "Okay, okay, what a powerful poison, you have such a vicious poison in your hand, if I hadn't cultivated to the fifth level of blood coagulation, I would have been able to control it a long time ago!" The flow of blood in any part of the body can prevent the poison from spreading, and I am afraid that I have become a cold corpse now."

Jin Xie was indeed afraid, he still had some words to say, the reason why Yang Yi was able to hit him just now was entirely because of that strange binding force, as if his body was bound, such It felt very weird, but it was only fleeting, so he didn't know what was going on, but his rich experience could vaguely detect that it was the method of this seemingly weak Yang Yi.


Jin Xie has a wide range of knowledge, so he naturally thought of it, and only magic can restrain him for a moment without anyone noticing it. [

"Who the hell are you? What is your relationship with Bailiefeng of Qingyang Mansion?" As the palace master, Jin Xie naturally thought of Bailiefeng, who possessed an unfathomable spell among the palace masters.

Yang Yi sneered and said, "Bai Liefeng in Qingyang Mansion? It doesn't matter, it's just that I killed his son, and now he is chasing me all over the world!"


Yang Yi's words immediately sparked a wave of discussion among the crowd. If it is said that the most powerful palace master is Bai Liefeng, because he has a high-level body binding technique, which is miraculous.

However, although Bailiefeng has such a magical technique, those masters and other experts dare not go to ask for it forcibly. Behind Bailiefeng, there is a powerful existence. His Baijia, even in Hualong Palace It is also an existence with a certain strength, even those masters have to be a little bit afraid.

Jin Xie's eyes lit up instantly, and instead of being angry, he said with joy: "Oh? So, you must have obtained Baijia's body binding technique, haha, what a surprise, what a surprise, kill me!" It doesn't matter if I lose you and get the spell, even if the Dragon Transformation Token is gone!"

In Jin Xie's eyes, there was a hint of greedy Yang Yang who was naked, and instantly felt that this advanced technique was not as simple as he imagined. ! ~!

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