blood record

Chapter 268

"Do you double the reward?"

Bi Luo opened his eyes abruptly, and with a stern look on his brows, he said flatly, "There's no need for later, this favor, you can pay it back now."

Yang Yi was taken aback, his whole body became vigilant, and he said in a low voice: "Since you can pay it back now, I don't know how Senior wants Yang to pay it back?"

Yaochi Gongzhang's response was beyond Yang Yi's expectation, his whole body became vigilant secretly, if the other party insisted on making a move, then he would not sit still, even if he burned all his lifespan. [

However, with Yang Yi's current cultivation base, even if the Milky Way Star Chart has recovered to [-]%, Yang Yi still has no chance of winning against a master who has cultivated out of the field.

"This is not a place to talk, come with me!"

Bi Luosu pointed lightly at Yang Yi, a soft force supported Yang Yi, and he traveled through the space directly, and came to a spacious and mysterious space.

Yang Yi was slightly shocked. He didn't have the slightest resistance just now, and was directly pulled into the space. This power is really terrifying. If he has cultivated a master in the field, Yang Yi is afraid to use all his means. There was no chance of escape.

This space exudes a fragrance, and there is a pool of cold mist inside, which is daunting.


Bi Luo said lightly.

Since it came, it was safe, Yang Yi didn't hesitate, and sat down directly, he had already seen that this place should be the place where this mysterious palm practiced.

"Senior, you are a master of the fourth level of the sky, and you are the respect of a faction, what virtue does Yang have now, how can he do things for senior?" Yang Yi said lightly.

Bi Luo didn't speak, but made a move directly from the void, two cups of yu cups floated in the void, a few strands of green tea leaves flew into the cups of yu cups, and then she actually grabbed a cup of tea from the freezing cold pool. The ball of water was put into the yu cup.Afterwards, he put the cup on the stone table and said calmly, "This is my iced yu liquid tea, which you can't drink anywhere else."

Make tea with ice water, but Yang Yi has never heard of making tea like this.

Yang Yi grasped slightly, and grabbed the cup into his hand, but he didn't feel a trace of coolness, looked at it slightly, but saw that the teacup was actually a magic weapon, he couldn't help but secretly startled, he could use the magic weapon as a cup for drinking tea, I'm afraid only this kind of person who has reached the sky and is in charge of a faction can do it.

Yang Yi took a sip of this cup of tea, and immediately felt the icy coldness in his heart, but this cool feeling seemed to penetrate into the primordial spirit he had just condensed.

Yang Yi was taken aback, and when he was about to use his Yuanshen to stop him, Bi Luo who was on the opposite side said, "Well, this tea from this seat needs to penetrate into the Yuanshen to slowly appreciate its beauty."

Immediately, Yang Yi didn't stop any longer, allowing this cold feeling to enter into the primordial spirit.


An unimaginable icy feeling flows in the soul, but this icy cooling is so comfortable, and there is a tea fragrance emanating from the body, which can be said to be more comfortable than limbs and bones.

"Okay, good tea!"

Yang Yi also had to admire, this tea is really good tea, the best tea he has ever drunk, it really is extraordinary. [

Putting down the teacup, the atmosphere was a bit silent, Yang Yi never dared to relax in front of this great master.

After a long while, Bi Luo said calmly: "With your current cultivation, you really can't help me. But this matter is none other than you. For other people, no matter how high their cultivation is, they can still help."

Finally got to the point, Yang Yi also gathered his attention, but on the surface he said calmly: "Dare to ask what is it?"

Refining the five crystal mountains of Yaochi Palace, Yang Yi asked himself, no matter which faction it is, it might cause a huge shock, but Yang Yi felt a little strange to be so moved by this mysterious palm.

Bi Luo shook her head slightly and said, "You don't have to be suspicious, what I want is your identity!"

"Identity?" Yang Yi was puzzled.

"Your witch clan identity!"

Yang Yi's spirit suddenly changed, his whole body became tense, and Tianhe Star Chart was summoned almost immediately.

He never thought that this mysterious palm could see through his body of the Wu clan. You must know that even many ancient books of the Wu clan only mentioned a little bit, and there are only a handful of people who can understand the body of the Wu clan. It is Yang Yi's biggest secret, even more important than the secret of Tianhe Star Map.

But now, it was actually pointed out by this mysterious palm.

"Don't be surprised. When you just came to my Yaochi Palace, I already knew your Wu Clan identity, and the Wu Clan Immortal Golden Body you cultivated seems to have been promoted to the unbreakable body, which is very rare. In the middle, it can be regarded as entering the room."

This mysterious palm talked eloquently, as if he was very familiar with the Wu Clan.

Yang Yi also finally understood why he faintly felt that in the main hall, this mysterious palm was protecting him, and it turned out that it was because of his identity as a witch.He also understood that why he was so indifferent to the disappearance of the five crystal mountains was because of his identity as a witch.

What the mysterious palm wants Yang Yi to do must exceed the value of five crystal mountains.

Since all of Yang Yi's secrets are in vain, Yang Yi immediately no longer hesitated, and asked indifferently: "I don't know what senior wants Yang to do?"

Bi Luo took a deep look at Yang Yi, and said lightly: "Perhaps this matter is still very beneficial to you. I found a strange mansion in a barren star field. I faintly Feeling that there was a powerful force in it, so I went to investigate, but I didn't expect to find a half-celestial treasure there. This half-celestial treasure was well preserved, but there was a cursed power in it. The power of the curse is so great that I cannot resist it. The power of the curse can only be lifted by people who are also witches. Therefore, I want you to remove the power of the curse, so that I can get this semi-immortal treasure .”

Yang Yi was startled, a half-celestial treasure is indeed more important than five crystal mountains, if Bi Luo gets a half-celestial treasure, his strength will be greatly increased, and he may be able to compete with the Extreme Dao Sect a little bit.

You know, Yang Yi's Tianhe star map is only a half-celestial treasure, and it has not been fully recovered.

Yang Yi's thoughts turned quickly in his mind. He found that he had no choice. If he didn't agree, he might be bombarded and killed by a master in the domain immediately. A master is different from an idiot's dream.

Nai nodded, Bi Luo seemed very satisfied, and said lightly: "Okay, if I get that half fairy treasure, don't worry, I will never kill you, and I will give you the benefit of being poor, our enemy , are all extreme dao sects!"

Believe it or not in Yang Yi's heart, this is beyond Bi Luo's ability to know, she stretched out her hand to Yang Yi and said: "The night is long and full of dreams, let's set off now."

"whoosh" [

The two quickly shuttled through the space and flew towards the star field.

In the entire starry sky world, there are many star domains, such as the star domain, the Tianhe star domain, etc. Some star domains are full of monks and are powerful, while some star domains are barren because the stars there have no vitality , monks can't practice.

There are so many of these barren star fields in the entire starry sky that it is almost impossible to count them.

At this time, Yang Yi and Bi Luo flew towards the star field of that title.

Yang Yi was thinking of a way in his heart, he knew that this matter might not be that simple, but in front of a master in the field, all plots and tricks would be useless.

"Perhaps we can only play by ear when we reach the star field."

Yang Yi felt a little helpless in his heart, he has always been the enemy, even the masters of the sky were beheaded by him, what a domineering, but now, he has to bear it temporarily.

This is the gap in strength. Yang Yi's desire for strength is getting stronger and stronger. If he is also a master of the sky, maybe he will not be completely defenseless as he is now.

There is a space shuttle, and Yang Yi barely expended any power to get out of the space. For a master like Bi Luo, a single shuttle can travel millions of kilometers at most, which can be said to be terrifying, but for the vast starry sky In terms of distance, this distance is nothing.

Yang Yi didn't know how many times he had been taken to and fro before he finally heard the domain master say: "This is the famous star field."

In fact, there is no need to remind, Yang Yi immediately felt something strange, every inch of his body, every cell, felt extremely excited, this was automatically conveyed by his body, only when he met the Wu clan a feeling of.

The Golden Spirit of the Five Elements, who has been silent in the Tianhe Star Chart, also secretly transmitted voice at this time: "Yang Yi, this wave is very strong, and there is the breath of the witch clan here. If you don't break your body, you can't improve, unless you arrive Immortal world. But if you want to cultivate to the point of ascending to the immortal world, it is too difficult, too difficult. The only way is to devour. The witch clan can devour each other. Once the devour is successful, you can get the power of the other party. The aura of the witch clan is really too strong, and it is obviously not a single one. There are many witch clans who used to be here. Perhaps there is a body of the witch clan with residual power. After you devour it, you can increase the strength that will not break the body."

The words of the Five Elements Golden Spirit had penetrated Yang Yi's heart, and he also felt that his indestructible body could no longer be improved, even if he absorbed the Five Elements Spirit now, it would be of no use.

But the Wu Clan can devour each other to increase their strength. At the beginning, Yang Yi had swallowed the genius of hundreds of battles to have a diamond body. Now, if he wants to increase the strength of not breaking the body again, he can only devour the Wu Clan.

But the Wu Clan has died out, and even the dead bones of the Witch Clan are hard to find, let alone such a huge aura here, which shows that some of the Wu Clan's bodies have been preserved here, or some of them have been preserved, which is simply unbelievable .

If it is true, then I'm afraid it can really make Yang Yi's indestructibility even more terrifying. ! ~!

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