blood record

Chapter 270 Don't let go

In the tunnel, Yaochi Gongzhang still had lingering fears. As a master of the fourth level realm, she rarely encountered danger, but the curse power of this Dali still made her terrified and unable to resist.

She looked at Yang Yi, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, and said lightly: "Yes, it seems that you are indeed fine, those curse powers have no effect on you."

Yang Yi has the golden body of the Wu Clan, those curse powers are of no use to Yang Yi at all, and the battles between the Wu Clan never use curses, but fight with their powerful bodies.

Yaochi Palace paused, turned its gaze to the Dao Dao and said to Yang Yi: "Okay, there is the half-immortal treasure inside, but there is a curse technique left by the witch clan, outsiders are not allowed to enter, you go in Disperse the power of the curse technique, and everything you have done in my Yaochi Palace will be canceled!" [

Yang Yi's heart moved, in this mysterious place of the Wu Clan, he did have many advantages, and he was also thinking about whether he could take advantage of the favorable environment here to escape.

But the palm of Yaochi Palace was cautious, and said with a cold smile: "Don't have any other ideas in your heart, honestly dissipate the power of the curse technique, otherwise, you should also know your little strength in your heart! "

Yang Yi's heart trembled, his strengths were not only curse technique and indestructibility, even if he added Tianhe Star Chart, he was definitely not the opponent's opponent, once the opponent displayed the domain, all his strengths would appear so insignificant.

Yang Yi thought a lot in his heart, so he nodded and said: "Okay, I can go in and have a try, but whether the curse can be dispelled is beyond my knowledge."

Immediately Yang Yi walked to the front of the big fan, and the cursing technique entangled surgingly, but as soon as it touched Yang Yi's unbreakable body, it immediately flew away, unable to hurt Yang Yi at all.

Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and then his whole body suddenly wanted to step forward, all the unbreakable strength was released, and a pure "witch" aura exuded from his whole body.

The room was filled with terrifying curse techniques. Yang Yi closed his eyes slightly, and he could see the exhausted curse power flying around him. These curse powers were left over from many years ago, but Still so powerful.

The power of the curse lasts forever!

At this moment, Yang Yi seemed to understand this sentence better, and also understood the mystery of the curse better.

In front of the entire room, there is an altar with a slender and simple scepter on the altar.But at this time, the scepter unexpectedly entered a huge eye.

What kind of eye is this?

When Yang Yi saw this eye, he immediately felt an unimaginable aura of tyranny and madness, and a trace of terrifying curse power exuded from it. The curse power in the whole room came from this huge eye. emanating from.

Yang Yi was shocked in his heart, he could clearly feel that the powerful witch aura contained in this eye, his body was boiling, and it was this eye that attracted him. A witch's eye!

"Give me back, give me back, give me back..."

There seemed to be a frightening sound, as if it came from ancient times, like a nightmare.

Yang Yifa imagined what kind of fierce battle took place here, a scepter actually got into the eyes of the Wu clan masters, and Yang Yi could even clearly feel how the Wu clan masters behaved when they lost their eyes. a god of madness and pain

The Golden Spirit of the Five Elements also roared loudly in the Tianhe Star Map at this time: "This breath, my God, how can there be such a strong breath? It is so pure, this is the breath that only the direct lineage of the Zhurong ancestor witch can have. Swallow, must be swallowed, Yang Yi, you must swallow this eye no matter what, its benefits are beyond your imagination. It can fundamentally transform your golden body of the witch clan, making you Zhu Rongzu The direct bloodline of the witch. From then on, your golden body of the Wu clan will have the breath of Zhu Rong's ancestor witch!"

There were many witch clans in ancient times, and each of the twelve ancestor witches used jng blood to become witch clans. However, as the number of witch clans gradually increased, the blood of many witch clans became complicated, and even had the blood of several ancestor witches at the same time.

The multitude of bloodlines makes the power of the witch clan weaker and weaker, but there are also the direct bloodlines of the twelve ancestor witches. They strictly control the number of clan members, and they use the direct bloodlines to pass on from generation to generation. The descendants of the witch clan devoured it. [

Such strictly preserved Wu clan is called the direct line Wu clan.

The power of the direct-line witches is much stronger than that of ordinary witches. Many direct-line witches can even step up the challenge and challenge with the diamond body without breaking the body. This is inconceivable in Yang Yi's view.

But the direct witch clan can do it!

This eye is the eye of a direct descendant of Zhu Rong's ancestral witch clan. Although it is only one eye, it is enough for Yang Yi to purify his bloodline of the witch clan and become a direct descendant of Zhu Rong's ancestor witch clan. family.

However, Yang Yi did not act rashly, and asked the Five Elements Golden Spirit: "Senior Jin Ling, can you tell which layer of the Wu clan's golden body this eye is?"

The Five Elements Golden Spirit was silent for a while, and then said after a while: "It's been too long, but the aura of this eye is still so powerful. Its owner should be an undead direct-line witch!"

"How powerful is the straight-line witch clan of the undead body? I'm afraid it can be comparable to an immortal, but its eyes are actually pierced by this scepter. What kind of treasure is this scepter?"

The immortal golden body of the witch clan ranges from the diamond body to the immortal body, then the undead body, and then the powerful immortal body. As for the immortal body, only the twelve ancestor witches possess it.

How powerful is a direct descendant of an undead body?I can't even imagine it, I'm afraid it is the existence that can compete with the immortals, but even such a powerful existence was pierced through the eyes by a scepter. It is conceivable how tragic the battle took place .

This scepter is not simple!

"This scepter is a semi-immortal treasure, but the quality of 'immortal' in it seems to be stronger than your Tianhe star map, and the master who made this scepter is stronger than Tianhe Xingjun .”

The Five Elements Golden Spirit also talked eloquently.

"No one knows better than me the power of the Half Immortal Treasure. This scepter is not damaged, but it is intact here. The reason why it is motionless is because it has been sealed. This kind of seal, Although I can't solve it, I know the key. The key to the seal is the eyeball. As long as the eyeball is taken away, the seal will become invalid, and the power of the curse will naturally disappear, but it is very possible to release this power. Staff."

Yang Yi thought carefully and quickly saw the relationship between the eyeballs and the scepter.

"The Yaochi Palace Palm outside is too powerful, and I have no chance to escape, but if she fights with this half-immortal treasure's scepter, it may not be so easy for her to subdue this half-immortal treasure. This is my best chance to escape."

Yang Yi was very afraid of the Yaochi palace palm outside. Although the other party promised to let him go after getting the scepter, such a promise has no constraints at all. His own destiny must be in his own hands.

With a plan in mind, Yang Yi resolutely walked towards the high altar.

The scepter on the altar did not have any brilliance, as if it was a dead thing, but Yang Yi did not dare to take it lightly, it was a semi-immortal treasure that was more terrifying than the Tianhe Star Map.

The closer Yang Yi got to the altar, the more intense his unbreakable excitement became. That huge eye seemed to emit a faint light, and the ancient roar still echoed in his ears for a long time.

"Give me back, give me back, give me back..."

These mournful roars sounded in Yang Yi's mind like an ancient call.And there is also an exhausting curse power, just like a storm, roaring and turning into a big hand, it is going to crush Yang Yi to pieces.

There was a flash of light in Yang's eyes, and he shouted fiercely: "The heaven and the earth are immortal, the sun and the moon are shining, the ancestor of the witch will live forever, and the golden body is immortal!"


The unbroken golden light radiated fiercely, which was the aura of "witch". Those big hands made of curse power dissipated one after another after touching the unbreakable golden light.

Yang Yi took another step up, and finally came to the altar, directly in the eyes of the Wu Clan, right in front of him!


Yang Yi exhaled lightly, and then his whole palm instantly turned into gold and grabbed the huge eye fiercely.


This eye was vibrating non-stop, and the whole altar made a "creaking" sound, and Yang Yi almost couldn't catch this eye.

There was a flash of light in Yang's eyes, and he shouted: "You are already dead, could it be that Yang can't suppress one eye?"

The huge primordial spirit in Yang Yi's body also vibrated instantly, sending out waves of powerful force, which suppressed the eye together with the unbreakable force.Yang Yi clenched his teeth, the power of this eye is really too strong, even though there is only one eye left, but the power is still strong, almost shaking Yang Yi's hand away.

But Yang Yi was also ruthless by the j, even though his body collapsed, he would not let go.

"You are a witch, and Yang is also a witch with one eye. Could it be that Yang can't suppress it? Suppress it for me!"

Bursts of golden light flickered, Yang Yi's whole body was already blood red, and he collapsed quickly without breaking his body, but the strong recovery power of not breaking his body was now manifested again, breaking down non-stop, and then repairing non-stop, over and over again.

The collapse of the body is almost heart-rending every time, even if the ten fingers are connected to the heart, let alone the whole body, the pain Yang Yi endured is unimaginable.

But Yang Yi just didn't let go, even if the blood all over his body had festered, leaving only white bones, but as long as he was still alive, as long as he still had a sliver of will, he would not let go. ! ~!

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