blood record

Chapter 231 Refining Dongfang Victory

Neither Dongfang Sheng nor the mysterious Huang Wenqing could bear the horror in their hearts. Fan Tianxiang and Bai Xue were so frightened that they fainted. They had never even heard of such a terrifying murderer.

"Oh my God, is he still human? I'm afraid even a master of Tongtian can't kill Li Shun with a single finger. How did he do it? Could it be that he is stronger than a master of Tongtian?"

Bai Xue was already so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. Now she was wondering whether Yang Yi was a terrifying master who reached the sky, and deliberately restrained his cultivation to play with them.

But the possibility of this is almost negligible, Yang Yi's cultivation is at the sixth level of transformation, there is no falsehood at all.

"At the sixth stage of transformation, Li Shun can be killed with one finger. This is a peerless evildoer that has never been seen in the past. How could such a evildoer appear in this world?" [

Dongfang Sheng's body also trembled for a while. He asked himself that he could take down Li Shun, or even kill him, but he said it lightly, even if he was ten times stronger, he couldn't do it.

Dongfang Sheng even wondered how much better he was than Li Shun?Will he be beaten to death by Yang Yiyi's finger?


Yang Yi saw the expressions of these people in his eyes, grabbed Li Shun's soul with his hands, and said coldly: "You have more backbone than your brother, but those who are against me There is no good end, I will be more generous today, don't let you suffer any torture, just give me the nourishment of the magic weapon."

As soon as Yang threw Li Shun Yuanshen into the Tianhe Star Chart, he was refined into the purest original power in an instant.

Now Yang Yi's dharma body has been saturated and has reached his limit, and he can no longer refine the original power, so these original powers are all used to cultivate the Tianhe Star Map, but Yang Yi also knows that if he wants to restore the Tianhe Star Map Fifty percent, this little bit of original power is really a drop in the bucket, just one of the nine.

Dongfang Sheng was completely silent, watching Yang Yi turn around to look at him, a trace of uneasiness gradually rose in his heart.

But after all, he is also a master of Yuanshen, and he is still the best among them. He didn't show it at all on his face, but pretended to be calm and said: "Okay, Fellow Daoist Mu, you also killed brother Li Jun now, delay After a lot of time, we will set off now to find the Scorpio Beast!"

But Yang Yi smiled, and said lightly: "No, I don't think there is any need to go."

Dongfang Sheng was startled, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Oh? What does Fellow Daoist Mu mean by this? Is it possible that Fellow Daoist Mu is going to quit halfway?"

Yang Yi sneered and said, "Of course Mu won't quit, but he doesn't need fellow Taoist Dongfang to lead the way."

Dongfang Sheng's heart tightened, and he suddenly smiled and said: "Haha, Fellow Daoist Mu is really good at joking. Only this son knows about the Heavenly Moat Beast. Is it possible that Fellow Daoist Mu also knows where the Heavenly Moat Beast is?"

"Hmph, I don't know now, wouldn't I know if I killed you?"

Yang Yi showed his white teeth, making people feel frightened. Yang Yi's body was full of murderous intent, and his eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

Dongfang Sheng immediately became vigilant, and said with a sneer, "Hmph, Mu Yi, do you think you can compete with me if you get a little adventure? You really don't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

"I don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth? Dongfang Sheng, let's see who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth?"

Yang Yi stood upright, standing in the void, like an ancient god, which made people feel shocked. Golden light suddenly burst out from his whole body, unscrupulously releasing terrifying power that would not break his body.

He already knew Dongfang Sheng's schemes, and they would be schemed when they got to the Heavenly Moat Beast's place, but what kind of person is Yang Yi?He was not willing to be calculated, it was only because his strength was comparable to Dongfang Sheng before, if he acted rashly, the gain would not be worth the loss.But now, his strength has been able to easily kill ten Dongfang Sheng, and he has no worries at all. Naturally, he must do it now.

"Since you are looking for death, you can't blame me, my son. The true spirit summoning technique is applied to me!"

Dongfang Sheng's primordial spirit flew out violently, as expected, he had used the true spirit summoning technique, and from the void, a large cloud of chaotic energy descended, purer than pure chaotic energy, directly enveloping Dongfang Sheng.


Dongfang Sheng's primordial spirit instantly became larger and clearer, and exuded an ancient aura, as if it were really an ancient phoenix, and the majestic power of the sky should not be offended.

Yang Yi fixed his eyes, fixed his eyes on the huge primordial spirit, and said with a sneer, "Okay, okay, okay! True Spirit Summoning, Mu must be determined! Dongfang Shengli, let you see Mu's real power Come on, don't break the body, Nine Palace Phantom!"


Yang Yi was all over for a while, the golden light on his body became more and more intense, releasing an incomparable power. Originally, this kind of power had already made Dongfang Sheng feel frightened, but immediately, Yang Yi activated the power of his Dharma body, which made Dongfang even more frightened. Sheng was shocked.

Not counting this, Yang Yi's figure turned into four 46 figures, and they overlapped violently.

Sixteen times the combat power, just like the hot sun, exuding unparalleled power, sixteen times the power, enough to scare Dongfang Shengdu to death.

"How is it possible? With sixteen times the combat power, how can a person fight sixteen times the combat power? Is this still a human?"

If it is said that Yang Yi did not use sixteen times the strength, Dongfang Sheng still had a little luck in his heart, but now that the sixteen times the strength was released, he immediately felt desperate. This kind of power should not be an incarnation. Realm monks can display it.

Dongfang Sheng, complete despair!

"The sky is falling apart!"

As soon as Yang played the second form of fighting against the sky, the whole world began to collapse, and the space began to move at the very center of the power, the space had been beaten to collapse, and turned into a void.

In the void, an unparalleled force pierced the sky, as if piercing through the void, smashing everything around it to pieces and turning it into nothingness. If there is a big mountain at this time, I am afraid it will be directly smashed into nothingness .


This punch was too fast to imagine, and it reached Dongfang Sheng's Yuanshen almost in the blink of an eye, and slammed on Yuanshen's body fiercely.

On Dongfang Sheng's primordial spirit, there is a terrifying chaotic energy, which is the spiritual energy that even immortals chase after. Ordinary people can prolong their lives if they take a breath, and monks can have unimaginable benefits if they take a breath, and it comes in the primordial spirit. Thoroughly j emits the power of the primordial spirit.

However, no matter how powerful the potential is, it can't resist Yang Yi's punch. This punch has surpassed the power of any master of transformation from ancient times to the present.

Yuanshen was pierced directly, and quickly dissipated. Dongfang Sheng didn't even scream.

"Tianhe Star Map!"

Yang Yi still has a sense of proportion, if all the huge power hits Dongfang Sheng's soul, I'm afraid his soul will be beaten into nothingness immediately, then it will be impossible to be refined by the Tianhe star map. Naturally, he couldn't get his memory.

In Dongfang Sheng's memory, there is still the most precious information about the Heavenly Moat Beast. The Heavenly Moat Beast can refine the Tongtian Pill, and Yang Yi is also determined to get it. [


Dongfang Sheng's primordial spirit was directly thrown into the Tianhe star map by Yang Yi, and was quickly refined, and the poor original power surged down. The power of Dongfang Sheng's primordial spirit is simply unimaginable. The most powerful primordial spirit I have ever seen.

However, these original powers are secondary, the key is memory, Yang Yi carefully refined Dongfang Sheng's primordial spirit, and peeked at his memory, slowly, Yang Yi read all the memories of Dongfang Shengli's life.

However, this is just a quick glance, and it is not recorded in his mind. If the memory of every refining master is recorded in Yang Yi's head, he is afraid that his brain will be counted and the memory will be lost. Explode.

Therefore, when Yang Yi accepts memories, he accepts them selectively. He only needs to glance at these important memories.

This process seems to be very long, but how fast is the human brain?It's unbelievable to imagine that within a ten-thousandth of a second, Yang Yi almost flipped through Dongfang Sheng's memory, and finally found the information about the Scorpio Beast.

"Hmph, Dongfang Sheng, it really is a wolf's ambition. This time, inviting so many masters, it's just to use these people to attract people. It's really damn!"

Yang Yi also finally understood how sinister Dongfang Sheng's intentions were, and he also understood that Dongfang Sheng was really the son of a great man, a master who reached the sky, a high-ranking member of the Heavenly Alliance, and possessed many rights.

Moreover, as long as Dongfang Sheng is dead, Dongfang Sheng's mysterious father who is a master of the sky will know immediately, but even if he knows, there is no way, it will take a while to find the murderer, besides, this is in the dark abyss, Yang Yisha After beheading a man, and then beheading the Heavenly Moat Beast, it will immediately fly away, so what can a heavenly alliance do?Yang Yilian has offended Ji Dao Sect, and he is not afraid of offending one more.


Yang killed Dongfang Sheng and refined his primordial spirit and memory. This process was very short, at best it only took a few breaths. By the time everyone realized, Dongfang Sheng was already dead. ! ~!

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