blood record

Chapter 214 Head-to-head confrontation


His body actually exuded a golden light, as if his whole body was made of gold, and he was raised a few points, and his whole body exuded a thick and solid aura, which made people feel a sense of oppression.

Yang Yi has never felt such a joyful diamond body, even the corrosive hand in his arm is shaking violently, faintly feeling a sense of excitement.

The Hand of Corrosion is a slave beast created by the Wu Clan back then. It can devour immortals. Even if there is only one arm left, it is still very powerful. The real power of the hand comes.

Now with the improvement of Yang Yi's diamond body, the power of the hand of corrosion can also be exerted a bit more. Now when he deals with the master of the soul, he only needs to grab the soul of the opponent with a light grasp of the hand of corrosion. , even against Mahayana masters. [

"Huh? There are some methods, but you think you can compete against me with these methods? What a big joke, let you see the methods of this seat!"

Yang Yi made a head start and showed his tricks in one fell swoop, which surprised even Kamikaze.

However, the opponent is a master of the sky after all, with poor means, and the aura of his body is constantly improving, and a mouth appears faintly in the void above his head.

One after another of terrifying power flew out from this mouth. This is the unique method of the master of the sky. It can absorb the poor vitality of thousands of miles around, and the power is almost exhausted.

"Extreme Dao World!"

Kamikaze shouted loudly, and slapped Yang Yi with his palm.

This palm is as fast as lightning, and there is a faint sound of wind and thunder. Its power is unimaginable. Even if it has not reached Yang Yi, one can feel the squeeze of strong force.

His diamond body has been subjected to the most severe test.

This is his first time confronting the master j of Tongtian head-on.

"Phantom of the Nine Palaces!"

Yang Yi let out a roar, and his body suddenly began to change violently, turning into four 46 identical phantoms.

This is the Phantom of the Nine Palaces, a set of immortal martial arts that Yang Yi has followed for several years, it is the means used by the immortals.

At this moment, it was used again by Yang Yi. Sixteen phantoms meant sixteen times the power.

What kind of concept is this, now that Yang Yi cooperates with the strength of the Vajra Body, it is enough to rival the strength of a master at the peak of the primordial spirit, how terrifying is the power of a master at the peak of the sixteen times the primordial spirit?

No one can know, at least not inferior to kamikaze in terms of momentum.

"Haha, take my trick, the world is boundless!"

In the first of Doutian's three moves, the world seemed to be turned upside down at once, and once sixteen times the power was used, it shocked the world.

Yang Yi played more smoothly this time. He seemed to have experienced his own life again. From the moment Yang Shan was snatched away, he has been struggling, step by step, and experienced the test of life and death. Every step is extremely dangerous, every step is against the sky, and every step is fighting against the hidden will of heaven.

At this moment, all his willpower was integrated into this set of Doutian martial arts, and he seemed to "see" the Ba Jue Shuang who created this set of martial arts, as well as the voices of destiny's struggle. [

At this moment, Yang Yi really understood and realized what Doutian is?


The vastness of the world is to make the world groggy, to turn the world upside down, there is a will to dare to turn the world upside down, this punch, hit the true meaning of the three styles of Doutian, and truly displayed the terrifying power of the three styles of Doutian , even if it is performed by the person who created this set of martial arts, it can only be used to the current level.

Sixteen times the power, the same punches of sixteen people overlapped together, turning into a single force, mixed with Doutian's will, and collided fiercely with Kamikaze's punch.


Two terrifying shock waves spread in all directions, and even some of the surrounding forbidden formations were directly broken, and the mountains were shaking, as if they would collapse at any moment.

This is truly earth-shattering!

Yang Yi's diamond body withstood the terrifying shock wave, and took a few steps back. The kamikaze was also uncomfortable, his face turned pale, and he looked at Yang Yi in disbelief.

He, a majestic master of the sky, was forced to retreat a few steps by a six-fold heart tribulation monk. This is intolerable, beyond imagination!

The Pirate Master at the side was also terrified, and there was a trace of surprise in her eyes. She never thought that Yang Yi would be so fierce that he could blow away the kamikaze with one punch. It seemed that at that moment, Yang Yi had already transformed into a A master of the sky.

"Okay, okay! Bastard, today you are going to die in the place of burial! Jidao Shenquan, kill!"

Kamikaze became hideous, his primordial spirit mobilized his power crazily, and the dharma body in his body was running crazily, and the power of the sky was truly revealed. This is the power that can break the barrier of heaven and earth. The power to break the shackles.

The pressure, the crazy pressure, the pressure that can crush a mountain, ruthlessly acted on Yang Yi.

But at this moment, Yang Yi seems to have fallen into a mysterious and mysterious realm, he is still experiencing the will to fight against the sky, even if he can fight against the sky, how can he be suppressed by this little momentum.

"Dou Tian's second form, the sky collapses and the earth shatters!"

Yang Yi opened his eyes sharply and released a flash of light, which shone like stars in the sky. The sixteen phantoms quickly overlapped and merged completely, as if they were one person, and they all shot out the "heaven and earth shattering" scene. trick.


This move was even more terrifying than the vast expanse of heaven and earth before. The sky seemed to have been punched into a big hole, and the ground seemed to be stepped apart, and a shock more violent than an earthquake began to erupt.

The sky is falling apart, and the power is poor!


After all, Kamikaze is a master of the sky, even if Yang Yi has truly comprehended the essence of Doutian's three styles, even if he can burst out sixteen times the terrifying power, he is still no match for Kamikaze.

It can be said that Yang Yi's strength is already at his limit, but it is still far from breaking the barrier between heaven and earth. [

Yang Yi's vajra body was slightly darkened by the powerful force, and then the golden light dimmed, his whole body was filled with qi and blood, and the power in the body was also consumed a lot.

Fortunately, it was the power of Heaven and Earth Rupture that resisted a lot of power, otherwise Yang Yi would have been blasted to pieces by the kamikaze punch.

"How are you doing? Can you persist? Do you want me to activate the power of the formation to trap the kamikaze right now?" Pirate Master at the side said through voice transmission, she also saw that Yang Yi's condition is not very good.

"No, I still have the last move. I have to consume his power as much as possible. Otherwise, even if you activate the power of the formation, you will only be trapped for a moment. This is a must-kill time. The last move, in my While retreating, you must quickly activate the power of the formation to trap Kamikaze in one fell swoop, so that I can use my ultimate move to kill him!"

At the same time, Yang Yi sent a voice transmission, the Bandit Venerable stopped talking, presumably because he agreed with Yang Yi's plan.

However, this last move is also the most dangerous, and there must be no carelessness.

"Two tricks, Kamikaze, it turns out that the master of the sky is nothing more than that!"

Yang Yi stood steadily five feet away from Shenfeng, stood upright, and said coldly.

Kamikaze's eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression also became serious. He sneered and said: "Well, yes, I am afraid that even ordinary Mahayana masters can't resist my two moves. You are worthy of being a genius, a peerless genius, If you didn't kill my beloved son, maybe I would consider making you my slave, but it's a pity that you must die now!"

Kamikaze took a step forward, without making any big moves, but the aura around him became more and more intense, and finally, a huge firebird flew out of his sky.

This fire bird has already condensed into substance, and it is very handsome, singing high-pitched.

This is his primordial spirit, the primordial spirit of Tongtian master has condensed into essence, and its power is even more terrifying, it is the most powerful method of Tongtian master.Kamikaze, finally about to unleash his most powerful means.

Yang Yi nodded slightly, everything was proceeding according to his plan.

"Dou Tian's third form, the sky in your heart!"

Yang Yi performed the third form of Doutian. This form is not as grand as the sky collapses and the earth is cracked. There is not even any movement. This form is only aimed at the soul.

Kamikaze's expression froze slightly, and he suddenly felt that Yang Yi was like a mountain, or like a fairy in the sky, tall and terrifying, exuding a monstrous power, as if he could crush him just by moving his fingers. smash.

"Haha, I want to deal with this lord with such a bit of skill, so I really looked down on this lord! The master of heaven unleashes the strongest blow, and you should be honored to die in my hands!"

Yang Yi showed his mind, maybe even Mahayana masters could be mesmerized, but he couldn't deal with Kamikaze, he woke up almost instantly, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hand and gently pointed at Yang Yi.


The huge firebird spread its wings, and felt a fiery feeling head-on.

The surrounding air has been burned into a trace of emptiness by the powerful power of the fire bird. This is the soul of the master of the sky, and it is the strongest blow. ! ~!

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