blood record

Chapter 257

Yang Yi was as motionless as a mountain, even though the clothes on his body were blown to the sound of hunting, there was a secretive smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said in a low voice: "Is it Jidao Shenquan? I will too"

At this moment, Yang Yi suddenly felt a terrifying power, just like a thunderbolt between heaven and earth, an incomparable terrifying power rose from Yang Yi's body.


Yang Yi's body made a sound like frying beans. His body was bulging, which was really weird. [

But the next moment, Young Master Eleven's face turned pale. He saw that Yang Yi stretched out his fair hand and punched him fiercely.

This punch seemed to be faintly accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder, Yang Yi's bulging body was like a balloon, shriveled and returned to normal.But the power in the fist is doubled.

The strength of Yang Yi's whole body has been fully mobilized. This time, Yang Yi did not use the Nine Palace Phantom, but actually only used the Jidao Divine Fist that he had just cultivated, which is the ultimate power to elevate a person.Sure enough, Yang Yi felt that there was no extra power in his body now. This punch was the limit of the Dharma body, and it was also the limit of his own body, the limit of all strength.


The two rivaling forces collided suddenly, and for a moment, it was like a storm, the whole space seemed to shake, and every monk's heart felt like a heavy hammer was struck. I feel more shocked.

"how is this possible?"

The Eleventh Prince's face was pale. At this moment, he felt a rival power, which completely surpassed his own power, transmitted from Yang Yi's hands. The terrifying power directly caused his arms to collapse in an instant, and his body collapsed. Flew out.

Yang Yi's punch, even Yang Yi couldn't imagine that his body's limit strength could be so terrifying.

The limit force of Jidao Shenquan is usually only twice of his own strength, but Yang Yi, he just felt that his punch is faintly approaching three times that of when he did not practice Jidao Shenquan. .

Indeed, it is the true triple power, and the terrifying power is like destroying the dead. Even Yang Yi's original power is enough to compete with ordinary Mahayana masters. He is a master, if it is tripled, it will simply sweep away such masters as Young Master Eleven.

"Three times? Interesting, I think it's because my own accumulation is too huge, and there is still a lot of power left in my body, and I can't use all the power at ordinary times. But now I have cultivated into Jidao Shenquan. When you cast it, all the strength in your body reaches its limit immediately, so you can exert three times the usual strength."

Yang Yi also realized something in his heart. He had refined both the original power and the chaotic energy, and it was impossible for his body and dharma body to absorb all these powers, leaving a little in other places in his body, so Only by playing to the limit of his body can he be able to play nearly three times as hard as before.

"Weak, weak, weak, it's too weak, weaker than the thirteen princes"

Yang immediately felt that the Eleventh Young Masters seemed to be similar to the Thirteenth Young Masters, and their auras were all at the peak of the Mahayana, but the Mahayana peaks were also divided into several levels, like the Eleventh Young Master and the Thirteenth Young Master. .Those thirteen young masters are a bit stronger than these eleven young masters, Yang Yi and these two have fought before, so they naturally know.

Although Eleventh Young Master's arm was shattered, it only needed to consume his vitality and he could recover in an instant, so it was not a serious injury.But the eleventh son was sent flying with one punch, and he was using the same punching method, which is the untransmitted secret of the Ji Dao Sect.

This is a bit strange, which makes the eleventh son bewildered.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you use the unpassed secret of my Extreme Dao Sect?" The Eleventh Young Master asked in a low voice with a gloomy face and eyes flickering.

Yang Yi folded his hands behind his back and said with a sneer, "The secret of not passing on? Yes, this set of boxing techniques is indeed miraculous, and has greatly enhanced my strength. As for how I obtained this set of boxing techniques? It's really too simple. I got it from a man named Thirteenth Prince, refining his memory."

"What? You dare to kill Thirteen? Didn't Thirteen be sent by my father to the Vientiane Business Association in the Star Territory to auction off the stars and gravels? How could he die in your hands? Could it be that you got the stars and gravels?" ?”[

Yang Yi said lightly: "That's right, the stars and gravel are in my hands."

The gleam in the eyes of the eleventh son flashed, but his heart was full of excitement. The stars and gravel, this time it was not only the thirteenth son, but many sons from the Jidao Sect participated in this beautiful mission, but in the end they still failed. When it came to the head of the thirteenth son, the eleventh son and others were very regretful, because everyone knew that this was a beautiful job, as long as it was done well, it would definitely get his father's attention.

But now, the thirteenth son is dead, and he even lost the stars and gravels that were auctioned. If he kills this man, gets the stars and gravels, and brings them back to Ji Dao Sect, what kind of reward will he receive from his father?

Young Master Eleven couldn't imagine it anymore, bursts of greed radiated from his eyes, and excitement gradually appeared on his face.

Yang Yi looked at Eleventh Young Master and said, "What? Eleventh Young Master, you still want to avenge Thirteenth Young Master?"

"Haha, revenge? It's ridiculous. That idiot is not as skilled as others, and he is arrogant. He even wants to compete with me for the trust of my father. Hmph, he's dead. I'm too happy for him, so how can I avenge him?" Thirteen, that idiot, can't even do such a simple thing well, he is simply ashamed of his father's trust in him, son, you are really a lucky star, and you should be in luck when you are my son, as long as you squeeze out the stars and gravel, those two Girl, it doesn't matter if I don't want it, I can give it to you, how about it? Even this evil-suppressing copper bell, I can give it to you."

A playful look appeared on Yang Yi's face, and he seemed to think thoughtfully: "Oh? You are really generous, even willing to give me the top-grade magic weapon of Zhenxie Copper Bell, not bad, not bad."

A smile appeared on Eleventh Young Master's face, and a jerk flashed in his eyes, and he said: "So, you agreed?"

Yang Yi stepped forward, with a sincere smile on his face, and said in a low voice: "That's right, that's right, I promised to kill you, and the treasure on your body is naturally mine."


Eleventh Young Master's expression suddenly became gloomy, a little ferocious, murderous all over his body, he couldn't react, just now he was played by the mysterious man in front of him. ! ~!

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