blood record

Chapter 260

In addition to the accumulation of strength, the primordial spirit is more important to comprehend, comprehend the truth, and go back to the source, so that a powerful primordial spirit can be bred from the Dharma body.

Yang Yi's own strength is already very strong, but there is no sign of cultivating the primordial spirit, because he has not yet comprehended the truth and traced back to the source.Seeing Yang Shan now, Yang Yi misses the past and recalls the past, but this coincides with the truth of going back to the origin, so he has a lot of insights.

However, as Yang Yi gradually woke up from the memories, his comprehension gradually disappeared. Of course, he couldn't immediately rely on this comprehension to cultivate into a primordial spirit.It is extremely difficult to cultivate into a primordial spirit, and it is a hurdle. If you want to pass it, you need great opportunity and perseverance. Yang Yi can feel that it seems that if you want to cultivate into a primordial spirit, you have to go through a lot of hardships. It is not that simple .

Because once you cultivate the primordial spirit, you really have the potential to become a master of the sky. The ninth great vehicle of transformation is actually a natural process after the primordial spirit has been cultivated to perfection. Not much tough. [

Therefore, most of the primordial spirit masters will eventually become Mahayana masters, but there are very few masters who have escaped the robbery at the seventh level, but very few people can successfully cultivate the primordial spirit, which shows that the primordial spirit is difficult, especially for such a perverted monster like Yang Yi , will be hindered in the dark, which will make it more difficult for him to cultivate the primordial spirit.

With a flash of thought, Yang regained consciousness and looked at Wan Ziqing in front of him. This was the old Yang Shan.

"Yang Shan, yes, I am Yang Yi, the drop of blood you gave me back then saved my life, otherwise, I would never have reached the level I am today."

Yang Yi looked at Wan Ziqing, this strange yet familiar person, apart from his appearance being the same, the docile and well-behaved Yang Shan in his memory had completely disappeared, from now on, there was only this Wan Ziqing.

Wan Zilin seemed to see something, and couldn't help but smiled slightly: "It turns out that Fellow Daoist Yang and Junior Sister Ziqing knew each other, so this is naturally better. Fellow Daoist Yang is powerful, he killed the eleventh son, and saved us. Chi, go to my Yaochi Palace and sit down, so we can have a good reminiscence with Junior Sister Ziqing."

Yang Yi didn't think of Yaochi Palace at first, but his sudden insight just now made him understand that the way to the realm of primordial spirit is to go back to the origin.His former father is dead, and now only Yang Shan is the closest. Although this Yang Shan is no longer the docile and well-behaved Yang Shan at the beginning, he can still vaguely find his original shadow, which helps Yu Yangyi realized the truth and went back to the source.

So he nodded and said: "Alright, Yang has long heard that the oldest sect in the Tianhe Star Region is not the Jidao Sect, nor the Jiuding Sect, but the Yaochi Palace. Even the founder of the Yaochi Palace back then, There is a slight entanglement with Tianhe Xingjun, and it is the sect with the oldest background, Yang has always met him by chance, and today he will go to learn more."

Yang Yi's heart moved, and some fragments of Yaochi Palace that he got in his mind appeared.

It is rumored that Yaochi Palace is not a monk from the Tianhe Starfield, but a monk from another starfield at the time, but there was no Tianhe Starfield at the time. After Tianhe Xingjun created the Tianhe Starfield, he immediately let the Patriarch of Yaochi Palace move in, and still Tianhe Xingjun's confidante.It's just that Tianhe Xingjun disappeared later, and the Patriarch of Yaochi Palace also disappeared.Only then did Yaochi Palace decline, making Ji Dao Sect and Jiuding Sect grow bigger and bigger, and now it has reached the point of relying on Ji Dao Sect to survive.

On the way, Yang Yi and Wan Ziqing were communicating with each other.

However, Yang Yi only asked Wan Ziqing about some things, but did not reveal any information about himself. This is not because he doesn't trust Wan Ziqing, but because his identity is sensitive now, and he will be detected by Ji Dao Sect at any time He has a map of the Milky Way on him.Therefore, before he reached the Heaven-reaching Realm, he would not reveal his identity at will.

Wan Ziqing is still in shock until now. She really can't imagine that a blood-clotting monk will grow up to the current generation of peerless overlords. Killing the eleventh son is like crushing an ant Generally easy, this is beyond her cognition.

After flying for about four or five days, Yang Yi and the other three finally saw the huge Yaochi Palace.

Yaochi Palace is composed of countless stars. This is a relatively huge area, and there is a trace of ancient atmosphere. This kind of majestic momentum, I am afraid that even Ji Dao Sect can't compare with it. After all, Yaochi Palace has once been brilliant , but it's gone now.

There are a lot of female disciples in Yaochi Palace, when Yang Yi, Wan Zilin and others flew up to the stars, countless female cultivators flew up and down, a busy scene. Many female cultivators saw Wan Zilin, Wan Ziqing and others They will salute respectfully, it seems that Wan Zilin and Wan Ziqing's status in Yaochi Palace is still a bit high.

In fact, any Yuanshen master has a high status in a faction, especially those like Wan Zilin and Wan Ziqing who are still disciples. If they cultivate to Yuanshen masters, their status will be even higher, and even more so. There are masters who reach the sky as masters.

Wan Ziqing and Wan Zilin are both the same master, and they are Elder Hongdie, one of the elders of Tongtian in Yaochi Palace.

Yang Yi came to a huge hall, Wan Zilin said to Yang Yi: "Please wait a moment, Fellow Daoist Yang, I will go and report to Master, Junior Sister Ziqing is here to accompany Fellow Daoist Yang, I will go back as soon as I go."

Wan Ziqing nodded, and then Wan Zilin flew towards the towering hall. [

Yang Yi saw the main hall of Wanmu Sect, and he was already shocked at that time, but compared with the main hall of Yaochi Palace, he still seemed a bit angry. .

Seeing Yang Yi's shocked look, Wan Ziqing smiled slightly and said, "All the monks who come to my Yaochi Palace will be shocked when they see this hall. , so with a trace of incomparable magic, even if it is a master who reaches the sky, he will be shocked."

Yang Yi was really shocked in his heart, he did feel a familiar aura just now, it was not the same as the aura of Tianhe Star Chart, presumably it was because they both carried the aura of Tianhe Xingjun.

"Senior Sister Ziqing, why did you come back so soon, tsk tsk, and brought an outsider here, don't you know the rules of my Yaochi Palace?"

Suddenly, a sharp voice resounded in everyone's ears, and in an instant, three or four beautiful women descended from the sky.

These three or four women are surrounded by a young girl like stars and the moon. This young girl is also extremely beautiful, but the long and narrow facial features end together, giving people a somewhat mean feeling.

The sound just now was made by this woman, upon seeing this woman, Wan Ziqing's face darkened in an instant.

"Long Zixuan, do I still need your permission if I want to bring someone here?" Wan Ziqing's face darkened, her voice was cold, as if she hated this woman very much.

Long Zixuan's expression turned slightly cold, but she disappeared immediately, and said with a light smile, "Of course, Senior Sister Ziqing is the most beloved disciple of my uncle, so why would she care about a junior sister like me? According to the new regulations, disciples are not allowed to bring strangers to the main hall without authorization. If there are old ones, they must first go to the alien parlor and wait for approval before they can come in. Tsk tsk, Senior Sister Ziqing is really a big face, just put People brought it to my Yaochi hall, it seems that the decree in the palm is also a dead letter."

Wan Ziqing stared at Long Zixuan with sharp eyes, and said with a sneer, "Whoever I bring back, I will report to my palm and it's not your turn to make irresponsible remarks here."

"Tsk tsk, Senior Sister Ziqing's temper has become more and more serious recently. You should know that you brought someone to the Yaochi Hall, but you even brought a man with you. Do you know that bringing a man to the Yaochi Hall? Felony"

Long Zixuan's expression became slightly ferocious.

Wan Ziqing didn't pay attention to it at all, and said with a sneer: "No matter what happens to me, it's not up to you, a scoundrel, to make irresponsible remarks."

The word "evil species" was bitten hard by Wan Ziqing, and his voice rang out. Immediately, all the nv cultivators stopped in their tracks and looked at Wan Ziqing and Long Zixuan.

Long Zixuan's face changed instantly, faintly livid, yin stared at Wan Ziqing fiercely, as if sentient and vicious.

"You... how dare you insult me? Okay, okay, don't think that you have the support of the fourth uncle, let me tell you, just a few days ago, my mother finally broke through the shackles and was promoted to the realm of reaching the sky, haha, You will pay the price for this sentence, just based on your sentence just now, you will be punished for the crime of speaking poorly, your cultivation base will be abolished, and expulsion from the faction will be light."

There was poor viciousness in Long Zixuan's words.

Yang Yi was at the side, but he didn't know what was going on, so he asked via voice transmission: "What's going on? Who is this Long Zixuan?"

Wan Ziqing also said via voice transmission: "This Long Zixuan is the daughter of the Third Martial Uncle. When the Third Martial Uncle was traveling, she was deceived by a group of people and adopted Yuan Yin. After returning to the faction, she gave birth to this daughter. Palm It has been strictly forbidden for people in the faction to gossip, but this Long Zixuan is vicious and always thinks that others are pointing at her. Because the third uncle and the master have some disagreements, this Long Zixuan usually has sex with the master. All the disciples can't get through, and they always make trouble for us. After experiencing that blow, the third uncle originally hoped to cultivate to reach the sky all his life, but now he doesn't know why, but he has cultivated to reach the sky. This is really a catastrophe, if the third uncle finds out, plus she has reached the sky, I am afraid even the master will not be able to suppress it."

Wan Ziqing just showed off his tongue, and now he knows that the third uncle has cultivated into the realm of reaching the sky, and his status has changed drastically. If he hears about this, he will immediately ask his teacher to punish him. Even Wan Ziqing, the master who reaches the sky, cannot protect him. . ! ~!

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