blood record

Chapter 229 Peerless Demon Talent

Just when Yang Yi was still feeling the huge power of not breaking his body, suddenly outside, three huge black water poisonous dragons rushed in. These three huge black water poisonous dragons looked bigger than the one Yang Yi killed. Even more ferocious, its size will be much larger.

Generally speaking, the bigger these beasts that cannot transform, the more terrifying they are. Each of these three poisonous dragons is bigger and stronger than the one that Yang Yi killed.

One of the poisonous dragons said: "I heard this guy begging for help just now, why is he gone now?"

The speed of the three poisonous flood dragons was very fast, and they quickly swam into the cave.

"What? What kind of magic weapon is this? Why is the breath so huge?" [

As soon as the three poisonous dragons came in, they saw a huge picture scroll in the middle, with bursts of mysterious and powerful aura shining on it.

"Haha, is this the treasure that guy got, and is he going to honor the three of us?"

The eyes of the three poisonous flood dragons all showed greed. They could all feel it, and the closer they were to this picture scroll, the more comfortable they felt.

The poisonous dragon in the middle suddenly slammed into the other two ends, and the huge force immediately sent the two poisonous glues flying, and shouted: "This treasure is mine, you don't want to snatch it from me!"

"Hmph, who said that this guy honors the three of us, why is it yours? Whoever gets it first gets it."

One of the poisonous dragons that was knocked into the air immediately said, and swam towards the picture scroll at the fastest speed.

Yang Yi was experiencing the indestructible power in the Tianhe Star Chart, when suddenly his heart moved and he saw three poisonous dragons galloping outside, he couldn't help but sneered and said: "Okay, well done, they are all here to die, I just have a try too Indestructible power!"

Yang Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and then flew out of the Tianhe star map.

The three black water poisonous dragons were still scrambling to swim towards the treasure in their eyes. When one of them was about to grab the Tianhe star chart, suddenly the whole Tianhe star chart shrank suddenly, and it became thinner. And a figure flew out from it.


This person was Yang Yi, and the Tianhe Star Map quickly flew into Yang Yi's body.

These three poisonous dragons have survived for thousands of years, and they are already mature. They immediately sensed that something was wrong, and shouted: "Who are you? Why are you in this black swamp of undead?"

"Who am I? You will find out when you stay on Huangquan Road. Huh, three loaches dare to covet Yang's treasure. I really want to die. Today I have made a great achievement, and I just want to try you!"

With a flash of Yang Qian's body, he punched the nearest black water poisonous dragon with a fierce punch. His power was concentrated but not released, but it seemed that there was no power at all.

But the three poisonous dragons immediately reacted, and immediately roared loudly: "No, this person is a human monk outside, and he can come and go freely in the black swamp of the undead. He must have extraordinary strength. Let's not be careless." Let's surround and kill this human monk!"

"Hmph, you want to besiege and kill me, you're courting death!"

Murderous intent flashed in Yang Yi's eyes, the three-headed poisonous jelly is indeed very powerful, if it was before, he would have to spend a lot of effort, and even in the end he might have to use a curse to get rid of the three-headed poisonous jellyfish , each of these poisonous dragons is several times stronger than the one he killed before.

But now, his strength has increased several times, so he intends to try his power.


The poisonous dragon spewed out a ball of venom, and Yang Yi's body immediately flashed golden light. The venom didn't even damage Yang Yi's skin, and the defense of not breaking the body was more terrifying than the diamond body's defense.

Yang Yi's fist had already reached the poisonous dragon's body, and with a sudden blow, all the power that could not break the body erupted. The power in this punch was enough to break the mountain peak, crack the ground, and stop the river. , unimaginable horror.

The poisonous dragon didn't even scream, it was punched into mud by a huge force, and it was included in the Tianhe star chart by Yang in an instant.

What is the concept of killing a terrifying black water poisonous dragon with one punch?This is just Yang Yi's inappropriate power, it is already so terrifying, if he uses all his power, four to 46 times the power, wouldn't it scare the three poisonous dragons alive? die.

"Oh my God, did I read it wrong? Is that still a human? One punch killed the third child."

"No, this man is fierce, we are definitely not able to deal with him, the third child is dead, let's run away!"

The remaining two poisonous dragons were taken aback, seeing the bad situation, they were about to run away immediately.

How could Yang Yi allow them to escape, he sneered and said: "Want to escape, it's just a fool's dream, Nine Palace Phantom, kill me!"

Four forty-six phantoms overlapped together, and sixteen times the power burst out suddenly, as if breaking the world. This punch, almost reached the limit of power, separated the two black water poison dragons with a distance of five feet. Shocked to death.

The eyes of these two poisonous dragons were filled with fear until they died. They have never seen such a ferocious power before, they are simply peerless monsters.

Yang Yi is indeed a peerless evildoer, he is no longer a genius, and a genius is not so terrifying.Geniuses can only be said to be within the normal range. Geniuses can be found throughout history, but monsters are different. Monsters have never existed since ancient times. It is unimaginable. Now Yang Yi is a complete monster. .

It can be said that Yang Qian is now an enemy below the sky!


In an instant, Yang pulled the corpses of the two poisonous flood dragons into the Tianhe star map, and refined them thoroughly. The original power of the number poured down like a flood, nourishing all the monks in the star map.

Moreover, the Milky Way Star Chart itself has recovered [-]%, and the continuous source of power is already enough.

Yang Yi's dharma body seemed to have no limit, constantly absorbing and refining the huge original power. Finally, after refining the three-headed poisonous dragon, the rolling original power was too huge, only slightly inferior to the e The original power refined by Shenfeng Yuanshen, his dharma body, began to refine slowly, as if there was a faint limit, it seemed that it would be useless to refine and absorb the original power.

Yang Yi's limit has finally been reached!

Let's look at how huge Yang Yi's dharma body is now. Even masters of the primordial spirit, or even Mahayana masters, would probably faint from fright when they saw the dharma body hundreds of feet long. Such a terrifying dharma body is simply the same as before The ancients, I am afraid they are still latecomers.It is conceivable that if the primordial spirit is cultivated in the future, how terrifying the primordial spirit condensed from such a terrifying dharma body will be, it will be absolutely earth-shattering.

Now Yang Yi does not use the power of not breaking the body, the power gushes out, capable of tearing apart countless Mahayana masters, and now his Dharma body power and the power of not breaking the body are somewhat at odds, and he does not know which kind of power it is Be stronger.

But one thing is certain, if Yang Yi exerts all his powers of indestructible body and dharma body, even if there are hundreds or thousands of Mahayana masters, he will all be defeated by him. Dongfang Sheng, under the current Yang Yi, will definitely not be able to hold on. In one round, it only takes one move to beat Dongfang Sheng to death. Yang Yi is already the well-deserved No.1 in the Tongtian Realm!

In the vast starry sky, throughout the ages, there have been countless terrifying geniuses and monsters, but none of them can compare to Yang Yi, not even those ancient and ancient characters have ever been so terrifying.

The Five Elements Golden Spirit made a voice from the Tianhe star map: "Yang Yi, if I didn't know you well, I would have thought you were the reincarnation of a terrifying power from ancient times or even from ancient times. With your power, it is simply It is not something that one person can have, even if it is a peerless genius, throughout the ages, people can surpass your achievements today!" [

The Five Elements Golden Spirits are all so admirable, which shows how evil Yang Yi is. Since ancient times, the Five Elements Golden Spirits have gone through a poor time, and I don’t know how many geniuses and monsters they have seen, but if these people are the same as Yang Yi Compared with it, it is nothing, it is as weak as an ant.

"Yang Yi, your current foundation is so strong that it is unimaginable, so if you want to cultivate into a primordial spirit, it will be thousands of times more difficult than others, and others can't imagine how difficult it is. But once you Once you have cultivated a primordial spirit, you will be a world-shocking primordial spirit, who can even compete against the masters of the sky."

The five elements and golden spirits all said this, and Yang Yi also faintly understood that if such a terrifying Dharma body of his wanted to conceive a primordial spirit, it would definitely be shocking. curse.

"Hmph, that's okay. I've already expected it. I, Yang Yi, have been hindered by poverty, but now that I've come to this point, no one can stop me. Not only do I want to cultivate Yuan God, but also to cultivate to reach the sky, break the barrier of heaven and earth, and cross the world, if the mountains block me, I will pull up the mountains;

The confident and firm tone in Yang Yi's tone is enough to shock anyone, and perhaps only in this way, Yang Yi was able to make it to where he is today, and become a peerless demon talent throughout the ages. Genius is no longer enough to describe him. ! ~!

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