blood record

Chapter 236 Strong Chain

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The two sword slaves are both masters of the sky, how powerful is it to strike together?But it couldn't resist Yang Yi's move, and was directly refined into the purest original power.

All this happened in an instant, Yang Yi looked into the deep room, and said in a low voice: "The candle dragon beast is inside, let's go"

He quickly flew into this deep and dark place with Xia Bing. [


A sound that shook the sky like a dragon continued to echo in the dark mountain, and the echo continued.

"This is the roar of the Candle Dragon Beast, it really is imprisoned here"

Yang Yi felt the terrifying aura in this roar, as if it was about to destroy the world.

This place is very deep, Yang Yifei spent a long time before he finally saw a bright light, in this light, there is a relatively spacious place, and in this huge mouth, a hideous looking man with a terrifying appearance is locked with a huge thick black iron chain. Behemoth.

The eyes of this giant beast are black and white, shining black and white light. There are two curved horns on the top of the head, and two wings on the back.

"The candle dragon beast is exactly the same as the records in the ancient books"

As soon as Yang saw this huge monster, he recognized it immediately. It was the legendary Candle Dragon Beast.

In this mountain, besides the Candle Dragon Beast, there are two black-clothed old men with their eyes closed. The aura around these two old men is as sharp as a long sword. Even when Yang came, they didn't open their eyes, just like ancient fossils, motionless.

Xia Bing said in a low voice: "Yang Yi, be careful, these two old men should be the reliance of the Supreme Elder to really guard this candle dragon beast. They are the best sword slaves, and I don't know how long they have been practicing. It can be said that the cultivation base of the whole body has reached the realm of terror, which is not the same as the two sword slaves who took the initiative to attack just now."

Yang Yi nodded slightly. In fact, without Xia Bing's reminder, Yang Yi knew that these two old men should not be underestimated. Yang Qian even felt a faint threat from them.

These two old men, Yang Yi, felt very clearly that they were only at the first level of Heaven and Earth Realm, but they could make the current Yang Yi feel a little bit of threat, enough to make Yang Yi vigilant.

This Candle Dragon Beast is locked by a huge iron chain. This huge chain passes through the Candle Dragon Beast's body. The powerful candle dragon beast can only roar but cannot escape.But even so, the power it exudes is also terrifying, and a loud roar can make all the masters of the sky tremble with fear.

"As long as you break this chain, you will be able to free the Candle Dragon Beast."

Yang Yi saw the key at a glance, the chain was shining with bursts of brilliance, and some of the power of the seal was also on the chain, no matter how powerful and terrifying the candle dragon beast was sealed, as long as the chain was broken, it would be able to It shook the entire Nine Swords Sect, and Song Zuming, the Supreme Elder of Nine Swords Sect, was alarmed and left the mansion to suppress the candle dragon beast.

That's when Yang Yi went into Song Zuming's mansion to plunder the fragments of the Tianzhu.

The two old men remained motionless, as if they hadn't noticed Yang Yi's arrival at all. Yang Yi's eyes froze slightly, which made him feel unfathomable.However, he is bold and not afraid, all the unbreakable power of his body exploded, and the power of the Dharma Body was also quickly transmitted into his body. Immediately, Yang Yi's whole body seemed to be raised a few inches. .

"Dou Tian three styles, the world is vast, break it for me"

Yang Yi was like a god of war, clenched his fist like a millstone, and slammed hard at the thick iron chain. [


Terrifying force acted on the iron chain, and the entire huge iron chain shook violently, but it was not broken as Yang Yi imagined.

This iron chain is undoubtedly a rare treasure, and Yang Yi's powerful punch has no effect on it.

Just when Yang Yi was about to throw another punch, those two old men suddenly opened their eyes, and a sharp light flashed in their eyes, like a sharp sword, cutting into Yang Yi's mind through the air among.


Yang Yi's mind quickly killed the fierce sword intent, and immediately returned to normal, but he was also a little shocked in his heart, and murmured: "What a tyrannical sword intent!"

The two old men just opened their eyes and looked at each other, and there was such a terrifying power. For a while, Yang Yi raised the two old men to a higher status, which could pose a threat to Yang Yi himself.


Suddenly, Jian Yifei was held in the hands of the two old men, and two sharp sword qi pierced through the space. Yang Yi was a little surprised, because the power contained in these two sword qi was also limited to the second level of the sky. Sun Moon Realm.

"Two masters who are close to the second level of the sun and the moon, okay, okay, no wonder even Yang feels threatened"

Yang Yi's eyes glowed with a trace of jing, and he would definitely not use the Milky Way star map, just let these two masters test how terrifying his current methods are.

When these two masters joined forces, the threat was no less than that of Feng Tianhuang back then, even worse.

The sword lights of the two merged together, and they directly slashed at Yang Yi, as fast as lightning.

"The second form of fighting against the sky, the sky collapses and the earth shatters"

Yang Yimeng took a step forward, and the entire void seemed to be shaking. He performed the second form of Doutian, as if the sky was really falling apart, and the violent force collided fiercely with the opponent's sword energy. Together.

That fierce sword energy has the will to cut through everything, and Yang Yi's Fighting Heaven II has the will to fight against the sky. When two two collide, the aftermath produced is simply terrifying, and it spreads directly in all directions. Go, the whole mountain trembled.


The two old men came together and looked at Yang Yi coldly. From the beginning to the end, they didn't speak a word.

Yang Yi had to admit that these two old men were indeed formidable, especially in the comprehension of the way of swordsmanship, even Feng Tianqi was inferior to these two old men in terms of comprehension of the way of swords alone.

"Those who trespass on forbidden places shall die"

The two old men said in unison, and a ferocious aura erupted from their bodies. This aura burst out like a flood, and their long swords also shot out instantly. Vertically and horizontally, its power is at least five times stronger than before.

This sudden burst of power was so powerful and so fast that even Yang Yi did not expect it. [

However, Yang Yi didn't panic. Seeing the power erupted by these two old men, the masters who almost reached the second level of the sky, the sun and the moon, would avoid it, but Yang Yi laughed loudly, and the whole figure quickly turned into ten. The six illusory figures immediately overlapped violently.

"Phantom of the Nine Palaces"

Yang Yi let out a shout, and the sixteen figures disappeared suddenly, but what exploded out was a full sixteen times the power.The terrifying power simply wants to break the world and turn everything into nothingness. This power has basically reached the second level of the sky.


The two terrifying forces finally collided together, only heard the sound of bones breaking, and then saw the two old men fly out in an instant, their mouths collapsed, and their souls were severely injured.

After all, Yang Yi's strength was stronger than the combined strength of these two masters, and he could blow these two old men away with one punch.

But Yang Yi wouldn't stop there. The two old men were still in shock with his terrifying punch, and they all murmured: "Sixteen times the power, how could it be sixteen times the power?" strength?"

Indeed, the power that Yang Yi displayed just now is really terrifying, a full sixteen times the power, is simply a ferocious enemy, and has raised Yang Yi's power to a level that can truly rival the sky-reaching second-level sun-moon realm.


With a firm grasp of Yang Yi's big hand, he grabbed the two old men and said coldly, "How do you open this chain?"

Although the two old men were held in Yang Yi's hands, they didn't say a word, their eyes were still as cold as stone.


Yang Yi knew that these two old men would never say anything, so he directly threw it into the Tianhe star map, and quickly refined it into pure original power.

During the refinement of the Milky Way Star Chart, Yang Yi was reading the memories of these two masters of heaven. From his memory, Yang Yi learned that this iron chain was not simple, but was sealed by Song Zuming himself, and the power in it was very strong. Horror, without cultivating the domain, there is no way to break this iron chain.

Xia Bing also saw the thrilling battle just now, but she is almost numb now, no matter how terrifying Yang Yi's performance is, she will not be shocked even if she can immediately fight against the master of the triple sky shifting realm.

"What's wrong? Have you encountered any problems?"

Xia Bing saw that Yang Yi was motionless in front of the iron chain, frowning tightly, and knew that there might be some difficulty, so he asked in a low voice.

Yang Yi glanced at Xia Bing indifferently, and said coldly: "This iron chain is a seal made by Song Zuming himself. Even masters who have not reached the realm of the fourth realm cannot break this iron chain."

"What? Only the four realms can break this chain."

Xia Bing's face instantly turned dark. The longer he stays here, the more dangerous it will be. If the disciples or elders of the Nine Swords School find out, no matter how powerful Yang is, he may die.

At that time, Xia Bing will naturally be buried with him.

"What should we do? We can't drag it on any longer, Yang Yi, you might as well try to break this iron chain, even if you use the Tianhe Star Chart, you must break this iron chain."

There was also a hint of haste in Xia Bing's tone. ! ~!

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