blood record

Chapter 218

This phantom stretched out his slender fingers, and touched the fragments of the disk of reincarnation, and then the fragments of the disk of reincarnation made a "buzzing" sound and continued to rotate.

However, nothing happened.The disk of reincarnation trembled for a while, and then returned to its original state, while this mysterious woman seemed a little tired, and immediately turned into a colorful light, and got into Pirate Master's body.

Pirate Master quickly opened his eyes, with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

"What happened just now?" Pirate Venerable asked, looking at her eyes, she looked very confused, as if she really didn't know what happened just now.

There was a flash of light in Yang's eyes, and he told what happened just now, but Pirate Venerable looked contemplative but refused to say anything more. [

"Who is that mysterious woman flying out of Pirate Master's body? That little bit of power makes me feel terrified, even a master of the sky doesn't have such power?" Yang Yi was also thinking, this Pirate Master, It exudes a mysterious atmosphere from beginning to end.


The Tianhe Star Map was slightly shocked, and the Five Elements Golden Spirit in it said in shock: "Yang Yi, you must be careful about this Pirate Venerable. If I guessed right, the phantom just now is an immortal! And she is not Ordinary immortals, still very ancient and powerful immortals, for unknown reasons, unexpectedly reincarnated in the lower realms, and seemed to be sealed, her memory has not yet fully awakened."

"What? Immortal reincarnation?"

Yang Yi's heart was also turned upside down, but the five elements and golden spirits were well-informed, so what he said, there must be nothing wrong, this Pirate Venerable must be the reincarnation of an immortal.

Pirate Master seemed to have gained something, and put away the fragments of the disk of reincarnation, and said lightly: "This is not a place to stay for a long time, let's go out first, and I will tell you the news of the Five Elements Earth Spirit."

Yang nodded a little, and flew outside with great strides. With his current means, as long as he is not a master of the sky, there is no way he can get him.

"Why hasn't Elder Kamikaze come out yet? Are those two thieves so powerful?"

"Hmph, Kamikaze used to be arrogant, but today I didn't expect to be teased by two generations."

"Don't make any noise, watch the exit carefully, for fear that things will change!"

These Yuanshen masters of the Wanmu sect formed a circle, and it seemed that they formed a formation, completely enclosing the exit.

At this moment, two figures suddenly appeared from the exit.

These Wanmu sect masters were startled, they immediately came to their senses, and shouted loudly: "Quick, the thieves are out, surround these two thieves."

These two people are naturally Yang Yi and Bandit Zun.

Yang was not afraid of these masters at all, his eyes were sharp, he glanced coldly, and said with a sneer: "Thirteen Yuanshen masters, two Mahayana masters, Wan Muzong is really a big hand!"

One of the Yuanshen masters stood up abruptly and shouted: "Bold thief, dare to break into the holy land of my Wanmu sect. It is an unforgivable crime. When Elder Shenfeng comes out, you will die in the place of burial."

"Kamikaze? Are you still waiting for Kamikaze? Haha, it's ridiculous. I'm afraid you won't be able to wait another 1 years for him to come out." Yang Yi sneered with his hands behind his back.

"What? What kind of conspiracy did you two cunning thieves do, what happened to Elder Kamikaze?"

There was a flash of light in Yang's eyes, and his whole body was full of momentum, like a ferocious beast, and said in a deep voice: "The kamikaze has been beheaded by me, and it will never come out again." [

"Elder Kamikaze is dead? How is this possible?"

"Elder Kamikaze is the Elder Tongtian of the Jidao Sect. How can he fall so easily, and besides, the two thieves with the highest cultivation level are only Yuanshen. How can they kill Elder Kamikaze?"

A square-faced cultivator in front of him immediately took a step forward, and said with a sneer, "Bold thieves, dare to dare people's hearts, how can a majestic master like Kamikaze be killed by thieves like you, you must have set up a vicious plan, Temporarily trapped Elder Kamikaze. Our masters of Wanmuzong are going to capture you today, and correct my Wanmuzong's prestige!"

There was an imperceptible murderous intent in Yang's eyes, and he sneered, "You stupid idiot, since you want to die so much, then feed my star map."

Yang Yi is now a peerless murderer, he took a fierce step forward.


Under this step, the whole earth trembled, as if there was a mighty force.

Yang Yi seemed that this step was very short, but in fact he had already crossed a distance of two or three feet, and came to this square-faced primordial spirit master.

"The sky and the earth are boundless!"

Yang Yiwu punched directly without a whistle, and the surging power gushed out. His current strength was no longer comparable to that of the Yuanshen masters. He could kill the Yuanshen masters with a single punch.

"Damn it, Wan Mu has returned to heaven, kill him!"

There was also a hint of anger on the face of this master of the soul, he was a master of the soul, but a monk of the sixth level took the lead in attacking him, and even pushed him in front of him.

As expected of a master of Yuanshen, as soon as he used his means, the five elements of wood energy in the void immediately began to gather, turning into a huge palm, and slapped Yang Yi fiercely.

Yang Yi roared: "What nonsense martial arts? Nine palaces phantom, the world is vast, kill!"


Sixteen times the power came quickly, coupled with the vastness of the world in the first form of Doutian, the world seemed to be upside down, and the space was shaking. A force that could overwhelm mountains and seas quickly broke the huge palm with the momentum of thunder, and slammed it fiercely. The fist was imprinted on the body of the Yuanshen master.


The body was shattered, and the primordial spirit was directly caught in Yang Yi's hands, and quickly thrown into the Tianhe star map, without even a scream, it was directly refined.

Although this process was long, it only lasted for a moment. The many means in Yang Yi's hands changed so fast that no one could react. No matter how many changes, they were actually contained in one move. It's easy to clean up this soul master.

Shocked, or shocking!There were crows and sparrows in front of the entire holy wood hall, and the eyes of these primordial spirit masters showed a sense of astonishment.

"Oh my god, did I read wrongly, just now his strength suddenly increased sixteen times, what kind of terrifying method is this?"

"Senior brother Zhang is a master of Yuanshen who has cultivated for 5000 years. His Yuanshen has become stronger than ever, and his various martial arts are also terrifying. Even a Mahayana master will have to fight for several rounds to control him. Why did this thief kill Senior Brother Zhang with just one move?" [

"Monster, it's really too monstrosity. Could it be that this person is a master of the sky? In his hands, Senior Brother Zhang is like tofu, vulnerable to a single blow!"

The eyes of these primordial spirit masters were straightened. They had never seen such a fierce and fierce man. With the power of the six-fold heart robbery, he killed a veteran primordial spirit master with a single move. ! ~!

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