blood record

Chapter 250 Can't Live or Die

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Yang Yi caught the soul of the thirteenth son at once, the process was as fast as lightning, as easy as the clouds and the wind, it couldn't be more pleasant, as simple as drinking water and eating.

Such a contrast really makes people unable to react. The Jidao Divine Fist that the thirteenth son just displayed is the secret of the Jidao Sect. Striking with the power of the peak of the Mahayana, it can be said that it was a mess of ferocity, but Yang Yiyun caught it lightly.

Those cultivators who were peeping in the dark were secretly shocked. Their eyesight was so high, they couldn't see that Yang Yi had four times the strength.

"What method did the mysterious man use just now? How did he quadruple his combat power?" [

"That's right, this kid is really ferocious, with a seven-fold escape, but the dharma body in his body is so ferocious that it is equivalent to all the dharma body power of dozens of Mahayana masters. I don't know how he cultivated it. Yes, his strength alone is almost comparable to that of the thirteenth son, and now he has four times the strength, so naturally he can easily suppress the thirteenth son."

"The thirteenth son has been suppressed, that old guy will not let it go, you see, Shinichi of the Jidao sect will make a move soon."

Yang Yi suppressed the thirteenth son with one hand, and said with a sneer: "Thirteenth son, what's the matter, are you a poor person now? Just now you yelled in front of me, you are an idiot!"



Young Master Thirteen's face flushed red, he pointed at Yang Yi, and spat out a mouthful of blood from his mouth, he was actually vomiting blood because of Yang Yi's anger.

He is such an arrogant person, and he is also the son of the majestic patriarch. His status can be called extremely noble. There is a little way, and there are so many monks who pay attention in the void, he is simply humiliated in front of the monks in the world.

"Oh? You can't take it like this? Are you vomiting blood? Then I will make you kneel down and suffer all kinds of humiliation. At that time, won't you be so angry that you will commit suicide?"

"You, my son fought with you, Yuanshen, blast me!"

This thirteenth son is about to explode with anger. What a character he is, even if he is suppressed now, he is so angry that he vomits blood, but just now Yang Yi said to make him kneel down. He returned to Ji Dao Sect safely, and it was completely abolished afterwards. Not only did he plant a heart demon, and his cultivation would improve even further, but he would also be looked down upon by all the monks.


The thirteenth prince controlled the primordial spirit, and it suddenly began to inflate, and the vitality gathered surgingly. Once such a terrifying primordial spirit exploded, its power would be comparable to that of a master of the sky, and everything around it would be blown into nothingness.

Yang turned cold and cold, and said with a sneer, "Hmph, in my hands, can you still control your life and death? If I want you to die, you will die, if you want you to live, you will live, if I want you to kneel, you will kneel." Down!"

The power of the dharma body in Yang Yi exploded again, and the hand that grabbed the thirteenth son suddenly emitted a strong golden light, and the power that did not break the body also exploded in an all-round way, each of his fingers was harder than jng steel, Like an iron cage, the soul of the Thirteenth Prince was tightly trapped.

"Phantom of the Nine Palaces!"

Yang Yi shouted in a soft voice, and then his arm trembled slightly, and he shot out eight times the power directly, a full eight times the terrifying power, eight times the power of his dharma body and unbreakable body.

This force is like a moat from the sky, making the thirteenth son feel desperate. His soul can no longer draw any vitality, and the surrounding space seems to be blocked. Those five fingers are like pillars of heaven. Unbreakable, it is even difficult for him to explode himself.

The thirteenth son was so ashamed of his grief and indignation, he wished he could swallow Yang Yi alive, he couldn't even imagine in his dreams that there would be a day when even self-destruction would be a luxury.

This is the real survival can not seek death can not! [

"My God, the thirteenth son can't even blew himself up. How terrifying is this mysterious person? Could it be that he is a master of heaven?"

"No, he is not a master of the sky. A master of the sky has the power to reach the sky. This mysterious person is so powerful that he can compete with the master of the sky, but he is not a master of the sky. He hasn't even cultivated the soul. It’s just a form-changing cultivator.”

"What? Is it really a monk who escaped from the seventh level of robbery? This is really terrifying. Only at the level of the seventh level can you suppress the thirteen princes casually. This mysterious person must not be simple, and he may also be someone with a lot of background."

Here, some incarnate monks came here one after another. Good things never go bad. The thirteenth son was suppressed by a seventh-level monk in this way. He couldn't live or die. He also heard that the thirteenth son was going to kneel down. The monks are even more eager, and they all come frantically.

Yang Yi looked at the monks around him, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth: "You can't live, you can't die, it's not a big deal, you see there are so many people here, it might be shocking for you to kneel down."


All the strength in Yang Yi's body was violently suppressed on Young Master Thirteen, Young Master Thirteen's face flushed red, but he was unwilling to kneel down. There are so many monks here, once he really kneels, then It was really more uncomfortable than killing him.

At this moment, a huge hand suddenly came down from the void.

This hand is relatively huge, and there is a trace of power that reaches the sky, covering the area with a radius of hundreds of feet, it is like a huge mountain suppressed, and it is terrifying.

At the same time, accompanied by this huge palm, there was an old voice: "Young man, enough is enough. If you are too arrogant, you will get yourself into trouble."

The rumbling sound was like a thunderbolt, and it spread to the ears of all the monks.

Those monks who were close all changed and shouted: "No, it's a master of the sky, that's a terrifying power of the sky, kill everything, run away."

"It's a master of the sky, that is the master of the sky who broke the barrier of heaven and earth. It is simply not something that the monks in the shape can compete with. Let's go, otherwise we will all die."

"It's the Heaven-reaching masters of the Ji Dao Sect who made the move. As expected, the Thirteenth Young Masters are guarded by the Heaven-reaching masters."

The several form-changing monks who were close to each other seemed to have seen a ghost, and fled quickly. The huge palm in the void was full of poor power, and it was a shot by a master of heaven. ! ~!

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